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BootDefs.mcNovember 8, 1979 2:02 PM%
November 8, 1979 2:03 PM
Change r0 to rm0.
mc[xorC, 23];* alufm value that causes "xor".
set[xorX, 10];* aluf index that addresses "xor" value.
mc[andC, 35];* alufm value that causes "and".
set[andX, 6];* aluf index that addresses "and" value.
mc[plus1C, 200];* alufm value that causes "plus1".
set[plus1X, 12];* aluf index that addresses "plus1".
mc[notAC, 1];* alufm value that causes "not(A)".
set[notAX, 16];* aluf index that addresses "not(A)".
* Now we define the relative locations of our RM registers
rvrel[chkSum, 0];
rvrel[byte1, 1];
rvrel[byte2, 2];
rvrel[rlink, 3];
rvrel[loc, 4];
rvrel[dispV, 5];
rvrel[rscr, 1];
rvrel[rscr2, 2];
rvrel[subrScr, 3];
rvrel[va, 4]; rvrel[cva, 4];
rvrel[cflagsV, 5];
rvrel[cBrCacheABits, 6];
rvrel[colX, 7];
rvrel[rowX, 10];
rvrel[col, 11];
rvrel[mPageX, 12];
rvrel[xMapBase, 13];
rvrel[drlink, 14];