; LandsEnd.txt -- Gateway parameter file for LandsEnd ; Stored at [Erie]<Gateway>Parameters>LandsEnd.txt ; Last Edited 6-Apr-89 8:05:18 by Simmons ; changed deactivate to disable ; changed TimeServer parameters due to slow motor generator cycles ; added Troubles to TimeChecker ; put in complete boot server section (commented out) ; started as Dlion, Dicentra, DLight only boot server [Gateway] Pup Host Number: 352 Ethernet: 1 126 126 Buffers: 50 Disable NS Routing: FALSE Typescript: 200 Deactivate Herald Window: False Leased Line: 0 303 303 [BootServer] ;Alto: 25205405202 BasicCedarDLion22.pb ;Alto: 25205400000 DMT.boot ;Alto: 25205400001 NewOs.boot ;Alto: 25205400002 FTP.boot ;Alto: 25205400003 Scavenger.boot ;Alto: 25205400004 CopyDisk.boot ;Alto: 25205400005 CRTTest.boot ;Alto: 25205400006 MadTest.boot ;Alto: 25205400007 Chat.boot ;Alto: 25205400010 NetExec.boot ;Alto: 25205400011 PupTest.boot ;Alto: 25205400012 EtherWatch.boot ;Alto: 25205400013 KeyTest.boot ;Alto: 25205400014 Calculator.boot ;Alto: 25205400015 DiEx.boot ;Alto: 25205400016 TriEx.boot ;Alto: 25205400017 EDP.boot ;Alto: 25205400020 BFSTest.boot ;Alto: 25205400021 GateControl.boot ;Alto: 25205400022 EtherLoad.boot ;Alto: 25205400024 Neptune.boot ;Alto: 25205400025 What.boot ;Alto: 25205400040 Pupwatch.boot ;Alto: 25205400100 MesaNetExec.boot ; Dicentra: Boot 25200002000 OscarDicentra.boot Dicentra: Boot 25200002001 BootMeAgainDicentra.boot ; ;DLion: Microcode 25200000120 CedarEtherInitialDLion20.db ;DLion: Microcode 25200000121 CedarEtherInitialDLion21.db ;DLion: Microcode 25200000122 CedarEtherInitialDLion22.db ;DLion: Microcode 25200000130 CedarDLion20.db ;DLion: Microcode 25200000131 CedarDLion21.db ;DLion: Microcode 25200000132 CedarDLion22.db ;DLion: Germ 25200000140 CedarDLion20.germ ;DLion: Germ 25200000141 CedarDLion21.germ ;DLion: Germ 25200000142 CedarDLion22.germ ; ;8010 (DLion) 3 Boot gets NetExec (a 4 Boot gets Boot diags - Moonboot) DLion: Microcode 25200000000 EtherInitial.db DLion: Microcode 25200000010 Moonboot.db DLion: Microcode 25200000020 Mesa.db DLion: Germ 25200000030 DLion.germ DLion: Boot 25200000040 SimpleNetExecDLion.boot ; ;8010 (DLion) 6 Boot gets 10,29,42 MB Disk Diags DLion: Microcode 25200000001 SpecialEtherInitialAlt.db DLion: Microcode 25200000022 SpecialMesa.db DLion: Germ 25200000032 SpecialDLion.germ ;not in orig boot section DLion: Boot 25200000042 EIDiskDLion.boot ; ;8010 (DLion) EtherBootable Files (invoked by NetExec) DLion: Boot 25200001000 EIDiskDLion.boot DLion: Boot 25200001002 InstallerNSDLion.boot ; ;8037 (TriDLion) 3 Boot gets NetExec (4 Boot gets Boot diags - Moonboot) ;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000000 EtherInitial.db ;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000011 Moonboot.db ;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000021 TridentRavenMesa.db ;DLionTrident: Germ 25200000031 TriDLion.germ ;DLionTrident: Boot 25200000041 SimpleNetExecTriDlion.boot ; ;8037 (TriDLion) 6 Boot gets 80, 300 MB Large Capacity Disk Diags ;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000001 SpecialEtherInitialAlt.db ;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000023 SpecialTridentRavenMesa.db ;DLionTrident: Germ 25200000033 SpecialTriDLion.germ ;DLionTrident: Boot 25200000043 EILCDDiagDLion.boot ; ;8037 (TriDLion) EtherBootable Files (invoked by NetExec) ;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001001 EILCDDiagDLion.boot ;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001003 InstallerNSTriDLion.boot ; ;6085 (Daybreak) F3-0 Boot gets NetExec (F7-0 gets Boot diags - MoonRise) ;Dove: Microcode 25200004000 EtherInitialDove.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004010 Moonrise.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004020 MesaDaybreak.db ;Dove: Germ 25200004030 Dove.germ ;Dove: Boot 25200004040 SimpleNetExecDove.boot ; ; 6085 (Daybreak) F3-1 Boot gets Offline Diags (F7-1 gets Boot diags ;Dove: Microcode 25200004001 SpecialEtherInitialDove.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004011 Moonrise.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004021 SpecialMesaDaybreak.db ;Dove: Germ 25200004031 SpecialDove.germ ;Dove: Boot 25200004041 OfflineDiagnosticsDove.boot ; ;6085 (Daybreak) F3-2 Boot gets Scanner Diag (F7-2 gets Boot diags) ;Dove: Microcode 25200004002 SpecialEtherInitialDove.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004012 Moonrise.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004022 SpecialMesaDaybreak.db ;Dove: Germ 25200004032 SpecialDove.germ ;Dove: Boot 25200004042 OfflineScnrDiagDove.boot ; ;6085 (Daybreak) F3-3 Boot gets CartTape Diag (F7-3 gets Boot diags) ;Dove: Microcode 25200004003 SpecialEtherInitialDove.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004013 Moonrise.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004023 SpecialMesaDaybreak.db ;Dove: Germ 25200004033 SpecialDove.germ ;not in orig boot section ;Dove: Boot 25200004043 OfflineCartTapeDiagDove.boot ;orig is Microcode ; ; 6085 (Daybreak) F3-4 Boot {EMPTY} ; 6085 (Daybreak) F3-5 Boot {EMPTY} ; 6085 (Daybreak) F3-6 Boot {EMPTY} ; ;6085 (Daybreak) F3-7 Boot gets the Installer (F7-7 gets Boot diags) ;Dove: Microcode 25200004007 EtherInitialDove.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004017 Moonrise.db ;Dove: Microcode 25200004027 MesaDaybreak.db ;Dove: Germ 25200004037 Dove.germ ;Dove: Boot 25200004047 InstallerNSDove.boot ; ;6085 (Daybreak) EtherBootable Files (invoked by NetExec) ;Dove: Boot 25200004070 SimpleNetExecDove.boot ;Dove: Boot 25200004071 OfflineDiagnosticsDove.boot ;Dove: Boot 25200004072 InstallerNSDove.boot ;Dove: Boot 25200004102 OfflineScnrDiagDove.boot ;Dove: Boot 25200004074 OfflineCartTapeDiagDove.boot ;Dove: Boot 25200004075 DiagRDDove.boot ;not in bootservice.profile ;Dove: Boot 25200004076 {EMPTY} ;Dove: Boot 25200004077 KDMDove.boot ;not in bootservice.profile ; ;8090 (DLight) 3 Boot gets NetExec (a 4 Boot gets boot diags - MoonDLight) Other: Microcode 25200006000 EtherInitialDLight.db Other: Microcode 25200006010 MoonDLight.db Other: Microcode 25200006020 RavenMesaDLight.db Other: Germ 25200006030 DLight.germ Other: Boot 25200006040 SimpleNetExecDLight.boot ; ;8090 (DLight) 6 Boot - Alternate Other: Microcode 25200006001 SpecialEtherInitialAltDLight.db Other: Microcode 25200006022 SpecialRavenMesaDLight.db ;not in PUP boot section Other: Germ 25200006032 SpecialDLight.germ Other: Boot 25200006042 EIDiskDLight.boot ; ;8090 (HiCap DLight) 3 Boot (a 4 Boot gets boot diags - MoonDLight Other: Microcode 25200006002 EtherInitialDLight.db Other: Microcode 25200006011 MoonDLight.db Other: Microcode 25200006021 RavenMesaDLight.db Other: Germ 25200006031 DLight.germ Other: Boot 25200006041 SimpleNetExecDLight.boot ; ;8090 (HiCap DLight) 6 Boot - Alternate Other: Microcode 25200006003 SpecialEtherInitialAltDLight.db Other: Microcode 25200006023 RavenMesaDLight.db Other: Germ 25200006033 DLight.germ Other: Boot 25200006043 DiagOfflineHiCapDLight.boot ; ;8090 (DLight) EtherBootable BootFiles (invoked by NetExec) Other: Boot 25200006050 EIDiskDLight.boot Other: Boot 25200006051 InstallerTapeDlight.boot Other: Boot 25200006052 SimpleNetExecDLight.boot Other: Boot 25200006053 DiagOfflineFlTapeDLight.boot Other: Boot 25200006054 {EMPTY} Other: Boot 25200006055 DiagOfflineHiCapDLight.boot Other: Boot 25200006056 {EMPTY} Other: Boot 25200006057 {EMPTY} [TimeServer] DST: 98 305 ZONE: 5 00 Correction: 0 Drift: 180000 Wobble: 0 Flakey: TRUE [DirectoryServer] Remote: 590South [TimeChecker] Troubles: Simmons.Wbst To: Simmons.Wbst cc: Gefell.Wbst, Snyder.wbst Pup: Seward NS: 0-008.2-852-138-599. [HostWatcher] Troubles: Simmons.wbst To: Simmons.wbst cc: Gefell.wbst, Snyder.wbst Gateway: GreatBear [TrapBadPups] Troubles: Simmons.wbst To: Simmons.wbst cc: Gefell.wbst, Snyder.Wbst