;  Parameter file for Portofino 4.5

;  file:  Eastview.txt
;  date/time:     618-Feb-87 17:35:22	
;  edited: JCarroll adding XPN
;  edited: JCarroll XPN changed to RTPN

Service: RTPN Connected to RTPN.  Type C.RTCC300 or C.RTCC1200 to Start.
Socket: 71 20 RTPN
Line: 0 300 RTPN
Line: 1 300 RTPN
Line: 2 300 RTPN
Service: ENET The break key is disabled.  Use the DEL/RUBOUT to interrupt.
WatchLine: 3 300 ENET
WatchLine: 4 300 ENET
WatchLine: 5 300 ENET
WatchLine: 6 300 ENET
WatchLine: 7 300 ENET
WatchLine: 8 1200 ENET
WatchLine: 9 1200 ENET
Service: PACX Connected to RTCC's PACX Network.
Socket: 73 20 PACX
Line: 10 1200 PACX
Line: 11 1200 PACX 
Line: 12 1200 PACX
Inbound: 14#7#

Kill Debugger Bitmap: TRUE
Typescript: 100
; CommProc: 7 73 0
MICROCODE: MesaGateCPChain.br
ChainedEthernet: 14 3 0

Alto: 0 DMT.Boot
Alto: 1 NewOs.Boot
Alto: 2 FTP.Boot
Alto: 3 Scavenger.Boot
Alto: 4 CopyDisk.Boot
Alto: 5 CRTTest.Boot
Alto: 6 MadTest.Boot
Alto: 7 Chat.Boot
Alto: 10 NetExec.Boot
Alto: 11 PupTest.Boot
Alto: 12 EtherWatch.Boot
Alto: 13 KeyTest.Boot
; Alto: 14 Calculator.Boot
; Alto: 15 DiEx.Boot
; Alto: 16 TriEx.Boot
; Alto: 17 EDP.Boot
; Alto: 20 BFSTest.Boot
; Alto: 21 GateControl.Boot
; Alto: 22 EtherLoad.Boot
; Alto: 23  ARSubmit.Boot
; Alto: 24 Neptune.Boot
; Alto: 100 MesaNetExec.Boot
; Game: 1000 ShowAIS.Boot
; Game: 1001 StarWars.Boot
; Game: 1003 Kal.Boot
; Game: 1002 Fly.Boot
; Game: 1004 PinBall.Boot
; Game: 1005 Pool.Boot
; Game: 1006 MazeWar.Boot
; Game: 1007 Trek.Boot
; Game: 1010 Invaders.Boot
; Game: 1011 IranWars.Boot
; Game: 1012 Astroroids.Boot
; Game: 1013 Clock.boot
; Game: 1014  Galaxian.boot
; Game: 1017 Messenger.boot
; Alto: 100003 Config.Boot
; Debug: 100004 Knox.boot

; ZONE: +5:00  ; Eastern Time Zone
; DST: 121, 305

; Target: Twinkle