; Iroquois.txt -- Gateway parameter file for Iroquois Pup Gateway
; Last Edited by: Paul Brol, on    10-Jan-91 13:57:29
; Stored at [Seneca4:Henr801C]<PupGateway>Parameters>Iroquois.txt
; Stored at [Indigo%]<Portola>Parameters>Iroquois.txt
; Change Hostname above to the Pup name of your gateway,
;   CHANGE THE NAME OF THIS FILE TOO (it must match Indirect section of user.cm).
;      (Ex. Dakota.Txt)
;  In User.cm, put Section for
;  [Indirect]
;  ParameterFile: <HostName.Txt>
; In [Gateway] section change "Pup Host Number", "Ethernet", and "Alto Phone Line" ;  appropriately.
; You may want more/less boot files.  
; Fix the TimeServer section for your time zone. (ZONE: 8 00 West Coast, 5 00 EST).
; Make TimeChecker section entries point to local gateways and services.
; Note the product name syntax with '@ in it is available.
; Make the default registry for [FTPServer] match your grapevine registry
; Change the [TrapBadPups] section to send messages to the right people
; See [Idun]<Apilot80>Doc>Friends>PupGateway.press & GateParameter.press for more
;  details.  If you haven't read it lately, read it.

Pup Host Number: 2
;Ethernet: 1 157 157
Ethernet: 1 160 160
Buffers: 50
Typescript: 500
Disable NS Routing: FALSE
Deactivate Herald Window: FALSE
;Extra Hops: TRUE
;Leased Line: 0 344 0

Remote: Dakota
Remote: Himalia

; See Dexter% or Trix% Pup Gateway
Alto: 25205400000 DMT.boot
Alto: 25205400001 NewOs.boot
Alto: 25205400002 FTP.boot
Alto: 25205400003 Scavenger.boot
Alto: 25205400004 CopyDisk.boot
Alto: 25205400005 CRTTest.boot
Alto: 25205400006 MadTest.boot
Alto: 25205400007 Chat.boot
Alto: 25205400010 NetExec.boot
Alto: 25205400011 PupTest.boot
Alto: 25205400012 EtherWatch.boot
Alto: 25205400013 KeyTest.boot
Alto: 25205400014 Calculator.boot
Alto: 25205400015 DiEx.boot
Alto: 25205400016 TriEx.boot
Alto: 25205400017 EDP.boot
Alto: 25205400020 BFSTest.boot
Alto: 25205400021 GateControl.boot
Alto: 25205400022 EtherLoad.boot
Alto: 25205400024 Neptune.boot
Alto: 25205400025 What.boot
Alto: 25205400040 Pupwatch.boot
Alto: 25205400100 MesaNetExec.boot
Alto: 25205400200 CedarNetExec.boot
Alto: 25205403017 BootMeAgain.eb
Alto: 25205403110 AltoMesaDorado.eb
Alto: 25205403111 SmalltalkDorado.eb
Alto: 25205403112 AltoMesaDorado.eb
Alto: 25205403113 CedarDorado.eb
Alto: 25205403114 TestDorado.eb
Alto: 25205403400 Initial.eb
Alto: 25205404010 D0.eg
Alto: 25205403411 AltoD0.eb
Alto: 25205403412 AltoD0.eb
Alto: 25205403421 PilotD0.eb
Alto: 25205404011 OthelloD0.pb
Alto: 25205405100 CedarDorado.eg
Alto: 25205405102 CedarTestDorado.pb
Alto: 25205405200 BasicCedarDLion20.pb
;Alto: 25205405201 BasicCedarDLion21.pb
;Alto: 25205405202 BasicCedarDLion22.pb
;Alto: 25205405203 BasicCedarDLion23.pb
;Alto: 25205405205  BasicCedarDLion25.pb ;  The Cedar Printer
;Alto: 25205443000 AlphaMesaMesaNetExec.boot
;Alto: 25205443001 AlphaMesaPilotD0.eb
Alto: 25205443002 AlphaMesaD0.eg
Alto: 25205443003 AlphaMesaOthelloD0.pb
;Alto: 25205445102 Cedar5Dorado.eg
Alto: 25205445103 BasicCedarDorado.pb
Alto: 25205445104 BasicCedarDoradoTest.pb
Alto: 25205445105 BasicCedarDoradoTest.eg
Alto: 25205540000 OscarDicentra.pb

;DLion: Microcode 25200000000 EtherInitialDLion.db
;DLion: Microcode 25200000001 EtherInitialDLionAlt.db
;DLion: Microcode 25200000010 DiagDLion.db
;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000011 TridentDiagDLion.db
;DLion: Microcode 25200000020 MesaDLion.db
;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000021 TridentMesaDLion.db
;DLion: Microcode 25200000022 MesaDLionAlt.db
;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000023 TridentMesaDLionAlt.db
;DLion: Germ 25200000030 DLion.germ
;DLionTrident: Germ 25200000031 TridentDLion.germ
;DLion: Germ 25200000032 DLionAlt.germ
;DLionTrident: Germ 25200000033 TridentDLionAlt.germ
; Booting from 3 Now used for VP Net Installer.
; Booting DLion from 3 was 25200000040, Boot from 4 was 25200000041
; Booting DLion from 6 is 25200000042
;DLion: Boot 25200000042 <>12.2>PupOthelloDLion.boot
;DLion: Boot 25200000042 InstallerNSDLion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200000043 TridentOthelloDLion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200000043 TridentDLionAlt.boot
;DLion: Microcode 25200000000 EtherInitial.db
;DLion: Microcode 25200000010 Moonboot.db
;DLion: Microcode 25200000020 Mesa.db
;DLion: Germ 25200000030 DLion.germ
;DLion: Boot 25200000040 SimpleNetExecDLion.boot
;DLion: Boot 25200001000 EIDiskDLion.boot
;DLion: Boot 25200001000 MinaretEIDiskDLion.boot
;DLion: Boot 25200001002 InstallerNSDLion.boot
;DLion: Boot 25200001002 EIDiskDLion.boot
;DLion: Boot 25200001002 KlamathEIDiskDLion.boot

;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000000 EtherInitial.db
;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000011 Moonboot.db
;DLionTrident: Microcode 25200000021 TridentRavenMesa.db
;DLionTrident: Germ 25200000031 TriDLion.germ
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200000041 SimpleNetExecTriDlion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001001 EILCDDiagDLion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001001 MinaretEILCDDiagDLion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001003 InstallerNSTriDLion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001003 EILCDDiagDLion.boot
;DLionTrident: Boot 25200001003 KlamathEILCDDiagDLion.boot

;Dove: Microcode 25200004000 EtherInitialDove.db
;Dove: Microcode 25200004001 EtherInitialDove.db
;Dove: Microcode 25200004010 Moonrise.db
;Dove: Microcode 25200004020 MesaDove.db
;Dove: Microcode 25200004001 EtherInitialDove.db
;Dove: Microcode 25200004011 Moonrise.db
;Dove: Microcode 25200004021 MesaDove.db
;Dove: Germ 25200004030 Dove.germ
;Dove: Germ 25200004031 Dove.germ
;Dove: Boot 25200004040 SimpleNetExecDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004041 InstallerNSDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004041 b.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004042 b.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004070 SimpleNetExecDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004071 OfflineDiagnosticsDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004072 InstallerNSDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004074 DiagDiskUtilDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004075 DiagRDDove.boot
;Dove: Boot 25200004077 KDMDove.boot

Dicentra: Boot 25200002000 <>Dicentra>OscarDicentra.boot
Dicentra: Boot 25200002001 <>Dicentra>BootMeAgainDicentra.boot
--Dicentra: Boot 25200002002 DiskDebug.boot
D0: Microcode 25200400000 KlamathENXInitialD0.eb
;D0: Microcode 25200400000 AlphaMesaMesaNetExec.boot
;D0: Microcode 25200400001 AlphaMesaPilotD0.eb
D0: Microcode 25200400001 EtherPilotD0.eb
D0: Germ 25200400002 D0.eg
;D0: Germ 25200400002 D0.germ
D0: Boot 25200400003 AlphaMesaOthelloD0.pb
;D0: Boot 25200400003 OthelloD0.boot
;D0: Boot 25200400003 OthelloD0ENX.boot

DST: 98 305
ZONE: 5 00 ;Eastern
Correction: 0
Drift: 1000
Wobble: 5000
Flakey: FALSE

Pup: Dakota
Pup: Columbus

