// IfsBackupCmd2.bcpl -- operator interface for backup system
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981

// Last modified October 4, 1981  4:12 PM by Taft

get "Ifs.decl"
get "IfsSystemInfo.decl"
get "IfsFiles.decl"
get "IfsBackup.decl"

// outgoing procedures
BackupStatus; BackupChange; BackupEnable; BackupDisable
BackupRepeat; BackupDontRepeat

// incoming procedures
GetString; GetNumber; BeginDefaultPhrase; EndDefaultPhrase
EnableCatch; EndCatch; SelectKeyword
CreateKeywordTable; DestroyKeywordTable; InsertKeyword; GetKeyword
GetCreateParams; DestroyCreateParams; CreateIFS; CloseIFS
VFileReadPage; VFileWritePage; LockCell; UnlockCell
ParseDate; WritePackedDT; PutTemplate
Free; Ws; Wss; Wns; Errors; MoveBlock; Mul; Div; Zero; IFSPrintError

// incoming statics
infoVMD; sysZone; dsp; backupRunning

let BackupEnable(cs) be BackupOnOff(true)

and BackupDisable(cs) be BackupOnOff(false)

and BackupOnOff(value) be
Ws(" (backup system)")
let bi = VFileWritePage(infoVMD, biPage)
bi>>BI.okToGo = value

and BackupRepeat(cs) be
Wss(cs, " (backups more recent than) ")
let timeBackupAfter = vec 1
GetDate(cs, timeBackupAfter)
MoveBlock(lv VFileWritePage(infoVMD, biPage)>>BI.timeBackupAfter,
 timeBackupAfter, 2)

and BackupDontRepeat(cs) be
SelectKeyword(cs, "Repeat")
Ws(" (backups)")
Zero(lv VFileWritePage(infoVMD, biPage)>>BI.timeBackupAfter, 2)
and BackupStatus(cs) be
let bi = VFileReadPage(infoVMD, biPage)
LockCell(lv bi)
PutTemplate(dsp, "*nBackup system is $S and $S.",
 (bi>>BI.okToGo? "enabled", "disabled"),
 (backupRunning? "running", "waiting"))
if bi>>BI.inProgress then
   PutTemplate(dsp, "*n$S working on file $S.",
    (backupRunning? "Presently", "Interrupted while"), lv bi>>BI.pathName)
PutTemplate(dsp, "*nBackup scheduled between $P and $P.",
 WritePackedDT, lv bi>>BI.timeStart, WritePackedDT, lv bi>>BI.timeStop)
if bi>>BI.timeBackupAfter.h ne 0 then
   PutTemplate(dsp, "*nWill repeat backups more recent than $P.",
    WritePackedDT, lv bi>>BI.timeBackupAfter)
for i = 0 to numBFSD-1 do
   let bfsd = lv bi>>BI.bfsd↑((bi>>BI.iBFSD+i) rem numBFSD)
   if bfsd>>BFSD.state eq bfsdEmpty loop
   PutTemplate(dsp, "*nFile system $S is ", lv bfsd>>BFSD.id)
   switchon bfsd>>BFSD.state into
      case bfsdUsable:
         Ws("available to backup system; ")
          (bfsd>>BFSD.refresh? "to be re-initialized.", "$ED free pages."),
          lv bfsd>>BFSD.freePages)
      case bfsdInUse:
         [ Ws("presently in use by backup system"); endcase ]
      case bfsdUsed:
         Ws("no longer usable by backup system*n --")
         IFSPrintError(dsp, bfsd>>BFSD.errorCode)
UnlockCell(lv bi)
and BackupChange(cs) be
Wss(cs, " (backup parameters)*nStart next backup at: ")
let bi = nil
if EnableCatch(cs) then [ UnlockCell(lv bi); EndCatch(cs) ]
bi = VFileWritePage(infoVMD, biPage)
LockCell(lv bi)
let timeStart = vec 1
DefaultDate(cs, lv bi>>BI.timeStart)
GetDate(cs, timeStart)
Wss(cs, "*nStop next backup at: ")
let timeStop = vec 1
DefaultDate(cs, lv bi>>BI.timeStop)
GetDate(cs, timeStop)
Wss(cs, "*nInterval between backup runs (hours): ")
let timeInterval = vec 1
DefaultNumber(cs, Div(lv bi>>BI.timeInterval, 3600, timeInterval))
Mul(0, GetNumber(cs), 3600, timeInterval)
Wss(cs, "*nFull file system dump period (days): ")
let fullPeriod = vec 1
DefaultNumber(cs, Div(lv bi>>BI.fullPeriod, 3600, fullPeriod)/24)
Mul(0, GetNumber(cs)*24, 3600, fullPeriod)
MoveBlock(lv bi>>BI.timeStart, timeStart, 2)
MoveBlock(lv bi>>BI.timeStop, timeStop, 2)
MoveBlock(lv bi>>BI.timeInterval, timeInterval, 2)
MoveBlock(lv bi>>BI.fullPeriod, fullPeriod, 2)
bi>>BI.version = biVersion  //signal that BI is kosher now
UnlockCell(lv bi)

and GetDate(cs, time) be
let DateBreak(cs, char) = char eq $*n % char eq $*033
let str = GetString(cs, DateBreak, Wss, "date and time (dd-mmm-yy hh:mm)")
let ok = ParseDate(str, time)
Free(sysZone, str)
unless ok do Errors(cs, 0)

and DefaultDate(cs, time) be
if time!0 ne 0 then
   WritePackedDT(cs, time)

and DefaultNumber(cs, num) be
if num ne 0 then
   Wns(cs, num)