MOCKINGBIRD - December 17, 1981
scrollbarscroll upthumbscroll down
(in score)select notedeselect note/move beam(left=y,right=tilt)/
delete event/insert from menu/
switch insertion modesmove event
SHIFTextend note selectionxxxmove note
CONTROLsection selectxxxselect from menu
CONTROL-SHIFTgrey section selectxxxxxx
CommandSHIFTEDSection selectionNote selection
(b)eamclear beamsheuristic beambeam notes
(↑b)eamdebeam beamsxxxbeam beams
(c)hordclear chordsheursitic chordchord notes
(d)eletexxxdelete sectiondelete notes
(e)verythingxxxsection select all. . .
(g)raceungrace notesgrace notesditto
(↑g)uessxxxguess the durations of the notes xxx
(k)ey+keyNameCRxxxset key to keyNamexxx
(l)ookxxxsee looks section
(m)etrenome+nCRxxxset metrenome to n (default=128)xxx
(n)-tuplet nCRmCRmake "invisible"make beams into n-tupletsset notes to n/m n-tuplet (3/2=triplet)
(↑n)-tuplet nCRmCRdebeam n-tupletsxxxn-tuplet beams
(p)transPose (-)nCRxxxmove the pitches +/- n half stepsditto
(r)eplacexxxblack selection ← grey selectionxxx
(r)estmake rests into notesxxxmake notes into rests
(s)yncclear syncsheuristic syncsync notes
(t)ieuntie notes/chordsxxxtie selected notes/chords together
(v)oice nxxxset voice to nditto
(x)examinexxxsumcheck ALL measures. . .
(ESC)deselect allxxxmake null selection. . .
(DEL)terminatexxxterminate command. . .
(/)time nCRmCRxxxset time signature to n/mxxx
([)staff nxxxput notes on the nth staff from top. (top=1).
(↑)stem upxxxset note stems upditto
(←)stem downxxxset note stems downditto
(1)wholedotted wholeset note values to wholeditto
(2)halfdotted halfset note values to halfditto
(4)quarterdotted quarterset note values to quarterditto
(8)eighthdotted eighthset note values to eighthditto
(6)sixteenthdotted sixteenthset note values to 1/16ditto
(3)32nddotted thirtysecondset note values to 1/32ndditto
(7)64nddotted sixtyfourthset note values to 1/64thditto
(0)unknownxxxset note values to unknownditto
(a)ccidentalin-the-cracks notationkey and accidentals are shown
(c)arryaccidentals don’t carryaccidentals carry (apply to notes that follow in the measure)
(h)ardcopynormal scalehardcopy scale (scale music will be printed at)
(j)ustified nxxxjustify with scaling of n (n becomes default)
(l)ogicalxxxturn the pianoroll into a perfect rendition of the logical score
(n)oteheadbar length gives durationnote shape gives duration (whole, half, quarter...)
(o)verviewreturn to prior scalego to overview
(p)ianoroll nCRxxxhorizontal position is linear with playing time (n=scale)
(s)ync don’t show the sync linesshow the sync lines
(v)oice ndisplay all of the voicesdisplay only voice n. Editing actions will only affect this voice.