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 * ThreadsPrivate.h
 * Demers, February 18, 1992 2:09:28 pm PST


#ifndef ←XR←BASIC←TYPES←
#include "BasicTypes.h"

#   include "ThreadsInlines.h"

#ifndef ←XR←THREADS←
#include "Threads.h"

#include "ThreadsBackdoor.h"


 * Virtual Processor primitives
 * Implementations are processor and O/S dependent.

/* Spinning */

extern void
XR←SpinStep (/* usec */);
    One step of spin loop.
    Spin for specified number of usec.
    Doesn't attempt a process switch.

/* Lock Bits */

#define XR←LOCK←BIT←UNLOCKED	((XR←LockBit)(0))

extern bool
XR←TestAndSet (/* lockPtr */);
    XR←LockBit *lockPtr;

extern bool
XR←Test (/* lockPtr */);
    XR←LockBit *lockPtr;

    XR←LockBit is OPAQUE!
#   define XR←Test(lp)		(*(lp) != XR←LOCK←BIT←UNLOCKED)

extern void
XR←Unset (/* lockPtr */);
    LockBit *lockPtr;

    XR←LockBit is OPAQUE!
#   define XR←Unset(lp)		*(lp) = XR←LOCK←BIT←UNLOCKED

 * PSL's

extern void
XR←InitPSL (/* psl */);
    XR←PSL psl;
    Initialize `psl'.
    Call only once per variable.
#   define XR←InitPSL(psl) \

extern void
XR←AcquirePSLInner (/* psl */);
    XR←PSL psl;
    Acquire `psl', assuming initial TestAndSet failed.

extern void
XR←AcquirePSL (/* psl */);
    XR←PSL psl;
    Acquire `psl'.
#   define XR←AcquirePSL(psl) \
        if(XR←TestAndSet(&((psl)->psl←locked))) XR←AcquirePSLInner (psl);

extern void
XR←ReleasePSL (/* psl */);
    XR←PSL psl;
    Release `psl'.
#   define XR←ReleasePSL(psl) \

 * GSL's

extern void
XR←InitGSL (/* gsl */);
    XR←GSL gsl;
    Initialize `gsl'.
    Call only once per variable.
#   define XR←InitGSL(gsl) \
	{ XR←Unset(&((gsl)->gsl←locked)); }

extern void
XR←AcquireGSL (/* gsl */);
    XR←GSL gsl;
    Acquire `gsl'.

extern void
XR←AcquireGSLInner (/* gsl */);
    XR←GSL gsl;
    Inner routine to acquire `gsl'.
#   define XR←AcquireGSL(gsl) { \
	if ( XR←TestAndSet(&((gsl)->gsl←locked)) ) \
	    XR←AcquireGSLInner(gsl); \

extern bool
XR←TryGSL (/* gsl */);
    XR←GSL gsl;

    Try to acquire `gsl' without spinning.
    Return TRUE if successful, FALSE if unsuccessful.
#   define XR←TryGSL(gsl) (! XR←TestAndSet(&((gsl)->gsl←locked)) )

extern void
XR←ReleaseGSL (/* gsl */);
    XR←GSL gsl;
    Release `gsl'.
#   define XR←ReleaseGSL(gsl) { \
        XR←Unset(&((gsl)->gsl←locked)); \

 * Thread Queues

extern void
XR←InitTQ (/* tq */);
    XR←TQ tq;

    Initialize `tq'.
    Call only once per variable.
#   define XR←InitTQ(tq) { (tq)->tq←tail = NIL; (tq)->tq←schedCtlInfo = 0; }

extern void
XR←AddHdTQ (/* tq, t */);
    XR←TQ tq;
    XR←Thread t;
    Insert thread `t' at head (wrong end) of thread queue `tq'.

extern void
XR←AddTlTQ (/* tq, t */);
    XR←TQ tq;
    XR←Thread t;
    Insert thread `t' at tail of thread queue `tq'.

extern bool
XR←NonemptyTQ (/* tq */);
    XR←TQ tq;

    Test whether thread queue `tq' is nonempty.
#   define XR←NonemptyTQ(tq) ((tq)->tq←tail != NIL)

extern XR←Thread
XR←RemHdTQ (/* tq */);
    XR←TQ tq;

    Remove and return element at head of thread queue `tq'.
    The queue must be nonempty.

extern XR←Thread
XR←GetHdTQ(/* XR←TQ tq */);
    Return the element at head of queue.
    The queue must be nonempty.
#   define XR←GetHdTQ(tq) ((tq)->tq←tail->t←next)

extern void
XR←RemTQ (/* t */);
    XR←Thread t;

    Remove thread `t' from any thread queue containing it.

 * Wait Queues

extern void
XR←InitWQ (/* wq */);
    XR←WQ wq;

    Initialize `wq'.
    Call only once per variable.
#   define XR←InitWQ(wq) \
        { XR←InitGSL(&((wq)->wq←gsl)); (wq)->wq←tail = NIL; }

extern void
XR←AddHdWQ (/* wq, p */);
    XR←WQ wq;
    XR←Proc p;
    Insert process `p' at head (wrong end) of queue `wq'.

extern void
XR←AddTlWQ (/* wq, p */);
    XR←WQ wq;
    XR←Proc p;
    Insert process `p' at tail of queue `wq'.

extern bool
XR←NonemptyWQ (/* wq */);
    XR←WQ wq;

    Test whether process `wq' is nonempty.
#   define XR←NonemptyWQ(wq) ((wq)->wq←tail != NIL)

extern XR←Thread
XR←RemHdWQ (/* wq */);
    XR←WQ wq;

    Remove and return element at head of queue `wq'.
    The queue must be nonempty.

extern void
XR←RemWQ (/* p */);
    XR←Proc p;

    Remove process `p' from its wait queue, if it's on one.

 * Thread Switching

extern XR←Thread
XR←AllocThread (/* doWait */);
    bool doWait;

    Return an XR←Thread with allocated stack segment.
    May return NIL if none available and `doWait' is false.
    Caller must NOT hold metalock.

extern void
XR←Jump3 (/* arg, proc, sp */);
    unsigned arg;
    void (*proc)();
    XR←Pointer sp;

    Call `proc(arg)' after setting stack pointer to `sp'.
    Return from `proc' is not allowed.

extern void
XR←Jump5 (/* arg, proc, sp, opc, osp */);
    unsigned arg;
    void (*proc)();
    XR←Pointer sp, opc, osp;

    Call `proc(arg)' after setting stack pointer to `sp'.
    Fake up frame to look like caller was (opc, osp) context
	(this is for the benefit of Unix(tm) dbx).
    Return from `proc' is not allowed.

extern void
XR←JmpToHandler(/* swStat, opc, osp */);
    XR←SwStat swStat;
    XR←Pointer opc, osp;

    Invoke handler of current thread,
    If opc is non-NIL, fake up frame to look like caller was
      (opc, osp) context (for the benefit of Unix(tm) dbx).

extern void
XR←ForkJumpProc(/* forkProc */);
    XR←MesaProc forkProc;

    The jumpProc for doing a FORK.

extern void
XR←Exit ();
    Terminate the current thread.
    May be called from a handler.

extern void
XR←PauseNotAbortable(/* ticks */);
    XR←Ticks ticks;

    Pause, with aborts disabled.

extern XR←VPE
XR←NakedNotifyInner(/* XR←CV cv */);
    Internals of NakedNotify.
    Result, if non-NIL, is a vpe that ought to resched
      because of a thread made ready by the notify; the
      caller may invoke RequestResched to make this happen.

extern XR←VPE
XR←SetThreadReady (/* t */);
    XR←Thread t;

    Set t ready.
    Caller has already removed t from t->t←wq.
      ... but t may still be on t->t←tq (i.e. timer queue).
    Caller must NOT hold metalock.
    Guaranteed not to call XR←Switch.
    Result is hint about which VProcessor should switch to
      the newly-runnable thread, or NIL if no switch is indicated.
    Caller may invoke XR←Switch or RequestResched to force the switch
      to take place.

    /* bit OR'd into swStat to force examining a thread */
#   define XR←EXAMINE←BIT	0x40000000

extern void
XR←Switch (/* t, nextState, swStat */);
    XR←Thread t;		(* switch to p if possible		*)
    XR←SStat nextstate;		(* next state of currThread		*)
    XR←SwStat swStat;		(* called from handler? 		*)

    Thread switch.
    Switch to t if "possible" -- t != NIL and t-> is in READY state.
    Otherwise choose "best" (highest priority READY) t to switch to.
      If next←state is RUN this is a client error.
      If next←state is READY ... fine.
      If next←state is WAIT←ML then XR←currThread must already be on
        XR←currThread->t←wq, and caller must hold its GSL.
      If next←state is WAIT←CV then XR←currThread must already be on
        XR←currThread->t←wq, and caller must hold its GSL.
	A check for abort is done before putting the thread to
    The `swStat' parameter indicates whether the caller is a thread or
      a (UNIX) interrupt handler, and which stack it runs on.
    Caller does NOT hold metalock.

extern void
XR←DisposeOfCurrentThread (/* nextState, swStat */);
    XR←SStat nextState;		(* next state of currThread		*)
    XR←SwStat swStat;		(* from handler?			*)

    Dispose of current thread by putting it on queue corresponding
      to `nextState'.
    Acquires the metalock: caller must not already hold it,
      and will hold it on return.

extern void
XR←DispatchNewThread (/* t, swStat */);
    XR←Thread t;		(* whom to yield to (hint)		*)
    XR←SwStat swStat;		(* from handler?			*)

    Dispatch a thread.
    Run `t' if possible, otherwise choose best available.
    Okay if `t' is NIL.
    Caller must hold metalock.
    No return.

extern void
XR←FinishSwitch (/* swStat, jumping */);
    XR←SwStat swStat;	(* handler? on handler stack? *)
    bool jumping;	(* not returning thru t←resume *)

    Final cleanup part of thread switch.
    Called with metalock held, releases it.
    Does not check XR←vpe->vpe←doSwitch.

extern void
XR←ForceStackToMemory(/* XR←JumBuf jb */);
    Force stack to memory and save context in *jb by XR←setjmp/XR←longjmp pair.

extern void
XR←Jumpee(/* swStat */);
    XR←SwStat swStat;	(* handler? on handler stack? *)

    This procedure is entered by XR←Jump with the metalock held.
    It invokes the t←jumpProc.

extern void
XR←RequestResched (/* vpe */);
    XR←VPE vpe;

    Ask the specified vprocessor to reschedule.
    If vpe == NIL, request reschedule of all vprocessors.

extern void
XR←CheckReschedRequest ();
    Check if there's a deferred reschedule request
      and if so honor it.
    Caller must NOT be int handler.
#   define XR←CheckReschedRequest() \
        while( XR←vpe->vpe←doSwitch ) { \

extern void
XR←AddTimeout (/* t */);
    XR←Thread t;

    Add t to global timeout queue for time `t'->t←when.
    Caller must hold metalock.
    (Assume t is already on queue of the condition variable).

extern void
XR←RemTimeout (/* t */);
    XR←Thread t;

    Remove t from timeout queue, if it's there.
    Caller must hold metalock.

extern bool
XR←DoTimeouts ();
    Processing after alarm has been received.
    Called by alarm handler, or by first invocation of switch after the alarm,
        (the switcher notices XR←sysArea->sa←doTimeouts has been set).
    May fail to set all timed out threads ready because of failure to acquire
        a GSL.
    Returns TRUE iff there are some remaining timed-out threads
        that weren't set ready.
    Caller must hold metalock.

 * Acquire / Release system locks

extern void
XR←LockMeta (/* char * whence */);
#   define XR←LockMeta(whence) XR←AcquirePSL(&(XR←sysArea->sa←metaLock));

extern bool
XR←TryMeta (/* char * whence */);
#   define XR←TryMeta(whence)	\

extern void
XR←UnlockMeta (/* */);
#   define XR←UnlockMeta() XR←ReleasePSL(&(XR←sysArea->sa←metaLock));


/* metaLock tracing -- significant only if the above are not inlined */

# define sa←metaLockerPID sa←clientData[XR←MAX←SA←CLIENT←DATA-1]
# define sa←metaLockerName sa←clientData[XR←MAX←SA←CLIENT←DATA-2]
# define sa←metaLockerThread sa←clientData[XR←MAX←SA←CLIENT←DATA-3]

#endif /* XR←DEBUG←METALOCK */