*----------------------------------------------------------- Title[InitialJunk.mc...June 19, 1982 11:46 AM...Taft]; * Minimal Junk task. * Maintains real time clock consistent with PilotJunk, but omits all * the other garbage (event counters, PC sampling). *----------------------------------------------------------- Set[XTask, IP[JNK]]; Subroutine; JNKInitPC: T← JNK, CoReturn; TopLevel; * TIOA initialization not required because InitialMain did it. T← T-T-1, RBase← RBase[Events]; * Minimal loop is 3 cycles because AckJunkTW← drops wakeup at T2, * so Block cannot be executed until T4. JunkTaskLoop: RTClock← (RTClock)+1, AckJunkTW← T; RTC430← A← RTC430, XorSavedCarry; Block, Branch[JunkTaskLoop];