-- File: RoutingTableImpl.mesa - last edit: -- AOF 24-Feb-88 17:52:05 -- WIrish 26-Jan-87 11:38:03 -- SMA 23-May-86 8:56:17 -- Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Function: The implementation module for the Pilot NS Router's routing table. DIRECTORY Buffer, CommFlags USING [doDebug, doStats], CommPriorities USING [receiver], Driver USING [GetDeviceChain, Glitch, Device, PutOnGlobalDoneQueue], Environment USING [bytesPerWord, wordsPerPage], Inline USING [DBITSHIFT, BITAND, LongCOPY], NSConstants USING [routingInformationSocket], NSTypes USING [ BufferBody, bytesPerIDPHeader, RoutingInfoTuple, RoutingInfoType, TransportControl, bytesPerRoutingHeader], Mopcodes USING [zEXCH], NSBuffer USING [ AccessHandle, Body, Dequeue, Enqueue, GetBuffer, Buffer, QueueCleanup, QueueInitialize, QueueObject, ReturnBuffer], Process USING [ Abort, Detach, EnableAborts, GetPriority, MsecToTicks, Priority, SetPriority, SetTimeout, Yield], Protocol1 USING [EncapsulateAndTransmit, GetContext], RoutingTable USING [Handle, FlushCacheProc, NetworkContext, Object], Router USING [FindMyHostID, infinity, NoTableEntryForNet, RoutersFunction], RouterInternal USING [ BroadcastThisPacket, SendErrorPacket, XmitStatus], RouterOps USING [RouteDetails, DetailSequence, DetailList], Socket USING [ Create, ChannelHandle, Delete, GetBufferPool, GetPacket, GetSendBuffer, SetPacketBytes, SetWaitTime, PutPacket, TimeOut], SocketInternal USING [ListenerProcType, CreateListen], Space USING [GetMapUnitAttributes, Interval, ScratchMap, Unmap, Usage], SpaceUsage USING [CommunicationUsage], Stats USING [StatIncr], SpecialSystem USING [HostNumber, NetworkNumber, SocketNumber], System USING [ GetClockPulses, HostNumber, MicrosecondsToPulses, NetworkAddress, NetworkNumber, nullHostNumber, nullNetworkNumber, broadcastHostNumber, nullSocketNumber, nullNetworkAddress]; RoutingTableImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS NSBuffer, Driver, Inline, Process, Protocol1, Router, RouterInternal, Socket, SocketInternal, Space, Stats, System EXPORTS Buffer, RouterInternal, RouterOps, System = BEGIN --EXPORTed TYPEs Device: PUBLIC <<Buffer>> TYPE = Driver.Device; NetworkNumber: PUBLIC <<System>> TYPE = SpecialSystem.NetworkNumber; HostNumber: PUBLIC <<System>> TYPE = SpecialSystem.HostNumber; SocketNumber: PUBLIC <<System>> TYPE = SpecialSystem.SocketNumber; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue: PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = LOOPHOLE[Driver.PutOnGlobalDoneQueue]; --just to save n LOOPHOLEs TableBase: TYPE = LONG BASE POINTER; TableRelative: TYPE = TableBase RELATIVE ORDERED POINTER [0..LAST[CARDINAL]] TO TableElement; TableElement: TYPE = RECORD[ net: NetworkNumber ← System.nullNetworkNumber, --ultimate destination net delay: CARDINAL[0..256) ← FIRST[CARDINAL], --measured in hops to remote net age: CARDINAL[0..256) ← youngster, --age without new routing info lastAccess: LONG CARDINAL ← System.GetClockPulses[], --when last used context: RoutingTable.NetworkContext ← NIL, --access to driver route: HostNumber ← System.nullHostNumber, --immediate host along the way rlink: TableRelative ← endLink]; --link to overflow element Entry: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO TableElement; --what's passed around inside table: RECORD[ base: TableBase ← NIL, --base of routing table nEntries: NATURAL ← 0, --currently in the table fill: NATURAL ← 0, --radius of table to maintain users: NATURAL ← 0, --number of requests with non-zero fill requests maxLink: TableRelative ← nullLink, --number overflow will hold cache: TableRelative ← cacheHint, --emtpy slot hint me: TableElement ← []]; --primary net number endLink: TableRelative = LAST[TableRelative]; nullLink: TableRelative = FIRST[TableRelative]; defaultFirstPages: NATURAL = 2; --starting off point defaultGrowPages: NATURAL = 8; --how much we add each time firstTablePages: NATURAL ← defaultFirstPages; --getting off the ground growTablePages: NATURAL ← defaultGrowPages; --how much we add each time maxTableSize: NATURAL ← defaultFirstPages + (4 * defaultGrowPages); hashLog: NATURAL = 16; --number of entries in basic table hashMask: NATURAL = hashLog - 1; --used as bitand mask for hashing cacheHint: TableRelative = LOOPHOLE[hashLog * SIZE[TableElement]]; tableUsage: Space.Usage = FIRST[SpaceUsage.CommunicationUsage] + 2; youngster: CARDINAL[0..256) = 0; --age of fresh entries longerAge: CARDINAL[0..256) = 3; --age at which we accept longer routes flushAge: CARDINAL[0..256) = 6; --age at which we flush old entries routerProcess: PROCESS; -- does cache fault and sends buffer. mask: CARDINAL = 31; -- for masking out the high eleven bits of the incoming -- delay, as we (vanilla routing tables) don't use them. startEnum: NetworkNumber = System.nullNetworkNumber; endEnum, allNets: NetworkNumber = [177777B, 177777B]; myHostID: HostNumber; -- host ID of this system element. tableLife: LONG CARDINAL ← System.MicrosecondsToPulses[90D6]; -- 90 sec, life in table w/o accesses. timeToCheck: LONG CARDINAL ← System.MicrosecondsToPulses[25D6]; -- 25 sec, scan interval through table faultDally: LONG CARDINAL ← System.MicrosecondsToPulses[25D5]; -- 2.5 sec, to gather cache faults initialTransportControl: NSTypes.TransportControl = [ trace: FALSE, filler: 0, hopCount: 0]; -- for sending broadcasts. localHop: CARDINAL = 0; -- delay for attached network(s). myAccessHandle: NSBuffer.AccessHandle; -- for obtaining buffers when sending -- via driver. cH: Socket.ChannelHandle; -- routing information socket handle. pleaseStop: BOOLEAN; -- switch to tell processes to stop. infoArrival: CONDITION; -- requested routing info arrived. requestedInfoQueue: NSBuffer.QueueObject; -- queue of directed responses. waitingDirectResp: CARDINAL; -- do we want to keep direct resp's? clientFills: CARDINAL; -- number of non zero fills. routerCondition: CONDITION; --buffer to find route for and send. outQueue: NSBuffer.QueueObject; --send buffers that need routing information. -- Routing Table Object defaultRth: PUBLIC RoutingTable.Handle ← @rto; --so router can find us rto: RoutingTable.Object ← [ type: vanillaRouting, start: Start, stop: Stop, startEnumeration: startEnum, endEnumeration: endEnum, enumerate: Enumerate, fillTable: Fill, getDelay: GetDelay, transmit: Transmit, forward: Forward, findNetwork: FindLocalNetID, addNetwork: AddDriver, removeNetwork: RemoveDriver, flushCache: FlushCache, stateChanged: ChangedState]; maxListLength: NATURAL ← 100; --max length of table lists badEntry: NATURAL ← 0; --for counting bogus entries added to table RoutingTableScrambled: ERROR = CODE; --mass confusion, etc DriverDidntNoteNet: ERROR = CODE; --buffer came from busted driver NoBufferInQueue: ERROR = CODE; --queue length > 0 but no buffers CacheFaultFailure: ERROR = CODE; --supposed to spend 2.5 seconds faulting timeOfLastCheck: LONG CARDINAL ← System.GetClockPulses[]; SanityCheck: <<DEBUGGING>> INTERNAL PROC[] = INLINE BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM (table.base = NIL) => RETURN; --not ready (Inline.BITAND[table.cache, 8000H] # 0) => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; (Inline.BITAND[table.maxLink, 8000H] # 0) => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; (table.cache > table.maxLink) => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; ENDCASE; END; --SanityCheck AddElement: INTERNAL PROC[net: NetworkNumber] RETURNS[entry: Entry] = BEGIN hash, link: TableRelative; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND (net.a # 0) THEN badEntry ← SUCC[badEntry]; SELECT TRUE FROM (net = System.nullNetworkNumber) => RETURN[NIL]; --I ain't add'n that (net = table.me.net) => RETURN[@table.me]; --that one's special (table.base = NIL) => {Expand[]; RETURN[AddElement[net]]}; (table.base[hash ← Hash[net.b]].net # System.nullNetworkNumber) => BEGIN --start a serial search at table.cache looking for an empty slot FOR link ← table.cache, link + SIZE[TableElement] WHILE link < table.maxLink DO IF table.base[link].net = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN BEGIN table.cache ← link + SIZE[TableElement]; --update cache (entry ← @table.base[link])↑ ← [ --set net and copy old link net: net, rlink: table.base[hash].rlink, age: youngster]; table.base[hash].rlink ← link; --link base entry to new EXIT; END; REPEAT FINISHED => {Expand[]; RETURN[AddElement[net]]}; ENDLOOP; END; ENDCASE => (entry ← @table.base[hash])↑ ← [net: net]; --primary slot table.nEntries ← SUCC[table.nEntries]; --and count the entry IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; END; --AddElement AddDriver: <<PUBLIC>> PROC [context: RoutingTable.NetworkContext] = BEGIN -- If the net number of the new attached network is known, calls -- AddDriverLocked to tell the routing table about it, else tries -- to find out net number by probing an INR. IF context.netNumber = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN ProbeINRs[] ELSE AddDriverLocked[context]; END; --AddDriver AddDriverInternal: INTERNAL PROC [context: RoutingTable.NetworkContext] = BEGIN << Tells the routing table about a new attached network. The driver must know the network number at this point. Called by ExamineResponse and Locked, both of which hold the monitor. >> entry: Entry; SELECT TRUE FROM (~context.network.alive) => RETURN; ((entry ← FindElement[context.netNumber, FALSE]) # NIL) => NULL; ((entry ← AddElement[context.netNumber]) = NIL) => RETURN; --null net ENDCASE; entry.context ← context; --finish loading the entry SELECT TRUE FROM (~CommFlags.doDebug) => NULL; --nobody cares (entry.net = System.nullNetworkNumber) => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; ENDCASE; END; --AddDriverInternal AddDriverLocked: ENTRY PROC [context: RoutingTable.NetworkContext] = INLINE {AddDriverInternal[context]}; CheckRoutingTableEntries: INTERNAL PROC[] = BEGIN << Scan the routing table aging entries as we go. Delete any entries that are so old that they should be flushed. Start the scan at each of the hashLog base entries, chasing the links until we hit an endLink. If deleting causes the table to collapse, take an early return. >> prev, this, next: TableRelative; hashLink: TableRelative ← nullLink; --equivalent to base slot==0; IF table.base = NIL THEN RETURN; --doesn't take long to figure that out THROUGH[0..hashLog) DO prev ← endLink; --just a known value to compare with IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; FOR this ← hashLink, next UNTIL this = endLink DO entry: Entry ← @table.base[this]; --for faster access IF entry.net = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN EXIT; --empty|broken chain next ← entry.rlink; --'next' is after entry to empty << Delete the entry if o it is not a transient circuit and has received no recent updates o the table isn't being filled and there are no recent accesses This has the side affect of not aging transient entries, but transient entries can still be deleted if they aren't being used. That's just in case you get stuck with a very dismal forcast and want to retry your luck. >> BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM ((entry.context.network.device < phonenet) --not transient AND ((entry.age ← entry.age.SUCC) >= flushAge)) => GOTO delete; --old (((System.GetClockPulses[] - entry.lastAccess) > tableLife) --unused AND (entry.delay > table.fill)) => GOTO delete; --not filling ENDCASE => prev ← this; --keep the entry - chase the chain; EXITS delete => BEGIN IF (table.nEntries ← PRED[table.nEntries]) = 0 THEN BEGIN table.base ← Space.Unmap[table.base]; table.maxLink ← nullLink; table.cache ← cacheHint; RETURN; --that's about the end of it END; SELECT TRUE FROM (prev # endLink) => --in the middle or at the end BEGIN table.base[prev].rlink ← next; --'prev' ← 'next'; empty 'this' END; (next # endLink) => --at the beginning and not a lone entry BEGIN entry↑ ← table.base[next]; --copy 'next' on top of 'this' this ← next; --set up so that 'this'='next' gets emptied next ← hashLink; --back to beginning of the list END; ENDCASE; --the one and only entry, and it's from the base table.base[this] ← []; --empty 'this' entry table.cache ← MAX[cacheHint, MIN[table.cache, this]]; --adjust cache END; END; ENDLOOP; hashLink ← hashLink + SIZE[TableElement]; --go to next bucket of base Process.Yield[]; --share the candy a little bit ENDLOOP; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; END; -- of CheckRoutingTableEntries ChangedState: PROC[context: RoutingTable.NetworkContext] = BEGIN RemoveDriver[context]; AddDriver[context]; END; --ChangedState CleanUpRoutingTable: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {IF table.base # NIL THEN [] ← Space.Unmap[table.base]; table ← []}; Enumerate: <<PUBLIC>> ENTRY PROCEDURE[ previous: System.NetworkNumber, delay: CARDINAL] RETURNS [net: System.NetworkNumber ← endEnum] = BEGIN LongSwap: PROC[net: System.NetworkNumber] RETURNS[LONG CARDINAL] = MACHINE CODE {Mopcodes.zEXCH}; NetAgtNetB: PROC [a, b: System.NetworkNumber] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {RETURN[LongSwap[a] > LongSwap[b]]}; TestThisNet: PROC[] RETURNS [] = BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM (tuple.objectNetID = System.nullNetworkNumber) => NULL; (tuple.interrouterDelay = delay) AND NetAgtNetB[tuple.objectNetID, previous] AND ~NetAgtNetB[tuple.objectNetID, net] => net ← tuple.objectNetID; ENDCASE; END; --TestThisNet << The first entry processed is always the local net. This makes the loading of 'tuple' and seem strange. Have faith. >> hashLink: TableRelative ← nullLink; --equivalent to base slot==0; tuple: NSTypes.RoutingInfoTuple ← [table.me.net, table.me.delay]; TestThisNet[]; --try the local net first THROUGH[0..hashLog) WHILE (table.base # NIL) DO rlink: RoutingTableImpl.TableRelative; FOR rlink ← hashLink, rlink ← table.base[rlink].rlink UNTIL rlink = endLink DO tuple ← [table.base[rlink].net, table.base[rlink].delay]; TestThisNet[]; --is this one any better? ENDLOOP; hashLink ← hashLink + SIZE[TableElement]; ENDLOOP; END; --Enumerate Expand: INTERNAL PROC[] = BEGIN interval: Space.Interval; stretch, original: CARDINAL; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; original ← LOOPHOLE[table.maxLink]; IF table.base = NIL THEN interval ← [NIL, firstTablePages] ELSE BEGIN interval ← Space.GetMapUnitAttributes[table.base].interval; interval.count ← interval.count + growTablePages; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND (interval.count > maxTableSize) THEN Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; END; table.base ← Space.ScratchMap[interval.count, tableUsage]; --allocate new IF original # 0 THEN Inline.LongCOPY[to: table.base, from: interval.pointer, nwords: original]; IF interval.pointer # NIL THEN [] ← Space.Unmap[interval.pointer, return]; table.base[table.maxLink] ← []; --default first entry of new segment table.maxLink ← LOOPHOLE[ --compute new biggest value ((CARDINAL[interval.count] * Environment.wordsPerPage) / SIZE[TableElement]) * SIZE[TableElement]]; stretch ← LOOPHOLE[table.maxLink, CARDINAL] - original; --we added this much Inline.LongCOPY[ --ripple those suckers in there from: table.base + original, to: table.base + original + SIZE[TableElement], nwords: stretch - SIZE[TableElement]]; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; END; --Expand Fill: PROC[maxDelay: CARDINAL ← Router.infinity] = BEGIN InsertIntoTable: ENTRY PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = INLINE {[] ← UpdateRoutingTable[b]}; SendOneRequest: PROC[destination: System.NetworkNumber] = BEGIN body: NSBuffer.Body; b: NSBuffer.Buffer; timeIn: LONG CARDINAL; cH: Socket.ChannelHandle ← Socket.Create[ System.nullSocketNumber, 1, 10, routingInformation]; Socket.SetWaitTime[cH, 1000]; --only want to wait short times BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => Socket.Delete[cH]; --client tired of waiting? b ← Socket.GetSendBuffer[cH]; --just one buffer, please body ← b.ns; --and then get a local cache of b.ns body.destination ← him; --send it to him body.packetType ← routingInformation; --we want information body.routingType ← routingInfoRequest; --so we ask nicely body.routingTuple[0] ← [destination, Router.infinity]; --just for grins Socket.SetPacketBytes[ b, NSTypes.bytesPerRoutingHeader + Environment.bytesPerWord * SIZE[NSTypes.RoutingInfoTuple]]; << Thre is no reason this should be a Router.Broadcast when the destination is a multicast. If there's no ethernet, then it will go on the phone line anyhow. If there is an ethernet, then it will certainly beat the phone line for response time, won't it? >> Socket.PutPacket[cH, b]; b ← NIL; --it's on its way timeIn ← System.GetClockPulses[]; --this is when we start WHILE (System.GetClockPulses[] - timeIn) < dawdle DO b ← Socket.GetPacket[cH ! Socket.TimeOut => LOOP]; him ← b.ns.source; --next time we'll be using just him IF destination = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN {NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b]; EXIT}; --get rid of buffer and bail out InsertIntoTable[b]; --stick it in the real table NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b]; --remember to free the buffer ENDLOOP; --WHILE (System.GetClockPulses[] - timeIn) < dawdle DO END; Socket.Delete[cH]; --gun the socket - clean up the queue END; dawdle: LONG CARDINAL; him: System.NetworkAddress; SELECT TRUE FROM (maxDelay = 0) => IF (TestAndSet[-1] = 0) THEN table.fill ← 0; (maxDelay > table.fill) => BEGIN [] ← TestAndSet[+1]; --count new user dawdle ← System.MicrosecondsToPulses[2D6]; --waiting for answers table.fill ← maxDelay; --record the max ever requested him ← [ table.me.net, System.broadcastHostNumber, NSConstants.routingInformationSocket]; SendOneRequest[table.me.net]; --will reset 'him' SendOneRequest[endEnum]; --talks only to 'him' END; ENDCASE => [] ← TestAndSet[+1]; --count new user END; --Fill FindLocalNetID: <<PUBLIC>> ENTRY PROC [destNetNum: System.NetworkNumber] RETURNS [localNet: System.NetworkNumber] = BEGIN e: Entry; localNet ← IF (e ← FindElement[destNetNum, FALSE]) = NIL THEN System.nullNetworkNumber ELSE e.context.netNumber; IF localNet = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN --since System.nullNetworkNumber isn't helpful, find the first --network with a known network number and use it. FOR n: Device ← Driver.GetDeviceChain[], n.next UNTIL n = NIL DO c: RoutingTable.NetworkContext ← Protocol1.GetContext[n, ns]; SELECT TRUE FROM (c = NIL) => NULL; --not even close (~c.network.alive) => NULL; --no better (c.netNumber = System.nullNetworkNumber) => NULL; --still bad ENDCASE => {localNet ← c.netNumber; EXIT}; --reasonable substitute ENDLOOP; END; --FindLocalNetID FindElement: INTERNAL PROC[net: NetworkNumber, sort: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[entry: Entry] = BEGIN prev, hash: TableRelative; SELECT TRUE FROM (net = System.nullNetworkNumber) => RETURN[NIL]; (net = table.me.net) => RETURN[@table.me]; (table.base = NIL) => RETURN[NIL]; ENDCASE; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; hash ← prev ← Hash[net.b]; --remember this value FOR link: TableRelative ← hash, table.base[link].rlink UNTIL link = endLink DO IF CommFlags.doDebug AND (link # hash) AND (table.base[link].net = System.nullNetworkNumber) THEN Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; IF table.base[link].net = net THEN BEGIN entry ← @table.base[link]; --compute (maybe) return value SELECT TRUE FROM (link = hash) => RETURN; --#1 of list (link = table.base[hash].rlink) => RETURN; --#2 in list (~sort) => RETURN; --requested that we NOT sort the table ENDCASE; --needs sorting table.base[prev].rlink ← entry.rlink; --remove 'link' entry.rlink ← table.base[hash].rlink; --stick just after hash table.base[hash].rlink ← link; --so it will be #2 next time IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN --just check'n BEGIN SanityCheck[]; SELECT System.nullNetworkNumber FROM entry.net => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; table.base[hash].net => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; table.base[prev].net => Driver.Glitch[RoutingTableScrambled]; ENDCASE; END; RETURN; --don't forget to get out END; prev ← link; --remember last value ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; --didn't find it END; --FindElement FlushCache: <<PUBLIC>> ENTRY RoutingTable.FlushCacheProc = -- PROC [net: System.NetworkNumber] BEGIN -- Removes the entry with the specified net number from the routing -- table upon client request. The request is ignored if there is no -- entry or if the entry is an attached net. RemoveElement[net]; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statCacheFlushed]; END; -- FlushCache Forward: PROC [b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = BEGIN IF b.ns.source.host # myHostID THEN RouterInternal.SendErrorPacket[b, cantGetThere, 0] ELSE {b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[noRouteToNetwork]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]}; --return b to the system buffer pool IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSNotForwarded]; END; --Forward Hash: PROC[n: CARDINAL] RETURNS[TableRelative] = INLINE {RETURN[LOOPHOLE[Inline.BITAND[n, hashMask] * SIZE[TableElement]]]}; GetCurrentFill: PUBLIC <<RouterOps>> PROC RETURNS[NATURAL, NATURAL] = {RETURN[table.fill, table.users]}; GetDelay: PROC [net: NetworkNumber] RETURNS [delay: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- Gets the delay to specified net. LockedFindNet: ENTRY PROC RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE BEGIN entry: Entry = FindElement[net, TRUE]; IF entry = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE] ELSE {delay ← entry.delay; RETURN[TRUE]}; END; --LockedFindNet IF net = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN RETURN[0]; --this is easy IF ~LockedFindNet[] THEN BEGIN --Try a cache fault to get the information. IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN BEGIN timein: LONG CARDINAL = System.GetClockPulses[]; --that's when it starts RoutingTableCacheFault[net]; --this could take time SELECT TRUE FROM (LockedFindNet[]) => NULL; --we got the answer ((System.GetClockPulses[] - timein) < faultDally) => Driver.Glitch[CacheFaultFailure]; ENDCASE => ERROR Router.NoTableEntryForNet; END ELSE BEGIN RoutingTableCacheFault[net]; --this could take time (< faultDally). IF ~LockedFindNet[] THEN ERROR Router.NoTableEntryForNet; END; END; END; --GetDelay GetRouteInfo: PUBLIC <<RouterOps>> ENTRY PROC[net: NetworkNumber] RETURNS[delay: CARDINAL, details: RouterOps.RouteDetails] = BEGIN device: Device; entry: Entry ← FindElement[net, FALSE]; IF entry = NIL THEN RETURN WITH ERROR Router.NoTableEntryForNet; device ← entry.context.network; delay ← entry.delay; --copy that one out details ← [ driverType: device.device, driverNetwork: entry.net, statsPtr: device.stats, via: [entry.context.netNumber, entry.route, System.nullSocketNumber]]; END; --GetRouteInfo ProbeINRs: PROC = BEGIN -- Does multiple BroadcastRoutingRequests to find out the network -- numbers, called at start time. b: NSBuffer.Buffer ← NIL; NullNetNum: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN --checks if any networks on device chain have null net numbers. FOR n: Device ← Driver.GetDeviceChain[], n.next UNTIL n = NIL DO c: RoutingTable.NetworkContext ← Protocol1.GetContext[n, ns]; SELECT TRUE FROM (c = NIL) => LOOP; --what! a driver that doesn't support us! (~c.network.alive) => LOOP; --he would but he croaked (c.netNumber = System.nullNetworkNumber) => RETURN[TRUE]; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; RETURN [FALSE]; END; -- NullNetNum << This could take a long time if we had trouble getting responses. (10 sec) This may be over-kill for one net that is still unnumbered, since a cache fault will force a broadcast on all nets. >> THROUGH [0..4) UNTIL pleaseStop DO IF NullNetNum[] THEN RoutingTableCacheFault[allNets] ELSE EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; --ProbeINRs ProcessRoutingInfoPacket: PROC [b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = BEGIN ExamineResponsePacket: ENTRY PROC = BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM (body.destination.host = myHostID) => BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statDirectedReceived]; IF (waitingDirectResp = 0) THEN NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b] ELSE {NSBuffer.Enqueue[@requestedInfoQueue, b]; NOTIFY infoArrival}; END; ENDCASE => -- process gratuitous packet. BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statGratReceived]; [] ← UpdateRoutingTable[b]; NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b]; END; END; -- of ExamineResponsePacket -- start of procedure body: NSBuffer.Body = b.ns; incomingContext: RoutingTable.NetworkContext ← b.fo.context; SELECT TRUE FROM --interested only in routing protocol packets (body.packetType # routingInformation) => NULL; --can't learn anything new from ourselves (body.source.host = myHostID) => NULL; --sender should know himself (body.source.host = System.nullHostNumber) => NULL; --buffer didn't arrive through one of our drivers (incomingContext = NIL) => IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN Driver.Glitch[DriverDidntNoteNet]; --we are not INR, so ignore routing requests (body.routingType = routingInfoRequest) => NULL; --not a request, not a response - so what is it? (body.routingType # routingInfoResponse) => NULL; --is the network it came in on alive? (~incomingContext.network.alive) => NULL; --did this come from our local net? (body.transportControl.hopCount = 0) => BEGIN IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSGatewayPacketsRecv]; ExamineResponsePacket[]; RETURN; END; ENDCASE; IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statJunkBroadcastNS]; NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b]; END; -- ProcessRoutingInfoPacket RemoveElement: INTERNAL PROC[net: NetworkNumber] = BEGIN << The entry we want deleted gets replaced by the .rlink entry and the .rlink entry gets marked empty. That covers us in cases where the entry to be deleted is the one that's in the hash base, but it pushes the problem to the case removing from the end of the list. For that case we have to keep track of the previous entry so we can change his .rlink to endLink. The ENDCASE is removing the one and only entry, and its the base. No notification is given of entries not found. >> prev, this, next: TableRelative; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; IF table.base = NIL THEN RETURN; --I claim that's as good as removed prev ← endLink; --well known starting value FOR this ← Hash[net.b], table.base[this].rlink UNTIL this = endLink DO IF table.base[this].net # net THEN {prev ← this; LOOP}; --wrong entry IF (table.nEntries ← PRED[table.nEntries]) = 0 THEN BEGIN table.base ← Space.Unmap[table.base]; --we just gun the whole space table.maxLink ← nullLink; table.cache ← cacheHint; --reset these EXIT; --that's the quick and easy way to clean up END; next ← table.base[this].rlink; --'next' is after entry to empty SELECT TRUE FROM (prev # endLink) => --in the middle or at the end BEGIN table.base[prev].rlink ← next; --link 'prev' to 'next'; empty 'this' END; (next # endLink) => --at the beginning and not a lone entry BEGIN table.base[this] ← table.base[next]; --copy 'next' on top of 'this' this ← next; --and then set up so that 'this' = 'next' gets emptied END; ENDCASE; --the one and only entry, and it's from the base table.base[this] ← []; --emtpy 'this' entry table.cache ← MAX[cacheHint, MIN[table.cache, this]]; EXIT; --and, since we found what we're looking for.... ENDLOOP; IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN SanityCheck[]; END; --RemoveElement RemoveDriver: ENTRY PROC [context: RoutingTable.NetworkContext] = BEGIN << This procedure removes the specified attached network and all entries referencing it from the routing table. Multi entries may use this net. The loop doesn't increment the count on elements removed because the number of entries will be decremented by the "RemoveElement[entry.net]" statement. In effect the number of entries is coming back to equal the number of elements counted. It also doesn't advance the entry pointer of an element is removed. That means if it was removed, it may possible rescan the same entry and find find context == NIL. But if RemoveElement had to copy a new element on top of the one just deleted, we will look at it too. >> count: NATURAL ← 0; entry: Entry ← @table.base[FIRST[TableRelative]]; << table.me has to be special cased. We want to reset it too, including the network number. The net number will be filled in when the driver is added again, if ever. NB: What if it's a different net number? >> IF table.me.context # NIL --make sure we haven't already done this AND table.me.context.network = context.network THEN table.me ← []; UNTIL count = table.nEntries DO SELECT TRUE FROM (entry.context = NIL) => entry ← entry + SIZE[TableElement]; (entry.context.network = context.network) => RemoveElement[entry.net]; ENDCASE => {count ← SUCC[count]; entry ← entry + SIZE[TableElement]}; ENDLOOP; END; --RemoveDriver RoutingTableActivate: ENTRY PROC = INLINE BEGIN myHostID ← Router.FindMyHostID[]; table ← []; --set initial values NSBuffer.QueueInitialize[@requestedInfoQueue]; NSBuffer.QueueInitialize[@outQueue]; END; --RoutingTableActivate RoutingTableCacheFault: PROC [net: NetworkNumber] = BEGIN << Broadcasts for info on specified network(s), waits for a directed response to be queued by ProcessRoutingInfoPacket, then searches for the desired tuple(s). Called by RouterProcess, GetDelay or Fill. >> CacheFaultStart: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {waitingDirectResp ← SUCC[waitingDirectResp]}; CacheFaultDone: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {IF (waitingDirectResp ← PRED[waitingDirectResp]) = 0 THEN NSBuffer.QueueCleanup[@requestedInfoQueue]}; --CacheFaultDone GatherDirectedResponses: ENTRY PROC RETURNS[done: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN << Unlike the timer on the caller, this one is used to fix the amount of time between broadcasts requesting information. >> startBroadcast: LONG CARDINAL = System.GetClockPulses[]; UNTIL done --OR timeout-- DO SELECT TRUE FROM ((b ← NSBuffer.Dequeue[@requestedInfoQueue]) # NIL) => done ← UpdateRoutingTable[b, net]; --see if this fixes it ((System.GetClockPulses[] - startBroadcast) > broadcastDally) => RETURN<<[FALSE]>>; --and we had no buffer ENDCASE => {WAIT infoArrival; LOOP}; --wait for some response NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b]; --get rid of buffer we dequeued ENDLOOP; END; --GatherDirectedResponses b: NSBuffer.Buffer; body: NSBuffer.Body; startFault: LONG CARDINAL = System.GetClockPulses[]; broadcastDally: LONG CARDINAL = Inline.DBITSHIFT[faultDally, -2]; timesRequested, noBuffer: NATURAL ← 0; --how many times did we try/fail? sizeRoutingRequest: NATURAL = Environment.bytesPerWord * (SIZE[routingInformation NSTypes.BufferBody] + SIZE[NSTypes.RoutingInfoTuple]); CacheFaultStart[]; --keep these packets around IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statCacheFaults]; << This loop will last until we find the answer, for some known period of time and we've asked the question at least twice. It is not dependent on the number of uninteresting responses received. This should ask the question no more than 4 times. >> UNTIL (timesRequested > 1) AND ((System.GetClockPulses[] - startFault) > faultDally) DO << Broadcasts a routing information request on all attached networks. If <net> is supplied, the request will be for info on that net only, else information will be requested on all networks the routing information suppliers know about. >> b ← NSBuffer.GetBuffer[myAccessHandle, send, FALSE, sizeRoutingRequest]; IF b # NIL THEN BEGIN body ← b.ns; --make a local copy body.packetType ← routingInformation; body.transportControl ← initialTransportControl; body.destination.socket ← body.source.socket ← NSConstants.routingInformationSocket; body.pktLength ← sizeRoutingRequest; body.routingType ← routingInfoRequest; body.routingTuple[0] ← [net, Router.infinity]; RouterInternal.BroadcastThisPacket[b]; timesRequested ← timesRequested.SUCC; END ELSE IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN noBuffer ← noBuffer.SUCC; IF pleaseStop OR GatherDirectedResponses[] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; CacheFaultDone[]; --decrements count and flushes queue END; --RoutingTableCacheFault RoutingTableDeactivate: ENTRY PROC = INLINE BEGIN pleaseStop ← TRUE; NSBuffer.QueueCleanup[@requestedInfoQueue]; NSBuffer.QueueCleanup[@outQueue]; END; --RoutingTableDeactivate RoutingTableFork: SocketInternal.ListenerProcType = {ProcessRoutingInfoPacket[b]}; -- of RoutingTableFork RouterProcess: <<FORKED>> PROC = BEGIN << This is the process that is poked by Transmit when a cache fault must be done before sending the buffer. It also runs the period check of the routing table to see if we can toss some old information out. >> DequeueLocked: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [NSBuffer.Buffer] = INLINE {RETURN[NSBuffer.Dequeue[@outQueue]]}; b: NSBuffer.Buffer; UNTIL pleaseStop DO ENABLE ABORTED => EXIT; b ← WaitReqOrCheckTime[]; --wait for some work to do ProcessUsersRequest[b]; --then go off and do it ENDLOOP; UNTIL (b ← DequeueLocked[]) = NIL DO b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[aborted]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; --requeue it IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSSentNowhere]; ENDLOOP; END; --RouterProcess WaitReqOrCheckTime: ENTRY PROC[] RETURNS[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; << This process services client transmit requests and also runs periodically to check the routing table for aged entries. >> now: LONG CARDINAL; WHILE outQueue.length = 0 DO WAIT routerCondition; --wait for something to do IF table.base = NIL THEN LOOP; --why bother? now ← System.GetClockPulses[]; --get the current time IF (now - timeOfLastCheck) > timeToCheck THEN {CheckRoutingTableEntries[]; timeOfLastCheck ← now}; ENDLOOP; b ← NSBuffer.Dequeue[@outQueue]; IF CommFlags.doDebug AND (b = NIL) THEN Driver.Glitch[NoBufferInQueue]; END; -- WaitReqOrCheckTime ProcessUsersRequest: PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = BEGIN MonitoredFindNet: ENTRY PROC RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE BEGIN entry: Entry = FindElement[net, TRUE]; SELECT TRUE FROM (entry = NIL) => RETURN[FALSE]; --there's no such table entry (entry.delay = Router.infinity) => RETURN[FALSE]; --too far away ENDCASE; element ← entry↑; --copy it out so we can use it safely entry.lastAccess ← System.GetClockPulses[]; --mark time last used RETURN[TRUE]; END; -- of MonitoredFindNet -- start of procedure net: NetworkNumber; --that's where he wants to go element: TableElement; --our copy of the table element nextHost: HostNumber; -- immediate destination to get him there. net ← b.ns.destination.net; --that's where he's going RoutingTableCacheFault[net]; --crank up a fault IF CommFlags.doDebug THEN BEGIN timein: LONG CARDINAL = System.GetClockPulses[]; --that's when it starts RoutingTableCacheFault[net]; --crank up a fault SELECT TRUE FROM (MonitoredFindNet[]) => NULL; --we got the answer ((System.GetClockPulses[] - timein) < faultDally) => Driver.Glitch[CacheFaultFailure]; ENDCASE => BEGIN -- outgoing packet for unknown net - drop it. b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[noRouteToNetwork]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; --get it back to caller | free IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSSentNowhere]; RETURN; --go back to caller END; END ELSE BEGIN RoutingTableCacheFault[net]; --crank up a fault IF ~MonitoredFindNet[] THEN BEGIN -- outgoing packet for unknown net - drop it. b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[noRouteToNetwork]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; --get it back to caller | free IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSSentNowhere]; RETURN; --go back to caller END; END; -- outgoing packet to be transmitted over the correct network nextHost ← IF element.route # System.nullHostNumber THEN element.route ELSE b.ns.destination.host; -- we are attached to the destination net b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[goodCompletion]; b.fo.context ← element.context; --mark the context being used b.fo.network ← element.context.network; --mark the network used Protocol1.EncapsulateAndTransmit[LOOPHOLE[b], @nextHost]; END; -- ProcessUsersRequest Start: PROC = BEGIN --This procedure turns the router on. priority: Process.Priority = Process.GetPriority[]; --save current pleaseStop ← FALSE; waitingDirectResp ← clientFills ← 0; RoutingTableActivate[]; cH ← SocketInternal.CreateListen[ socket: NSConstants.routingInformationSocket, callback: RoutingTableFork, clientData: NIL, send: 1, receive: 10, type: routingInformation]; myAccessHandle ← Socket.GetBufferPool[cH]; Process.SetPriority[CommPriorities.receiver]; --let's get some cycles routerProcess ← FORK RouterProcess[]; --the guy that does cache faults Process.Detach[FORK ProbeINRs[]]; -- find out the network numbers. Process.SetPriority[priority]; --then back to whatever we started with END; --Start Stop: PROC = BEGIN RoutingTableDeactivate[]; Process.Abort[routerProcess]; JOIN routerProcess[]; Socket.Delete[cH]; CleanUpRoutingTable[]; END; --Stop TableList: PUBLIC <<RouterOps>> ENTRY PROC[zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] RETURNS[list: RouterOps.DetailList ← NIL] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; --incase the zone.NEW blows up entry: Entry; --for a local copy of the table's entry device: Device; --to get the opaque type where we can look index: NATURAL ← 0; --to get into the sequence hashLink: TableRelative ← nullLink; --to loop through the table IF table.base = NIL THEN RETURN; --no table, no sequence, no worry << This violates the rule of asking PILOT to do something for us while we hold are own monitor. But I don't want to worry about the table being a different size when we copy it than when we created the node to hold the copy. Guess we should warn users that this reduces some of the parallelism of the router. >> list ← zone.NEW[RouterOps.DetailSequence[table.nEntries + 1]]; device ← table.me.context.network; list[index] ← [ --we're always first driverType: device.device, driverNetwork: table.me.context.netNumber, statsPtr: device.stats, via: System.nullNetworkAddress]; THROUGH[0..hashLog) DO FOR rlink: TableRelative ← hashLink, entry.rlink UNTIL rlink = endLink DO entry ← @table.base[rlink]; device ← entry.context.network; list[(index ← SUCC[index])] ← [driverType: device.device, driverNetwork: entry.net, statsPtr: device.stats, via: [entry.context.netNumber, entry.route, System.nullSocketNumber]]; ENDLOOP; hashLink ← hashLink + SIZE[TableElement]; --get to next base ENDLOOP; END; --TableList Transmit: ENTRY PROC [b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = BEGIN << Called to transmit a packet, this proc searches the routing table for the destination net. If found, the proc sends the packet. Because the client's process should not be used to do a cache fault, if the info is not found, the buffer is put on the outQueue and the sender process is notified (which does the cache fault and sends the packet when the routing info is obtained. If the destination net is null, we simply shove it out on the first network on the chain. In case of an abort, the caller owns the buffer. >> ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; entry: Entry; nextHost: HostNumber; body: NSBuffer.Body = b.ns; SELECT TRUE FROM (body.destination.net = System.nullNetworkNumber) => BEGIN --running on net with no INR (using null net numbers). device: Device ← b.fo.network ← Driver.GetDeviceChain[]; SELECT TRUE FROM (device = NIL), --there are no devices on the chain (~device.alive), --the first one isn't alive ((b.fo.context ← Protocol1.GetContext[device, ns]) = NIL) => --that device doesn't support ns-- BEGIN --no network present, drop the packet b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[noRouteToNetwork]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; --give it back to system IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSSentNowhere]; RETURN; --get out of here END; ENDCASE; nextHost ← body.destination.host; --the destination is immedate END; (entry ← FindElement[body.destination.net, TRUE]) = NIL => BEGIN << No entry in table; tell RouterProcess to find one. But... If this isn't a buffer being sent sourced from here AND the number of buffers already hanging on the outQueue is greater that 1, then forget it. Theory is that the buffers on the queue are ones we're responding to (error or echo or some variation of a swap source and destination). >> IF (b.fo.function # send) AND (outQueue.length > 1) THEN NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[b] ELSE NSBuffer.Enqueue[@outQueue, b]; NOTIFY routerCondition; RETURN; END; ((b.fo.context ← entry.context) = NIL) => BEGIN --the driver behind this route has been deleted --assertion: this is local network access via table.me b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[noRouteToNetwork]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; --client may get it back IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSSentNowhere]; RETURN; END; (entry.delay < Router.infinity) => BEGIN -- entry exists in table already. entry.lastAccess ← System.GetClockPulses[]; --mark the entry hot b.fo.network ← entry.context.network; --mark the network being used -- outgoing packet to be transmitted over the correct network nextHost ← IF entry.route # System.nullHostNumber THEN entry.route ELSE body.destination.host; -- we are attached to the destination net END; ENDCASE => BEGIN --entry exists, but the destination net is not reachable. b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[noRouteToNetwork]; PutOnGlobalDoneQueue[b]; --client may get it back IF CommFlags.doStats THEN Stats.StatIncr[statNSSentNowhere]; RETURN; END; b.fo.status ← RouterInternal.XmitStatus[goodCompletion]; Protocol1.EncapsulateAndTransmit[LOOPHOLE[b], @nextHost]; END; -- Transmit TestAndSet: ENTRY PROC[delta: INTEGER] RETURNS[users: NATURAL] = BEGIN RETURN[IF delta > 0 THEN (table.users ← table.users + 1) ELSE IF table.users > 0 THEN (table.users ← table.users - 1) ELSE 0]; END; UpdateRoutingTable: INTERNAL PROC [ b: NSBuffer.Buffer, destNetNum: System.NetworkNumber ← System.nullNetworkNumber] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = << Digs though tuples in packet and adds the interesting ones to the routing table. "Interesting" tuples are ones with the desired objectNetID. Receivers of gratuitous info let it default to nullNetworkNumber. <success>, used only by RoutingTable to find out if its info arrived, is set only if a new route is added (not if existing info is updated). >> BEGIN i: CARDINAL; tuples: CARDINAL; newDelay: CARDINAL; entry: Entry ← NIL; body: NSBuffer.Body = b.ns; tuple: NSTypes.RoutingInfoTuple; c: RoutingTable.NetworkContext = NARROW[b.fo.context]; IF c.netNumber = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN --do we understand life? c.netNumber ← body.source.net; --copy net number to context IF table.me.net = System.nullNetworkNumber THEN table.me ← [net: body.source.net, context: b.fo.context]; --I'm special IF destNetNum = allNets THEN RETURN[TRUE]; --just wanted to know about me IF (table.fill = 0) AND (table.base = NIL) --nothing's going to succeed AND (destNetNum = System.nullNetworkNumber) THEN RETURN; --wasted time tuples ← (body.pktLength - NSTypes.bytesPerIDPHeader - (Environment.bytesPerWord * SIZE[NSTypes.RoutingInfoType])) / (Environment.bytesPerWord * SIZE[NSTypes.RoutingInfoTuple]); FOR i IN [0..tuples) DO tuple ← body.routingTuple[i]; --pick the tuple our for easy access newDelay ← Inline.BITAND[mask, tuple.interrouterDelay]; --strip high bits. SELECT TRUE FROM (tuple.objectNetID = allNets), (tuple.objectNetID = System.nullNetworkNumber) => NULL; ((entry ← FindElement[tuple.objectNetID, FALSE]) # NIL) => BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM --Update the entry if this tuple has better/newer info. (newDelay < entry.delay), --it's better than what we know now (entry.route = body.source.host), --same router, longer path (entry.age >= longerAge) => --it's worse, but newer BEGIN entry.delay ← newDelay; entry.route ← body.source.host; entry.context ← b.fo.context; END; ENDCASE; entry.age ← youngster; --the entry is young again END; (tuple.objectNetID = destNetNum) => --trying to find new route BEGIN success ← newDelay < Router.infinity; --maybe it was dead entry ← AddElement[tuple.objectNetID]; --its never "me" entry.delay ← newDelay; entry.route ← body.source.host; entry.context ← b.fo.context; END; (newDelay <= table.fill) => --trying to fill BEGIN entry ← AddElement[tuple.objectNetID]; --its never "me" entry.delay ← newDelay; entry.route ← body.source.host; entry.context ← b.fo.context; END; ENDCASE; Process.Yield[]; --some to use, some to share ENDLOOP; END; -- UpdateRoutingTable --initialization Process.EnableAborts[@routerCondition]; Process.SetTimeout[@routerCondition, Process.MsecToTicks[26000]]; Process.SetTimeout[@infoArrival, Process.MsecToTicks[350]]; END. --RoutingTableImpl module. LOG 17-May-84 11:10:42 AOF Post Klamath. 2-Apr-85 16:40:38 AOF Restarting vanilla routing after doing something else. 25-Jul-85 9:24:16 AOF NIL context check in NullNetNum. 26-Jul-85 13:14:57 AOF Don't WAIT on buffers in BroadcastRoutingRequest. 23-Oct-85 18:34:55 AOF Make CacheFaults take fixed period of time. 3-Nov-85 11:14:49 AOF Rewrite of Fill and Enumerate. 10-Dec-85 17:21:15 AOF Listener rework. 20-Dec-85 10:54:59 AOF Forgot to monitor the new Enumerate code. 23-Jan-86 15:21:44 AOF Decision to use Main or Aside table backwards. 3-Feb-86 17:46:31 SMA Don't remove entries for attached nets, sanity checking. 4-Feb-86 11:30:53 AOF Don't build aside table, use real one 6-Feb-86 18:25:01 AOF Allocate router object from heap, not frame 25-Feb-86 13:30:15 AOF Rewrite table access method and fix GetDelay 22-May-86 18:24:54 SMA No dependencies on Buffer, Driver.Network => Device. 8-Jun-86 13:17:01 AOF 40 just wasn't big enough for testing list lengths 18-Jun-86 15:37:10 AOF Sort table's links in FindElement 18-Aug-86 18:05:51 AOF Local caching of b.ns in body. 10-Sep-86 14:23:19 AOF Check for table.base = NIL when stopping router. 16-Nov-86 16:02:15 AOF Add bool to NOT sort table entries in FindElement. 12-Jan-87 14:17:48 AOF Debugging code for smashed table entry. 21-Jan-87 16:53:14 AOF Aging of entries w/o new routing information. 26-Jan-87 11:54:19 WIrish More tweeking of aging of entries w/o new routing information. 26-Jan-87 11:54:19 AOF Using internal process to age tables 29-Jan-87 20:40:18 AOF Gunned "CountThemSuckers" 10-Feb-87 15:48:54 AOF Don't Glitch when we receive a null network answer. 6-Mar-87 11:52:52 AOF More of the same as above 11-Jun-87 16:40:16 AOF Move rto back into global frame 28-Aug-87 9:17:30 AOF Chasing CHS's table munge and "noRoute" problems 1-Oct-87 17:54:37 AOF Up priority of cache fault process 9-Oct-87 11:53:18 AOF ...but to "receiver" priority, not "realtime" 18-Oct-87 10:35:27 AOF Better computation of max table size 20-Oct-87 19:35:53 AOF AR#12150: Cache fault missing answers 21-Oct-87 19:16:06 AOF Forgetting to delete socket on UNWIND in $Fill (CHS) 6-Nov-87 17:37:53 AOF No more mr. nice guy. Keep priority up and get job done 7-Jan-88 18:48:30 AOF Don't delete entries across transient circuits 20-Feb-88 15:53:56 AOF Assigning b.fo.context for null nets in $Transmit 24-Feb-88 1:51:08 AOF RemoveDriver fixup, deleting old transients