//P R E U T I L // utilities for PreScan pass //outgoing procedures external [ DoubleMult;GetExternalFile;EqStr;Rotor;Rotor8 ] //incoming procedures external [ DoubleAdd;DoubleCop;DblShift ] //incoming statics external [ ExternalFileList ] structure str : [ n byte ch^1,128 byte ] let DoubleMult(dp, n) be [ let sum=vec 1 sum!0=0; sum!1=0 while n do [ if (n&1) ne 0 then DoubleAdd(sum, dp) n=n rshift 1 DblShift(dp,-1) ] DoubleCop(dp, sum) ] and GetExternalFile(name)=valof [ if ExternalFileList eq 0 then resultis 0//nothing declared let extName=ExternalFileList until extName!0 eq 0 do [ let nameLen=(extName!0 rshift 9)+1 if EqStr(name,extName) then resultis extName+nameLen+1 let xLen=extName!nameLen extName=extName+nameLen+1+xLen ] resultis 0 ] and EqStr(n1,n2)=valof [ unless n1!0 eq n2!0 then resultis false for i=2 to n1>>str.n do unless n1>>str.ch^i eq n2>>str.ch^i then resultis false resultis true ] //Rotor(p) // p=> a page of 16 16*16 bit squares. All are rotated! // ***** This routine to be in microcode ***** and Rotor(Page) be [ let masktable=table [ 0;#125252;#146314;0;#170360;0;0;0;#177400] for square=1 to 16 do [ let Pstep=8 [ let mask1=masktable!Pstep let mask2=not mask1 let i=0 // Simulate for i=0 to 15 by Pstep*2 while i le 15 do [ let j=Pstep-1 [ let Word=Page+i+j let Word2=Word+Pstep let t1=Word!0 let t2=Word2!0 Word!0=(t1&mask1)+((t2 rshift Pstep)&mask2) Word2!0=(t2&mask2)+((t1 lshift Pstep)&mask1) j=j-1 ] repeatuntil j ls 0 i=i+Pstep+Pstep ] Pstep=Pstep rshift 1 ] repeatuntil Pstep eq 0 Page=Page+16 ] ] //rotation used for 8 bit intensity sample files and Rotor8(page) be [ manifest [ HighBits=#177400 ; LowBits=#377 ] let SwapHalves=table [ #101300 //MOVS 0,0 #001401 //JMP 1,3 ] //first, do the 2x2 byte swaps for y=0 to 15*8 by 2*8 do [ let y1=y+8 for p=page to page+7 do [ let w1=p!y let w2=p!y1 p!y=(w1&HighBits)+(SwapHalves(w2)&LowBits) p!y1=(SwapHalves(w1)&HighBits)+(w2&LowBits) ] ] //now, reposition these 2x2 to form the correct 16x16 for y=0 to 7 do [ let py16=page+y*16 let py=page+y let p8y=py+8 let p8y16=py16+8 for x=y+1 to 7 do [ let x16=x*16 let t=py16!x py16!x=py!x16 py!x16=t t=p8y16!x p8y16!x=p8y!x16 p8y!x16=t ] ] ]