/* Generated with C2C (Cedar To C)*/ /* Copyright (C) 1992 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. */ /* time: March 10, 1992 11:56:13 am PST */ /* C2C version: October 16, 1990 (native) */ /* ref-counting: off */ /* file: AISConvertersImpl, module: AISConvertersImpl */ /* switches: bcfhklnouw */ #include #include static char versionStamp[] = "@(#)mob_version [2670405889,2691797222] AISConvertersImpl"; typedef unsigned word, *ptr; typedef unsigned char byte, *bPt; typedef unsigned short half, *hPt; typedef word (*fPt)(); typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7;} W8; typedef struct {W8 f; W8 r;} W16; typedef struct {word f0, f1;} W2; typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3;} W4; typedef W4 *W4Pt; typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6;} W7; typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;} W6; typedef struct {word f0, f1, f2, f3, f4;} W5; typedef struct {W8 f; W5 r;} W13; typedef W6 *W6Pt; #define SOURCE(p, l) /* source p, l */ static float fc41 = 0.25; static float fc43 = 0.0254; static float fc47 = 0.0; #define FMIN(x, y, tx, ty) ( (tx=((float) x)) <= (ty=((float) y)) ? tx : ty ) static float fc52 = 2.0; static float fc65 = 1.0; static float fc71 = 0.5; static float fc88 = 72.0; static float fc93 = 9.0; #define BCK(idx, lim) ( ((unsigned) idx) >= ((unsigned) lim) ? (XR_RaiseBoundsFault()) : (idx) ) static float fc120 = 8.5; static float fc124 = 11.0; static void NoName_Q876(); static void AISConvertersImpl_P0(); static void PixelArrayToInterpress_P60(); static void Paint_P360(); static void Caption_P420(); static void AISToInterpress_P120(); static void ColorAISToInterpress_P180(); static void AISToIPCmd_P240(); static word NoName_Q936(); static void Parse_P300(); static word FileChoice_P528(); static word AISSuffix_P648(); static word FileExists_P588(); static word NoName_Q996(); static void NoName_Q1056(); static void NoName_Q1116(); static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string1 = {917520, "\216\257\300\363\223\326\161\300\017\164\046\072\104\350\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string2 = {65537, "\001\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string3 = {131076, "\216\251\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r0[200]; char r1[68];} string4 = { 17498380, "Usage: AISToIP _ [-q]\012\011 is the name of the created Interpress master\012\011 is either:\012\011 \011the name of a black/white AIS file (ending with \042.ais\042), or\012\011 \011the base n", "ame of an AIS color triplet\012\011 [-q] suppresses an Interpress caption"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string5 = {458760, "AISToIP"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string6 = {65540, "_\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string7 = {131076, "-q\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string8 = {131076, "\012\015\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[32];} string9 = {1966112, "xerox/pressfonts/helvetica-mir\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string10 = {458760, "Failure"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[24];} string11 = {1376280, "Interpress/Xerox/3.0 \000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string12 = {524300, "bad file\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string13 = {196612, "ais"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string14 = {196612, "red"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string15 = {65540, "r\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string16 = {196612, "grn"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string17 = {327688, "green\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string18 = {65540, "g\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string19 = {196612, "blu"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string20 = {262152, "blue\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[4];} string21 = {65540, "b\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[8];} string22 = {262152, ".ais\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string23 = {589836, "%g-%g.ais\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string24 = {851984, "\257\300\237\053\051\001\300\240\161\220\346\100\164\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[12];} string25 = {524296, "\006\001\054\010\000\004\024\001\000\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string26 = {851984, "\257\300\150\223\370\056\300\265\120\000\347\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string27 = {851984, "\257\300\373\225\000\071\300\362\156\307\320\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string28 = {851984, "\257\300\311\235\133\064\300\165\175\234\175\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string29 = {851984, "\257\300\103\154\257\030\300\165\276\076\350\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string30 = {851984, "\257\300\344\212\014\176\300\070\230\121\123\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string31 = {851984, "\257\300\074\177\166\242\300\203\113\217\044\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string32 = {851984, "\257\300ZT?\010\300\370;=;@h\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string33 = {851984, "\257\300\046\300\267\143\300\022\215\240\122\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string34 = {851984, "\257\300\124\360\214\337\300\200\347\202\313\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string35 = {851984, "\257\300\230\052\311\306\300\242\375\035\324\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string36 = {851984, "\257\300\056\204\102\044\300\111\366\033\137\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string37 = {851984, "\257\300\121\117\377\026\300\315\013\026\004\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string38 = {851984, "\257\300\015\277\004\146\300\034\367\146\045\100\164\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string39 = {851984, "\257\300\141\260\110\353\300\162\250\066\353\100\150\000\000"}; static struct {unsigned f; char r[16];} string40 = {851984, "\257\300\363\223\326\161\300\017\164\046\072\100\150\000\000"}; static struct { word f0[31]; word f31; word f32; word f33; word f34; word f35; word f36; word f37; word f38; word f39; word f40; word f41; word f42[16]; } globalframe = { {0}, (word) Parse_P300, 0, (word) AISToIPCmd_P240, 0, (word) ColorAISToInterpress_P180, 0, (word) AISToInterpress_P120, 0, (word) PixelArrayToInterpress_P60, 0, (word) AISConvertersImpl_P0, {0} }; static void NoName_Q876() { register ptr gf_c0130 = (ptr) &globalframe; word var_c21028; (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ) = (word) XR_GetTypeIndex((word) &string1, 0, (word) &string2); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+8) ) = (word) XR_GetTypeIndex((word) &string3, 0, (word) &string2); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+44) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string4); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+48) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string5); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+52) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string6); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+56) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string7); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+60) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string8); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+64) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string9); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+68) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+8) ), (word) &string10); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+72) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string11); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+76) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string12); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+80) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string13); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+84) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string14); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+88) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string15); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+92) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string16); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+96) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string17); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+100) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string18); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+104) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string19); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+108) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string20); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+112) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string21); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+116) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string22); (* (ptr) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+120) ) = (word) XR_GetRefLiteral((* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+6) ), (word) &string23); (void) XR_DeclareGlobalFrame((word) "AISConvertersImpl", &globalframe, (word) XR_GetTypeIndex((word) &string24, 0, (word) &string25) , (word) (( (bPt) gf_c0130)+164)/* var_c19428 */ ); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "AISIO", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string26)), 9); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+49)/* var_c19908 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67371265); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "Commander", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string27)), 3); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+43)/* var_c19460 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 1310725); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "CommanderOps", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string28)), 14); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+53)/* var_c20068 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67633666); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "FileNames", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string29)), 17); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+55)/* var_c20356 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67373313); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67635202); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67371265); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "FS", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string30)), 36); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+57)/* var_c20964 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 403703812); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "Imager", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string31)), 84); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 1319429); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 790786); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 530946); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 1326338); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 1062148); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 527106); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 790018); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 526338); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 543490); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "ImagerColor", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string32)), 32); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+52)/* var_c20036 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 68161284); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 68159492); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "ImagerFont", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string33)), 26); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+48)/* var_c19844 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67633922); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67634434); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "ImagerInterpress", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string34)), 10); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+45)/* var_c19588 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 264193); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67633410); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 788227); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 525570); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "ImagerPixelArray", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string35)), 13); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+51)/* var_c19972 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67633922); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "ImagerPixelArrayAIS", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string36)), 2); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+50)/* var_c19940 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67895555); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67371009); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "ImagerTransformation", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string37)), 55); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+44)/* var_c19556 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 269756930); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "IO", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string38)), 103); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+56)/* var_c20932 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 68958724); var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "PFS", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string39)), 40); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+54)/* var_c20100 */ ) = var_c21028; var_c21028 = (word) XR_ImportInterface((word) "Rope", (word) XR_GetTypeIndexS((word) (&string40)), 43); (* (( (ptr) gf_c0130)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ) = var_c21028; (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67633666); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67900419); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67898627); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67896323); (void) XR_ImportProcS(var_c21028, 67373313); } static void AISConvertersImpl_P0(formal_c031, formal_c030) word formal_c031; word formal_c030; { register ptr gf_c21060 = (ptr) &globalframe; /* AISConvertersImpl: */ SOURCE(209, 5128) SOURCE(706, 29) { word x42; word x44; *(float*)(( (ptr) gf_c21060)+4)/* aisMargin_v3448 */ = ( x42 = (* (ptr) &fc41 ), *(float*)&x42 ) * ( x44 = (* (ptr) &fc43 ), *(float*)&x44 ); }; SOURCE(5281, 56) { word pd45; pd45 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21060)+43)/* var_c19460 */ ))+4) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd45 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf_c21060)+12) ), (word) (( (bPt) gf_c21060)+132)/* var_c19300 */ , (* ( ( (ptr) gf_c21060)+11) ), 0, 1, pd45); }; } static void PixelArrayToInterpress_P60(formal_c0167, formal_c0168, ipRef_v3864, formal_c0169, formal_c0170, formal_c0171) word formal_c0167; word formal_c0168; word ipRef_v3864; word formal_c0169; word formal_c0170; word formal_c0171; { W16 var_c21092; /* declaration of pa_v3808 skipped */ /* declaration of colorOp_v3836 skipped */ /* declaration of width_v3892 skipped */ /* declaration of height_v3920 skipped */ /* declaration of caption_v3948 skipped */ register ptr gf_c21124 = (ptr) &globalframe; /* declaration of var_c19492 skipped */ /* declaration of r_v4616 skipped */ /* declaration of scale_v4644 skipped */ (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+4)/* pa_v3808 */ ) = formal_c0167; (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+5)/* colorOp_v3836 */ ) = formal_c0168; (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+6)/* width_v3892 */ ) = formal_c0169; (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+7)/* height_v3920 */ ) = formal_c0170; (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+8)/* caption_v3948 */ ) = formal_c0171; /* PixelArrayToInterpress: */ SOURCE(926, 996) { word tmpAddr46; tmpAddr46 = (word) (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+9)/* var_c19492 */ ; (* (ptr) tmpAddr46 ) = ( ((word) (fPt) Paint_P360) ); (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr46) + 1) ) = 1; }; SOURCE(1669, 92) { W4 var_c041; { W4 var_c19524; var_c19524.f0 = (* (ptr) &fc47 ); var_c19524.f1 = (* (ptr) &fc47 ); { float tf48; var_c19524.f2 = ( tf48 = (float)(int)(* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+4)/* pa_v3808 */ ))+2) ), *(word*)&tf48 ); }; { float tf49; var_c19524.f3 = ( tf49 = (float)(int)(* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+4)/* pa_v3808 */ ))+3) ), *(word*)&tf49 ); }; { word pd50; pd50 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21124)+44)/* var_c19556 */ ))+46) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd50 ))))((word) &var_c041, (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+4)/* pa_v3808 */ ))+4) ), var_c19524, pd50) ; }; }; (* (W4Pt) (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+11)/* r_v4616 */ ) = var_c041; }; SOURCE(1763, 68) { word x51; word x53; word x54; word x55; float tf56; float tf57; word x58; word x59; word x60; word x61; float tf62; (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+15)/* scale_v4644 */ ) = ( tf62 = FMIN(((( x51 = (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+6)/* width_v3892 */ ), *(float*)&x51 ) - (( x53 = (* (ptr) &fc52 ), *(float*)&x53 ) * ( x54 = (* (( (ptr) gf_c21124)+4)/* aisMargin_v3448 */ ), *(float*)&x54 ))) / ( x55 = (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+13) ), *(float*)&x55 )), ((( x58 = (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+7)/* height_v3920 */ ), *(float*)&x58 ) - (( x59 = (* (ptr) &fc52 ), *(float*)&x59 ) * ( x60 = (* (( (ptr) gf_c21124)+4)/* aisMargin_v3448 */ ), *(float*)&x60 ))) / ( x61 = (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+14) ), *(float*)&x61 )), tf56, tf57), *(word*)&tf62 ); }; SOURCE(1833, 45) { word pd63; pd63 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21124)+45)/* var_c19588 */ ))+9) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd63 ))))(ipRef_v3864, (* (( (ptr) &var_c21092)+4)/* pa_v3808 */ ), pd63); }; SOURCE(1880, 42) { word pd64; pd64 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21124)+45)/* var_c19588 */ ))+11) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd64 ))))(ipRef_v3864, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21092)+36)/* var_c19492 */ , (* (ptr) &fc65 ), pd64) ; }; } static void Paint_P360(formal_c0172, formal_c21220) word formal_c0172; word formal_c21220; { W7 var_c21156; /* declaration of context_v4720 skipped */ register ptr gf_c21188 = (ptr) &globalframe; /* declaration of var_c19620 skipped */ formal_c21220 = (formal_c21220 - 36); var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ = formal_c0172; var_c21156.f0 = formal_c21220; /* Paint: */ SOURCE(1078, 586) { word tmpAddr66; tmpAddr66 = (word) (( (ptr) &var_c21156)+5)/* var_c19620 */ ; (* (ptr) tmpAddr66 ) = ( ((word) (fPt) Caption_P420) ); (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr66) + 1) ) = 1; }; SOURCE(1328, 42) { word pd67; pd67 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+79) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd67 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , 1, pd67); }; SOURCE(1372, 65) { word pd68; pd68 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+13) ); if ((0 == (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd68 ))))((* ((( (ptr) formal_c21220)+8)) ), pd68))) { SOURCE(1406, 31) { word pd69; pd69 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+12) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd69 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21156)+20)/* var_c19620 */ , pd69) ; }; }; }; SOURCE(1439, 51) { W2 var_c19716; { word x70; word x72; *(float*)&var_c19716.f0 = ( x70 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+6) ), *(float*)&x70 ) * ( x72 = (* (ptr) &fc71 ), *(float*)&x72 ); }; { word x73; word x74; *(float*)&var_c19716.f1 = ( x73 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+7) ), *(float*)&x73 ) * ( x74 = (* (ptr) &fc71 ), *(float*)&x74 ); }; { word pd75; pd75 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+18) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd75 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , var_c19716, pd75); }; }; SOURCE(1492, 29) { word pd76; pd76 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+15) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd76 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+15) ), pd76); }; SOURCE(1523, 60) { W2 var_c19748; { word x77; word x78; word x79; *(float*)&var_c19748.f0 = - (( x77 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+11) ), *(float*)&x77 ) + (( x78 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+13) ), *(float*)&x78 ) * ( x79 = (* (ptr) &fc71 ), *(float*)&x79 ))); }; { word x80; word x81; word x82; *(float*)&var_c19748.f1 = - (( x80 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+12) ), *(float*)&x80 ) + (( x81 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+14) ), *(float*)&x81 ) * ( x82 = (* (ptr) &fc71 ), *(float*)&x82 ))); }; { word pd83; pd83 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+18) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd83 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , var_c19748, pd83); }; }; SOURCE(1585, 45) { word pd84; pd84 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+57) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd84 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+4) ), 0, (* (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+5) ), pd84); }; SOURCE(1632, 32) { word pd85; pd85 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21188)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+65) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd85 ))))(var_c21156.f4/* context_v4720 */ , (* (W4Pt) (( (ptr) formal_c21220)+11) ), pd85) ; }; } static void Caption_P420(formal_c21284) word formal_c21284; { register ptr gf_c21252 = (ptr) &globalframe; formal_c21284 = (formal_c21284 - 20); /* Caption: */ SOURCE(1120, 203) SOURCE(1138, 33) { word pd86; word x87; word x89; float tf90; pd86 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+15) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd86 ))))((* (( (ptr) formal_c21284)+4) ), ( tf90 = ( x87 = (* (ptr) &fc43 ), *(float*)&x87 ) / ( x89 = (* (ptr) &fc88 ), *(float*)&x89 ), *(word*)&tf90 ), pd86); }; SOURCE(1173, 77) { word var_c19780; { word var_c19812; { word pd91; pd91 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+48)/* var_c19844 */ ))+7) ); var_c19812 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd91 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+16) ), 1, pd91); }; { word pd92; pd92 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+48)/* var_c19844 */ ))+9) ); var_c19780 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd92 ))))(var_c19812, (* (ptr) &fc93 ), pd92); }; }; { word pd94; pd94 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+30) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd94 ))))((* (( (ptr) formal_c21284)+4) ), var_c19780, pd94); }; }; SOURCE(1252, 36) { W2 var_c19876; var_c19876.f0 = (* (ptr) &fc88 ); var_c19876.f1 = (* (ptr) &fc93 ); { word pd95; pd95 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+21) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd95 ))))((* (( (ptr) formal_c21284)+4) ), var_c19876, pd95); }; }; SOURCE(1290, 33) { word pd96; pd96 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21252)+46)/* var_c19652 */ ))+38) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd96 ))))((* (( (ptr) formal_c21284)+4) ), (* (( (ptr) (* (ptr) formal_c21284 ))+8) ), 0, 2147483647, 0, pd96) ; }; } static void AISToInterpress_P120(aisName_v4008, ipRef_v4036, width_v4064, height_v4092, caption_v4120) word aisName_v4008; word ipRef_v4036; word width_v4064; word height_v4092; word caption_v4120; { register ptr gf_c21316 = (ptr) &globalframe; word info_v4808; word pa_v4836; word maxSample_v4864; word colorOp_v4892; word var_c20004; word h_v19220; /* AISToInterpress: */ SOURCE(1928, 616) SOURCE(2087, 42) { word pd97; pd97 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21316)+49)/* var_c19908 */ ))+5) ); info_v4808 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd97 ))))(aisName_v4008, pd97); }; SOURCE(2131, 53) { word pd98; pd98 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21316)+50)/* var_c19940 */ ))+4) ); pa_v4836 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd98 ))))(aisName_v4008, pd98); }; SOURCE(2186, 60) { word pd99; pd99 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21316)+51)/* var_c19972 */ ))+7) ); maxSample_v4864 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd99 ))))(pa_v4836, 0, pd99); }; SOURCE(2248, 228) { word pd100; float tf101; word pd102; float tf103; h_v19220 = (* (hPt) (* (( (ptr) info_v4808)+2) ) ); var_c20004 = h_v19220; if ((var_c20004 == 0)) { pd100 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21316)+52)/* var_c20036 */ ))+12) ); colorOp_v4892 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd100 ))))((* (ptr) &fc47 ), ( tf101 = (float)(unsigned)maxSample_v4864, *(word*)&tf101 ), (maxSample_v4864 + 1), 0, pd100); } else { pd102 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21316)+52)/* var_c20036 */ ))+12) ); colorOp_v4892 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd102 ))))(( tf103 = (float)(unsigned)maxSample_v4864, *(word*)&tf103 ), (* (ptr) &fc47 ), (maxSample_v4864 + 1), 0, pd102); }; }; SOURCE(2478, 66) (void) PixelArrayToInterpress_P60(pa_v4836, colorOp_v4892, ipRef_v4036, width_v4064, height_v4092, caption_v4120); } static void ColorAISToInterpress_P180(red_v4180, grn_v4208, blu_v4236, ipRef_v4264, width_v4292, height_v4320, caption_v4348) word red_v4180; word grn_v4208; word blu_v4236; word ipRef_v4264; word width_v4292; word height_v4320; word caption_v4348; { register ptr gf_c21348 = (ptr) &globalframe; word pa_v4936; word maxSample_v4964; word colorOp_v4992; /* ColorAISToInterpress: */ SOURCE(2550, 441) SOURCE(2720, 60) { word pd104; pd104 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21348)+50)/* var_c19940 */ ))+5) ); pa_v4936 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd104 ))))(red_v4180, grn_v4208, blu_v4236, pd104); }; SOURCE(2782, 60) { word pd105; pd105 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21348)+51)/* var_c19972 */ ))+7) ); maxSample_v4964 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd105 ))))(pa_v4936, 0, pd105); }; SOURCE(2844, 79) { word pd106; float tf107; pd106 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21348)+52)/* var_c20036 */ ))+19) ); colorOp_v4992 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd106 ))))(( tf107 = (float)(unsigned)maxSample_v4964, *(word*)&tf107 ), (* (ptr) &fc47 ), 0, 0, pd106); }; SOURCE(2925, 66) (void) PixelArrayToInterpress_P60(pa_v4936, colorOp_v4992, ipRef_v4264, width_v4292, height_v4320, caption_v4348); } static void AISToIPCmd_P240(formal_c079, formal_c0173) word formal_c079; word formal_c0173; { W6 var_c21380; /* declaration of cmd_v9588 skipped */ register ptr gf_c21412 = (ptr) &globalframe; word result_v9632; word msg_v9660; /* declaration of a_v5036 skipped */ var_c21380.f4/* cmd_v9588 */ = formal_c0173; /* AISToIPCmd: */ SOURCE(3291, 705) SOURCE(3291, 705) result_v9632 = 0; SOURCE(3291, 705) msg_v9660 = 0; SOURCE(3329, 56) { word pd108; pd108 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+53)/* var_c20068 */ ))+6) ); var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd108 ))))(var_c21380.f4/* cmd_v9588 */ , 0, pd108); }; SOURCE(3387, 609) { word tc109; word tc110; word pd111; word limit112; word pd113; word limit114; if ((((* (ptr) var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ ) - 4) <= 1)) { pd111 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+8) ); tc110 = (word) (0 != (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd111 ))))((* ((( (ptr) var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ )+1)+( limit112 = (* (ptr) var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ ), BCK(2, limit112) )) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+13) ), 1, pd111)); } else { tc110 = (word) 0; }; if (tc110) { if (((* (ptr) var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ ) != 5)) { tc109 = (word) 1; } else { pd113 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+8) ); tc109 = (word) (0 != (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd113 ))))((* ((( (ptr) var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ )+1)+( limit114 = (* (ptr) var_c21380.f5/* a_v5036 */ ), BCK(4, limit114) )) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+14) ), 1, pd113)); }; } else { tc109 = (word) 0; }; if (tc109) { SOURCE(3481, 478) SOURCE(3483, 431) { word var_c01; { word var_c0151; var_c0151 = (word) &var_c21380; var_c01 = (word) XR_Enable(( ((word) (fPt) NoName_Q936) ), ( ((word) (fPt) NoName_Q1116) ), var_c0151); }; if ((var_c01 == 2)) { goto lab_L100002; }; }; goto lab_L100005; lab_L100002: ; SOURCE(3929, 28) result_v9632 = (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+17) ); msg_v9660 = (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+19) ); goto lab_L100001; lab_L100005: ; } else { SOURCE(3966, 30) result_v9632 = (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+17) ); msg_v9660 = (* (( (ptr) gf_c21412)+11) ); goto lab_L100001; }; }; /* removed tail goto */ lab_L100001: ; (* (ptr) formal_c079 ) = result_v9632; (* (( (ptr) formal_c079)+1) ) = msg_v9660; return; } static word NoName_Q936(formal_c0141) word formal_c0141; { register ptr gf_c0140 = (ptr) &globalframe; SOURCE(3526, 116) { word comment_v5080; word ipRef_v5108; W4 i_v5136; SOURCE(3526, 116) if (((* (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+5) ) ) == 5)) { comment_v5080 = 0; } else { { word var_c20132; { word pd115; pd115 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c0140)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+24) ); var_c20132 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd115 ))))((* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+4) ))+4) ), 0, (* (( (ptr) gf_c0140)+15) ), pd115); }; { word pd116; pd116 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c0140)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+17) ); comment_v5080 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd116 ))))((* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+4) ))+4) ), 0, var_c20132, pd116) ; }; }; }; SOURCE(3644, 69) { word pd117; word limit118; pd117 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c0140)+45)/* var_c19588 */ ))+5) ); ipRef_v5108 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd117 ))))((* ((( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+5) ))+1)+( limit118 = (* (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+5) ) ), BCK(1, limit118) )) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c0140)+18) ), pd117); }; SOURCE(3715, 25) { word limit119; (void) Parse_P300((word) &i_v5136, (* ((( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+5) ))+1)+( limit119 = (* (ptr) (* (( (ptr) formal_c0141)+5) ) ), BCK(3, limit119) )) )); }; SOURCE(3742, 141) if ((0 != i_v5136.f0)) { SOURCE(3758, 80) { word x121; word x122; float tf123; word x125; word x126; float tf127; (void) ColorAISToInterpress_P180(i_v5136.f1, i_v5136.f2, i_v5136.f3, ipRef_v5108, ( tf123 = ( x121 = (* (ptr) &fc120 ), *(float*)&x121 ) * ( x122 = (* (ptr) &fc43 ), *(float*)&x122 ), *(word*)&tf123 ), ( tf127 = ( x125 = (* (ptr) &fc124 ), *(float*)&x125 ) * ( x126 = (* (ptr) &fc43 ), *(float*)&x126 ), *(word*)&tf127 ) , comment_v5080); }; } else { SOURCE(3838, 45) { word x128; word x129; float tf130; word x131; word x132; float tf133; (void) AISToInterpress_P120(i_v5136.f1, ipRef_v5108, ( tf130 = ( x128 = (* (ptr) &fc120 ), *(float*)&x128 ) * ( x129 = (* (ptr) &fc43 ), *(float*)&x129 ), *(word*)&tf130 ), ( tf133 = ( x131 = (* (ptr) &fc124 ), *(float*)&x131 ) * ( x132 = (* (ptr) &fc43 ), *(float*)&x132 ), *(word*)&tf133 ), comment_v5080); }; }; SOURCE(3885, 29) { word pd134; pd134 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c0140)+45)/* var_c19588 */ ))+12) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd134 ))))(ipRef_v5108, pd134); }; }; return(0); } static void Parse_P300(formal_c097, fileName_v4516) word formal_c097; word fileName_v4516; { W8 var_c21444; register ptr gf_c21476 = (ptr) &globalframe; W4 i_v4560; /* declaration of var_c20292 skipped */ /* declaration of var_c20324 skipped */ word name_v5236; word suffix_v5264; /* Parse: */ SOURCE(4090, 1186) { word tmpAddr135; tmpAddr135 = (word) (( (ptr) &var_c21444)+4)/* var_c20292 */ ; (* (ptr) tmpAddr135 ) = ( ((word) (fPt) FileExists_P588) ); (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr135) + 1) ) = 1; }; { word tmpAddr136; tmpAddr136 = (word) (( (ptr) &var_c21444)+6)/* var_c20324 */ ; (* (ptr) tmpAddr136 ) = ( ((word) (fPt) FileChoice_P528) ); (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr136) + 1) ) = 1; }; SOURCE(4090, 1186) i_v4560.f0 = 0; i_v4560.f1 = 0; i_v4560.f2 = 0; i_v4560.f3 = 0; SOURCE(4683, 52) { word pd137; pd137 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+55)/* var_c20356 */ ))+5) ); name_v5236 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd137 ))))(fileName_v4516, pd137); }; SOURCE(4737, 69) { word var_c20388; { word pd138; pd138 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+55)/* var_c20356 */ ))+13) ); var_c20388 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd138 ))))(name_v5236, pd138); }; { word pd139; pd139 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+55)/* var_c20356 */ ))+12) ); suffix_v5264 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd139 ))))(var_c20388, 46, pd139); }; }; { word var_c20516; SOURCE(4808, 88) { word tc140; word pd141; pd141 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+8) ); if ((0 != (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd141 ))))(suffix_v5264, (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+20) ), 0, pd141))) { tc140 = (word) (0 != (word) FileExists_P588(name_v5236, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21444)+16)/* var_c20292 */ )); } else { tc140 = (word) 0; }; if (tc140) { SOURCE(4871, 17) i_v4560.f1 = name_v5236; SOURCE(4890, 6) goto lab_L100006; }; }; SOURCE(4899, 41) { word var_c20420; var_c20420 = (word) FileChoice_P528(name_v5236, (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+21) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+22) ), 0, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21444)+24) /* var_c20324 */ ); i_v4560.f1 = var_c20420; }; SOURCE(4942, 50) { word var_c20452; var_c20452 = (word) FileChoice_P528(name_v5236, (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+23) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+24) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+25) ), (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21444)+24)/* var_c20324 */ ); i_v4560.f2 = var_c20452; }; SOURCE(4994, 49) { word var_c20484; var_c20484 = (word) FileChoice_P528(name_v5236, (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+26) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+27) ), (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+28) ), (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21444)+24)/* var_c20324 */ ); i_v4560.f3 = var_c20484; }; SOURCE(5045, 90) if ( ( ( (i_v4560.f1 != 0) ? (i_v4560.f2 != 0) : 0 ) ? (i_v4560.f3 != 0) : 0 ) ) { SOURCE(5113, 14) i_v4560.f0 = 1; SOURCE(5129, 6) goto lab_L100006; }; SOURCE(5138, 93) { word pd142; pd142 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+6) ); var_c20516 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd142 ))))(name_v5236, (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+29) ), pd142); }; if ((0 != (word) FileExists_P588(var_c20516, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21444)+16)/* var_c20292 */ ))) { SOURCE(5185, 38) { word var_c20548; { word pd143; pd143 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+47)/* var_c19684 */ ))+6) ); var_c20548 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd143 ))))(name_v5236, (* (( (ptr) gf_c21476)+29) ), pd143); }; i_v4560.f1 = var_c20548; }; SOURCE(5225, 6) goto lab_L100006; }; SOURCE(5234, 42) if ((0 != (word) FileExists_P588(name_v5236, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21444)+16)/* var_c20292 */ ))) { SOURCE(5259, 17) i_v4560.f1 = name_v5236; }; }; /* removed tail goto */ lab_L100006: ; (* (W4Pt) formal_c097 ) = i_v4560; return; } static word FileChoice_P528(r_v5340, a_v5368, b_v5396, c_v5424, formal_c21540) word r_v5340; word a_v5368; word b_v5396; word c_v5424; word formal_c21540; { W6 var_c21508; word ret_v5468; /* declaration of var_c20580 skipped */ formal_c21540 = (formal_c21540 - 24); var_c21508.f0 = formal_c21540; /* FileChoice: */ SOURCE(4145, 409) { word tmpAddr144; tmpAddr144 = (word) (( (ptr) &var_c21508)+4)/* var_c20580 */ ; (* (ptr) tmpAddr144 ) = ( ((word) (fPt) AISSuffix_P648) ); (* (( (ptr) tmpAddr144) + 1) ) = 1; }; SOURCE(4145, 409) ret_v5468 = 0; { word var_c20612; word var_c20676; word var_c20740; SOURCE(4339, 48) { word var_c20644; var_c20644 = (word) AISSuffix_P648(r_v5340, a_v5368, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21508)+16)/* var_c20580 */ ); ret_v5468 = var_c20644; var_c20612 = var_c20644; }; if ((0 != (word) FileExists_P588(var_c20612, (word) (( (bPt) formal_c21540)+16)))) { SOURCE(4381, 6) return(ret_v5468); }; SOURCE(4389, 27) if ((b_v5396 == 0)) { SOURCE(4405, 11) return(0); }; SOURCE(4418, 48) { word var_c20708; var_c20708 = (word) AISSuffix_P648(r_v5340, b_v5396, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21508)+16)/* var_c20580 */ ); ret_v5468 = var_c20708; var_c20676 = var_c20708; }; if ((0 != (word) FileExists_P588(var_c20676, (word) (( (bPt) formal_c21540)+16)))) { SOURCE(4460, 6) return(ret_v5468); }; SOURCE(4468, 27) if ((c_v5424 == 0)) { SOURCE(4484, 11) return(0); }; SOURCE(4497, 57) { word var_c20772; var_c20772 = (word) AISSuffix_P648(r_v5340, c_v5424, (word) (( (bPt) &var_c21508)+16)/* var_c20580 */ ); ret_v5468 = var_c20772; var_c20740 = var_c20772; }; if ((0 == (word) FileExists_P588(var_c20740, (word) (( (bPt) formal_c21540)+16)))) { SOURCE(4543, 11) return(0); }; }; SOURCE(4145, 409) return(ret_v5468); } static word AISSuffix_P648(base_v5676, suffix_v5704, formal_c21604) word base_v5676; word suffix_v5704; word formal_c21604; { register ptr gf_c21572 = (ptr) &globalframe; word var_c5748; formal_c21604 = (formal_c21604 - 16); /* AISSuffix: */ SOURCE(4217, 117) SOURCE(4273, 61) { word var_c0153; { W2 var_c20836; W2 var_c20868; W2 var_c0152; var_c20836.f0 = 11; var_c20836.f1 = base_v5676; var_c20868.f0 = 11; var_c20868.f1 = suffix_v5704; (* (ptr) (word) &var_c0152 ) = 0; (* (( (ptr) (word) &var_c0152) + 1) ) = 0; { word pd145; pd145 = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21572)+56)/* var_c20932 */ ))+62) ); var_c0153 = (word) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd145 ))))((* (( (ptr) gf_c21572)+30) ), var_c20836, var_c20868, var_c0152, pd145) ; }; }; return(var_c0153); }; } static word FileExists_P588(formal_c0174, formal_c21700) word formal_c0174; word formal_c21700; { W13 var_c21636; /* declaration of name_v5528 skipped */ register ptr gf_c21668 = (ptr) &globalframe; /* declaration of ok_v5572 skipped */ formal_c21700 = (formal_c21700 - 16); (* (( (ptr) &var_c21636)+4)/* name_v5528 */ ) = formal_c0174; (* (ptr) &var_c21636 ) = formal_c21700; /* FileExists: */ SOURCE(4559, 107) SOURCE(4559, 107) (* (( (ptr) &var_c21636)+5)/* ok_v5572 */ ) = 1; SOURCE(4619, 47) SOURCE(4619, 47) { W6 var_c20996; { /* declaration of var_c02 skipped */ (* (( (ptr) &var_c21636)+6)/* var_c02 */ ) = (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c21668)+57)/* var_c20964 */ ))+12) ); { /* declaration of var_c03 skipped */ { word var_c04; { word var_c0154; var_c0154 = (word) &var_c21636; var_c04 = (word) XR_Enable(( ((word) (fPt) NoName_Q996) ), ( ((word) (fPt) NoName_Q1056) ), var_c0154); }; if ((var_c04 == 3)) { goto lab_L100008; }; }; var_c20996 = (* (W6Pt) (( (ptr) &var_c21636)+7)/* var_c03 */ ); }; }; }; lab_L100008: ; SOURCE(4559, 107) return((* (( (ptr) &var_c21636)+5)/* ok_v5572 */ )); } static word NoName_Q996(formal_c0148) word formal_c0148; { SOURCE(4619, 47) { word pd146; pd146 = (* (( (ptr) formal_c0148)+6) ); (void) ( *( (fPt) ((* (ptr) pd146 ))))((word) (( (bPt) formal_c0148)+28), (* (( (ptr) formal_c0148)+4) ), 2147483647, 1, 0, pd146) ; }; return(0); } static void NoName_Q1056(formal_c0124, formal_c200004, formal_c200005, formal_c200006, formal_c200007) word formal_c0124; word formal_c200004; word formal_c200005; word formal_c200006; word formal_c200007; { register ptr gf_c0149 = (ptr) &globalframe; if ((formal_c200005 == (* (ptr) (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c0149)+57)/* var_c20964 */ ))+4) ) ))) { { W4 error_v19040; error_v19040 = (* (W4Pt) formal_c200007 ); SOURCE(4656, 10) (* (( (ptr) formal_c200004)+5) ) = 0; SOURCE(4668, 8) (* (ptr) formal_c0124 ) = 2; (* (( (ptr) formal_c0124)+1) ) = 3; return; }; }; (* (ptr) formal_c0124 ) = 0; (* (( (ptr) formal_c0124)+1) ) = 0; return; } static void NoName_Q1116(formal_c0129, formal_c200000, formal_c200001, formal_c200002, formal_c200003) word formal_c0129; word formal_c200000; word formal_c200001; word formal_c200002; word formal_c200003; { register ptr gf_c0150 = (ptr) &globalframe; if ((formal_c200001 == (* (( (ptr) (* (( (ptr) gf_c0150)+54)/* var_c20100 */ ))+9) )) || (formal_c200001 == (* (( (ptr) (* ( ( (ptr) gf_c0150)+49)/* var_c19908 */ ))+4) ))) { SOURCE(3516, 8) (* (ptr) formal_c0129 ) = 2; (* (( (ptr) formal_c0129)+1) ) = 2; return; }; (* (ptr) formal_c0129 ) = 0; (* (( (ptr) formal_c0129)+1) ) = 0; return; } /* file: AISConvertersImpl, module: AISConvertersImpl, compiled at: March 10, 1992 11:56:13 am PST */ extern void XR_install_AISConvertersImpl() { NoName_Q876(); } extern void XR_run_AISConvertersImpl() { XR_Start(&globalframe); }