DIRECTORY IO, Rope, RedBlackTree, BasicTime, PFS, Commander, CommanderOps, QPSolve; AnalyzeDumpLogsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS IO, Rope, RedBlackTree, BasicTime, PFS, Commander, CommanderOps, QPSolve ~ BEGIN ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE ~ IO.STREAM; nullGMT: BasicTime.GMT ~ BasicTime.nullGMT; LogContents: TYPE ~ REF LogContentsRep; LogContentsRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [ tree: RedBlackTree.Table ]; FS: TYPE ~ REF FSRep; FSRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [ name: ROPE, level0Size: INT ¬ 0, nIncrs: INT ¬ 0, incrs: LIST OF Incr ¬ NIL ]; Incr: TYPE ~ RECORD [ days: INT, size: INT ]; halfDay: INT ~ 12*60*60; -- 12 hours of seconds wholeDay: INT ~ 2*halfDay; -- 24 hours of seconds GetKey: RedBlackTree.GetKey ~ { fs: FS ~ NARROW[data]; RETURN[]; }; Compare: RedBlackTree.Compare ~ { key: ROPE ¬ NARROW[k]; fs: FS ~ NARROW[data]; RETURN [ Rope.Compare[key,] ]; }; ReadFilteredLog: PROC [in: STREAM, msgs: STREAM] RETURNS [lc: LogContents] ~ { lineSelect: ROPE ¬ in.GetTokenRope[].token; currentFS: FS; currLine: INT ¬ 0; lev5Date: BasicTime.GMT; lev0Date: BasicTime.GMT; DoDriveLine: PROC ~ { ExceptWhitespace: IO.BreakProc ~ { RETURN[SELECT char FROM IN [IO.NUL .. IO.SP] => sepr, ENDCASE => other] }; drive: ROPE ¬ in.GetTokenRope[ExceptWhitespace].token; IF (currentFS ¬ NARROW[lc.tree.Lookup[drive]]) = NIL THEN { currentFS ¬ NEW[FSRep ¬ [name: drive]]; lc.tree.Insert[currentFS, drive]; }; lev5Date ¬ nullGMT; lev0Date ¬ nullGMT; }; DoLev5Line: PROC ~ { lev5Date ¬ in.GetTime[]; }; DoLev0Line: PROC ~ { lev0Date ¬ in.GetTime[]; }; DoSizeLine: PROC ~ { dumpSize: INT ¬ in.GetInt[]; SELECT TRUE FROM lev5Date # nullGMT AND lev0Date # nullGMT => { daysSinceLev0: INT ¬ (BasicTime.Period[from~lev0Date, to~lev5Date]+halfDay)/wholeDay; currentFS.incrs ¬ CONS[[size~dumpSize, days~daysSinceLev0], currentFS.incrs]; currentFS.nIncrs ¬ currentFS.nIncrs+1; }; lev0Date # nullGMT => { currentFS.level0Size ¬ dumpSize; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; { ENABLE { IO.EndOfStream=> GOTO done; }; lc ¬ NEW[LogContentsRep]; lc.tree ¬ RedBlackTree.Create[GetKey, Compare]; currLine ¬ 0; DO currLine ¬ currLine+1; { ENABLE { IO.Error=> { msgs.PutF["Parsing error in line %g at position %g of input file.\n", [integer[currLine]], [integer[in.GetIndex[]]]]; CONTINUE }; }; SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal[lineSelect, "drive"] => DoDriveLine[]; Rope.Equal[lineSelect, "level5"] => DoLev5Line[]; Rope.Equal[lineSelect, "level0"] => DoLev0Line[]; Rope.Equal[lineSelect, "size"] => DoSizeLine[]; ENDCASE => NULL; }; [] ¬ in.GetLineRope[]; lineSelect ¬ in.GetTokenRope[].token; ENDLOOP; EXITS done => RETURN; } }; AnalyzeOneFS: PROC [fs: FS, out: STREAM] ~ { IF fs.level0Size = 0 THEN { out.PutF1["No full dump data for %g. Can't compute percentages for incrementals.\n", [rope[]]]; RETURN; }; SELECT fs.nIncrs FROM 0 => { out.PutF1["No incremental data for %g.\n", [rope[]]]; RETURN; }; 1 => { out.PutF["%g %g (based on one incremental dump).\n", [rope[]], [real[(100.0*fs.incrs.first.size)/fs.level0Size]] ]; RETURN; }; ENDCASE => NULL; { l: LIST OF Incr ¬ fs.incrs; c: QPSolve.RVector ~ NEW[QPSolve.RVectorRep[2+fs.nIncrs] ]; A: QPSolve.Matrix ~ QPSolve.NewMatrix[fs.nIncrs, 2+fs.nIncrs]; lobd: QPSolve.RVector ~ NEW[QPSolve.RVectorRep[2+fs.nIncrs]]; x: QPSolve.RVector ~ NEW[QPSolve.RVectorRep[2+fs.nIncrs]]; iVar: QPSolve.IVector ~ NEW[QPSolve.IVectorRep[2+fs.nIncrs]]; minMaxDay: INT ¬ INT.LAST; maxbd: REAL ¬ 0; nFR: NAT ¬ 0; nFX: NAT ¬ 2+fs.nIncrs-1; sum: REAL ¬ 0; c.n ¬ 2+fs.nIncrs; lobd.n ¬ 2+fs.nIncrs; x.n ¬ 2+fs.nIncrs; iVar.n ¬ 2+fs.nIncrs; FOR i: INT IN [0..fs.nIncrs) DO A[i][0] ¬ 1; A[i][1] ¬ l.first.days; sum ¬ sum + l.first.days; A[i][2+i] ¬ -1; lobd[2+i] ¬ (100.0*l.first.size)/fs.level0Size; IF lobd[2+i] >= maxbd THEN { maxbd ¬ lobd[2+i]; IF l.first.days < minMaxDay THEN minMaxDay ¬ l.first.days; }; c[2+i] ¬ 0; l ¬; ENDLOOP; FOR i: INT IN [0..fs.nIncrs) DO x[2+i] ¬ maxbd; IF lobd[2+i]= maxbd AND A[i][1]=minMaxDay THEN { iVar[nFX] ¬ 2+i; nFX ¬ nFX-1; } ELSE { IF lobd[2+i]= maxbd THEN lobd[2+i] ¬ .9999*lobd[2+i]; -- hack to preserve dimension of problem iVar[nFR] ¬ 2+i; nFR ¬ nFR+1; }; ENDLOOP; x[0] ¬ maxbd; iVar[nFR] ¬ 0; x[1] ¬ 0; iVar[nFX] ¬ 1; nFR ¬ nFX; c[0] ¬ fs.nIncrs*1.0e3; c[1] ¬ sum*1.0e3; [] ¬ QPSolve.QPSolve[c, A, lobd, x, iVar, nFR]; out.PutFL["%g %4g %4g (based on %g incrementals).\n", LIST[[rope[]], [real[x[0]]], [real[x[1]]], [integer[fs.nIncrs]]]]; }; }; AnalyzeDumpLog: Commander.CommandProc ~ { inStream: STREAM ¬ PFS.StreamOpen[PFS.PathFromRope[CommanderOps.NextArgument[cmd]]]; lc: LogContents ¬ ReadFilteredLog[inStream, cmd.out]; EachFS: RedBlackTree.EachNode ~ { fs: FS ¬ NARROW[data]; AnalyzeOneFS[fs, cmd.out]; }; RedBlackTree.EnumerateIncreasing[lc.tree, EachFS]; }; Commander.Register["AnalyzeDumpLog", AnalyzeDumpLog]; END.  AnalyzeDumpLogsImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Chauser, April 9, 1992 3:45 pm PDT This program analyzes unix dump logs to produce the statistics about incremental dumps used by the dump schedule generator. The current model for the size of the incremental dump is (FSSize*a0 + FSSize*a1*(numberOfDays-since-fullDump)). a0 and a1 are determined by linear programming from a set of constraints generated from an existing set of dumps. based on the actual size of the level 0 dumps. Κb•NewlineDelimiter –(cedarcode) style™šœ™Jšœ Οeœ1™Kšœžœ"˜=Kšœžœ"˜:Kšœžœ"˜=Kšœ žœžœ˜K˜Kšœžœžœ˜ K˜Kšœžœ˜K˜K˜K˜K˜šžœžœžœž˜K˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜/šžœžœ˜K˜Kšžœžœ˜;K˜—K˜ K˜ Kšžœ˜—šžœžœžœž˜K˜šžœžœžœ˜0K˜K˜ Kšœ˜—šžœ˜KšžœžœΟc(˜^K˜K˜ Kšœ˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜ K˜K˜ K˜K˜ K˜K˜K˜/K˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜——˜šŸœ˜)Kšœ žœžœ žœ/˜TK˜5šŸœ˜"Kšœ žœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—K˜2Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœ5˜5—Kšžœ˜—…—Κ>