; Polaris.txt -- Gateway parameter file

; Last modified by WIrish,      6-Dec-85 10:31:10
;      Turned off NS (OISCP) Routing (Moved off XRCC)
;	Removed Arlington JCarroll
;	moved dialin line to line 4
; In User.cm, put something like:
;    [Indirect]
;    ParameterFile: <HostName>.txt

; [Gateway] section (default file is GateParameter.txt):
;  BUFFERS: <number of buffers (decimal)>
;  EXPANDHEAP: <pages (decimal)>
;  KILL DEBUGGER BITMAP: TRUE to flush the debugger's bitmap
;  TURN OFF DISPLAY: TRUE to turn off the display
;  MICROCODE: <filename>
;  TYPESCRIPT: <pages> (decimal)  100 fits in Bravo
;  Ethernet: <net> <host> <board> (octal)
;  ChainedEthernet: <net> <host> <board> (octal)
;  EIA: <net> <host> <lines> (octal)
;  CommProc: <net> <host> <lines> (octal)
;  PacketRadio: <net> <host> (octal)
;  AsyncLine <line> (octal)
;  Route: <dest> (decimal) <prID>...<prID> (octal)

; [BootServer] section (default file is BootServer.txt):
;   <Text>: <code(octal)> <file name>  [Text is ignored for now...]

; [TimeServer] section (default file is TimeServer.txt):
;   CORRECTION: <seconds per day> (decimal) [positive makes clock go faster]
;   DST: <beginning day> <ending day> (decimal)
;   ZONE: <sign><Hours>:<Minutes> (decimal, plus is west of Greenwich)
;  All three must be specified to activate the Time Server.

Kill Debugger Bitmap: TRUE
Buffers: 35
Typescript: 100
Activate OISCP Router: FALSE
CommProc: 7 21 11
ChainedEthernet: 14 1 0
DialinPassword: 172427 11553 47213 115124 147552 131434 43552 20600
LineNeedsPassword: 4
MICROCODE: MesaGateCPChain.br

; Alto: 0 DMT.Boot
; Alto: 1 NewOs.Boot
; Alto: 2 FTP.Boot
; Alto: 3 Scavenger.Boot
; Alto: 4 CopyDisk.Boot
; Alto: 5 CRTTest.Boot
; Alto: 6 MadTest.Boot
; Alto: 7 Chat.Boot
; Alto: 10 NetExec.Boot
; Alto: 11 PupTest.Boot
; Alto: 12 EtherWatch.Boot
; Alto: 13 KeyTest.Boot
; Alto: 14 Calculator.Boot
; Alto: 15 DiEx.Boot
; Alto: 16 TriEx.Boot
; Alto: 17 EDP.Boot
; Alto: 20 BFSTest.Boot
; Alto: 21 GateControl.Boot
; Alto: 22 EtherLoad.Boot
; Alto: 23 ARSubmit.Boot
; Alto: 24 Neptune.Boot
; Alto: 100 MesaNetExec.Boot
; Alto: 1000 ShowAIS.Boot
; Alto: 1001 StarWars.Boot
; Alto: 1002 Fly.Boot
; Alto: 1003 Kal.Boot
; Alto: 1004 PinBall.Boot
; Alto: 1005 Pool.Boot
; Alto: 1006 MazeWar.Boot
; Alto: 1007 Trek.Boot
; Alto: 1010 Invaders.Boot
; Alto: 1011 IranWars.Boot
; Alto: 1012 Astroroids.Boot
; Alto: 1013 Clock.boot
; Alto: 1014 Galaxian.boot
; Game: 1015 PPong.boot
; Game: 1016 Flash.boot
; Game: 1017 Messenger.boot
; Game: 1020 Reversi.boot
; Game: 1021 Maze.boot
; Game: 1023 MissileCommand.boot
; D0 Microcode: 3400 Initial.eb
; D0 Microcode: 3411 AltoD0.eb
; D0 Microcode: 3412 AltoD0.eb
; D0 Microcode: 3414 AltoD0.eb
; D0: 3421 PilotD0.eb
; D0: 3424 PilotCSLF.eb
; D0: 4010 D0.eg
; D0: 4011 OthelloD0.pb
; D0: 43030 PescaderoMesaNetExec.boot
; D0: 43031 PescaderoPilotD0.eb
; D0: 43032 PescaderoD0.eg
; D0: 43033 PescaderoOthelloD0.pb
; Alto: 100004 Knox.boot

ZONE: +5:00  ; Eastern
DST: 121, 305

Target: Thing2