-- File: InrConfig.pack - Created by Kluger. Last edit: -- AOF 5-Feb-88 14:01:34 -- Leong 28-Sep-87 18:47:29 -- Kluger 27-Jun-85 12:43:46 -- Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. InrConfig: SEGMENT = BEGIN InrHottest: CODE PACK = { INRImpl [ ENTRY VECTOR, Forward, InternetRouterServer, RoutAndSendRoutingInfoResponse, RoutingInformationPacket, RoutingInformationSupplier, SendGratuitousResponse, SendRoutingInfoResponse, Transmit, UpdateRoutingTable]; InrRoutingTableImpl [ ENTRY VECTOR, AddEntry, DecrementRoutingTableEntries, FindNetworkNumber, MarkEntryDead, RemoveEntry, RoutingTableChanged]; InrRoutingTableImpl [EnumerateByDistance]; -- fill up the code pack }; InrMedium: CODE PACK = { INRImpl [ChangedState, Fill, FlushCacheNoOp, GetDelay]; InrRoutingTableImpl [ AddNet, AddNetDeviceInternal, FindNetID, FindNetIDInternal, FindNetwork, RemoveNet, RemoveNetDeviceLocked]; INRImpl [BroadcastRoutingRequest, ActivateINR, StopStats]; -- fill up the code pack }; InrNetMgt: CODE PACK = { INRImpl [ ForwardingStats, GetStats, GetFarNet, DefaultMisnumberedNetTrap, SetMisnumberedNetTrap, SendGratuitousExtendedResponse, SendRoutingInfoExtendedResponse]; InrRoutingTableImpl [ EnumerateByNetNumber, EnumerateRoutes, FindFarNet, GetHashTableSize, GetRouteDetails, GetRouteInfo, GetRoutingTableSize] }; InrStartStop: CODE PACK = { INRImpl [ ResetMPCodes, Start, Stop, StartStats, SetNSFudge, DeactivateINR, CATCH CODE, MAIN]; InrRoutingTableImpl [CleanUpRoutingTable, RoutingTableActivate, CATCH CODE, MAIN]; }; END; InrConfigFrames: FRAME PACK = BEGIN INRImpl; InrRoutingTableImpl; END; << LOG: 5-Feb-88 13:59:42 AOF Trimed for PupGateway >>