Copyright Ó 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved
Brent Welch, April 2, 1990 5:57 pm PDT
Last changed by Welch on November 9, 1990 11:48 am PST
Brian Oki, May 21, 1990 3:45 pm PDT
Kenneth A. Pier, October 4, 1990 2:11 pm PDT
Spreitze, June 18, 1991 9:01 am PDT
Christian Jacobi, April 21, 1993 5:19 pm PDT
Willie-s, October 20, 1992 12:33 pm PDT
Template to create a user profile
NOTE 1: This file has to be edited to remove the YourName placeholders before it works right. Use the "next" key (keypad 6 or R12) to move from placeholder to placeholder. Replace YourName with your login name, and Your Full Name with your first and last name.
NOTE 2: text in italics in this file is comment text: the tioga nodes that have the "comment" property applied. The default rendering of comment nodes is with an italic font.
CommandTool.NoViewersBootCommands: "
NoViewersBootCommands are run once, when you boot a command-line cedar world. Note the double-quote that begins the set of NoViewersBootCommands. There is another double-quote at the end.
NoViewersBootCommands contains aliases and such that are also used in the regular (i.e. for Viewers) BootCommands.
pma is "prefix map add" - here we add some of our own custom prefixes to the name space
AddSearchRules adds to the Commander's list of directories to search for command files.
MapViews initializes the "version map" view of the file system. The current "release" of the system is defined by a set of fileswith particular versions. The version map view finds these files.
UnixCommand creates a Cedar command that maps to a UNIX command. Rather than use this to define a bunch of special cases, the two general-purpose commands are constructed. They both execute the rest of the command line as a UNIX command. The first, !, does so with input redirected to come from nowhere; the second, !!, does so with input coming from the Cedar command tool.
UnixCommand -n -v ! \"\"
UnixCommand -v !! \"\"
Alias's are simple string substitutions on commands. They can take arguments as in the pushc example.
Alias cat type
Alias diff waterlily
Alias rm del
Alias gr qfind
Alias wc wordcount
Alias t2ip TiogaToInterpress
CommandTool.BootCommands: "
BootCommands are run once, when you boot a Viewers world. First we get the aliases and prefixes defined in the NoViewersBootCommands.
CommandsFromProfile CommandTool.NoViewersBootCommands
Require commands are used to load packages and define commands.
Require <world> <component> <resource>
The <world> corresponds to a prefix map entry and it defines the main software package.
The <component> refers to a package in the world, i.e. Imager, Tioga.
The <resource> refers to a "resource.require" file found with the package.
In effect, Require means
CD /<world>/<component> ; Source <resource>.require
Require Cedar IconHacks IconHacks
Require Cedar TiogaExecCommands TiogaExecCommands
Require Cedar TiogaExecCommands TiogaExecViewerCommands
Term starts up a vt100-like terminal emulator for UNIX hacking.
EditTool is a useful adjuct to tioga. It lets you search/replace, change fonts, etc. It has some silly default settings, so we correct them.
DoTiogaOps SaveSelectionA MatchCase MatchLiterally LeaveInitCap SubstituteInSel MatchAnywhere EqualLooksTest DoReplace TypeName \"code\" StyleName \"Cedar\" PropName \"Comment\" RestoreSelectionA
TiogaLineNumberButton adds a tioga button that turns on line numbering.
KeyboardScan turns on an incremental search mode in Tioga.
TiogaDWIM turns on a "do-what-I-mean" mode.
Viewers-oriented aliases
Alias myprofile open /tilde/YourName/.cedar.profile
Alias profile(user) open /tilde/user/.cedar.profile
Now run the PerCommandTool commands
to get buttons in the initial commander.
CommandsFromProfile CommandTool.PerCommandTool
The PerCommandTool commands are run for each new commander viewer. Mostly these create new buttons for the commander.
CommandTool.PerCommandTool: "
CreateButton Open Open $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton New New $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton FindR FindR $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton OpenR OpenR $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton Doc OpenR $FileNameSelection$Doc.tioga
The following are package specific and you might as well read the
documentation on each package. Select the name and click your "doc" button.
Tioga options
Tioga.LastEdited "Your Full Name"
Tioga.StyleSearchRules: /tilde/YourName/ /Cedar/EssentialStyles/ /Cedar/Styles/
Tioga.SourceFileExtensions: mesa c scheme m3 i3 tioga df cm config cluster tex text txt style
Tioga.ExtensionStyles: tex latex txt ascii m3 ascii i3 ascii scheme Scheme
Tioga.ReadonlyTiogaTIP: /r/KeyboardScan.tip /r/KeyboardTioga.tip Default
Tioga.TiogaTIP: /r/KeyboardScan.tip /r/KeyboardTioga.tip Default
Tioga.TypescriptTIP: /r/KeyboardScan.tip /r/KeyboardTioga.tip Default
Tioga.TryVersionMap: TRUE
Icon Hacks
These are string substitutions done on the names in icons. The idea is to make shorter names that will fit into the icon real estate. Substitutions listed earlier are done before substitutions listed later are considered.
IconHacks.HackLabels: TRUE
IconHacks.HackIcons: TRUE
IconHacks.LabelSubstitutions: "
/tilde/YourName/ ~/
/tilde/ ~
Gargoyle.QuickClickEnable: FALSE
Gargoyle.UseLatestIPVersion: TRUE
Gargoyle.SeparateControlPanel: FALSE
Gargoyle.AutoOpenTypescript: FALSE
Gargoyle.AutoOpenHistory: FALSE
Gargoyle.AutoScriptingOn: FALSE
Gargoyle.NewBoxesUnfilled: TRUE
Gargoyle.HoldThatTiger: TRUE
Gargoyle.DefaultHistorySize: 40
Gargoyle.TurboOn: TRUE
Remind options
Remind.DfFile: /tilde/
This is where LoganBerry will store your calendar data.
Remind.RemindLeadTime: 2
A reminder will begin blinking this many minutes before a meeting starts.
Remind.RemindDuration: 90
Remind will blink this many minutes before going away.
Remind.Duration: 60
How many minutes the meeting lasts. This is used when CalendarTool displays a meeting graphically .
Remind.NewMeetingRound: 15
When you click on the NewMeeting button, and then sweep out the time for a meeting, it will be rounded to the nearest NewMeetingRound minutes.
CalendarTool.StartHour: 8
The earliest time displayed by CalendarTool in its weekly display. Time is in hours on a 24 hour clock.
CalendarTool.StopHour: 20
The latest time displayed by CalendarTool in its weekly display. Time is in hours on a 24 hour clock.