Title[DMesaFloat.mc...September 5, 1983  3:59 PM...Taft];
* Mesa floating point operations

	CONTENTS, by order of alpha byte value

FAdd	(alpha=20B)	Floating add
FSub	(alpha=21B)	Floating subtract
FMul	(alpha=22B)	Floating multiply
FDiv	(alpha=23B)	Floating divide
FComp	(alpha=24B)	Floating compare
Fix	(alpha=25B)	Fix to LONG INTEGER
Float	(alpha=26B)	Float a LONG INTEGER
FixI	(alpha=27B)	Fix to INTEGER
FixC	(alpha=30B)	Fix to CARDINAL
FSticky	(alpha=31B)	Read and set Inexact Result sticky flag and enable
FRem	(alpha=32b)	(Floating remainder unimplemented)
Round	(alpha=33B)	Round to LONG INTEGER
RoundI	(alpha=34B)	Round to INTEGER
RoundC	(alpha=35B)	Round to CARDINAL
FSqRt	(alpha=36B)	(Square root unimplemented)
FSc	(alpha=37B)	Floating scale

* Conventions

IEEE standard floating point number representation (single-precision):
	bit 0		sign (1 = negative)
	bits 1-8	excess-127 exponent (0 = true zero if fraction = 0,
			else denormalized; 377 = infinity or Not-a-Number)
	bits 9-31	fraction, implicitly preceded by "1." if nonzero
			and normalized

Internal (unpacked) representation, for argument 1 (argument 2 is similar):
	ExpSign1	[0] = 0, [1:8] = excess-128 exponent,
			[9:12] = 0, [13:14] undefined, [15] sign (1 = negative)
	Frac1H		high 16 bits of fraction; if number nonzero, includes
			explicit "1" in bit 0 and binary point between
			bits 0 and 1
	Frac1L		low 8 bits of fraction left-justified, followed by
			non-significant bits and sticky bit

Timings are for cases involving normalized nonzero numeric operands.
Where expressed in microseconds, a 64-ns cycle time is assumed (clock = 32ns).

Note: at all MiscTable entries, T contains the top-of-stack
and StkP has been incremented.
* Local R-register usage:
SetRMRegion[BBRegs];	* Overlay BitBlt registers
	RVN[ExpSign1];	* Exponent and sign of argument 1
	RVN[Frac1H];	* Fraction of argument 1 (high part)
	RVN[Frac1L];	* (low part)

	RVN[ExpSign2];	* Argument 2 ...

	RVN[FTemp0];	* Temporaries

* Alto mode: OTPReg preserves the MISC alpha byte (in bits 6:13), in case we
* need to trap.  OTPReg = 4*alpha if entry point 0 or 1 was taken,
* 4*alpha+1 if entry point 2.

* Sticky is permanently dedicated to holding the Inexact Result sticky flag
* and enable bit:
* Sticky[0]=1 => trap enabled
* Sticky[15]=1 => Inexact Result has occurred

* Returns T=2 if floating point microcode is present, 0 otherwise.

	T← 2C, Return;


* Unimplemented operations

	MiscTable[32], Branch[FloatTrap]; * FRem
	MiscTable[36], Branch[FloatTrap]; * Undefined

:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
FSticky: MiscTable[31],		* Sticky flags
* new: StickyFlags ← Pop[]; Push[stickyFlags]; stickyFlags← new;

	Sticky← T, Q← Sticky;
	Stack-1← Q, IFUNext0;

:Else;			******** PrincOps version ********
FSticky: MiscTable[31],		* Sticky flags
* new: StickyFlags ← Pop[]; Push[stickyFlags]; stickyFlags← new;

	RBase← RBase[Sticky];
	Sticky← T, Q← Sticky;
	Stack-1← Q, IFUNext0;
:EndIf;			**********************************
FSub: MiscTable[21],		* Floating subtract
* a, b: REAL;
* b ← PopLong[]; a ← PopLong[]; PushLong[a-b];
* Timing: same as FAdd.

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, SCall[FUnPack2];
	 ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+1, Branch[FAddZeroR]; * Flip sign of arg 2 and add
	ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+1, Branch[FAddNonZero];

FAdd: MiscTable[20],		* Floating add
* a, b: REAL;
* b ← PopLong[]; a ← PopLong[]; PushLong[a+b];
* Timing: 34 cycles, +[7..9] if operand exponents differ, +5 if round,
*	+ one of the following:
*	  signs equal: +2, +3 more if result exponent > max(arg1, arg2) exponent.
*	  signs unequal: +8, +3 more if result sign # arg1 sign,
*		+ 2*((max(arg1 exponent, arg2 exponent) - result exponent) mod 16).
* Typical case involving unnormalization but no renormalization or rounding:
*	49 cycles or ~ 3.1 microseconds

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, SCall[FUnPack2];
	 PD← (Stack&+2)+(Stack&+2), Branch[FAddZero]; * +1: at least one arg is zero

* Difference between exponents is the amount of unnormalization required.
* The low 7 bits of ExpSign1 contain either 4 or 5, whereas the low 7 bits
* of ExpSign2 contain 0, 1, or 2.  Thus subtracting ExpSign2 from
* ExpSign1 cannot cause a carry out of the low 7 bits.
* Furthermore, the low bit gets the xor of the two signs, useful later
* when determining whether to add or subtract the fractions.
	T← ExpSign1;
	ExpSign2← T← T-(Q← ExpSign2);
	FTemp1← A0, Q RSH 1;
	T← T+T, DblBranch[UnNorm1, UnNorm2, Carry'];

* Un-normalize operand 1.  T[0:7] has negative of right-shift count.
	ExpSign1← (B← Q) LSH 1, Branch[.+2, R even]; * Result exponent is Exp2
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+1;		* But preserve Sign1
	T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C);
	T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm1le20, Carry];
	T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm1le40, Carry];

* Exponents differ by more than 40.
* Just zero operand 1, but be sure to set the sticky bit.
	Frac1L← 1C;
	Frac1H← A0, Branch[UnNormDone];

* Exponent difference IN [1..20].  Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 40 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 20-n] = RCY[T, R, n]
	T← Frac1L, ShC← T;
	PD← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];	* PD← RCY[Frac1L, 0, [1..20]]
	T← Frac1H, FreezeBC;
	Frac1L← ShiftNoMask[Frac1L],	* Frac1L← RCY[Frac1H, Frac1L, [1..20]]
		Branch[.+2, ALU=0];	* Test bits shifted out of Frac1L
	Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR (1C);	* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit
	T← A0, Q← Frac2L;
	Frac1H← ShiftNoMask[Frac1H],	* Frac1H← RCY[0, Frac1H, [1..20]]
* FAdd/FSub (cont'd)

* Exponent difference IN [21..40].  Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 60 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 40-n] = RCY[T, R, n-20]
	T← Frac1H, ShC← T;
	T← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];		* T← RCY[Frac1H, 0, [1..20]]
	PD← T OR (Frac1L);		* Bits lost from Frac1H and Frac1L
	T← A0, FreezeBC;
	Frac1L← ShiftNoMask[Frac1H],	* Frac1L← RCY[0, Frac1H, [1..20]]
		Branch[ZeroFrac1H, ALU=0];
	Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR (1C),	* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit

* Un-normalize operand 2.  T[0:7] has right-shift count, and T[8:15] is IN [0..12].
	T← (12S)-T;			* Negate count; ensure no borrow by ALU[8:15]
	T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNormDone, Carry]; * Branch if exponents equal
	T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm2le20, Carry];
	T← T+(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[UnNorm2le40, Carry];

* Exponents differ by more than 40.
* Just zero operand 2, but be sure to set the sticky bit.
	Frac2L← 1C;
	T← Frac2H← A0, Branch[UnNormDone];

* Exponent difference IN [1..20].  Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 40 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 20-n] = RCY[T, R, n]
	T← Frac2L, ShC← T;
	PD← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];	* PD← RCY[Frac2L, 0, [1..20]]
	T← Frac2H, FreezeBC;
	Frac2L← ShiftNoMask[Frac2L],	* Frac2L← RCY[Frac2H, Frac2L, [1..20]]
		Branch[.+2, ALU=0];	* Test bits shifted out of Frac2L
	Frac2L← (Frac2L) OR (1C);	* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit
	T← A0, Q← Frac2L;
	T← Frac2H← ShiftNoMask[Frac2H],	* Frac2H← RCY[0, Frac2H, [1..20]]

* Exponent difference IN [21..40].  Let n = the difference.
* T[0:7] now has 60 - n, i.e., IN [20..37], so SHA=R, SHB=T.
* This is correct shift control for LCY[R, T, 40-n] = RCY[T, R, n-20]
	T← Frac2H, ShC← T;
	T← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];		* T← RCY[Frac2H, 0, [1..20]]
	PD← T OR (Frac2L);		* Bits lost from Frac2H and Frac2L
	T← A0, FreezeBC;
	Frac2L← ShiftNoMask[Frac2H],	* Frac1L← RCY[0, Frac1H, [1..20]]
		Branch[ZeroFrac2H, ALU=0];
	Frac2L← (Frac2L) OR (1C),	* Nonzero bits lost, set sticky bit

* Now decide whether fractions are to be added or subtracted.
* ExpSign2[15] remembers the xor of the signs.
	Q← Frac2L;
	T← Frac2H;
	ExpSign2, DblBranch[SubFractions, AddFractions, R odd]; * Subtract if signs differ
* FAdd/FSub (cont'd)

* Signs equal, add fractions.  T = Frac2H, Q = Frac2L.
	Frac1L← (Frac1L)+Q;
	Frac1H← T← (Frac1H)+T, XorSavedCarry;
	PD← (Frac1L) AND (377C), Branch[FRePackNZ1, Carry'];

* If carry out of high result, must normalize right 1 position.
* Need not restore leading "1", since rounding cannot cause a carry into this
* position, and the leading bit is otherwise ignored during repacking.
	Frac1H← (Frac1H) RSH 1;
	Frac1L← RCY[T, Frac1L, 1], Branch[.+2, R even];
	Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR (1C);	* Preserve sticky bit
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(LShift[1, 7]C), Branch[FRePackNonzero];

* Signs differ, subtract fractions.  T = Frac2H, Q = Frac2L.
	Frac1L← (Frac1L)-Q;
	T← (Frac1H)-T-1, XorSavedCarry;
	Frac1H← A0, FreezeBC, Branch[Normalize, Carry];

* If carry, Frac1 was >= Frac2, so result sign is Sign1.
* If no carry, sign of the result changed.  Must negate fraction and
* complement sign to restore sign-magnitude representation.
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+1;
	Frac1L← (0S)-(Frac1L);
	T← (Frac1H)-T-1, XorSavedCarry, Branch[Normalize];

* Add/Subtract with zeroes:
* One or both of the operands is zero.  ALU = (high word of arg1) LSH 1.  This is
* zero iff arg1 is zero (note that we don't need to worry about denormalized numbers,
* since they have been filtered out already).
* StkP has been advanced to point to high word of arg2.
	T← (Stack&-1)+(Q← Stack&-1),	* T← (high word of arg2) LSH 1
		Branch[FAddArg2Zero, ALU#0]; * arg1#0 => arg2=0
	Cnt← Stack&-1,			* Cnt← low word of arg2
		Branch[FAddArg1Zero, ALU#0]; * arg2#0 => arg1=0

* Both args are zero: result is -0 if both args negative, else +0.
	StackT← (StackT) AND Q, IFUNext2;

* Arg 1 is zero and arg 2 nonzero: result is arg 2.
* Note: must re-pack sign explicitly, since FSub might have flipped it.
	T← RCY[ExpSign2, T, 1];		* Insert Sign2 into high result
	Stack&-1← T;
	Stack&+1← Cnt, IFUNext0;

* Arg 2 is zero and arg 1 nonzero: result is arg 1.
	StkP-1, IFUNext0;		* Result already on stack
FMul: MiscTable[22],		* Floating multiply
* a, b: REAL;
* b ← PopLong[]; a ← PopLong[]; PushLong[a*b];
* Timing: 92 cycles, +6 if need to round.  ~ 5.9 microseconds.

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, SCall[FUnPack2];
	 T← ExpSign2, Branch[MulArgZero]; * +1: at least one arg is zero

* XOR signs and add exponents.  Subtract 200 from exponent to correct for doubling bias,
* and add 1 to correct for 1-bit right shift of binary point during multiply
* (binary point of product is between bits 1 and 2 rather than between 0 and 1).
	T← (ExpSign2)-(LShift[200, 7]C); * Subtract 200 from ExpSign2[0:8]
	T← T+(LShift[1, 7]C);		* And add 1 (can't combine the constants, alas)
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+T;

* Now do the multiplications.  Initial registers:
*   Frac1H = F1H (high 16 bits of arg 1)
*   Frac1L = F1L,,0 (low 8 bits of arg 1)
*   Frac2H = F2H (high 16 bits of arg 2)
*   Frac2L = F2L,,0 (low 8 bits of arg 2)
* Intermediate register usage:
*   Frac1L and FTemp0 accumulate sticky bits
*   FTemp2 is the initial product register for the Multiply subroutines.

* Do 8-step multiply of F1L*F2L, with initial product of zero.
	Frac1L← T← RSH[Frac1L, 10];	* Frac1L← 0,,F1L
	Frac2L← RSH[Frac2L, 10],	* Frac2L← 0,,F2L
		Call[MultTx2L8I];	* Force 8 iterations, initial product 0

* Low product is FTemp2[8:15],,Q[0:7].  FTemp2[0:7] = Q[8:15] = 0.
* Do 8-step multiply of F2H*F1L, using high 8 bits of previous result as initial product.
	FTemp0← Q;			* Save low 8 bits for later use as sticky bits
	T← Frac2H, Cnt← 6S, Call[MultTx1L];

* Cross product is FTemp2[0:15]..Q[0:7].  Q[8:15] = 0.
* Do 8-step multiply of F1H*F2L, with initial product of zero.
	Frac1L← Q;			* Frac1L← low 8 bits of cross product
	T← Frac1H, ShC← T,		* ShC← high 16 bits of cross product
		Call[MultTx2L8I];	* Force 8 iterations, initial product 0

* Cross product is FTemp2[0:15]..Q[0:7].  Q[8:15] = 0.
* Add cross products, propagate carries, and merge sticky bits.
	T← (Frac1L)+Q;			* Add low 8 bits of cross products
	Frac1L← (FTemp0) OR T;		* Merge with sticky bits from low product
	T← ShC, Branch[.+2, ALU=0];	* Collapse to single sticky bit in Frac1L[15]
	Frac1L← 1C;
	FTemp2← (FTemp2)+T, XorSavedCarry; * Add high 16 bits of cross products

* Do 16-step multiply of F1H*F2H, using high 16 bits of previous result as initial product.
* Frac1H← (-1)+(carry out of sum of low and cross products).
	T← B← Frac1H, Cnt← 16S;
	Frac1H← T-T-1, XorSavedCarry, Call[MultTx2H];

* Final result is T,,Q.  Merge in the sticky bit from low-order products and exit.
	Frac1L← (Frac1L) OR Q, DispTable[1, 2, 2];
	T← (Frac1H)+T+1, Branch[Normalize], DispTable[1, 2, 2];

* One or both of the arguments is zero.  Return zero with appropriate sign.  T = ExpSign2
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) XOR T, Branch[FRePackZero];
* Unsigned multiply subroutines
* Entry conditions (except as noted):
*	Cnt = n-2, where n is the number of iterations
*	T = multiplicand
*	FracXX = multiplier (register depends on entry point);
*		leftmost (16D-n) bits must be zero.
*	FTemp2 = initial product (to be added to low 16 bits of final product)
* Exit conditions:
*	Product right-justified in T[0:15],,Q[0:n-1]
*	Q[n:15] = 0
*	FTemp2 = copy of T
*	Carry = 1 iff T[0] = 1
* If n = 16D, caller must squash Multiply dispatches in the 2 instructions
* following the Call.
* Timing: n+2

* Entry point for multiplier = Frac1L
	Q← Frac1L, DblBranch[MultiplierO, MultiplierE, R odd];

* Entry point for multiplier = Frac2L.
* This entry forces 8 iterations with an initial product of zero.
	FTemp2← A0, Cnt← 6S;
	Q← Frac2L, DblBranch[MultiplierO, MultiplierE, R odd];

* Entry point for multiplier = Frac2H
	Q← Frac2H, DblBranch[MultiplierO, MultiplierE, R odd];

* Execute first Multiply purely for its side-effects (dispatch and shift Q)
	PD← A0, Multiply, Branch[FM0];
	PD← A0, Multiply, Branch[FM1];


* here after Q[14] was 0 (no add) and continue
FM0:	FTemp2← A← FTemp2, Multiply, DblBranch[FM0E, FM0, Cnt=0&-1];
* here after Q[14] was 0 (no add) and exit
FM0E:	FTemp2← T← A← FTemp2, Multiply, Return;

* here after Q[14] was 1 (add) and continue
FM1:	FTemp2← (FTemp2)+T, Multiply, DblBranch[FM0E, FM0, Cnt=0&-1];
* here after Q[14] was 1 (add) and exit
	FTemp2← T← (FTemp2)+T, Multiply, Return;

FDiv: MiscTable[23],		* Floating divide
* a, b: REAL;
* b ← PopLong[]; a ← PopLong[]; PushLong[a/b];
* Timing: 147 cycles, +2 if normalize, +5 if round.  ~ 9.4 microseconds.

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, SCall[FUnPack2];
	 T← ExpSign2, Branch[DivArgZero]; * +1: at least one arg is zero

* XOR signs and subtract exponents.
* Add 200 to resulting exponent to correct for cancellation of bias.
	T← (ExpSign2)-(LShift[200, 7]C); * Subtract 200 from ExpSign2[0:8]
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-T;

* First, transfer dividend to Frac2H ,, Frac2L and divisor to T ,, Q,
* and unnormalize both of them by one bit so that significant dividend bits
* aren't lost during the division.
	Frac1H← (Frac1H) RSH 1, Branch[.+2, R odd];
	T← (Frac1L) RSH 1, Branch[.+2];
	T← ((Frac1L)+1) RCY 1;		* Know Frac1L is even
	Frac2L← T, Q← Frac2L;
	T← A← Frac2H, Multiply;		* T,,Q ← (Frac2H ,, Frac2L) RSH 1
					* Know Q[14]=0, so can't dispatch

* Now do the division.
* Must do total of 26 iterations: 24 for quotient bits, +1 more significant
* bit in case we need to normalize, +1 bit for rounding.
	Frac2H← Frac1H, Call[DivFrac];	* Do 16 iterations
	Frac1H← Frac1L, CoReturn;	* Preserve high quotient; do 10 more iterations

* We may have subtracted too much (or not added enough) in the last iteration.
* If so, adjust the remainder by adding back the divisor.  Since the remainder
* got shifted left one bit, we must double the divisor first.
	T← A← T, Divide, Frac1L, Branch[NoRemAdjust, R odd]; * T,,Q ← (T,,Q) LSH 1
	Frac2L← (Frac2L)+Q;
	Frac2H← T← (Frac2H)+T, XorSavedCarry, Branch[.+2];

* Left-justify low quotient bits and zero sticky bit.
* Then, if the remainder is nonzero, set the sticky bit.
* Then normalize if necessary.  We should have to left-shift at most once,
* since the original operands were normalized.
	T← Frac2H;
	PD← (Frac2L) OR T;
	Frac1L← LSH[Frac1L, 6], Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
	Frac1L← (Frac1L)+1;		* Set sticky bit
	T← Frac1H, Branch[Normalize];

* One or both of the arguments is zero.
* Trap if divisor is zero; return zero with appropriate sign otherwise.
	Frac2H, Branch[MulArgZero, R<0];
	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Division by zero
DivFrac:	* Divide fractions
* Enter: Frac2H ,, Frac2L = dividend (high-order bit must be zero)
*	T ,, Q = divisor (high-order bit must be zero)
* Exit:	Frac2H ,, Frac2L = remainder, left-justified
*	Frac1L = quotient bits (see below)
*	T and Q unchanged
* When first called, executes 16 iterations and returns 16 high-order quotient bits.
* When resumed with CoReturn, executes 10 more iterations and returns 10 low-order
* quotient bits right-justified (other bits garbage).
* Timing: first call: 66; resumption: 41

	Cnt← 17S;

* Previous quotient bit was a 1, i.e., dividend was >= divisor.
* Subtract divisor from dividend and left shift dividend.
	Frac2L← ((Frac2L)-Q) LSH 1;
	Frac2H← (Frac2H)-T-1, XorSavedCarry, DblBranch[DivSh1, DivSh0, ALU<0];

* Previous quotient bit was a 0, i.e., dividend was < divisor (subtracted
* too much).  Add divisor to dividend and left shift dividend.
	Frac2L← ((Frac2L)+Q) LSH 1;
	Frac2H← (Frac2H)+T, XorSavedCarry, DblBranch[DivSh1, DivSh0, ALU<0];

* Shifted a zero out of low dividend (ALU<0 tested unshifted result).
	Frac2H← (Frac2H)+(Frac2H), DblBranch[DivQuot1, DivQuot0, Carry];

* Shifted a one out of low dividend (ALU<0 tested unshifted result).
	Frac2H← (Frac2H)+(Frac2H)+1, DblBranch[DivQuot1, DivQuot0, Carry];

* If the operation generated no carry then we have subtracted too much.
* Shift a zero into the quotient and add the divisor next iteration.
	Frac1L← (Frac1L)+(Frac1L),	* Shift zero into quotient
		Branch[DivAddStep, Cnt#0&-1];
	Cnt← 11S, CoReturn;
	Frac2L← ((Frac2L)+Q) LSH 1, Branch[DivAddStep1];

* If the operation generated a carry then we have not subtracted too much.
* Shift a one into the quotient and subtract the divisor next iteration.
	Frac1L← (Frac1L)+(Frac1L)+1,	* Shift one into quotient
		Branch[DivSubStep, Cnt#0&-1];
	Cnt← 11S, CoReturn;
	Frac2L← ((Frac2L)-Q) LSH 1, Branch[DivSubStep1];

FComp: MiscTable[24],		* Floating compare
* a, b: REAL; b ← PopLong[]; a ← PopLong[];
* Push[SELECT TRUE FROM a<b => -1, a=b => 0, a>b => 1, ENDCASE];
* Timing: 23 cycles usually, 24 if high parts equal.
*	~ 1.5 microseconds

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, SCall[FUnPack2];
	 T← Stack&+2, Branch[.+2];	* +1: at least one arg is zero

* First compare the signs
	T← Stack&+2;			* T← high arg1
	PD← T XOR (Q← Stack&-1);	* Q← high arg2
	T← Stack&-1, FreezeBC, Branch[FCompSignsDiff, ALU<0]; * T← low arg2

* Signs equal, compare magnitudes.  Q = high arg2, T = low arg2, StkP -> high arg1
	PD← (Stack&-1)-Q, Branch[.+2, ALU#0]; * Compute high (arg1 - arg2)
	PD← (Stack)-T;			* High parts equal, compute low (arg1 - arg2)

* Carry = 1 if arg1 >= arg2 when treated as unsigned numbers.
* The sense of this is inverted if the arguments are in fact negative, since
* the representation is sign-magnitude rather than twos-complement.
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+1, XorSavedCarry, Branch[FCompE, ALU=0];
	ExpSign1, DblBranch[FCompL, FCompG, R odd];

* Signs unequal.  Unless both arguments are zero, return "less" if arg1 is negative,
* else "greater".  Q = high arg2.
	PD← T-T, StkP-1, Q LSH 1;	* Carry← 1
	PD← (Frac1H) OR Q, Branch[FCompTest]; * ALU=0 iff both args are zero

	StackT← -1C, IFUNext2;		* arg1 < arg2
	StackT← A0, IFUNext2;		* arg1 = arg2
	StackT← 1C, IFUNext2;		* arg1 > arg2

Float: MiscTable[26],		* Float a LONG INTEGER
* a: LONG INTEGER ← PopLong[]; PushLong[REAL[a]];
* Timing: 20 cycles, +3 if arg < 2↑16, + 2*(15 - result exponent mod 16).
* Average (8 normalizations required): 35 cycles or 2.3 microseconds

	PD← T, RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2;
	ExpSign1← Add[LShift[237, 7], 177]C, * Long integer = fraction * 2↑31
		Branch[FloatNegative, ALU<0]; * Init sign to 1, branch if number negative

	Frac1L← Stack&+1;		* Positive, fraction ← integer
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-1, Branch[Normalize]; * Fix sign
					* T = high fraction, ALU>=0 for Normalize

	T← A0, Q← Stack&+1;		* Negative, fraction ← negative of integer
	Frac1L← T-Q;
	T← T-(Stack)-1, XorSavedCarry, Branch[Normalize];
Round: MiscTable[33],		* Round to LONG INTEGER
* a: REAL ← PopLong[]; PushLong[RoundToLongInteger[a]];
* Timing: 23 cycles if result is zero,
*	29 if 0 < |result| < 2↑15
*	32 if 2↑15 <= |result| < 2↑31

	T← Add[LShift[25, 2], 1]C, Branch[FixReDispatch];

Fix: MiscTable[25],		* Fix to LONG INTEGER
* a: REAL ← PopLong[]; PushLong[FixToLongInteger[a]];
* Timing: 17 cycles if result is zero,
*	20 if 0 < |result| < 2↑15
*	23 if 2↑15 <= |result| < 2↑31

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, Call[FixLong]; * (Q&FTemp1),,T ← result
	T← T-1, ExpSign1, Branch[.+3, R odd];

* Push positive result
	Stack&+1← T+1;
	StackT← Q, IFUNext2;

* Push negative result
	Stack&+1← NOT T, Branch[.+2, Carry'];
	StackT← (0S)-Q-1, IFUNext2;
	StackT← (0S)-Q, IFUNext2;

RoundI: MiscTable[34],		* Round to INTEGER
* a: REAL ← PopLong[]; Push[INTEGER[RoundToLongInteger[a]]];
* Timing: 20 cycles if result is zero,
*	26 if 0 < |result| < 2↑15

	T← Add[LShift[27, 2], 1]C, Branch[FixReDispatch];

FixI: MiscTable[27],		* Fix to INTEGER
* a: REAL ← PopLong[]; Push[INTEGER[FixToLongInteger[a]]];
* Timing: 17 cycles if result is zero,
*	20 if 0 < |result| < 2↑15

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, Call[FixLong]; * (Q&FTemp1),,T ← result
	PD← RCY[FTemp1, T, 17];		* See if result < 2↑15
	FTemp1← (FTemp1) OR T, Branch[FixIOverflow, ALU#0];

* Result < 2↑15, push result with correct sign.
	ExpSign1, Branch[.+2, R odd];	* Test sign
	StackT← T, IFUNext2;		* Push positive result
	StackT← (0S)-T, IFUNext2;	* Push negative result

* Result >= 2↑15.  If it is exactly 2↑15 and negative then push -2↑15;
* otherwise trap.  FTemp1=100000 iff magnitude=2↑15.
	T← LSH[ExpSign1, 17];		* 100000 if negative, 0 if positive
	PD← (FTemp1)#T, Branch[FixTrapALU#0]; * Know FTemp1#0; ALU=0 iff both are 100000
RoundC: MiscTable[35],		* Round to CARDINAL
* a: REAL ← PopLong[]; Push[CARDINAL[RoundToLongInteger[a]]];
* Timing: 20 cycles if result is zero,
*	25 if 0 < result < 2↑15
*	29 if 2↑15 <= result < 2↑16

	T← Add[LShift[30, 2], 1]C, Branch[FixReDispatch];

FixC: MiscTable[30],		* Fix to CARDINAL
* a: REAL ← PopLong[]; Push[CARDINAL[FixToLongInteger[a]]];
* Timing: 17 cycles if result is zero,
*	19 if 0 < result < 2↑15
*	22 if 2↑15 <= result < 2↑16

	RBase← RBase[FTemp0], StkP-2, Call[FixLong]; * (Q&FTemp1),,T ← result
	PD← Q, ExpSign1, Branch[.+2, R even]; * Result in [0..2↑16)?
	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Negative
					* Ok if high part 0, else trap

* Push result from T if ALU=0; trap if ALU#0.
	Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
	StackT← T, IFUNext2;

* Re-dispatch Round opcode to the equivalent Fix opcode.
* Enter: T = MT0Loc offset for desired Fix opcode (4*alpha +1).
* Exit: Branches to specified place, with BDispatch← 2 pending.
* This causes the Call[FixLong] to be converted into Call[RoundLong].

	T← T+(BigBDispatch← T), StkP-1;	* T← xxx2
	T← Stack&+1, BDispatch← T, BranchExternal[MT0Loc];

FScale: MiscTable[37],		* Floating Scale
* scale: INTEGER ← Pop[]; a: REAL ← PopLong; PushLong[a * (2.0**scale)];
* Timing: 14 cycles if floating point argument is nonzero, 10 if zero.

* Call FUnPack1 solely to filter out denormalized numbers and NaNs.
	StkP-2;				* Leave FF free for placement
	T← Stack&-1, RBase← RBase[FTemp0], SCall[FUnpack1];
	 IFUNext0;			* Scaling zero leaves number unchanged

* Packed exponent is excess-127, and legal values are IN [1..376B].
	T← LDF[Stack&+1, 10, 7];	* Extract exponent from packed number
	T← T+(Stack);			* Exponent + scale
	PD← T-(377C), Branch[FScUnderflow, ALU=0]; * Result must be IN [1..376B]
	T← LSH[Stack&-1, 7], Branch[FScOverflow, Carry];
	StackT← (StackT)+T, IFUNext2;	* Ok, just add scale to packed result

* Subroutine to fix to a LONG INTEGER.
* Enter: one floating point number on stack
* Exit: magnitude of LONG INTEGER (always positive) in Q,,T
*	FTemp1 = a copy of Q (high result)
*	unpacked floating point number in ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L
*	StkP addresses low word for result (i.e., =1 if minimal stack)
* Does not return but rather traps for infinity, denormalized, NaN,
* or number too large for LONG INTEGER.
* Caller may resume FixLong to perform rounding, by saving T in FTemp2
* and executing a Return.
* Clobbers FTemp1, ShC
* Timing: 13 cycles if result is zero
*	15 if 0 < |result| < 2↑15
*	18 if 2↑15 <= |result| < 2↑31

* Note that FUnpack1 never skips, because .+1 is forced to be odd.
	FTemp1← Link, Call[FUnPack1], DispTable[3, 17, 0], Global; * At[xxx0]
	FTemp1← A0, Link← FTemp1, Branch[FixTestExp]; * At[xxx1]

* Subroutine to round to a LONG INTEGER.
* Never called directly, but only as an "xor 2" pair with FixLong.
* Uses FixLong internally; all comments for FixLong apply here, except:
* Clobbers FTemp2.
* Timing: 16 cycles if result is zero
*	21 if 0 < |result| < 2↑15
*	25 if 2↑15 <= |result| < 2↑31
*	+ [1..3] cycles if have to round up

	FTemp2← Link, Call[FixLong];	* At[xxx2] Fix and prepare to round
* Following instruction restores RoundLong's return link and jumps back
* into FixLong at the appropriate place.  Note Link← overrides Return's
* normal action of loading Link with .+1.
	FTemp2← T, Link← FTemp2, Return; * Save low word and complete rounding

* Continuation of FixLong:
	T← (ExpSign1)+(ExpSign1);	* Move exponent to T[0:7]
	T← T-(LShift[177, 10]C);	* T[0:7]← unbiased exponent +1
	T← T-(LShift[20, 10]C), StkP-1, Branch[FixZero, ALU<0];
	T← T-(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[FixExpLs17, ALU<0];
	T← T-(LShift[20, 10]C), Branch[FixExpLs37, ALU<0];
	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Exponent > 36, overflow
* FixLong/RoundLong (cont'd)

* Unbiased exponent less than -1 (i.e., arg1 < 0.5).  Just return zero.
	T← Q← FTemp1, CoReturn;
	Q← FTemp1, Return;		* If asked to round, do nothing; Q← 0

* Unbiased exponent is in [-1..16B].  T[0:7] now has exponent-37B, i.e.,
* in [177740..177757], which when properly positioned gives SHA=T, SHB=R.
* Shift control is LCY[T, R, exponent+1] = RCY[R, T, 17B-exponent].
	T← Frac1H, ShC← T;
	T← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1], Q← FTemp1, * T← LCY[Frac1H, 0, [0..17]], Q← 0

* Resume here to round.  Rounding bits are in both Frac1H and Frac1L.
	T← Frac1L;
	T← ShiftNoMask[Frac1H], Branch[FixRoundTest, ALU=0];
	T← T OR (1C), Branch[FixRoundTest]; * Sticky bit for discarded result

* Unbiased exponent is in [17B..36B].  T[0:7] now has exponent-57B, i.e.,
* in [177740..177757], which when properly positioned gives SHA=T, SHB=R.
* Shift control is LCY[T, R, exponent-17B] = RCY[R, T, 37B-exponent].
	T← Frac1H, ShC← T;
	T← FTemp1← ShiftNoMask[FTemp1];	* T← LCY[Frac1H, 0, [0..17]]
	T← Frac1L, Q← T;
	T← ShiftNoMask[Frac1H], CoReturn; * T← LCY[Frac1L, Frac1H, [0..17]]

* Resume here to round.  Rounding bits are only in Frac1L.
	T← A0;
	T← ShiftNoMask[Frac1L];

* Now have rounding bit in T[0] and sticky bits in T[1:15].  ALU = T.
	PD← T-1, Branch[.+2, ALU<0];	* Rounding possible?
	T← FTemp2, Return;		* Not possible, restore T and return

* If T>100000 then round up always (ALU<0).
* If T=100000 then round up iff lowest significant bit is a one (R odd).
	T← (FTemp2)+1, Branch[.+2, ALU<0, R odd];
	T← FTemp2, Return;		* Don't round, just restore T
	FTemp1← A← FTemp1, XorSavedCarry, Branch[FixRoundRet]; * Round up
* Pop and unpack two floating-point arguments.
* Enter: T = top-of-stack, StkP points to TOS-1
* Exit:	ExpSign2, Frac2H, Frac2L set up with argument 2 (right); ExpSign2[13:14]=00
*	ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L set up with argument 1 (left); ExpSign1[13:14]=10
*	StkP addresses high word of arg 1 (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Call by: SCall[FUnPack2]
* Returns +1: at least one argument is zero
*	+2: both arguments are nonzero
* Returns only for normal numbers or true zero.
* Traps if denormalized, infinity, or Not-a-Number.
* Clobbers Q
* Timing: 15 cycles normally, 16 if arg 2 is zero.

	ExpSign2← T AND (177600C), Global;
	T← RCY[T, Stack, 10];		* Garbage bit and top 15 fraction bits
	ExpSign2← (ExpSign2) AND (77777C), * Exponent in bits 1:8, all else zero
		Branch[.+2, R<0];	* Branch if negative
	ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+(200C),	* Positive, add 1 to exponent, B15 ← 0
		DblBranch[Exp2Zero, .+2, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
	ExpSign2← (ExpSign2)+(201C),	* Negative, add 1 to exponent, B15 ← 1
		Branch[Exp2Zero, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
	Frac2H← T OR (100000C),		* Prefix explicit "1." to fraction
		Branch[Exp2NaN, ALU<0];	* Branch if exponent was 377
	T← LSH[Stack&-1, 10];		* Left-justify low 8 fraction bits
	Frac2L← T;
	T← Stack&-1;			* Now do arg 1
	ExpSign1← T AND (177600C), Branch[FUnPack1a];

	Frac2H← (Stack&-1) OR T;	* See if entire fraction is zero
	Frac2L← A0, Branch[Arg2DeNorm, ALU#0]; * Branch if not true zero
	T← Stack&-1, Q← Link, SCall[FUnPack1]; * Zero, unpack other arg
	Link← Q, Branch[.+2];		* Return +1 regardless of what FUnpack1 did
	Link← Q;
	ExpSign2← (ExpSign2) AND (1C), Return;


	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Denormalized number
	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Not-a-Number
* Pop and unpack one floating-point argument.
* Enter: T = top-of-stack, StkP points to TOS-1
* Exit:	ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L set up with argument
*	StkP addresses high word of arg 1 (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Call by: SCall[FUnPack1]
* Returns +1: argument is zero
*	+2: argument is nonzero
* Returns only for normal numbers or true zero.
* Traps if denormalized, infinity, or Not-a-Number.
* Timing: 7 cycles normally.

	ExpSign1← T AND (177600C), Global;
	T← RCY[T, Stack, 10];		* Garbage bit and top 15 fraction bits
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) AND (77777C), * Exponent in bits 1:8, all else zero
		Branch[.+2, R<0];	* Branch if negative
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(204C),	* Positive, add 1 to exponent, [13:14]←10, [15]←0
		DblBranch[Exp1Zero, .+2, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(205C),	* Negative, add 1 to exponent, [13:14]←10, [15]←1
		Branch[Exp1Zero, ALU=0]; * Branch if exponent zero
	Frac1H← T OR (100000C),		* Prefix explicit "1" to fraction
		Branch[Exp1NaN, ALU<0];	* Branch if exponent was 377
	T← LSH[Stack&+1, 10];		* Left-justify low 8 fraction bits
	Frac1L← T, Return[Carry'];	* Always skip (carry is always zero here)

	Frac1H← (Stack&+1) OR T;	* See if entire fraction is zero
	Frac1L← A0, Branch[Arg1DeNorm, ALU#0]; * Branch if not true zero
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) AND (1C), Return; * Zero, return +1


	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Denormalized number
	Branch[FloatTrap];		* Not-a-Number
* Normalize and re-pack floating-point result.
* Enter: ExpSign1, T, Frac1L contain unpacked result
*	T = ALU = high fraction.
*	StkP addresses high word of result (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Timing: for nonzero result: 11 cycles minimum, +3 if need to normalize at all,
*	+2*(n MOD 16) if n>1, where n is the number of normalization steps,
*	+3 if n>15, +5 if need to round, +2 if rounding causes a carry
*	out of Frac1L, +1 or 2 in extremely rare cases.
*	For zero result: 6 cycles

* See if result is already normalized or entirely zero.
* Note that we want the cases of no normalization, one-step normalization,
* and result entirely zero to be the fastest, since they are by far the most common.
* Therefore, do the first left shift in-line while branching on the other conditions.
	PD← T OR (Q← Frac1L),		* ALU← 0 iff entire fraction is 0
		Branch[NormAlready, ALU<0]; * Branch if already normalized
	Frac1H← A← T, Divide,		* (Frac1H,,Q) ← (T,,Q) LSH 1
		Branch[NormalizeZero, ALU=0]; * Branch if fraction is zero
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[1, 7]C), * Subtract one from exponent
		Branch[NormBegin, ALU#0]; * Branch if high fraction was nonzero

* If the high word of the fraction was zero, we discover that after having left-shifted
* the fraction once.  Effectively, left-shift the fraction 16 bits and subtract
* 16D from the exponent.  Actually, undo the first left shift and subtract only 15D
* from the exponent, in case the first left shift moved a one into the high fraction.
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(LShift[1, 7]C); * Can't encode the constant I really want!
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[20, 7]C);
	Frac1H← Frac1L;			* Left-shift original fraction 16 bits
	Q← T, Branch[NormLoop];		* Q← 0

* In this loop, the exponent is in ExpSign1[0:8] and the fraction in Frac1H ,, Q.
* Left shift the fraction and decrement the exponent until the high-order bit
* of the fraction is a one.
	T← A0, Frac1H, Branch[NormDone1, R<0]; * Branch if one shift was enough
	Frac1H← A← Frac1H, Divide, Branch[NormDone, R<0]; * (Frac1H,,Q) ← (Frac1H,,Q) LSH 1
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[1, 7]C), Branch[NormLoop];

* When we bail out of the loop, the exponent is correct, but we have left-shifted
* the fraction one too many times.  Right-shift the fraction and exit.
	Frac1H← (Frac1H)-T, Multiply;	* (Frac1H,,Q) ← 1,,((Frac1H,,Q) RSH 1)
	Frac1L← Q, Branch[FRePackNonzero]; * Multiply dispatch pending!!

	Frac1H← T, Branch[FRePackNonzero]; * Placement (sigh)

* Result was exactly zero: push +0 as answer.
	ExpSign1← A0, Branch[FRePackZero];
* Re-pack nonzero floating-point result.
* Enter: ExpSign1, Frac1H, Frac1L contain unpacked result, which must be normalized but
*	need not have its leading "1" so long as rounding can't carry into this bit.
*	StkP addresses high word of result (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Timing: 9 cycles minimum, +5 if need to round, +2 if rounding causes a carry
*	out of Frac1L, +1 or 2 in extremely rare cases.

* Prepare to round according to Round-to-Nearest convention.  Frac1L[8:15] are fraction
* bits that will be rounded off; result is exact only if these bits are zero.
	PD← (Frac1L) AND (377C), DispTable[1, 2, 2];
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1) OR (176C),	* Put ones in all unused bits of ExpSign1
		Branch[NoRounding, ALU=0];

* Inexact result.  Round up if result is greater than halfway between representable
* numbers, down if less than halfway.  If exactly halfway, round in direction that makes
* least significant bit of result zero. Adding 1 at the Frac1L[8] position causes
* a carry into bit 7 iff the result is >= halfway between representable numbers.
	PD← (Frac1L) AND (177C);
	Frac1L← (Frac1L)+(200C), Branch[.+2, ALU#0];

* Exactly halfway.  But we have already rounded up.
* If the least significant bit was 1, it is now 0 (correct).
* If it was 0, it is now 1 (incorrect).  But in the latter case, no carries
* have propagated beyond the least significant bit, so...
	Frac1L← (Frac1L) AND NOT (400C); * Just zero the bit to fix it

* Now set the sticky flag and trap if appropriate.
* Note we have not propagated the carry out of the low word yet, so we must
* perform only logical ALU operations that don't clobber the carry flag.
	T← B← Frac1H, RBase← RBase[Sticky];
	Sticky← (Sticky) OR (1C), Branch[InexactTrap, R<0];
	T← T+1, RBase← RBase[FTemp0],	* Prepare to do carry if appropriate
		Branch[DoneRounding, Carry'];

* There was a carry out of Frac1L.  Propagate it to Frac1H.
* If this causes a carry out of Frac1H, the rounded fraction is exactly 2.0, which
* we must normalize to 1.0; i.e., set fraction to 1.0 and increment exponent.
	Frac1H← T, Branch[.+2, Carry'];
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)+(LShift[1, 7]C);
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[2, 7]C), DblBranch[ExpOverflow, .+3, R<0];

* Done rounding.  Check for exponent over/underflow, and repack and push result.
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[2, 7]C), DblBranch[ExpOverflow, .+2, R<0];
	ExpSign1← (ExpSign1)-(LShift[2, 7]C), * Subtract 2 from exponent
		Branch[ExpOverflow, R<0]; * Branch if exponent > 377B originally
	T← LDF[Frac1H, 7, 10],		* Extract high 7 fraction bits, exclude leading 1
		Branch[ExpUnderflow, ALU<0]; * Branch if exponent < 2 originally

* At this point, ExpSign1[1:8] = desired exponent -1, and [9:15] = 176 if the
* sign is positive, 177 if negative.  Thus adding 2 (if positive) or 1 (negative)
* will correctly adjust the exponent and clear out [9:15].
	T← (ExpSign1)+T+1,		* Merge exponent with fraction and add 1
		Branch[.+2, R odd];	* Branch if negative
	Stack&-1← T+1, Branch[.+2];	* Positive, add 1 more to finish fixing exponent
	Stack&-1← T OR (100000C);	* Negative, set sign bit of result
	T← Frac1H;			* Construct low fraction
	T← RCY[T, Frac1L, 10];
	Stack&+1← T, IFUNext0;

* Push a result of zero with the correct sign
* Enter: ExpSign1 has correct sign
*	StkP addresses high word of result (i.e., =2 if minimal stack)
* Timing: 3 cycles

	T← LSH[ExpSign1, 17];		* Slide sign to bit 0
	Stack&-1← T;			* Push true zero with correct sign
	Stack&+1← A0, IFUNext0;

* Trap to the software floating-point handler.
* Alto mode:
*	Enter:	OTPReg = 4*alpha or 4*alpha+1 (left over from MISC dispatch);
*		odd iff entry point 2 was taken
*	Restores StkP, puts the alpha byte in OTPReg, and traps to SD[137].
* PrincOps mode:
*	Invokes the Cedar OpcodeTrap mechanism

:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
	RBase← RBase[RTemp0];
	OTPReg← LDF[OTPReg, 10, 2], Branch[.+2, R even];
	StkP+1;			* Entry 2, adjust saved StkP
	OTPReg← LDF[OTPReg, 10, 2];
	T← 137C, Branch[SavePCAndTrap];

:Else;			******** PrincOps version ********
	T← A0, Branch[OpcodeTrap];
:EndIf;			**********************************