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 * CirioNubInstall.h
 * Demers, November 2, 1989 10:11:22 am PST
 * Primitives used to install CirioNub.


#include "xr/Threads.h"
#include "xr/CirioNubProtocol.h"

 * Types

typedef char * CirioNubHandle;
    (opaque) handle for CirioNub server

typedef CirioNubRetCode
(*CirioNubProc)(/* int argc, unsigned *args */);
    Proc invoked from other side.
    It runs on a slave IOP, not in a thread, so it can't acquire
        locks (which implies it can't allocate memory, do I/O, ...).
    Calling and called (this) procedure must agree on number and type
        of args.
    Return results by calling the marshalling procedures (CirioNubMarshall.h)
        and returning the appropriate CirioNubRetCode value.

typedef void
(*CirioNubInitProc)(/* void * clientData */);
    Initialization proc for CirioNub.
    Called on slave IOP before creating listener.

 * Public procs

extern int
CirioNubRegisterCProc(/* CirioNubHandle h, int procID, CirioNubProc proc */);
    Register a C procedure with given procID.
    Handle h may already have been installed, or not.
    Return 0 on success, (-1) on failure.

extern int
CirioNubRegisterMProc(/* CirioNubHandle h, int procID, XR←MesaProc mp */);
    Analogous to CirioNubRegisterCProc, but registers a Mesa proc.

extern CirioNubHandle
CirioNubGetDefaultHandle(/* int maxProcs, int callBufBytes */);
    There's a "default" shared CirioNubHandle.
    This behaves like a registration interface -- language runtimes
      acquire the default handle and export (register) their
      language-specific CirioNubProcs through it.
    See CirioNubCreateHandle below.

 * Friend procs

extern CirioNubHandle
CirioNubCreateHandle(/* int maxProcs, int callBufBytes */);
    Create a CirioNub handle and return it.
    Parameters are max number of procs that can be registered with this handle
        and max number of bytes of arguments that can be processed.
    Reserve a slave IOP for the handle to execute in.
    Return NIL on failure.

extern int
    CirioNubHandle h,
    unsigned listenerPort,
    CirioNubInitProc initProc,
    void *clientData
    Install debug nub with procedures registered with handle h
        listening at given TCP port.
    If port is 0, well-known default port is used.
    The initProc(clientData) is called in the slave IOP before the listener
        is created.
    Attempting to install a handle a second time succeeds but is a no-op.

#endif /* ←CIRIO←NUB←INSTALL← */