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Dorado Hardware ManualIntroduction14 September 1981
Dorado is a high performance, medium cost microprogrammed computer designed primarily to implement a virtual machine for the Mesa language, as described in "The Mesa Processor Principles of Operation," and to provide high storage bandwidth for picture-processing applications. Dorado aims more at word processing than at numerical applications.
The microprocessor has a nominal cycle time of 60 ns, and most Mesa opcodes will execute in one or two cycles; the overall average opcode execution time will be subject to a number of considerations discussed later. Dorado will also achieve respectable performance when implementing virtual machines for the Alto, Interlisp, and Smalltalk programming systems, although simple instructions for these run three to five times slower than Mesa.
Dorado is implemented primarily of MECL-10K integrated circuits; storage boards use MOS and Schottky-TTL components primarily. Backplanes and storage boards are printed circuits; other logic boards are stitchweld in prototypes and multiwire or PC in production machines. The mainframe is divided into sections called Control, Processor, Instruction Fetch Unit (IFU), and Memory, and peripheral control is accomplished by the Disk, Ethernet, and Display Controller sections, as discussed in chapters of this manual. The main data paths, shown in Figure 1, are 16-bits wide (the word size). The control section is shown in Figure 5. The Baseboard section, used to control the mainframe, is discussed in the "Dorado Debugging Interface" document.
The processor is organized around an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) whose two inputs are the A and B data paths (Figure 1), and whose output is normally routed to the Pd data path. Inputs to A, B, and Pd include all registers accessible to the programmer. In addition, 16-bit literal constants can be generated on B. B appears on the backplane for communication with the IFU, Control, and Memory sections.
The processor also includes a 32-bit in/16-bit out shifter-masker optimized for field insertion and extraction and with specialized paths for the bit-boundary block transfer (BitBlt) instruction.
An instruction fetch unit (the IFU) operating in parallel with the processor can handle up to four instruction sets with 256 opcodes each; opcodes may independently be specified as one, two, or three bytes long.
Emulator and IFU references to main memory are made through a 4k-word high-speed cache. Main storage can be configured in various sizes up to a maximum of 222 16-bit words when 64k x 1 RAMs.
The processor initiates data transfers between main memory and fast input/output devices. 16 16-bit words are then transmitted without disturbing the processor data paths in about 1.68 ms (28 cycles). New references can be initiated every 8 cycles, so total bandwidth of the memory, 533 mHz, is available for devices with enough buffering.