; BootFileNumbers.txt - Master list for Xerox NS Boot file numbers
; HGM, August 6, 1985 7:22:24 pm PDT
; 26-Jan-88 13:51:19 changed the 6-6 boot sequence for the latest version
; bj, September 2, 1988 12:59:48 pm PDT added DLight section
; cottriel.osbu←south@xerox 25-Oct-88 added Duke, Diana, Diana+/Dune section
; cottriel.osbu←south@xerox 10-Jan-90 added Bounty
; cottriel.osbu←south@xerox 30-Jan-91 added DuneLapTop/Dime, DuneColor/Desire
;                                       and Duet/DuetServer
; Copy [Indigo(STP)]<Portola>BootFileNumbers.txt ← BootFileNumbers.txt

NB: If you own a clump of host numbers, you can use them for boot file numbers.
There is some additional DLion BFN information at the end of this document.

252000000xx used for basic DLion booting

25200000000 and 25200000001 are wired into the IOPs EPRom (for 3 and 6 booting)
25200000000 EtherInitialDLion.db
25200000001 EtherInitialDLionAlt.db
25200000010 DiagDLion.db
25200000011 TridentDiagDLion.db
25200000020 MesaDLion.db
25200000021 TridentMesaDLion.db
;25200000022 MesaDLionAlt.db
DLion: Microcode 25200000022 MesaVela.db
25200000023 TridentMesaDLionAlt.db
25200000030 DLion.germ
25200000031 TridentDLion.germ
;25200000032 DLionAlt.germ
DLion: Germ 25200000032 DLionVela.germ
25200000033 TridentDLionAlt.germ
25200000040 OthelloDLion.boot
25200000041 TridentOthelloDLion.boot
;25200000042 DLionAlt.boot
DLion: Boot 25200000042 InstallerNSDLionVela.boot
25200000043 TridentDLionAlt.boot

252000001xx used for booting Cedar DLions
252000002xx used for booting Cedar Trident DLions
25200000001 Gets overlaid with HowardsInitial.db
When you see 7777 in MP, Hold down AltBoot again.
25200000100 EtherInitialDLion.db (6-3)
;25200000101 EtherInitialDLionAlt.db (6-6)   {commented out}
25200000101 EtherInitialAltVela.db (6-6) changed for 14.0 mesa
25200000120 CedarEtherInitialDLion20.db (6-20)
25200000121 CedarEtherInitialDLion21.db (6-21)
25200000130 CedarDLion20.db (6-20)
25200000131 CedarDLion21.db (6-21)
25200000140 CedarDLion20.germ (6-20)
25200000141 CedarDLion21.germ (6-21)
252000002xx is the Trident version
There are no xx.boot files because the Cedar Germ still uses Pups (groan).

25200001xxx reserved for more DLion boot files (someday somebody will write a NetExec)
25200001000 CurrentEIDiskDLion.boot
25200001001 CurrentEILCDDiagDLion.boot
25200001002 NextEIDiskDLion.boot
25200001003 NextEILCDDiagDLion.boot
25200001100 Othello12.0DLion.boot
25200001101 Othello12.0TriDLion.boot
25200001102 Installer12.0DLion.boot
25200001103 Installer12.0TriDLion.boot

25200002xxx reserved for Dicentras

25200002000 OscarDicentra.boot
25200002001 BootMeAgainDicentra.boot
25200002002 FlukeServer.boot
25200002003 GLiPDicentra.boot
25200002004 SageDicentra.boot
25200002005 PlotterDicentra.boot

25200003xxx reserved for Kiku (Contact Makoto Mita.FX if you need more info)

252000040xx reserved for Dove - Contact Julie Craig - JCraig:OSBU North

2520000400x: Daybreak initial microcode files
2520000401x: Daybreak diagnostic microcode files
2520000402x: Daybreak emulator (eg: MesaDove.db) files
2520000403x: Daybreak loader (eg: Dove.germ) files
2520000404x: Daybreak boot (eg: OthelloDove.boot) files
252000040xx: Daybreak other boot files

252000041xx reserved for Daisy -- Contact SSU

2520000410x: Daisy initial microcode files
2520000411x: Daisy diagnostic microcode files
2520000412x: Daisy emulator (eg: MesaDove.db) files
2520000413x: Daisy loader (eg: Dove.germ) files
2520000414x: Daisy boot (eg: OthelloDove.boot) files
252000041xx: Daisy other boot files

252000042xx reserved for Dime - Contact Osamu Yoshie:IWA:Fuji Xerox - 30-Jan-91

2520000420x: Dime initial microcode files
2520000421x: Dime diagnostic microcode files
2520000422x: Dime emulator (eg: MesaDime.db) files
2520000423x: Dime loader (eg: Dime.germ) files
2520000424x: Dime boot (eg: Dime.boot) files
252000042xx: Dime etherbootable bootfiles - diagnostics etc.

252000043xx reserved for Desire - Contact Osamu Yoshie:IWA:Fuji Xerox - 30-Jan-91

2520000430x: Desire initial microcode files
2520000431x: Desire diagnostic microcode files
2520000432x: Desire emulator (eg: MesaDesire.db) files
2520000433x: Desire loader (eg: Desire.germ) files
2520000434x: Desire boot (eg: Desire.boot) files
252000043xx: Desire etherbootable bootfiles - diagnostics etc.

252000044xx reserved for Duke/Helen - Contact SSU/FX  10-25-88

2520000440x: Duke initial microcode files
2520000441x: Duke diagnostic microcode files
2520000442x: Duke emulator (eg: MesaDuke.db) files
2520000443x: Duke loader (eg: Duke.germ) files
2520000444x: Duke boot (eg: OthelloDuke.boot) files
252000044xx: Duke other boot files

252000045xx reserved for Diana -- Contact SSU/FX      10-25-88

2520000450x: Diana initial microcode files
2520000451x: Diana diagnostic microcode files
2520000452x: Diana emulator (eg: MesaDiana.db) files
2520000453x: Diana loader (eg: Diana.germ) files
2520000454x: Diana boot (eg: OthelloDiana.boot) files
252000045xx: Diana other boot files

252000046xx reserved for Dune -- Contact SSU/FX       10-25-88

2520000460x: Dune initial microcode files
2520000461x: Dune diagnostic microcode files
2520000462x: Dune emulator (eg: MesaDune.db) files
2520000463x: Dune loader (eg: Dune.germ) files
2520000464x: Dune boot (eg: OthelloDune.boot) files
252000046xx: Dune other boot files

252000047xx reserved for Duet - Contact Osamu Yoshie:IWA:Fuji Xerox - 30-Jan-91

2520000470x: DuetServer initial microcode files
2520000471x: DuetServer diagnostic microcode files
2520000472x: DuetServer emulator (eg: MesaDuet.db) files
2520000473x: DuetServer loader (eg: Duet.germ) files
2520000474x: DuetServer boot (eg: OthelloDuet.boot) files
252000047xx: DuetServer etherbootable bootfiles - diagnostics etc.

25200006xxx reserved for Daylight - Contact Randy Polen:OSBU North

Daylight, 3 boot
25200006000: EtherInitialDLight.db
25200006010: MoonDLight.db
25200006020: RavenMesaDLight.db
25200006030: DLight.germ
25200006040: SimpleNetExecDLight.boot

Daylight, 6 boot
25200006001: EtherInitialAltDLight.db
25200006022: RavenMesaDLight.db
25200006032: DLight.germ
25200006042: InstallerTapeDLight.boot  --or OthelloDLight.boot

SCSI/HiCap Daylights, 3 boot
25200006002: EtherInitialDLight.db
25200006011: MoonDLight.db
25200006021: RavenMesaDLight.db
25200006031: DLight.germ
25200006041: SimpleNetExecDLight.boot

SCSI/HiCap Daylights, 6 boot
25200006003: EtherInitialAltDLight.db
25200006023: RavenMesaDLight.db
25200006033: DLight.germ
25200006043: OthelloDLight.boot

Daylight additional bootfiles (for SimpleNetExecDLight)
25200006050: EIDiskDLight.boot
25200006051: InstallerTapeDlight.boot
25200006052: SimpleNetExecDLight.boot
25200006053: DiagOfflineFlTapeDLight.boot
25200006054: {EMPTY}
25200006055: DiagOfflineHiCapDLight.boot
25200006056: {EMPTY}
25200006057: {EMPTY}

252000070xx reserved for Bounty - Ed Keller, Advanced Workstation - 10-Jan-90 

2520000700x: Bounty initial microcode files
2520000701x: Bounty diagnostic microcode files
2520000702x: Bounty emulator (eg: MesaBounty.db) files
2520000703x: Bounty loader (eg: Bounty.germ) files
2520000704x: Bounty boot (eg: Bounty.boot) files
252000070xx: Bounty other boot files

25205400000-25205577777 reserved for use by the Alto world.

25200400000 EtherInitialD0.eb
25200400001 EtherPilotD0.eb
25200400002 D0.germ
25200400003 OthelloD0.boot
25200400010 EtherInitialD0Alt.eb
25200400011 PilotD0Alt.eb
25200400012 D0Alt.germ
25200400013 OthelloD0Alt.boot


-- Boot file numbers known to the Dandelion Boot EPROM:
-- This information is from:
--   [Huey:OSBU North:Xerox]<APilot>12.0>NS>Friends>BootServerTypes.bcd

standardEtherInitialMicrocode: = 25200000000 = EtherInitialDLion.db
alternateEtherInitialMicrocode: = 25200000001 = test version of EtherInitialDLion.db
standardSA4000DiagnosticMicrocode: = 25200000010 = DiagDLion.db
standardTridentDiagnosticMicrocode: = 25200000011 = TridentDiagDLion.db
standardSA4000MesaMicrocode: = 25200000020 = Mesa.db
standardTridentMesaMicrocode: = 25200000021 = TridentMesa.db
alternateSA4000MesaMicrocode: = 25200000022 = test version of Mesa.db
alternateTridentMesaMicrocode: = 25200000023 = test version of TridentMesa.db
standardSA4000Germ: = 25200000030 = DLion.germ
standardTridentGerm: = 25200000031 = TridentDLion.germ
alternateSA4000Germ: = 25200000032 = test version of DLion.germ
alternateTridentGerm: = 25200000033 = test version of TridentDLion.germ
standardSA4000BootFile: = 25200000040 = OthelloDLion.boot
standardTridentBootFile: = 25200000041 = TridentOthelloDLion.boot
alternateSA4000BootFile: = 25200000042 = test version of OthelloDLion.boot
alternateTridentBootFile: = 25200000043 = test version of TridentOthelloDLion.boot