Title[RegisterDefs.mc...September 11, 1985 4:41 PM...Rumph];
* This file contains all RMRegion assignments for the Alto Emulator and
* I/O tasks, and register assignments that are used in multiple source files
* or that occupy shared RMRegions.
* Note that in many cases, only the RMRegion name is declared here.
* Registers within the region are defined within the module in which
* they are used:
* SetRMRegion[regionName];
* RVN[regName0];
* ...
* Macro to define synonyms for RM locations: RME[newName, oldName];
M[RME, RM[#1, IP[#2]]];
* Region 0 -- IFU-addressable
RMRegion[RMForIFU]; * Reserved for IFU-based emulators
:If[Not[AltoMode]]; ******** PrincOps version ********
RVN[NWW]; * New Wakeups Waiting
:EndIf; **********************************
* Other registers defined in DMesaDefs.mc (for Mesa)
* Region 1 -- IFU-addressable
RMRegion[AEmRegs]; * AltoEmulator Registers
Set[rbAemRegs, 1];
RVN[R400]; * Constant 400 -- must be first
:If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version **********
RVN[Cry]; * Carry (must be all zeroes or all ones)
RVN[RCode]; * Copy of low 16 bits of IFU base register
RVN[NWW]; * New Wakeups Waiting
RVN[spAC0]; * StkP value that addresses AC0
RVN[spAC1]; * StkP value that addresses AC1
RVN[spAC2]; * StkP value that addresses AC2
RVN[spAC3]; * StkP value that addresses AC3
RVN[EmuBRHiReg]; * holds hi bits of emulator normal space
RVN[EmuXMBRHiReg]; * holds hi bits of emulator alternate space
:Else; ******** PrincOps version ********
Reserve[11]; * Reassigned for other purposes (Mesa, Initial)
:EndIf; **********************************
RVN[ETemp0]; RME[ETemp, ETemp0]; * Emulator temporaries
RVN[ETemp4]; * 16 must be a temporary (for DivSub)
RVN[Temp17]; * temp for MulSub and DivSub - must be 17b
* Aliases for LoadRam. Note that these must never change, even if the above
* registers are shuffled around, since the LoadRam microcode is blown into EPROMs.
* Furthermore, it is to the caller's benefit to arrange to overlay LoadRam's
* registers with its own temporaries.
RVN[LRFlag]; * RM 32: flag word passed to LoadRam
RVN[LRTemp0]; * RM 33: temporary
RVN[LRTemp1]; * RM 34:
RVN[LRItem]; * RM 35: ending address returned by LoadRam
RVN[LRTemp2]; * RM 36:
* Region 2
RMRegion[BBRegs]; * BitBlt registers
* Individual RM locations defined in BitBlt.mc.
* This region may be re-used by any other emulator-level microcode requiring
* an entire region of temporary storage and no permanent storage.
* Region 3
Reserve[4]; * Ethernet input task registers
RVN[FltPipe0]; * Information left by fault task
RVN[FltTemp]; * one always needs a temp
* Region 4
Reserve[7]; * Ethernet output task registers
RVN[AUTPC]; * Request PC for Asynchronous Utility Task
RVN[VirtualBanks]; * Size of virtual memory in units of 64K words
RVN[RealPages]; * Size of real memory in pages
* Remaining registers are used as temps by InitMem.mc (only during initialization).
* Region 5
RMRegion[DiskRegs]; * disk registers
:If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version **********
RVN[DefaultPartition]; * Default disk partition
RVN[MaxPartition]; * Maximum legal partition
:EndIf; **********************************
* Remaining registers are defined in DiskDefs.mc
* The following 2 regions are for Alto terminal emulation.
* Region 6
RMRegion[TWTRegion]; * Terminal word task registers
* Individual RM locations defined in DisplayDefs.mc
* Region 7
RMRegion[THTRegion]; * Terminal horizontal task registers
* Individual RM locations defined in DisplayDefs.mc
* The following 6 regions are for the Raster Device Controller.
* Region 10
RMRegion[RastRMForA]; * RDC A-channel registers
Set[!AChannelRegion, !RastRMForA]; * RM for DispY's A channel
* Individual RM locations defined in RastDefs.mc
* RastRMForA must be assigned an RBase value with bits [2..3] as 0.
* RastRMForB must equal RastRMForA, but with bits [2..3] as 1.
* RastRMForC must equal RastRMForA, but with bits [2..3] as 2.
* RastRMForD " " " but with bits [2..3] as 3.
* Region 11
RMRegion[RastRMForB]; * RDC B-channel registers
Set[!CPARegion, !RastRMForB]; * RM for XFer and Process stats
* Individual RM locations defined in RastDefs.mc or CPAStats.mc
* Region 12
RMRegion[RastRMForC]; * RDC C-channel registers
Set[!BChannelRegion, !RastRMForC]; * RM for DispY's B channel
* Individual RM locations defined in RastDefs.mc or DisplayDefs.mc
* Region 13
RMRegion[RastRMForD]; * RDC D-channel registers
Set[!DHTRegion, !RastRMForD]; * Display horizontal task (DHT) registers
* Individual RM locations defined in RastDefs.mc
* Region 14 -- Unused region for now
Set[!NSIRegs, !FInRegion]; * RMRegion[NSIRegs] (for 10MB Ethernet)
* FInRegion reserved for later use by Raster Device Controller's FIn task
* For 10MB Ethernet Input Task; individual RM locations defined in Pilot10MBEther.mc
* Region 15
RMRegion[RCRegs]; * Reference Counting opcodes.
* Region 16
RMRegion[Events]; * Junk task -- clock and event counters
* Registers defined here because lots of people look at RTC430.
RVN[RTClock]; * Real-time clock
RVN[RTCDeltaLo]; * Constant delta for DDA increment
RVN[RTC430]; * Copy of VM 430
:If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version **********
RVN[RTCFrac]; * Low part of DDA fraction
:Else; ******** PrincOps version ********
RVN[WakeupTime]; * RTClock value at which wakeup is to occur
:EndIf; **********************************
RVN[EventAHi0]; * Event counter shadow registers
RVN[EventTemp0]; * Used only by emulator task
RVN[EventTemp1]; * Used only by emulator task
RVN[JunkTemp]; * Used only by junk task
* Region 17
RMRegion[LTRegion]; * Rast line task region (LTRegion MOD 4 must = 3)
Set[!NSORegs, !LTRegion]; * RMRegion[NSORegs] (for 10MB Ethernet)
* Individual RM locations defined in RastDefs.mc or Pilot10MBEther.mc