MicroD 9.14 (OS 16) of March 25, 1981
  at 19-Jun-85 15:33:54


ftest.DIB    54b instructions   written 19-Jun-85 15:33:48

Total of 54b instructions

Checking for errors...
Building allocation lists...
Assigning locations...
    26b instructions in other rings including a CALL/conditional
     1b instructions in CALLed 1-instruction rings
     2b instructions in other multi-instruction rings
    23b instructions in other 1-instruction rings
Reloading binaries...
Checking assignment...
Writing .MB file...
Writing listing...


 Imag   Real    W0     W1    Symbol
 ----   ----  ------ ------  --------
    0      3     104 100201  BEGIN
    1      1  140114  37640   (+1)
    2      2   60114  37611   (+2)
    3     11     164  24300   (+3)
    4     12  160114  37640   (+4)
    5     13     104  37642   (+5)
    6     42   40101 177605  FETCH1
    7      5   20114  37620   (+1)
   10      6  140114  37640   (+2)
   11      7  100114  37615   (+3)
   12     15   40164  24300   (+4)
   13     16  160114  37640   (+5)
   14     17     104  37643   (+6)
   15     43     101 177621  FETCH2
   16     21   20114  37620   (+1)
   17     22     104  37651   (+2)
   20     51     104  37652   (+3)
   21     52     104  37653   (+4)
   22     53     104  37655   (+5)
   23     55     104  37603   (+6)
   24     40     104  37656  SETMCR
   25     56     104  37657   (+1)
   26     57     104  37661   (+2)
   27     61     104  37662   (+3)
   30     62     104  37663   (+4)
   31     63     104  37671   (+5)
   32     71     104  37672   (+6)
   33     72     104  37673   (+7)
   34     73     104  37675   (+10)
   35     75     104  37641   (+11)
   36     41     206  53235   (+12)
   37     35     104  37676   (+13)
   40     76     104  37507   (+14)
   41      0     104  37632  LOADMUNCH
   42     32     104  37677  LM1
   43     77  213260 177610   (+1)
   44     10  130116  37623   (+2)
   45     23  206404   7631   (+3)
   46     31     104  30232   (+4)
   47     33     104  37614   (+5)
   50     14     104  37507   (+6)
   51     20     204  63236  LONGWAIT
   52     36     104  31636   (+1)
   53     37     104  37507   (+2)

Page    0:  54 locations used,  24 free


     0       0  FIRSTADDR
     1     100  WAIT
     2    2000  SECONDADDR
     3       0  FIRSTPATRN
     4       0  SECONDPATRN
     5  177777  XORPAT
     6     601  FIRSTMCR
     7   77601  SECONDMCR
    10       0  RSCR
    11       0  RSCR2
    12          RLC


     0   25
     1    0
     2   31
     3    7
     4   14
     5  222
     6   35
     7   27
    10   23
    11   33
    12   17
    13  200
    14   36
    15   13  ALC
    16    1
MicroD time: 2 seconds; 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 11380 words free