DIRECTORY AdobeCommon, AdobeCommonInternal USING [EntryBytesType, InstanceData, ProcessUserDotCM, SetTypedInitialSystem, SystemNotFound], AdobeOps USING [ARNumber, ARSystemHandle, ToolType, QueryList], AdobeTool USING [ChooseQLCmd, CurrentButtonProcData, EmptyContents, ReportCommandProc, ResetProc, SetProc, SetUpWindow, ShowSortKeys, SortCommandProc, QueryCommandProc], AdobeUI USING [AbortCheckOut, AnotherTool, ChangeSystem, CheckField, CheckInAndExamine, CheckInAndOut, Clear, CheckIn, CheckOut, CurrentButton, EditFilename, Examine, Get, Handle, HandleField, HintMenu, ListAction, Next, NumberEquals, OutputFormat, Overwrite, Previous, Put, QLOperandProc, ReportOutputFile, ReportTemplateFile, RopeFromTool, ResetQL, ShowElements, Submit, SubmitFieldButton, SystemMenu, ToolMenu, UseQL, WhichQL, WhichQL2], Commander USING [CommandProc, Register], CommanderOps USING [NextArgument, NumArgs], CrRPC USING [Error], IO USING [PutF], MessageWindow USING [], Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, ROPE], ViewerClasses USING [MouseButton], X11PopUpSelection USING [Request], XCredentialTool USING [Create], Xl USING [ButtonPressEvent, ButtonReleaseEvent, Connection, Geometry, GetPointerMapping, PointerMapping, SetOfEvent], XlCutBuffers USING [Get], XlICCCMTypes USING [], XTk USING [DestroyWidget, dontUse, Event, NoteAndStartReconfigure, NoteGeometryChange, postConfigureKey, RegisterNotifier, StartReconfigureChildren, Widget, WidgetNotifyProc], XTkXBiScroller USING [CreateXBiScroller, DirectSetState, FilterProc, SetFilterProc], XTkContainers USING [CreateContainer], XTkEditWidgets USING [CreateEditWidget, CreateStream, DisableKeyboardInput, EnableKeyboardInput, GetText, SetSelection, SetText], XTkLabels USING [], XTkShellWidgets USING [ICCCMHints, SetHeader, SetIconName], XTkWidgets USING [AppendChild, ButtonHitProcType, CreateButton, CreateContainer, CreateLabel, CreateRuler, CreateShell, CreateXStack, CreateYStack, GetHints, GetText, RealizeShell, SetShellChild, SetStyleKey, SetText, Widget]; AdobeXTkImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS AdobeCommon, AdobeCommonInternal, AdobeTool, AdobeUI, Commander, CommanderOps, CrRPC, IO, Rope, X11PopUpSelection, XCredentialTool, Xl, XlCutBuffers, XTk, XTkXBiScroller, XTkContainers, XTkEditWidgets, XTkShellWidgets, XTkWidgets = { Box: TYPE ~ AdobeCommon.Box; ButtonData: TYPE = RECORD [ title: Rope.ROPE, proc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType, line: INT, width: INT ]; ButtonsList: TYPE = LIST OF ButtonData; nullButton: ButtonData ¬ ["NULL", NIL, -1, 0]; MakeXTkAdobeTool: AdobeCommon.AnotherToolProc = { my: AdobeCommon.Handle ¬ NEW[AdobeCommon.AdobeViewerDataRec]; { ENABLE { AdobeCommonInternal.SystemNotFound => { AdobeCommon.PostMessage[my, TRUE, "Initial system specified is invalid!"]; AdobeCommon.RemoveSystemFromKnownSystems[my.knownSystems.system[my.system], my.knownSystems]; GOTO errors; }; }; my.isBusy ¬ TRUE; my.systemHandle ¬ NIL; ¬ Report; my.getContents ¬ XTkGetContentsProc; my.getSelectionContents ¬ XTkGetSelectionContentsProc; my.setContents ¬ XTkSetContentsProc; my.setSelection ¬ XTkSetSelectionProc; my.setDisplayStyle ¬ XTkSetDisplayStyleProc; my.setIcon ¬ XTkSetIconProc; my.addButtons ¬ AddButtons; my.paintBox ¬ XTkPaintBoxProc; my.popUpRequest ¬ XTkPopUpRequestProc; my.reLabelBox ¬ XTkReLabelBoxProc; my.newMenuEntry ¬ XTkNewMenuEntryProc; my.findMenuEntry ¬ XTkFindMenuEntryProc; my.replaceMenuEntry ¬ XTkReplaceMenuEntryProc; my.makeAnotherTool ¬ MakeXTkAdobeTool; my.inhibitEdits ¬ XTkInhibitEditsProc; my.enableEdits ¬ XTkEnableEditsProc; my.getBoxGeometry ¬ XTkGetBoxGeometryProc; my.setBoxGeometry ¬ XTkSetBoxGeometryProc; my.getBoxName ¬ XTkGetContentsProc; my.destroyBox ¬ XTkDestroyBoxProc; my.setBoxScrollable ¬ XTkSetBoxScrollableProc; my.xBoundBox ¬ XTkXBoundBoxProc; my.newFieldBox ¬ XTkNewFieldBoxProc; my.newLabelBox ¬ XTkNewLabelBoxProc; my.setContainerName ¬ XTkSetMainNameProc; my.setMainName ¬ XTkSetMainNameProc; my.getMainName ¬ XTkGetMainNameProc; my.makeButton ¬ XTkMakeButtonProc; my.assistLogin ¬ XTkAssistLoginProc; IF parent = NIL THEN AdobeCommonInternal.ProcessUserDotCM[my] ELSE { my.oldtool ¬ my.tool ¬ parent.tool; my.knownSystems ¬ parent.knownSystems; my.system ¬ my.oldsystem ¬ parent.system; my.systemName ¬ parent.systemName; my.systemHandle ¬ parent.systemHandle; }; AddMenus[my]; AddSubContainers[my]; AddButtons[my]; SELECT my.tool FROM edit => my.instanceData ¬ NEW[AdobeCommonInternal.InstanceData.edit]; submit => my.instanceData ¬ NEW[AdobeCommonInternal.InstanceData.submit]; report => my.instanceData ¬ NEW[]; query => my.instanceData ¬ NEW[AdobeCommonInternal.InstanceData.query]; sort => my.instanceData ¬ NEW[AdobeCommonInternal.InstanceData.sort]; queryList => my.instanceData ¬ NEW[AdobeCommonInternal.InstanceData.queryList]; ENDCASE; IF my.systemHandle = NIL THEN IF my.system # LAST[CARDINAL] THEN { my.systemHandle ¬ AdobeCommon.FindSystem[NIL, my, my.knownSystems.system[my.system], FALSE ! CrRPC.Error => { my.systemHandle ¬ NIL;[my, "Adobe server is down.\n"]; CONTINUE} ]; }; IF my.systemHandle # NIL THEN AdobeTool.SetUpWindow[my]; my.isBusy ¬FALSE; EXITS errors => { my.isBusy ¬FALSE; my.system ¬ my.oldsystem ¬ LAST[CARDINAL]; }; } }; LineHeight: PROCEDURE[h: AdobeUI.Handle] RETURNS[height: INT ¬ 0] ~ { FOR x: CARD IN [0..h.fieldViewer.buttons.length) DO IF h.fieldViewer.buttons[x] .type = string THEN height ¬ height + 5 ELSE height ¬ height + 1; ENDLOOP; }; ReconfigureProc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ { handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; IF handle.fieldViewer.buttons # NIL THEN { WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer].s.geometry.size.height ¬ buttonHeight * LineHeight[handle]; XTk.NoteAndStartReconfigure[WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer]]; }; }; AddSubContainers: PROCEDURE [handle: AdobeUI.Handle] = { name: Rope.ROPE ¬ Rope.Concat["Adobe ", AdobeUI.RopeFromTool[handle.tool]]; tmpC, tmp, w: XTkWidgets.Widget ¬ NIL; handle.outer ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateShell[widgetSpec: [ geometry: [size: [600, 750]]], windowHeader: name, iconName: name, className: $Adobe, standardMigration: TRUE, focusProtocol: TRUE]; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[[], LIST[WidgetFromBox[]]]; handle.buttonViewer.outer ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateContainer[widgetSpec: [ geometry: [size: [XTk.dontUse, 55]]]]; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[[], LIST[w, WidgetFromBox[handle.buttonViewer.outer]]]; tmp ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateRuler[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [pos: [0, 55], size: [2000, 1]]]]; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[[], LIST[w, tmp]]; handle.messageViewer.outer ¬ XTkEditWidgets.CreateEditWidget[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [pos: [0, 56], size: [handle.getBoxGeometry[handle.outer].w, 50]]], scrollable: TRUE, keyboardAccepting: FALSE]; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[[], LIST[w, WidgetFromBox[handle.messageViewer.outer]]]; tmp ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateRuler[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [pos: [0, 106], size: [2000, 1]]]]; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[[], LIST[w, tmp]]; handle.fieldViewer.outer _ XTkContainers.CreateContainer[]; tmp _ XTkXBiScroller.CreateXBiScroller[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [pos: [0, 107], size: [handle.getBoxGeometry[handle.outer].w, handle.getBoxGeometry[handle.outer].h - 107]]], child: WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer], vsbar: TRUE, hsbar: FALSE]; XTkXBiScroller.SetFilterProc[tmp, XBiScrollerFilterProc]; w _ XTkWidgets.CreateYStack[[], LIST[w, tmp]]; XTkWidgets.SetShellChild[WidgetFromBox[handle.outer], w]; XTk.RegisterNotifier[w, XTk.postConfigureKey, ReconfigureProc, handle]; XTkWidgets.RealizeShell[WidgetFromBox[handle.outer]]; handle.messageViewer.reportStream ¬ XTkEditWidgets.CreateStream[ w: WidgetFromBox[handle.messageViewer.outer]]; }; MenuMappingRef: TYPE ~ REF MenuMapping; MenuMapping: TYPE ~ LIST OF MenuMatch; MenuMatch: TYPE ~ RECORD [ name: Rope.ROPE, widget: XTkWidgets.Widget]; AddMenus: PROCEDURE [handle: AdobeUI.Handle] = { systemName: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL; name: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL; w: XTkWidgets.Widget ¬ NIL; mr: MenuMappingRef ¬ NIL; mMapping: MenuMapping ¬ NIL; ¬ NIL; name ¬ "Tool:"; ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: 2, y: 2], size: [width: XTk.dontUse, height: 15]]], text: name, hitProc: ToolMenuProc, registerData: handle]; mMapping ¬ CONS[[name, MenuFromAny[]], mMapping]; name ¬ Rope.Concat["{", Rope.Concat[AdobeUI.RopeFromTool[handle.tool], "}"]]; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: 2, y: 2], size: [width: 100, height: 15]]], text: name, hitProc: DeadProc, registerData: handle]; mMapping ¬ CONS[[name, w], mMapping]; ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateXStack[[], LIST[MenuFromAny[], w]]; name ¬ "Another"; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: 2, y: 2], size: [width: XTk.dontUse, height: 15]]], text: name, hitProc: AnotherProc, registerData: handle]; mMapping ¬ CONS[[name, w], mMapping]; ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateXStack[[], LIST[MenuFromAny[], w]]; name ¬ "ChangeSystem"; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: 2, y: 2], size: [width: XTk.dontUse, height: 15]]], text: name, hitProc: ChangeSystemProc, registerData: handle]; mMapping ¬ CONS[[name, w], mMapping]; ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateXStack[[], LIST[MenuFromAny[], w]]; name ¬ "System:"; w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: 2, y: 2], size: [width: XTk.dontUse, height: 15]]], text: name, hitProc: SystemMenuProc, registerData: handle]; mMapping ¬ CONS[[name, w], mMapping]; ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateXStack[[], LIST[MenuFromAny[], w]]; IF handle.system # LAST[CARDINAL] THEN systemName ¬ handle.knownSystems.system[handle.system]; name ¬ systemName; handle.systemMenuItem ¬ w ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: 2, y: 2], size: [width: XTk.dontUse, height: 15]]], text: name, hitProc: DeadProc, registerData: handle]; mMapping ¬ CONS[[name, w], mMapping]; ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateXStack[[], LIST[MenuFromAny[], w]]; mr ¬ NEW[MenuMapping ¬ mMapping]; handle.extraData ¬ mr; }; buttonHeight: INTEGER ¬ 18; buttonSpaceHeight: INTEGER ¬ buttonHeight + 4; AddButtons: AdobeCommon.AddButtonsProc = { currButton, lastButton: REF ANY ¬ NIL; lastLine, currLine: INTEGER ¬ 1; currX: INTEGER ¬ -1; whichButtons: ButtonsList ¬ NIL; tempButton: REF ANY ¬ NIL; buttonCount, buttonIndex: CARD ¬ 0; editorIndex: NAT ¬ 1; FOR i: CARD IN [1..4] DO h.destroyBox[h, h.editors[i], FALSE]; ENDLOOP; IF h.controlButtons # NIL THEN FOR i: CARD IN [0..h.controlButtons.len) DO h.destroyBox[h, h.controlButtons[i], FALSE]; ENDLOOP; SELECT h.tool FROM edit => { whichButtons ¬ EditButtons }; submit => { whichButtons ¬ SubmitButtons }; report => { whichButtons ¬ ReportButtons }; query => { whichButtons ¬ QueryButtons }; sort => { whichButtons ¬ SortButtons }; queryList => { whichButtons ¬ QueryListButtons }; ENDCASE => { whichButtons ¬ EditButtons }; buttonCount ¬ 0; FOR buttonLoop: ButtonsList ¬ whichButtons, WHILE buttonLoop # NIL DO buttonCount ¬ buttonCount + 1; ENDLOOP; h.controlButtons ¬ NEW[AdobeCommon.ControlSeqRec[buttonCount]]; buttonIndex ¬ 0; FOR whichButtons ¬ whichButtons, WHILE whichButtons # NIL DO thisButton: ButtonData ¬ whichButtons.first; SELECT thisButton.title FROM "NULL" => {}; "SKIP" => { lastLine ¬ currLine; currLine ¬ thisButton.line; IF currLine # lastLine THEN currX ¬ -1; currButton ¬ h.editors[editorIndex] ¬ XTkEditWidgets.CreateEditWidget[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [ pos: [ x: currX + 5, y: ((currLine -1) * buttonSpaceHeight) - currLine + 1], size: [ width: thisButton.width, height: buttonHeight]]] ]; XTkWidgets.AppendChild[container: WidgetFromBox[h.buttonViewer.outer], child: WidgetFromBox[currButton], startReconfigure: FALSE]; editorIndex ¬ editorIndex + 1; currX ¬ currX + thisButton.width - 1 }; ENDCASE => { lastLine ¬ currLine; currLine ¬ thisButton.line; IF currLine # lastLine THEN currX ¬ -1; h.controlButtons[buttonIndex] ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [ pos: [ x: currX + 5, y: ((currLine -1) * buttonSpaceHeight) - currLine], size: [ width: thisButton.width - 5, height: buttonHeight]]], text: thisButton.title, hitProc: thisButton.proc, registerData: h ]; XTkWidgets.AppendChild[container: WidgetFromBox[h.buttonViewer.outer], child: WidgetFromBox[h.controlButtons[buttonIndex]], startReconfigure: FALSE]; IF Rope.Equal[thisButton.title, "{plain}", FALSE] THEN h.formatButton ¬ h.controlButtons[buttonIndex]; IF Rope.Equal[thisButton.title, "Overwrite", FALSE] THEN h.overwriteButton ¬ h.controlButtons[buttonIndex]; IF Rope.Equal[thisButton.title, " UseQL", FALSE] THEN h.useQLButton ¬ h.controlButtons[buttonIndex]; buttonIndex ¬ buttonIndex + 1; currX ¬ currX + thisButton.width - 1; }; ENDLOOP; h.paintBox[h.outer, $all]; XTk.NoteAndStartReconfigure[WidgetFromBox[h.buttonViewer.outer]] }; MenuFromAny: PROCEDURE [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [m: XTkWidgets.Widget] ~ { m ¬ NARROW[any]; }; WidgetFromBox: PROCEDURE [b: Box] RETURNS [w: XTkWidgets.Widget] ~ { w ¬ NARROW[b]; }; XTkGetContentsProc: AdobeCommon.GetContentsProc ~ { did: BOOL; [r, did] ¬ XTkEditWidgets.GetText[WidgetFromBox[box]]; IF ~did THEN RETURN[XTkWidgets.GetText[WidgetFromBox[box]]]; }; XTkGetBoxGeometryProc: AdobeCommon.GetBoxGeometryProc ~ { widget: XTkWidgets.Widget ¬ WidgetFromBox[box]; RETURN[widget.s.geometry.pos.x, widget.s.geometry.pos.y, widget.s.geometry.size.width, widget.s.geometry.size.height]; }; XTkSetBoxGeometryProc: AdobeCommon.SetBoxGeometryProc ~ { g: Xl.Geometry ¬ [ pos: [x, y], size: [w, h], borderWidth: XTk.dontUse]; IF draw THEN XTk.NoteAndStartReconfigure[WidgetFromBox[box], g] ELSE XTk.NoteGeometryChange[ widget: WidgetFromBox[box], geometry: g]; }; AdjustStringHeight: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ {}; XBiScrollerFilterProc: XTkXBiScroller.FilterProc ~ { maxY: INT = xBiScroller.actual.size.height; XTkXBiScroller.DirectSetState[ xBiScroller: xBiScroller, p: [ x: p.x, y: SELECT p.y FROM < 0 => 0, > maxY => maxY, ENDCASE => p.y]]; }; CheckField: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ { enumData: AdobeCommon.EnumeratedTypes ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.CheckField[enumData]; }; CurrentButtonProc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ { data: AdobeTool.CurrentButtonProcData ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.CurrentButton[data, widget]; }; HintMenuProc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ { buttonData: AdobeCommon.EnumeratedTypes ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.HintMenu[buttonData, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; ListActionProc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ { handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ListAction[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; SubmitFieldButtonProc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc ~ { data: AdobeTool.CurrentButtonProcData ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.SubmitFieldButton[data, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; XTkAssistLoginProc: AdobeCommon.AssistLoginProc ~ { XCredentialTool.Create[NIL, TRUE]; }; XTkMakeButtonProc: AdobeCommon.MakeButtonProc ~ { widget: XTkWidgets.Widget; Proc: XTk.WidgetNotifyProc; SELECT proc FROM $AdjustStringHeight => Proc ¬ AdjustStringHeight; $CheckField => Proc ¬ CheckField; $CurrentButtonProc => Proc ¬ CurrentButtonProc; $ListAction => Proc ¬ ListActionProc; $HintMenuProc => Proc ¬ HintMenuProc; $SubmitFieldButtonProc => Proc ¬ SubmitFieldButtonProc; ENDCASE => ERROR; widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateButton[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [ pos: [ x: x, y: y]]], text: name, hitProc: Proc, registerData: data]; XTkWidgets.AppendChild[WidgetFromBox[parent], widget]; RETURN [widget]; }; XTkNewFieldBoxProc: AdobeCommon.NewFieldBoxProc ~ { widget: XTk.Widget; widget ¬ XTkEditWidgets.CreateEditWidget[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [ pos: [ x: x, y: y], size: [ width: w, height: h]]], scrollable: TRUE]; XTkWidgets.AppendChild[WidgetFromBox[parent], widget]; RETURN [widget]; }; XTkNewLabelBoxProc: AdobeCommon.NewLabelBoxProc ~ { widget: XTkWidgets.Widget; widget ¬ XTkWidgets.CreateLabel[ widgetSpec: [ geometry: [ pos: [ x: x, y: y]]], text: name]; XTkWidgets.AppendChild[WidgetFromBox[parent], widget]; RETURN [widget]; }; XTkGetSelectionContentsProc: AdobeCommon.GetSelectionContentsProc ~ { RETURN[XlCutBuffers.Get[WidgetFromBox[box].connection]]; }; XTkSetBoxScrollableProc: AdobeCommon.SetBoxScrollableProc ~ { }; XTkXBoundBoxProc: AdobeCommon.XBoundBoxProc ~ { }; XTkSetContentsProc: AdobeCommon.SetContentsProc ~ { IF ~ XTkEditWidgets.SetText[WidgetFromBox[box], r] THEN XTkWidgets.SetText[WidgetFromBox[box], r]; }; XTkSetSelectionProc: AdobeCommon.SetSelectionProc ~ { IF selection = NIL THEN XTkEditWidgets.SetSelection[WidgetFromBox[box]] ELSE XTkEditWidgets.SetSelection[WidgetFromBox[box], selection.start, selection.length, IF selection.caretPos = before THEN before ELSE after]; }; XTkSetDisplayStyleProc: AdobeCommon.SetDisplayStyleProc ~ { XTkWidgets.SetStyleKey[WidgetFromBox[box], style]; }; XTkPaintBoxProc: AdobeCommon.PaintBoxProc ~ { SELECT which FROM $all => {}; --ViewerOps.PaintViewer[WidgetFromBox[box], all, TRUE]; $caption => {}; --ViewerOps.PaintViewer[WidgetFromBox[box], caption, TRUE]; $client => {}; --VViewerOps.PaintViewer[WidgetFromBox[box], client, TRUE]; $menu => {};-- ViewerOps.PaintViewer[WidgetFromBox[box], menu, TRUE]; ENDCASE => ERROR; XTk.StartReconfigureChildren[WidgetFromBox[box]]; }; XTkDestroyBoxProc: AdobeCommon.DestroyBoxProc ~ { IF box # NIL THEN XTk.DestroyWidget[WidgetFromBox[box], draw] }; XTkReLabelBoxProc: AdobeCommon.ReLabelBoxProc ~ { XTkWidgets.SetText[WidgetFromBox[box], newLabel] }; XTkPopUpRequestProc: AdobeCommon.PopUpRequestProc ~ { RETURN[X11PopUpSelection.Request[title, selections]]; }; XTkFindMenuEntryProc: AdobeCommon.FindMenuEntryProc ~ { mr: MenuMappingRef ¬ NARROW[h.extraData]; FOR m: MenuMapping ¬ mr­, WHILE m # NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[, entryName] THEN RETURN[m.first.widget]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; }; XTkNewMenuEntryProc: AdobeCommon.NewMenuEntryProc ~ { RETURN[XTkWidgets.CreateButton[widgetSpec: [geometry: [pos: [x: -50, y: -50], size: [width: XTk.dontUse, height: 15]]], text: entryName, hitProc: DeadProc, registerData: NIL]]; }; XTkReplaceMenuEntryProc: AdobeCommon.ReplaceMenuEntryProc ~ { mr: MenuMappingRef ¬ NARROW[h.extraData]; newText: Rope.ROPE ¬ XTkWidgets.GetText[MenuFromAny[newEntry]]; oldText: Rope.ROPE ¬ XTkWidgets.GetText[MenuFromAny[oldEntry]]; FOR m: MenuMapping ¬ mr­, WHILE m # NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[, oldText] THEN ¬ newText; ENDLOOP; XTkWidgets.SetText[MenuFromAny[oldEntry], newText]; XTk.DestroyWidget[MenuFromAny[newEntry]]; }; XTkSetMainNameProc: AdobeCommon.SetMainNameProc ~ { XTkShellWidgets.SetHeader[WidgetFromBox[box], name]; XTkShellWidgets.SetIconName[WidgetFromBox[box], name]; }; XTkGetMainNameProc: AdobeCommon.GetMainNameProc ~ { hints: REF XTkShellWidgets.ICCCMHints ¬ XTkWidgets.GetHints[WidgetFromBox[box]]; RETURN[hints.windowHeader]; }; XTkInhibitEditsProc: AdobeCommon.InhibitEditsProc ~ { XTkEditWidgets.DisableKeyboardInput[WidgetFromBox[box]]; }; XTkEnableEditsProc: AdobeCommon.EnableEditsProc ~ { XTkEditWidgets.EnableKeyboardInput[WidgetFromBox[box]]; }; XTkSetIconProc: AdobeCommon.SetIconProc ~ { SELECT function FROM $normal => {}; --h.outer.icon ¬ iconList[h.tool]; $editted => {}; --h.outer.icon ¬ edittedIcon ENDCASE => ERROR; }; Report: AdobeCommon.ReportProc ~ { h.messageViewer.reportStream.PutF[format, v1, v2, v3]; }; ChangeTool: PROCEDURE RETURNS [change: BOOLEAN ¬ TRUE] = { }; DeadBProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = {}; DeadProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = {}; AnotherProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.AnotherTool[handle]; }; ChangeSystemProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ChangeSystem[handle]; IF handle.fieldViewer.buttons # NIL THEN { WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer].s.geometry.size.height ¬ buttonHeight * LineHeight[handle]; XTk.NoteAndStartReconfigure[WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer]]; }; }; SubmitProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType ~ { handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Submit[handle]; }; SystemMenuProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.SystemMenu[handle]; }; ToolMenuProc: ENTRY XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ToolMenu[handle]; IF handle.fieldViewer.buttons # NIL THEN { WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer].s.geometry.size.height ¬ buttonHeight * LineHeight[handle]; XTk.NoteAndStartReconfigure[WidgetFromBox[handle.fieldViewer.outer]]; }; }; ExamineProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Examine[handle]; }; CheckInProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.CheckIn[handle]; }; CheckInAndOutProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.CheckInAndOut[handle]; }; CheckInAndExamineProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.CheckInAndExamine[handle]; }; CheckOutProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.CheckOut[handle]; }; AbortCheckOutProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.AbortCheckOut[handle]; }; GetMouseButton: PROCEDURE [event: XTk.Event] RETURNS [b: ViewerClasses.MouseButton ¬ red] ~ { p: Xl.PointerMapping ¬ Xl.GetPointerMapping[event.connection]; WITH event SELECT FROM bp: Xl.ButtonPressEvent => SELECT p[bp.button] FROM 1 => RETURN[red]; 2 => RETURN[yellow]; 3 => RETURN[blue]; ENDCASE => RETURN[red]; br: Xl.ButtonReleaseEvent => SELECT p[br.button] FROM 1 => RETURN[red]; 2 => RETURN[yellow]; 3 => RETURN[blue]; ENDCASE => RETURN[red]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; NumberEqualsProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.NumberEquals[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; NextProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Next[handle]; }; PreviousProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Previous[handle]; }; EditFilenameProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.EditFilename[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; UseQLProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.UseQL[handle]; }; WhichQLProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.WhichQL[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; WhichQLProc2: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.WhichQL2[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; ClearProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Clear[handle]; }; PutProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Put[handle]; }; GetProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Get[handle]; }; SubmitFileProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; [] ¬ AdobeUI.HandleField[handle, 1, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; ReportProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ReportCommandProc[handle]; }; QueryProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.QueryCommandProc[handle]; }; ShowSortKeys: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ShowSortKeys[handle]; }; OutputFormatProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.OutputFormat[handle]; }; WhichFormatProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; }; OverwriteProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.Overwrite[handle]; }; SetFieldsProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.SetProc[handle]; }; ResetProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ResetProc[handle, TRUE]; }; ReportOutputFileProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ReportOutputFile[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; ReportTemplateFileProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ReportTemplateFile[handle, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; ClearFormProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.EmptyContents[handle]; }; ShowElementsProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ShowElements[handle]; }; ResetQLProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.ResetQL[handle]; }; UnionProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 0]; }; IntersectionProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 1]; }; ComplementProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 2]; }; DifferenceProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 3]; }; XORProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 4]; }; CopyToQueryListProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 5]; }; CopyToFileProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.ChooseQLCmd[handle, 6]; }; QLOperandOneProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.QLOperandProc[handle, GetMouseButton[event], 1, "Operand1"]; }; QLOperandTwoProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.QLOperandProc[handle, GetMouseButton[event], 2, "Operand2"]; }; QLResultProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeUI.QLOperandProc[handle, GetMouseButton[event], 3, "Result"]; }; SortProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; AdobeTool.SortCommandProc[handle]; }; SortMaxOutputProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; [] ¬ AdobeUI.HandleField[handle, 1, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; SortInputProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; [] ¬ AdobeUI.HandleField[handle, 2, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; SortOutputProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; [] ¬ AdobeUI.HandleField[handle, 3, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; SortKeySpecsProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; [] ¬ AdobeUI.HandleField[handle, 4, GetMouseButton[event]]; }; ShowSortKeysProc: XTkWidgets.ButtonHitProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; handle: AdobeUI.Handle ¬ NARROW[registerData]; }; XTkAdobeCommand: Commander.CommandProc = { initTypedSystem: Rope.ROPE ¬ NIL; numArgs:CARD ¬ CommanderOps.NumArgs[cmd]; IF numArgs > 1 THEN { initTypedSystem ¬ CommanderOps.NextArgument[cmd]; numArgs ¬ numArgs - 1; WHILE numArgs > 1 DO initTypedSystem ¬ initTypedSystem.Cat[" ",CommanderOps.NextArgument[cmd]]; numArgs ¬ numArgs - 1; ENDLOOP; AdobeCommonInternal.SetTypedInitialSystem[initTypedSystem]; }; MakeXTkAdobeTool[NIL]; }; EditButtons: ButtonsList = LIST [ ["Examine", ExamineProc, 1, 70], ["CheckIn", CheckInProc, 1, 70], ["CheckIn&Out", CheckInAndOutProc, 1, 100], ["CheckIn&Exam", CheckInAndExamineProc, 1, 110], ["CheckOut", CheckOutProc, 1, 75], ["AbortCheckOut", AbortCheckOutProc, 1, 120], [" Next", NextProc, 2, 60], [" Number=", NumberEqualsProc, 2, 70], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 90], ["Previous", PreviousProc, 2, 110], ["Filename:", EditFilenameProc, 2, 75], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 160], [" UseQL", UseQLProc, 3, 60], ["QL to use:", WhichQLProc, 3, 90], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 3, 190], nullButton]; SubmitButtons: ButtonsList = LIST [ ["Submit", SubmitProc, 1, 70], ["Clear", ClearProc, 1, 60], ["Put", PutProc, 1, 30], ["Get", GetProc, 1, 30], ["File:", SubmitFileProc, 1, 50], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 1, 190], nullButton]; ReportButtons: ButtonsList = LIST [ ["Report", ReportProc, 1, 60], ["OutputFormat:", OutputFormatProc, 1, 110], ["{plain}", WhichFormatProc, 1, 95], [" Overwrite", OverwriteProc, 1, 90], ["Reset", ResetProc, 1, 50], ["SetFields", SetFieldsProc, 1, 80], ["Output file:", ReportOutputFileProc, 2, 105], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 164], ["Template file:", ReportTemplateFileProc, 2, 120], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 190], ["QL to use:", WhichQLProc, 3, 100], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 3, 190], nullButton]; QueryButtons: ButtonsList = LIST [ ["Query", QueryProc, 1, 50], ["ClearForm", ClearFormProc, 1, 90], ["ShowElements", ShowElementsProc, 1, 110], ["ResetQL", ResetQLProc, 1, 70], ["Query List Name:", WhichQLProc2, 2, 140], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 190], nullButton]; QueryListButtons: ButtonsList = LIST [ ["Union", UnionProc, 1, 60], ["Intersection", IntersectionProc, 1, 100], ["Complement", ComplementProc, 1, 90], ["Difference", DifferenceProc, 1, 90], ["XOR", XORProc, 1, 30], ["CopyToQueryList", CopyToQueryListProc, 1, 130], ["CopyToFile", CopyToFileProc, 1, 100], ["Operand1:", QLOperandOneProc, 2, 80], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 159], ["Operand2:", QLOperandTwoProc, 2, 80], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 160], ["Result:", QLResultProc, 3, 70], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 3, 190], nullButton]; SortButtons: ButtonsList = LIST [ ["Sort", SortProc, 1, 60], ["ShowSortKeys", ShowSortKeys, 1, 100], ["Max output file length:", SortMaxOutputProc, 1, 200], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 1, 80], ["Input File:", SortInputProc, 2, 90], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 160], ["Output File:", SortOutputProc, 2, 100], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 2, 160], ["Key specs:", SortKeySpecsProc, 3, 90], ["SKIP", DeadBProc, 3, 170], nullButton]; Commander.Register[key: "XAdobe", proc: XTkAdobeCommand, doc: "Create an instance of the XTk Adobe Tool."]; }.  AdobeXTkImpl.mesa Copyright Ó 1992, 1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Philip James, March 20, 1992 11:06 am PST Swen Johnson, September 10, 1993 4:21 pm PDT ViewerTools USING [SelPos], Containers.ChildXBound[handle.outer, handle.buttonViewer.outer]; Containers.ChildXBound[handle.outer, handle.fieldViewer.outer]; Containers.ChildXBound[handle.outer, handle.messageViewer.outer]; Containers.ChildYBound[handle.outer, handle.fieldViewer.outer]; ViewerOps.OpenIcon[handle.outer]; WHILE handle.lastButton # NIL DO tempButton _ handle.lastButton.sibling; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[handle.lastButton, TRUE]; handle.lastButton _ tempButton; ENDLOOP; handle.lastButton _ currButton; lastButton _ currButton; handle.lastButton _ currButton; lastButton _ currButton; size: [ width: thisButton.width - 5, height: buttonHeight]]], paint: paint, proc: Proc, clientData: cData]]; size: [ width: w, height: h]]], HelpMe HelpMe HelpMe Swen Johnson, September 10, 1993 Replace obsolete XTkScrollableContainers with XTkXBiScroller. added: XBiScrollerFilterProc. changes to: ReconfigureProc, ChangeSystemProc, ToolMenuProc: Replaced XTkScrollableContainers.SetHeight with XTk.NoteAndStartReconfigure. XTkSetContentsProc: removed call to XTkScrollableContainers.ScrollTo. AddSubContainers: changed code to create handle.fieldViewer.outer to use XTkContainers.CreateContainer and XTkXBiScroller.CreateXBiScroller instead of XTkScrollableContainers.Create and XTkScrollableContainers.ContainerFromScrollable; added call to XTkXBiScroller.SetFilterProc. 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