ý The (
UNIX) command
``REdit'' creates an empty viewer. You're welcome, Eduardo.
If you mistakenly edit the contents of the REdit viewer, you can re-read the contents of the file into the viewer with the Reset button. The contents of the REdit viewer can be written back to filename by clicking the RemoteSave button. The contents can be written to a named remote file by selecting the name of the file and (double-)clicking the RemoteStore button.
If you use programs that refer you to line n of a file, REdit the file, select the line number, and click the Line button. See LineNumberDoc for a better description of what counts as a line.
REdit can be used on Tioga and plain files. The leading whitespace of the viewer can be used to create a node-structured viewer by left-clicking the Plain®Tioga button (normally used on a viewer containing a plain file). Leading whitespace less than some threshold is retained at the beginnings of nodes, whitespace over that threshold signals a new nesting level to Tioga. A node-structured viewer can be used to create a plain viewer using leading whitespace with the Tioga®Plain button. REdit uses Dupri to perform the Plain®Tioga and Tioga®Plain conversions. See DupriDoc for a better explanation of what ``write plain'' means. Also see DupriDoc for some user profile options you might want to set.
REdit writes Tioga files using LF characters (012) as node separator. The line delimiter character is preserved by Tioga editing.
If you right- or middle-click the Plain®Tioga (or Tioga®Plain) button, REdit will check whether the document being displayed has or not tioga information and will display the correct button. If the incorrect button in being displayed and the RemoteStore button is clicked, the store will be aborted and the correct button will be selected.
With the default settings, the
RemoteStore button will write the contents of a plain file as a Unix-readable ASCII file (with newlines), and will write the contents of a tioga file as such (with CRs and all format and comment information); see the section on the WriterPair list for additional details and features.
Some caveats:
Changing leading whitespace to node structure can lose information about how much leading whitespace there was, so the viewer is always marked [Edited] when you change state, even if you don't make any other changes.
A file without a trailing NEWLINE will have a NEWLINE added to it when you Save or Store it, since Tioga won't tell me whether there should be a trailing NEWLINE or not. [[The other choice was to always strip the trailing NEWLINE, and that's probably more of a loss than this, since most files have (and want) them.]] If you want a file without a trailing NEWLINE you'll have to take it off on the UNIX side.
Wow, is this gonna be confusing...