Goodisman, July 20, 1989 3:06:58 pm PDT
Bier, June 12, 1991 4:17 pm PDT
Pop-up button
ButtonData: Poppy1
Class: PopUpButton
MessageHandler: application to notify. Delete line if none
Menu: (
((application event for this menu entry) "Menu entry" "Documentation string")
((application event for this menu entry) "Menu entry" "Documentation string")
((application event for this menu entry) "Menu entry" "Documentation string")
Feedback: (
(MouseMoved <SetCursor bullseye>)
Multi state button
ButtonData: Poppy1
Class: MultiStateButton
Name: a name for this button (and its value)
Variables: (Value: BOOL = TRUE)
MessageHandler: application to notify. Delete line if none
Feedback: (
(MouseMoved <SetCursor bullseye>)
(Down (editor action when mouse button goes down))
((Value FALSE) (editor action when value becomes FALSE))
((Value TRUE) (editor action when value becomes TRUE))
UpClickMessage: ToggleName
Radio button
ButtonData: Poppy1
Class: RadioButton
Name: The name of this radio button's group
Feedback: (
(MouseMoved <SetCursor bullseye>)
(Down (editor action when mouse button goes down))
((State FALSE) (editor action when value becomes FALSE))
((StateStill TRUE) (editor action when TRUE button is clicked again))
((State TRUE) (editor action when value becomes TRUE))
Guarded button
ButtonData: Poppy1
Class: Button
GuardMessage: application event when button is first pressed
Message: application event when the button is pressed a second time
MessageHandler: application to notify. Delete line if none
Feedback: (
(MouseMoved <SetCursor bullseye>)
((Guard Off) editor action on first mouse up)
((Guard On) editor action when guard goes back on after 5 seconds)
(Highlight editor action whenever mouse is down)
(Unhighlight editor action whenever mouse goes up)
(Pressed editor action on a mouse up when not guarded)
(Done editor action after Message is sent and executed)