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 * CirioNubProtocol.h
 * Demers, November 2, 1989 10:12:55 am PST
 * CirioNub protocol.
 * Bad design: CirioNubRetCode is known to all clients,
 *   so this file gets included everywhere.


#include <sys/types.h>

 * well known port



#define CIRIO←NUB←VERSION(proto,procs) ( ((proto)<<16) | (procs) )

 * return codes

typedef enum CirioNubRetCode {
    cnrc←ok = 0,
    cnrc←noProc = 1,
    cnrc←badArgs = 2,

    /* the remaining return codes require destroying the stream */

    cnrc←failure = 128,
    cnrc←comm = 129,
    cnrc←protocol = 130,
    cnrc←space = 131,
    cnrc←last = 0x7fffffff
} CirioNubRetCode;

 * types (of tagged values passed over the wire)
typedef enum CirioNubTag {
    cnt←null = 0,
    cnt←procID = 1,
    cnt←retCode = 2,
    cnt←card32 = 3,
    cnt←int32 = 4,
    cnt←string = 5,
    cnt←block8 = 6,
    cnt←block16 = 7,
    cnt←block32 = 8,
    cnt←last = 0x7fff

 * representation on the wire
 * call is args followed by procID
 * reply is results followed by retCode

typedef short net←short;
typedef long net←long;

typedef struct CirioNubWrapper {
    net←short cnw←tag;
    net←short cnw←len;

#endif /* ←CIRIO←NUB←PROTOCOL← */