DIRECTORY Basics USING [ShortNumber], FS USING [Error, OpenFile, Create, StreamFromOpenFile], IO, List USING [CompareProc, LORA, Sort], Rope, MicroDefs, MicroGlobalVars, MicroOps USING [FilterSyms, GetSymbol], MicroUtils USING [FullNameWithExt]; MicroOutputImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS FS, IO, List, Rope, MicroGlobalVars, MicroOps, MicroUtils EXPORTS MicroOps, MicroUtils = BEGIN OPEN MicroDefs, MicroGlobalVars; oldMemory: Memory _ NIL; oldLoc: INTEGER _ 0; ListingReport: PUBLIC PROC[msg1, msg2: ROPE _ NIL] = { reportStrm.PutRope[msg1]; reportStrm.PutRope[msg2]; reportStrm.PutChar['\n]; }; WriteWord: PUBLIC PROC[accWord: WordSeq, mem: Memory, loc: INTEGER] = { IF ~writeBinaryFlag THEN RETURN; IF binaryFile.strm = NIL THEN { OpenBinary[]; oldMemory _ NIL; }; IF mem # oldMemory OR (loc # oldLoc+1) THEN { PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBseta]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, mem.memoryNum]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, loc]; oldMemory _ mem; }; oldLoc _ loc; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBdata]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, stmtLineCount]; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..accWord.length) DO PutWord[binaryFile.strm, accWord[i]]; ENDLOOP; }; WriteFixup: PUBLIC PROC[memIndex, loc, feIndex, symIndex: INTEGER] = { IF fixupsFileRec.strm = NIL THEN OpenOutputStream[fixupsFileRec]; PutInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm, memIndex]; PutInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm, loc]; PutInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm, feIndex]; PutInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm, symIndex]; PutInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm, labelSymIndex]; PutInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm, stmtLineCount - labelLineCount]; }; WriteSymName: PUBLIC PROC[symIndex: INTEGER] = { SymName[MicroOps.GetSymbol[symIndex]]}; SymName: PROC[sObj: SymbolObj] = { name: ROPE; len: INT; IF ~writeBinaryFlag THEN RETURN; IF binaryFile.strm = NIL THEN OpenBinary[]; IF sObj = NIL THEN RETURN; name _; len _ name.Length[]; FOR i: INT IN [0..len) DO binaryFile.strm.PutChar[name.Fetch[i]]; ENDLOOP; IF len MOD 2 = 1 THEN binaryFile.strm.PutChar['\000] ELSE PutWord[binaryFile.strm, 0]; -- end marker for name }; WriteMemoryDef: PUBLIC PROC[mem: Memory] = { IF ~writeBinaryFlag THEN RETURN; IF binaryFile.strm = NIL THEN OpenBinary[]; IF mem = NIL THEN RETURN; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBmemdef]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, mem.memoryNum]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, mem.widthInBits]; WriteSymName[mem.symIndex]; }; EndListing: PUBLIC PROC[xListFlag: BOOL] = { }; EndOutput: PUBLIC PROC[symDumpStartIndex: INTEGER] = { lSyms: LIST OF SymbolObj; SymbolCompareProc: List.CompareProc = { s1: SymbolObj = NARROW[ref1]; s2: SymbolObj = NARROW[ref2]; RETURN[Rope.Compare[,, FALSE]]; }; IF binaryFile.strm = NIL THEN RETURN; CopyFixups[]; lSyms _ MicroOps.FilterSyms[addressType, symDumpStartIndex]; TRUSTED { lSyms _ LOOPHOLE[List.Sort[LOOPHOLE[lSyms, List.LORA], SymbolCompareProc], LIST OF SymbolObj] }; FOR ls: LIST OF SymbolObj _ lSyms, UNTIL ls = NIL DO sym: SymbolObj = ls.first; mem: Memory = NARROW[MicroOps.GetSymbol[sym.sMisc].sData]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBsymbol]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, mem.memoryNum]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, sym.sVal]; SymName[sym]; ENDLOOP; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBend]; binaryFile.strm.Close[ ! IO.Error, FS.Error => CONTINUE]; binaryFile.strm _ NIL; }; CopyFixups: PROC = { IF fixupsFileRec.strm = NIL THEN RETURN; fixupsFileRec.strm.SetLength[fixupsFileRec.strm.GetIndex[]]; fixupsFileRec.strm.SetIndex[0]; UNTIL fixupsFileRec.strm.EndOf[] DO memIndex: INTEGER = GetInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm]; loc: INTEGER = GetInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm]; feIndex: INTEGER = GetInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm]; symIndex: INTEGER = GetInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm]; labelSymIndex: INTEGER = GetInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm]; lineCount: INTEGER = GetInteger[fixupsFileRec.strm]; memSym: SymbolObj = MicroOps.GetSymbol[memIndex]; mem: Memory = NARROW[memSym.sData]; fSym: SymbolObj = MicroOps.GetSymbol[feIndex]; sym: SymbolObj = MicroOps.GetSymbol[symIndex]; bits: INTEGER = (fSym.sMisc * 256) + fSym.sMisc + LOOPHOLE[fSym.sVal, INTEGER] - 1; val: INTEGER; IF sym.sType = undefnType THEN { PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBext]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, mem.memoryNum]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, loc]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, bits]; WriteSymName[symIndex]; LOOP; }; IF sym.sType = addressType OR sym.sType = integerType THEN val _ sym.sVal ELSE { lSym: SymbolObj = MicroOps.GetSymbol[labelSymIndex]; reportStrm.PutF["\n** Undefined symbol %g in field %g of %g at %g", IO.rope[], IO.rope[], IO.rope[], IO.rope[]]; SELECT TRUE FROM lineCount = 0 => NULL; lineCount > 0 => reportStrm.PutF["+%g",[lineCount]]; lineCount < 0 => reportStrm.PutF["%g",[lineCount]]; ENDCASE => NULL; reportStrm.PutChar['\n]; LOOP; }; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, MBfixup]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, mem.memoryNum]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, loc]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, bits]; PutInteger[binaryFile.strm, val]; ENDLOOP; fixupsFileRec.strm.SetLength[0]; fixupsFileRec.strm.Close[]; fixupsFileRec.strm _ NIL; }; PutWord: PUBLIC PROC[strm: STREAM, val: WORD] = { sn: Basics.ShortNumber _ LOOPHOLE[val]; strm.PutChar[LOOPHOLE[sn.hi, CHAR]]; strm.PutChar[LOOPHOLE[sn.lo, CHAR]]; }; PutInteger: PUBLIC PROC[strm: STREAM, val: INTEGER] = { sn: Basics.ShortNumber _ LOOPHOLE[val]; strm.PutChar[LOOPHOLE[sn.hi, CHAR]]; strm.PutChar[LOOPHOLE[sn.lo, CHAR]]; }; GetWord: PUBLIC PROC[strm: STREAM] RETURNS[val: WORD] = { sn: Basics.ShortNumber; sn.hi _ LOOPHOLE[strm.GetChar[], BYTE]; sn.lo _ LOOPHOLE[strm.GetChar[], BYTE]; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[sn, WORD]]; }; GetInteger: PUBLIC PROC[strm: STREAM] RETURNS[val: WORD] = { sn: Basics.ShortNumber; sn.hi _ LOOPHOLE[strm.GetChar[], BYTE]; sn.lo _ LOOPHOLE[strm.GetChar[], BYTE]; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[sn, WORD]]; }; OpenBinary: PROC = { binaryFile.fullName _ MicroUtils.FullNameWithExt[binaryFile.fullName, NIL, NIL, mbExtn]; OpenOutputStream[binaryFile]; }; OpenOutputStream: PUBLIC PROC[rec: OutputFile] = { of: FS.OpenFile = FS.Create[name: rec.fullName, setKeep: TRUE, keep: 2]; rec.strm _ FS.StreamFromOpenFile[of, $write]; }; END. JMicroOutputImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Willie-sue, July 29, 1987 4:24:08 pm PDT taken from micout.bcpl write data word Write a fixup Write a fixup **** starts writing on word boundary write memory definition -- Copy fixups to output file the following are exported to MicroUtils ÊI˜šœ™Icodešœ Ïmœ1™