Copyright Ó 1989, 1990, 1991 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Willie-sue, August 4, 1993 4:30 pm PDT
Willie-Sue Orr
© Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Provides a Walnut-like user interface mail reading program for PCedar users.
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue:Parc>
Keywords: mail
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. BlackCherry
There are times when the alpine server that one needs for using Walnut is unavailable, perhaps for several days. BlackCherry provides an interim way for users to read their mail, with a user interface very much like Walnut's; as a benefit for the grapevine servers, the mail is removed from grapevine and stored in a local file. The user can delete and undelete messages. When Walnut is again usable, only the undeleted messages will be transfered to the Walnut log and database. Thus, an additional potential use for BlackCherry is to perform an initial sort of a large body of mail, say after a vacation. BlackCherry is much faster than Walnut, and can be used as one's only mail reading program. There is a provision for "expunging" the log used by BlackCherry. When messages are transferred to Walnut, a new log is started, leaving the previous one available. It is the user's responsibility to back up the BlackCherry log (the typescript says where the log is); only a local log is supported.
The normal behavior of BlackCherry is to read an existing log (or create a new one), read mail from grapevine and/or xns and then create a "msgSet" displayer. If one invokes BlackCherry with the -n switch, no new mail is retrieved. A BC-Mail button in the message window turns black when there is new mail; there is no autoNewMail capability.
One can have multiple BlackCherry's running, each looking a different log file, by typing BlackCherry (-n) filename, for various file names. The -n says not to try for new mail initially. At the moment there is no provision for moving messages from one log to another.
BlackCherry now has a readOnly option. By typing BlackCherry -r {fileName}, one gets a BlackCherry msgSet displayer that does not have the buttons Delete or NewMail, and the Ops menu will not have NewLogFile or Expunge options. In addition, if BlackCherry has trouble parsing a log, it prints a message giving better information about the problem with the log and then opens the log with the readOnly menus. One must fix the problem with the log before being able to change it using BlackCherry.
Summary of switches:
d, D => do not flush mail (overrides profile option okToFlushMail: TRUE)
f, F => flush mail (overrides profile option okToFlushMail: FALSE)
n, N => do not retrieve mail when starting up
r, R => readOnly (resticted menu options)
x, X => turns on lots of debugging printout (not recommended and subject to change without notice)
z, Z => do not allow mail retrieval, but do allow write access
Combining BlackCherry log files
The internal format of BlackCherry log files has been changed to use relative instead of absolute pointers. This means that one can concatenate two BlackCherry log files and the result is a valid log file. To get a log file in the new format, one has to be running a BlackCherryPackage dated 9 November 1990 or later. Select a log file (call it ToBeAppended.mailLog) that you want to append to some other log file (call it Base.mailLog); do an expunge on ToBeAppended.mailLog (for the expunge to actually do anything at least one message must have been deleted - this rewrites the log in the relative format). Then issue the following command (your names will vary):
% type ToBeAppended.mailLog >> Base.mailLog
This should work in any combination of -ux and -vux directories. IF IT DOESN'T SEEM TO WORK THE FIRST TIME, DO NOT try it again until consulting an expert.
Menu items
The BlackCherry "msgSet" displayer has several menu items.
ShowUndelOnly shows only the undeleted messages
Display like Walnut's Display menu item
Delete like Walnut's Delete menu item
NewMail retrieves new mail from grapevine
Find does a find in the "msgSet" displayer
Ops goves a popup menu with the following choices
Sender creates a Walnut Sender
MsgNumInfo prints the number of undeleted and total messages in the typescript
ShowAll shows all the messages, included deleted ones
MsgID prints the msgID of the selected message
NewLogFile creates a new log file, leaving the previous one available
Expunge writes the undeleted messages on an alternate log file, leaving the previous one available
Expunge&Sort expunges the log, then sorts the result by date and removes duplicates
NSToTioga changes the current selection from 16-bit character codes to Tioga characters
TiogaToNS undoes NSToTioga
CloseAll closes the BlackCherry typescript viewer and the msgSet viewer; destroys a msg viewer that is not frozen.
AppendMsg uses the current selection (or the current viewer for a point selection) as a message and appends it to the BlackCherry log
NSToTioga and TiogaToNS cannot be used in a msg, since messages are displayed readonly. There are NSToTioga and TiogaToNS menu buttons in each msg displayer.
In addition, control-select will delete the message being clicked; control-shift-select will undelete the message.
Deleted messages are shown with a line through them.
Unread messages are shown in italics.
There appears to be a TiogaButtons bug, such that clicking ShowAll rebuilds the displayer with some blank space at the top of the viewer; scrolling up will fix it; so will closing and opening the viewer.
The BlackCherry msg displayer has (mostly) familiar menu items:
xnsAnswer answer this message using xns Parsing
Forward forward this message
ReSend resend this message
Find does a find in the message
NSToTioga changes 16-bit character codes to Tioga codes
TiogaToNS undoes NSToTioga
Profile options
BlackCherry.altMailLog: /tilde/username/Cedar/2.0/System/BlackCherryAlt.mailLog
the file to use for an expunge.
BlackCherry.DeletedLooks: "y"
BlackCherry.EditedAnswerSenders: FALSE
if TRUE, then the Answered sender will always be edited (means it won't get reused by subsequent Answer, Forward, etc). Right-Click will also make the Sender edited.
BlackCherry.EditedForwardSenders: FALSE
if TRUE, then the Forwarded sender will always be edited (means it won't get reused by subsequent Forward, Answer, etc). Right-Click will also make the Sender edited.
BlackCherry.MailLog: /tilde/username/Cedar/2.0/System/BlackCherry.mailLog
BlackCherry.MsgSetColumn: "right"
choices are right, left, color (if on).
BlackCherry.newMailAlertButton: TRUE
BlackCherry.okToFlushMail: TRUE
If FALSE, does not mail from the server after reading. Profile option is overridden by the -d switch.
BlackCherry.PlainTextStyle: cedar
The Tioga style to use for message which don't have any Tioga formatting in them.
BlackCherry.showDeletedMsgs: FALSE
BlackCherry.TOCDefaultLooks: ""
the looks for an unselected table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer.
BlackCherry.TOCSelectedLooks: "sb"
the looks for the selected table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer.
BlackCherry.TOCUnreadLooks: "i"
the looks for an unread table-of-contents entry in a msgSet displayer.
BlackCherry.UseFromFieldInTOC: FALSE
use the From field in the TOC entry, even if there is a Sender field
BlackCherry.xnsMail: TRUE
if TRUE, tries to retrieve xnsMail