DIRECTORY Imager, BufferedRefreshTypes, Real; BufferedRefresh: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Context: TYPE = Imager.Context; Rectangle: TYPE = Imager.Rectangle; Transformation: TYPE = Imager.Transformation; RefreshProc: TYPE = BufferedRefreshTypes.RefreshProc; Sandwich: TYPE = BufferedRefreshTypes.Sandwich; Layer: TYPE = RECORD [name: ATOM, backingMap: BOOL, refreshProc: RefreshProc, drawBkgnd: BOOL FALSE]; CreateSandwich: PROC [layers: LIST OF Layer] RETURNS [sandwich: Sandwich]; FitSandwichToScreen: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, cw, ch: INTEGER, screen: Context, cx, cy: INTEGER 0]; DrawSandwich: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, screen: Context, clientToViewer, viewerToClient: Transformation, clientData: REF, bkgndColor: Imager.Color, ignoreBackingMap: BOOL FALSE, noBuffer: BOOL FALSE, changeRect: Rectangle [-Real.LargestNumber, -Real.LargestNumber, Real.LargestNumber, Real.LargestNumber]]; DrawSandwichInBoxes: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, screen: Context, clientToViewer, viewerToClient: Transformation, clientData: REF, bkgndColor: Imager.Color, ignoreBackingMap: BOOL FALSE, noBuffer: BOOL FALSE, changeRects: LIST OF Rectangle]; SetLayerOK: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, layerName: ATOM, ok: BOOL]; GetLayerOK: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, layerName: ATOM] RETURNS [ok: BOOL]; RepairLayer: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, layerName: ATOM, proc: RefreshProc, bkgndColor: Imager.Color, clientData: REF ANY NIL, clear: BOOL FALSE]; SaveLayer: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, layerName: ATOM]; RestoreLayer: PROC [sandwich: Sandwich, layerName: ATOM]; END.  BufferedRefresh.mesa Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Contents: Builds up an abstraction of transparent layers onto which shapes can be drawn. Each layer may have a backing pixel map, in which case it need not be redrawn when other layers change. This scheme is used by Gargoyle and Solidviews. Doug Wyatt, June 28, 1988 12:01:34 pm PDT Bier, July 13, 1993 12:01 pm PDT Michael Plass, March 25, 1992 11:50 am PST Kenneth A. Pier, August 18, 1992 1:56 pm PDT [Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool] Layers should be specified in back to front order. Tells the sandwich how big its buffers need to be. cx and cy specify the position of the lower left hand corner of the buffers. Draw the picture, derivable from the sandwich, on the screen. For backed layers that are OK, this will just dump the backing map on the screen. For backed layers that are not OK, this will remake the backing map by calling the refreshProc and dump the backing map on the screen. For unbacked layers, this will call the RefreshProc for that layer. Layers will be drawn in back-to-front order. All layers are initially NOT OK. If ignoreBackingMap is TRUE, all layers will be drawn by calling their refresh proc. Since we currently use 1 bit per pixel backing maps, this must be done to show colors. If noBuffer is TRUE, drawing will be done directly on the screen; otherwise Imager.DoWithBuffer will be called to update the screen atomically. viewerToClient is your way to tell BufferedRefresh what your BiScrollers are doing (if you use them). Gargoyle uses the incantation: [clientToViewer, viewerToClient] _ BiScrollers.GetStyle[].GetTransforms[BiScrollers.QuaBiScroller[gargoyleData.actionArea]]; Only that part of the screen that intersects changeRect will be drawn on. Using a small changeRect will noticeably improve performance on color displays. If bkgndColor#NIL, the bkgndColor will be used to fill the screen Context before the backmost layer is drawn. If bkgndColor=NIL, no background fill is drawn. << Picnic, anyone? >> Like DrawSandwich, but clips the drawing operation to a union of rectangles instead of a single rectangle. This routine may make multiple calls to the layer drawing routines. If the named layer has a backing map, and it is OK or clear is TRUE, then proc is called with a context for that map (after the map is cleared if clear is TRUE), and the backing map becomes OK. Otherwise, nothing happens. If the named layer is backed with a bitmap, that bitmap will be copied for later use (see RestoreLayer). If the named layer is backed with a bitmap, then that bitmap will be replaced by the bitmap that most recently was saved (see SaveLayer). This will only happen if the saved bitmap and the current bitmap are of the same size. 4NewlineDelimiter (cedarcode) styledefaultK eCNKK)K K*K,Kk K#KKn *K K #K-K $5K !/KK 'gK InterpressInterpress/Xerox/3.0 fjkj=8:rjn+XeroxResearch RGBLinear!+e2q5:'\!+!+e2q5:'\!+!W+e2q5'\!W+!W+e2q5'\!W+! +e2q5*'\! +! +e2q5*'\! + "+e2q5'\ "+ "+e2q5'\ "+!_Dk@:Via~m!_DkViaRu@LnG_AQ=SdIRu@ViaViaRu@LnG_AQ=SdIRu@ViaViaRu@SdIRu@ViaViaRu@SdIRu@ViaVia~mSdIViaVia~mSdIViaA7nk@:'dA7A7nk@:'dA7Via~mnkQ=Dk'dSdI~mA76/K16/iC@U*CzO:R6/K1S66/K1& S6rjeHxerox tiogafonts Helvetica14Screenkrj?emsxerox tiogafonts Helvetica14Client Coordinateskʬ 4#ʬEEC^I&ntuʬ 4#7x/ʬ 4#TErjbBxerox tiogafonts Helvetica14Viewportk#5-O9gf<E:{T*=a}.$O9gfı/ȗO9gf{Wݠݗa}.$?Ǘa}.$P)jUBVia`MSdIViaESdIQ=Ǚ_ASdIRu@ViaESdISdI~mQ=Dk7 'rj%_xerox tiogafonts Helvetica14viewerToClientkrjxerox tiogafonts Helvetica14clientToViewerke-e\ƙe\+rj5axerox tiogafonts Helvetica14Client SandwichkMMiMM  MM rj)xerox tiogafonts Helvetica14Sandwich BitmapskSdI`MQ=U;SdIQ=ǗSdIEQ=I 5kkgArtwork InterpressBounds90.0 mm xmin 0.0 mm ymin 171.8028 mm xmax 88.3587 mm ymax G91.18092 mm topLeading 91.18092 mm topIndent 1.411111 mm bottomLeading ==K  JK2K fKK d/ nKKKK||KKKc.  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