-- Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- SmallPupGateway.config -- Tim Diebert 6-Aug-87 9:14:01 PACK CpuIdleDummyImpl; SmallPupGateway: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS CmFile, Cursor, Date, DeviceCleanup, Display, Exec, Event, FileSW, Format, FormSW, HeraldWindow, Heap, Menu, MFile, MouseFace, MsgSW, MSegment, MStream, Process, ProcessorFace, Profile, Put, Runtime, Space, SpecialMFile, SpecialSpace, SpecialSystem, STP, STPOps, Stream, String, StringLookUp, Supervisor, System, TemporaryBooting, TemporarySetGMT, TextSW, Time, Token, Tool, ToolFont, ToolWindow, Unformat, UserInput, UserTerminal, Version, Volume, Window, WindowFont, RS232CFace, RS366Face, Clusternet, NameInfoDefs, SendDefs, AddressTranslation, Buffer, BufferOps, Checksums, CommHeap, CommUtil, CommunicationInternal, Courier, Driver, EchoServer, ExpeditedCourier, NetworkStream, Protocol1, Router, RouterInternal, RoutingTable, Socket, SpecialCommunication, PupDefs, PupPktOps, Stats, StatsOps, PupStream, PupRouterDefs, CommHeap, CommUtil, EthernetOneFace, SpecialRuntime, -- PupNetMgtConfig -- NSAddr, Auth, NSName, NSExec, CH, MoreCH, MachineTypeFace, -- PhysicalVolume, SpecialVolume, -- BootFileInfoNoDisk, VMPerf, DiskDriversPerf, File, KernelFile, DiskChannel, NSString EXPORTS ALL CONTROL -- EthernetOneStarter, Since there is no EthernetOne PupGate, SmallServers, -- echo1, echo2, echo3, BSPSink, BSPTestTool, -- RoutingInfoTool, NameLookupTool, GateWatcherTool, -- EchoTool, BootServerInfoClient, BootServerInfoTool, -- GateFTPServer, Since there is no need -- HostWatcher, The HoseWatcher is the only guy that starts the PupDirServer TimeChecker, -- NetWatcher, PupNetWatcher, CoPilotWatcher, -- GateDMT, DeviceInfo, -- PasswordTool, CpuIdleDummyImpl, PhoneLineWatcher -- Idler -- PupNetMgtServiceConfig = BEGIN PupGate LINKS: FRAME; SmallServers LINKS: FRAME; -- Pup tools echo1: EchoUserTool; echo2: EchoUserTool; echo3: EchoUserTool; BSPSink; BSPTestTool; RoutingInfoTool; NameLookupTool; GateWatcherTool; DeviceInfo; -- OISCP tools EchoTool; BootServerInfoClient; BootServerInfoTool; -- Background hacks PasswordViaGrapevine; GateFTPServer; HostWatcher; HostWatcherPoke; GateDMT; TimeChecker; NetWatcher; PupNetWatcher; CoPilotWatcher; -- Support things CpuIdleDummyImpl; -- Idler; Indirection; MailerGV; Passworder; CommunicationStats; CornPopper; -- Other handy things PasswordTool; EthernetOneDriver; EthernetOneStarter; PhoneAdoptionPup; PhoneNetConfig; RS232CIO; PhoneLineWatcher; -- STP Things for GateFTPServer STPServerImpl; -- PupNetMgtServiceConfig; END.