-- File: PacketTimerImpl.mesa - last edit: -- AOF 19-Jun-87 18:29:06 -- DWG.PA 9-Apr-85 16:37:42 -- Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. DIRECTORY NSBuffer USING [Buffer, ReturnBuffer], Inline USING [DBITAND, LowHalf], PacketTimer USING [ResponseProc], PacketExchange USING [ Error, CreateRequestor, Delete, ExchangeHandle, ExchangeClientType, nullExchangeHandle, SetWaitTimes, ExchangeID], PacketExchangeInternal USING [SendRequestPacket], Process USING [Detach, MsecToTicks, SetTimeout], Router USING [infinity, GetDelayToNet, NoTableEntryForNet], <> System USING [ GetClockPulses, MicrosecondsToPulses, Pulses, PulsesToMicroseconds]; PacketTimerImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS NSBuffer, Inline, PacketExchange, PacketExchangeInternal, Process, Router, System EXPORTS PacketTimer = BEGIN << This module sets timeouts on PacketExchange handles to minimize NET TRAFFIC and maximize response time. We want to retransmit a packet when the foreign host does not respond within the average round-trip delay time. It currently takes 1 millisec to set an ExchangeHandle timeout, or 7 millisecs to create one, so we cache a single handle. By sending varying client ID's in each packet, we can compute the real round trip delay [RTD](because we know which packet the foreign host responds to). >> triesConstant: CARDINAL = 6; -- # of times we retransmit pkts tries: PUBLIC CARDINAL ¬ triesConstant; ExchangeHandle: TYPE = PacketExchange.ExchangeHandle; HopRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ delay: LONG CARDINAL, -- RTD in millisecs workedTries: CARDINAL, workedPackets: CARDINAL, extraPackets: CARDINAL, -- ones we didn't have to send failedPackets: CARDINAL]; cache: CacheRecord; CacheRecord: TYPE = RECORD[ condition: CONDITION, --what the process is waiting on watcher: PROCESS ¬ NIL, --detached process watching the cache oldID: LONG CARDINAL ¬ firstID, --the last unique ID returned cachedHandle: ExchangeHandle ¬ PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle, timeout, timein: LONG CARDINAL ¬ System.MicrosecondsToPulses[10D6], cache: ARRAY NATURAL[0..Router.infinity] OF HopRecord ¬ TRASH]; -- Constants firstID: LONG CARDINAL = 0; -- must be multiple of space space: LONG CARDINAL = 8; -- gap between UIDs bottomPart: LONG CARDINAL = 7B; -- reads the gap (lower three bits) topPart: LONG CARDINAL = 37777777770B; -- zeroes the gap (upper 29) weightHistory: CARDINAL = 8; -- credence given to past RTD statistics maxWaitTime: LONG CARDINAL = 180000; -- 3 minutes max wait for a response maxTimeout: LONG CARDINAL = maxWaitTime/triesConstant; -- millisecs per pkt max minTimeout: LONG CARDINAL = 200; -- milisecs per pkt minimum before rexmit GetElapsedTime: PROC [sent, received: System.Pulses] RETURNS [LONG CARDINAL] = INLINE {RETURN[System.PulsesToMicroseconds[[received - sent]] / 1024]}; -- looks up a packet uid in a table of transmit times, and returns -- the elasped time since this the packet with "uid" was transmitted. RoundTripDelay: PROC [ uid: LONG CARDINAL, transmitTimes:LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF System.Pulses] RETURNS[LONG CARDINAL] = INLINE { RETURN[GetElapsedTime[transmitTimes[Delta[uid]],System.GetClockPulses[]]]}; Delta: PROC[uid: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS[CARDINAL] = INLINE {RETURN[Inline.LowHalf[Inline.DBITAND[uid, bottomPart]]]}; Init: ENTRY PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- We start with static timeouts based on the following formula, -- eliminating a special case for the first transmission to a given -- hop-distance. The timeout is large to assure that we get a response. Process.SetTimeout[@cache.condition, Process.MsecToTicks[1000]]; cache.watcher ¬ NIL; --detached process watching the cache cache.oldID ¬ firstID; --the last unique ID returned cache.cachedHandle ¬ PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle; --cached handle cache.timeout ¬ cache.timein ¬ System.MicrosecondsToPulses[10D6]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..Router.infinity] DO cache.cache[i] ¬ [i * 2048 + 512, 0, 0, 0, 0]; ENDLOOP; END; -- PUBLIC procs -- transmits some packets to the foreign host, and calls back with the first -- response. Checks in the px handle, and deletes send/receive buffers. SendPackets: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ pxH: ExchangeHandle, requestBuffer: NSBuffer.Buffer, firstResponse: PacketTimer.ResponseProc, numberOfPackets: CARDINAL ¬ tries] = BEGIN hops: CARDINAL; ptc: LONG POINTER TO HopRecord; replyBuffer: NSBuffer.Buffer ¬ NIL; baseTime: System.Pulses ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; sendTimes: ARRAY [0..triesConstant) OF System.Pulses; id: LONG CARDINAL; -- universal ID used for sending packet. Cleanup: PROC = { IF replyBuffer # NIL THEN NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[replyBuffer]; NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[requestBuffer]; GiveHandle[pxH]}; -- This generates special UIDs, whose upper 29 bits are unique, and -- guaranteed to stay unique for a long time (>> minutes) GetUniqueID: ENTRY PROC[] RETURNS[uid: PacketExchange.ExchangeID] = BEGIN id: LONG CARDINAL ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; IF id <= cache.oldID + space THEN id ¬ cache.oldID + space; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[cache.oldID ¬ Inline.DBITAND[id, topPart]]]; END; hops ¬ Router.GetDelayToNet[requestBuffer.ns.destination.net ! Router.NoTableEntryForNet => {hops ¬ Router.infinity; CONTINUE}]; ptc ¬ @cache.cache[hops]; --makes it easier to get the record requestBuffer.ns.exchangeID ¬ GetUniqueID[]; -- we use our own UIDs FOR packets: CARDINAL IN [0..numberOfPackets) DO -- send a single packet ENABLE UNWIND => Cleanup[]; sendTimes[packets] ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; -- record send time replyBuffer ¬ PacketExchangeInternal.SendRequestPacket[ pxH, requestBuffer, requestBuffer.ns.exchangeType, topPart ! PacketExchange.Error => IF why=timeout THEN CONTINUE ELSE EXIT;]; IF replyBuffer # NIL THEN BEGIN -- got a response id ¬ LOOPHOLE[replyBuffer.ns.exchangeID]; ptc.workedTries ¬ ptc.workedTries + 1; ptc.workedPackets ¬ ptc.workedPackets + packets + 1; ptc.extraPackets ¬ ptc.extraPackets + (packets - Delta[id]); firstResponse[replyBuffer, hops]; NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[replyBuffer]; NSBuffer.ReturnBuffer[requestBuffer]; Checkin[pxH, hops, RoundTripDelay[id, DESCRIPTOR[sendTimes]]]; RETURN; END; requestBuffer.ns.exchangeID ¬ -- increment the UID so we can measure RTD. LOOPHOLE[LOOPHOLE[requestBuffer.ns.exchangeID, LONG CARDINAL] + 1]; ENDLOOP; ptc.failedPackets ¬ ptc.failedPackets + numberOfPackets; Cleanup[]; END; -- SendPackets -- Checks out a packet Exchange Handle suitable for sending a single packet. Checkout: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [hops: CARDINAL] RETURNS [pxH: ExchangeHandle] = BEGIN rexmitTime: LONG CARDINAL; [pxH, rexmitTime] ¬ CheckoutInternal[@cache.cache[hops]]; IF (pxH = PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle) THEN -- wasn't cached pxH ¬ PacketExchange.CreateRequestor[rexmitTime, rexmitTime] ELSE PacketExchange.SetWaitTimes[pxH, rexmitTime, rexmitTime]; END; -- Checks in a packet Exchange Handle. Updates statistics. Checkin: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [ pxH: PacketExchange.ExchangeHandle, hops: CARDINAL, timeout: LONG CARDINAL] = BEGIN oldTimeout: LONG CARDINAL ¬ cache.cache[hops].delay; -- weighted average formula is: [[N-1]*old + 1.5*new] / N, N a power of two. timeout ¬ ((oldTimeout * weightHistory - oldTimeout) + (timeout + timeout / 2)) / weightHistory; -- now clip the timeout at upper and lower boundaries to prevent divergence. cache.cache[hops].delay ¬ IF timeout maxTimeout THEN maxTimeout ELSE timeout; SELECT TRUE FROM (cache.watcher = NIL) => BEGIN Process.Detach[(cache.watcher ¬ FORK Watcher[])]; --create process cache.cachedHandle ¬ pxH; --load the single element cache cache.timein ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; --restart the clock END; (cache.cachedHandle = PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle) => BEGIN cache.cachedHandle ¬ pxH; --load the single element cache cache.timein ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; --restart the clock END; ENDCASE => PacketExchange.Delete[pxH]; END; ReadTimeout: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [hops: CARDINAL] RETURNS [timeout: LONG CARDINAL] = {RETURN[cache.cache[hops].delay]}; -- INTERNAL, PRIVATE ENTRY PROCS GiveHandle: -- back -- ENTRY PROCEDURE [pxH: ExchangeHandle] = BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM (cache.watcher = NIL) => BEGIN Process.Detach[(cache.watcher ¬ FORK Watcher[])]; --create process cache.cachedHandle ¬ pxH; --load the single element cache cache.timein ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; --restart the clock END; (cache.cachedHandle = PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle) => BEGIN cache.cachedHandle ¬ pxH; --load the single element cache cache.timein ¬ System.GetClockPulses[]; --restart the clock END; ENDCASE => PacketExchange.Delete[pxH]; END; CheckoutInternal: ENTRY PROCEDURE [cH: LONG POINTER TO HopRecord] RETURNS [pxH: ExchangeHandle, timeout: LONG CARDINAL] = BEGIN pxH ¬ cache.cachedHandle; cache.cachedHandle ¬ PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle; timeout ¬ cH.delay; END; Watcher: <> ENTRY PROC[] = BEGIN --FOR A WHILE-- DO SELECT TRUE FROM (cache.cachedHandle = PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle), ((System.GetClockPulses[] - cache.timein) < cache.timeout) => WAIT cache.condition; --wait for a small period of time ENDCASE => EXIT; --let's get out of here ENDLOOP; cache.watcher ¬ NIL; --cleanup our tracks PacketExchange.Delete[cache.cachedHandle]; --get rid of exchange object cache.cachedHandle ¬ PacketExchange.nullExchangeHandle; --and wipe out that END; --Watcher Init[]; END.. LOG 3-Dec-84 15:41:41 DWG created 14-Mar-85 22:14:48 DWG rewritten to remove multiple cached handles 15-Apr-85 15:47:00 DWG bent to Jody and Mark's will. 17-Jan-86 10:53:55 AOF gunned interface OPEN statement 6-Feb-86 8:54:58 AOF Merged PacketExchangeExtras 6-Jun-86 14:31:08 AOF Put cache array (+) into Courier's heap 18-Aug-86 18:45:38 AOF Allocate one more for the array 23-Dec-86 18:23:17 AOF Put the +1 in the right place 17-Feb-87 11:51:37 AOF Watcher on PEX handle caches. 19-Jun-87 18:05:27 AOF cache back in gf.