Title[DMesaRastMiscOps.mc...June 13, 1986 4:49:43 pm PDT...Rumph];
* MISC entry point; miscellaneous MISC opcodes -- groups 000, 100, and 240.


	CONTENTS, by order of alpha byte value

Defined on both Dorado and Dolphin:
	alpha=0		Associate
	alpha=1		SetFlags
	alpha=2		(read ram unimplemented)
	alpha=3		LoadRam
	alpha=4		(IOReset unimplemented)
	alpha=5		Input
	alpha=6		Output
	alpha=7		Checksum
	alpha=10b	Set maintenance panel (PrincOps only)
	alpha=11b	ReadClock
	alpha=12b	GenIOin
	alpha=13b	GenIOout (diablo interface)
	alpha=14b	(Xfer Long de-implemented)
	alpha=15b	(TextBlt unimplemented)
			(was Write MDS for all tasks -- de-implemented)
	alpha=16b	GetFlags
	alpha=17b	Set default disk partition (Alto only)
	alpha=100b	LocalBlkZ
	alpha=102b	LongBlkZ
	alpha=104b	Version (implemented in DMesaVersion.mc)

Special operations defined on Dorado only:
	alpha=240b	Zero and Enable Event counters
	alpha=241b	Read Event counters
	alpha=242b	Stop Event counters
	alpha=243b	Set PC Histogram Address
	alpha=244b	IOFetch for RastA's Word Task (WT) (deimplemented)
	alpha=245b	Start the printer's Line Task (and init WT)
	alpha=246b	Read/write muffler/manifold system
	alpha=247b	Reset Ethernet hardware and tasks (PrincOps only)
	alpha=250B	Unused (used to be Boot; PrincOps only)
	alpha=251B	Get size of real and virtual memory
	alpha=252B	Halt Dorado (for timed power-off)
	alpha=253B	Set display field rate
	alpha=254b	Reset disk hardware and task (PrincOps only)
	alpha=255b	Set interval timer (PrincOps only)
	alpha=256b	Stable Storage block input
	alpha=257b	Stable Storage block output


IFUR[MISC, 2, MDS];	* Do miscellaneous operation alpha

	T← (2(ID)) LSH 1, Branch[MISCM1];
	T← (2(ID)) LSH 1, Stack← MD, Branch[MISCM1];
	T← (2(ID)) LSH 1, StkP+1;
:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
	T← T+1;				* Remember entry point 2
:EndIf;			**********************************

	RTemp1← LDF[T, 4, 6];
	BigBDispatch← RTemp1;
:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
	OTPReg← BigBDispatch← T, Branch[MiscDispatch];
:Else;			******** PrincOps version ********
	BigBDispatch← T, Branch[MiscDispatch];
:EndIf;			**********************************

* Upon dispatch, T contains TOS (if there is one) and StkP has been advanced
* in preparation for pushing a result.  Routines that do not push a result
* must decrement StkP.

* Alto mode: OTPReg contains 4*alpha if entry point 0 or 1 was
* used, 4*alpha+1 if entry point 2 (used by floating point trap handler).

* Spread the entry points 4 apart and put them at odd locations.
* This is so that the first instruction can do a Call if desired, and so that
* call locations and some conditional branch targets are preserved.
* alpha=0, 1, ... 77 => dispatch 1, 5, ... 375 into MiscTable0,
* alpha=100, 101, ... 177 => dispatch 1, 5, ... 375 into MiscTable1, etc.
* Some definitions for Mesa's record that holds a page number and map flags

*	unused, wProtect, dirty, ref: BOOLEAN, realPage: [0..7777B]];
MC[MesaF&P.wProtect, 40000];
MC[MesaF&P.dirty, 20000];
MC[MesaF&P.ref, 10000];
MC[MesaF&P.wProtect&dirty, MesaF&P.wProtect, MesaF&P.dirty];
MC[MesaF&P.flagsMask, 70000];
MC[MesaF&P.pageMask, 7777];
MC[HWVacant, 30000];

* Mesa defines vacant as wProtect and dirty and ref'.
* Unfortunately, the Dorado defines vacant as wProtect and dirty,
* without regard to ref.

* To get around this problem, we take over the highest "bank" of virtual
* memory, and allocate enough real memory to hold one bit for each
* page of real memory; the base register MapBitsBR references this
* bit array.
* When Mesa asks us to set the combination wProtect and dirty and ref
* (which is NOT vacant by Mesa's definition), we instead set
* wProtect and dirty' and ref, and we set the extra bit.
* When Mesa asks to read the flags, we or together the hardware dirty
* bit and the extra bit.

Associate: MiscTable[0],
* m: MapEntry ← Pop[]; vp ← Pop[]; Map[vp] ← m;

	T← MD, StkP-2;
	T← Stack&+1, Call[SetBRForPage];
	T← Stack&-2, Call[WriteMapPage];

* Restart IFU, since FlushPage (called from WriteMapPage) reset it.
	T← (ID)-(PCX')-1;		* T← PCX+IL
	IFUReset, Branch[SetPCAndJump0];
SetFlags: MiscTable[1],
* newM: MapEntry ← Pop[]; vp ← Pop[]; oldM: MapEntry ← Map[vp];
* newM.realPage ← oldM.realPage; Map[vp] ← newM; Push[oldM];

* Read current real page number from map.
* Note that all we care about are the page number and the vacant indication,
* which cannot be influenced either by concurrent IFU or I/O activity or by
* the contents of the cache flags.  Therefore it is not necessary to flush
* the cache or turn tasking off while reading the map.
	T← MD, StkP-2;
	T← Stack&+1, Call[SetBRForPage]; * Returns RTemp0=0
	RMap← RTemp0, SCall[TranslateMapEntry]; * Returns map entry in T

* +1 return: entry is vacant, just return "vacant" and don't set new flags.
	 Stack-1← T, Branch[AssocExit];

* +2 return: write the map with new flags and old real page number.
	T← RCY[T, Stack&-1, 14];	* Combine new flags with old page
	T← LCY[T, T, 14], Call[WriteMapPage];

* The pipe now contains the PREVIOUS contents of the map entry just written.
* Tasking is off if came from GetFlags.
	TaskingOn, Call[TranslateMapEntry];
	Stack← T, Branch[AssocExit],
		DispTable[1, 1, 1];	* Always return here

GetFlags: MiscTable[16],
* vp ← Pop[]; Push[Map[vp]];

	StkP-1, Call[SetBRForPage];

* Flush this page from the cache so that the map flags are updated.
* Note: in principle it should not be necessary to flush twice or to
* turn tasking off; but in fact a single flush with tasking on
* seems insufficient to capture the dirty bit reliably.
	Call[FlushPage];		* Returns RTemp0=0, TaskingOff

* Read and translate map entry.
	RMap← RTemp0, Branch[SetFExit];
* Map-related subroutines

* Enter: T=virtual page
* Exit:	T unchanged
*	MemBase=LPtr, LPtr=VA of virtual page
*	RTemp0=0

	MemBase← LPtr;
	RTemp0← LSH[T, 10];		* set up MemBase and BR
	BRLo← RTemp0;
	RTemp0← RSH[T, 10];
	BRHi← RTemp0, RTemp0← A0, Return;

* Flushes one page from cache with tasking off.  This is done to maintain consistency
* between cache and real memory when the map is about to change.
* Enter: MemBase=LPtr, LPtr=VA of base of page
* Exit:	RTemp0=0
*	Tasking off, IFU reset (to ensure that activity of the IFU and of the
*		other tasks will not bring new munches into the cache)
*	Clobbers RTemp0, Cnt

* Do the flush twice, once with TaskingOn and again with TaskingOff.
* The idea is that all the actual flushing of dirty munches will occur
* with TaskingOn; however, it is logically necessary to do it again with
* TaskingOff because in the meantime an I/O task might have touched the
* page we are flushing, and subsequent Map operations depend on the page being
* completely flushed.
	RTemp0← A0, Cnt← 17S, B← MD;	* Assume 20b munches per page
	RTemp0← Flush← RTemp0, Carry20, Branch[., Cnt#0&-1];
	RTemp0← A0, Cnt← 16S;
	RTemp0← Flush← RTemp0, Carry20, Branch[., Cnt#0&-1];
	Flush← RTemp0, RTemp0← A0, Return;
* Compute the position of the extra dirty bit in the MapBitsBR array
* Enter: T = real page
* Exit: RTemp6 the word index into the MapBitsBR array
*	T = appropriately shifted bit;
*	Membase is MapBitsBR
* Clobbers RTempX, RTemp6, T, Membase
	MemBase← MapBitsBR;
	RTemp6← Rsh[T,4];	* index into mapbits array
	Fetch← RTemp6;
	T← T AND (17C);
	T← Lsh[T, 10];
	RtempX← 1C;
	ShC← T;
	T← ShiftNoMask[RtempX], Return;
* Enter: T = map flags and real page number in Mesa format
* 	MemBase = LPtr, LPtr contains virtual address
* Exit:	Map written with new value
*	Pipe contains PREVIOUS contents of map entry
* Clobbers T, Q, RTemp0, RTemp1, (RTemp6), Cnt

* Shift wProtect and dirty bits into position for the hardware, and
* test for the combination wProtect & dirty & ref.
* Mesa format is B1=wProtect, B2=dirty, B3=ref.
* Hardware format for writing is B0=wProtect, B1=dirty (ref can't be set).
	RTemp1← NOT T, Q← Link;
	RTemp0← T AND (MesaF&P.pageMask);	* real page
	T← T AND (MesaF&P.flagsMask);		* flags
	PD← T XOR (MesaF&P.wProtect&Dirty);	* check for setting vacant
	   branch[ReallyVacant, alu=0], RTemp1← (RTemp1) AND (MesaF&P.flagsMask);
	T← RTemp0;			* placement
	Call[MapDirtyBit];	* returns word in Md, index in RTemp6, bit in T
	PD← RTemp1;
	RTemp1← (NOT (RTemp1)) LSH 1, Branch[.+3, ALU#0];

* This is the state wProtect & dirty & ref, which the Dorado hardware
* can't handle (it would mistakenly interpret it as vacant).
* Turn off the dirty bit, and set the sign bit in the MapBitsBR array.
	RTemp1← (RTemp1) AND NOT (LShift[MesaF&P.dirty!, 1]C);
	T← T OR Md, Branch[.+2];

* turn off bit in MapBitBR array

* now store the word back in memory
	store← RTemp6, DBuf← T, branch[.+2];
	 RTemp1← (NOT (RTemp1)) LSH 1;
	T← RTemp0, MemBase← LPtr;		* restore real page into T

* Note: RTemp1 was carefully masked (above) so as not to select TIOA values
* in [10..17], which can screw up the disk controller!
	TIOA← RTemp1;			* Set up flags for Map←
	Call[FlushPage];		* Returns with TaskingOff; doesn't clobber T

* Now write the map entry; T contains the new real page number.
	Map← 0S, MapBuf← T;		* Write map entry (real page & flags)
	PD← T-T-1, TaskingOn;
	PD← PRef, Branch[., ALU<0];	* Wait for map reference to finish

* Writing the map zeroed the ref bit.  If we desire to set ref, do so by
* issuing a PreFetch to the page.  Note: this does NOT clobber the pipe,
* because PreFetch goes to the ring buffer part, not the private emulator entry.
	PD← (RTemp1) AND (LShift[MesaF&P.ref!, 1]C);
	T← A0, Link← Q, Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
	PreFetch← 0S;
	TIOA← T, Return;		* TIOA=0 required by Mesa emulator
* Translates result of last map reference (Map← or RMap←) to Mesa format.
* This procedure first waits for that map reference to finish.
* Enter: MemBase = LPtr, LPtr contains virtual address
* Call:	SCall[TranslateMapEntry]
* Exit:	Returns to caller+1 if entry is vacant, caller+2 otherwise.
*	T = map flags and real page number in Mesa format
*	Clobbers RTemp0, RTemp1, (RTemp6), Q

	PD← PRef, Global;		* Subroutine entry instruction
	RTemp1← T← NOT (Map'), Branch[.+2, ALU>=0]; * Read previous real page from Pipe
	PD← PRef, Branch[.-1];

* Convert hardware flags to Mesa format.
* The hardware returns the flags as B0=ref, B2=wProtect, B3=dirty, but
* Mesa wants to see them in the form B1=WP, B2=dirty, B3=ref.
	RTemp0← Errors'; 		* Previous flags (complemented)

* Crock for Alto/Mesa and pre-Trinity Pilot:
* If real page > 7777B (the highest that can be represented in a MapEntry)
* then return Vacant.  This compensates for the fact that the software's
* initial real memory scan doesn't have an end test!
	PD← T AND NOT (MesaF&P.pageMask);
	Branch[RealPageInRange, ALU=0];

:If[Not[AltoMode]];	******** PrincOps version ********
* For Pilot, actually change the map entry to be vacant.  This is so that
* references to that page will fault.  (Not sure whether this really matters.)
	RTemp0← 140000C;		* wProtect & dirty
	RTemp0← A0, TIOA← RTemp0;
	PD← (Map← RTemp0)-1, MapBuf← RTemp0;
	PD← PRef, Branch[., ALU<0];
	TIOA← RTemp0;
:EndIf;			**********************************
	T← (Or[MesaF&P.wProtect!, MesaF&P.dirty!]C), Return;  * Say it is vacant

* The following instruction zeroes Carry.  It must be the last arithmetic
* instruction in ReadMapPage.  Note: flags are still complemented.
	Q← Link;
	T← NOT (RTemp0);
	T← T AND (HWVacant);
	PD← T XOR (HWVacant);
	branch[rpip, alu=0], T← RTemp1;		* vacant
	Nop;			* placement
	Call[MapDirtyBit];	* fetch extra dirty bit from MapBitsBR array
	PD← T AND Md;
	branch[.+2, alu=0], T← RTemp1;
	T← T OR (MesaF&P.dirty);
	Membase← LPtr;		* placement	
rpip:	Link← Q;
	RTemp0← (A← RTemp0) LSH 1;	* Shift wProtect&dirty to Mesa format
	RTemp0← (RTemp0) AND (MesaF&P.wProtect&dirty),
		Branch[.+2, ALU<0];	* Branch if not ref
* Uncomplement the wProtect and dirty flags, and set ref if appropriate.
	RTemp0← (RTemp0) XOR (Or[MesaF&P.wProtect&dirty!, MesaF&P.ref!]C),
		DblBranch[MapVacant, MapNotVacant, ALU=0];
	RTemp0← (RTemp0) XOR (MesaF&P.wProtect&dirty),
		DblBranch[MapVacant, MapNotVacant, ALU=0];

:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
* Alto/Mesa wants to see real page = 0 if vacant.
	T← MesaF&P.wProtect&dirty, Return; * Vacant, return +1 with real page = 0
:Else;			******** PrincOps version ********
* PrincOps real page is undefined if vacant; however, the Cedar Nucleus depends
* on being able to read and write the real page number of vacant entries.
	T← T OR (MesaF&P.wProtect&dirty), Return; * Vacant, return +1
:EndIf;			**********************************

	T← T OR (RTemp0), Return[Carry']; * Not vacant, return +2

InputM: MiscTable[5],
* device ← Pop[]; Push[Input[device]];
* Dorado-only feature: if bit 0 of device is on, IOB parity checking is disabled.

	T← LSH[T, 10], StkP-1;
	T← A0, TIOA← T, Stack, Branch[.+2, R<0];
	Stack← Input, Branch[MesaIOTail];
	Stack← InputNoPE, Branch[MesaIOTail];

OutputM: MiscTable[6],
* device ← Pop[]; data ← Pop; Output[device, data];

	T← LSH[T, 10], StkP-2;
	T← A0, TIOA← T;
	Output← Stack&-1;
	TIOA← T, IFUNext0;		* Know T=0 here

:If[Not[AltoMode]];	******** PrincOps version ********
SetMaintPanel: MiscTable[10],
* maintPanel ← Pop[];
* Also generate an Opcode trap iff there is a trap handler set up,
* so the software has a chance to look at the MP code.

	MemBase← SD;
	Fetch← Add[sUnimplemented!]S;
	PD← MD, StkP-2;
	MaintPanel← T, Branch[.+2, ALU#0];
	T← A0, Branch[OpcodeTrap];
:EndIf;			**********************************

RClockM: MiscTable[11],
* PushLong[clock];

	RBase← RBase[RTClock];
	T← RTClock, TaskingOff;		* Low part -- read atomically!!
	Stack&+1← T;
	T← RTC430, TaskingOn, Branch[PushT]; * High part


GenIOin: MiscTable[12],
* Push[PrinterIn[]];

	StackT← NOT (EventCntA'), IFUNext2;

GenIOout: MiscTable[13],
* PrinterOut[Pop[]];

	EventCntB← T, StkP-2, IFUNext0;
Checksum: MiscTable[7],
* DO
*   p: LONG POINTER ← PopLong[]; c: CARDINAL ← Pop[]; s: WORD ← Pop[];
*   IF c=0 THEN EXIT;
*   s ← OnesComplementAddAndLeftCycle[s, Fetch[p]↑];
*   Push[s]; Push[c-1]; PushLong[p+1];
*   IF InterruptPending[] THEN GOTO Suspend;
*   REPEAT Suspend => PC ← savePC;
* IF s=-1 THEN s←0;  -- turn ones-complement -0 into +0
* Push[s];

	RTemp0← A0, MemBase← LPtr;
	BRHi← T, StkP-2;		* Pop the long pointer into LPtr
	BRLo← Stack&-1;

* Come here once per munch.  RTemp0 contains LPtr-relative address.
* StkP addresses c (count of words remaining).
* On the first iteration, checksum ((c-1) mod 20b) +1 words; on subsequent
* iterations, checksum 20b words.  Note that on subsequent iterations,
* c mod 20b = 0, so ((c-1) mod 20b) +1 = 20b.
	T← (Stack&-1)-1;		* A-1 generates carry iff A#0
	T← T AND (17C), Branch[CSDone, Carry'];

* Touch the first and last words to be checksummed in this block,
* and issue a PreFetch for the next block.  T = word count -1.
	T← (Fetch← RTemp0)+(Q← T), Branch[CSInterrupt, Reschedule];
	T← (Fetch← T)+(20C);
	PreFetch← T, T← Stack&+1, Stack&+1← MD;

* All possible faults have happened by this point.
	Stack&+1← (Stack&+1)-(Cnt← Q)-1; * Update word count
	RTemp0← (Fetch← RTemp0)+1;
	Stack&+1← (Stack&+1)+Q+1;	* Update long pointer on stack
	Stack&-2← A← Stack&-2, XorSavedCarry;

* Inner loop: 3 instructions per word.  T has partial sum, StkP adresses c.
	T← T+MD, StkP-1, Branch[CSWordExit, Cnt=0&-1];
	RTemp0← (Fetch← RTemp0)+1, Branch[.+2, Carry];
CSAddNoCarry:				* ALU=0 iff came from CSWordExit
	Stack&+1← T← T LCY 1, DblBranch[CSWordLoop, CSMunch, ALU#0];
	Stack&+1← T← (T+1) LCY 1, DblBranch[CSWordLoop, CSMunch, ALU#0];
	PD← A0, DblBranch[CSAddCarry, CSAddNoCarry, Carry];

* Here when c=0.  If result is -0, change it to +0.  StkP addresses s.
	PD← (Stack)+1;			* Carry iff sum=177777
	StackT← A← StackT, XorSavedCarry, IFUNext2;

	StkP+3, Branch[BLTInterrupt];
% ********* De-implemented code **********

WMDS: MiscTable[15],			* Write MDS
* This opcode sets the high bits of MDS.  It supports the execution
* IME system code on the Dorado.  The idea is to provide IME with a
* way of switching whole "banks" of memory very quickly.  This opcode
* touches all the base registers.  The Mesa software must assure that
* IO devices are quiescent.  This opcode affects the way IO devices 
* work as well as the way the mesa emulator works.

* The MESA instruction, WMDS, pops the new MDSBase from the current top
* of the Stack.  Then it calls the subroutine, SetMDS to do the work.
* WMDS does NOT switch the code base.

* The NOVA instruction, WMDS, takes the new MDSBase from AC0 and calls
* SetMDS to do the work.  WMDS switches the code base also.

* SetMDS:
* 	ENTER w/ T= new MDS base, RBase=RBase[EmuBRHiReg].
* 	CLOBBER T, ETemp1, ETemp2, EmuBRHiReg, ALL BRHi
* 	registers and MemBase.

	StkP-2, RBase← RBase[EmuBRHiReg], Call[SetMDS];
	T← (ID)-(PCX')-1, Branch[SetPCAndJump0];

	Nop, At[sd400, 22];
	T← Stack, Call[SetMDS];


* We'll compute a new MDS offset for BRHi based upon (newMDSHi-EmuBRHiReg).
	T← T-(EmuBRHiReg);		* EmuBRHiReg← new MDS, T← difference
	EmuBRHiReg← (EmuBRHiReg)+T;
	ETemp2← Lshift[36, 10]C;	* set MemBase[0..36B],leave CODE alone
	MemBase← ETemp2;
	DummyRef← 0S, B← MD;
	ETemp1← VAHi;			* capture hi order bits of current BR
	ETemp1← (ETemp1)+T;		* this is the new value to use
	ETemp2← (ETemp2)-(400C);
	BRHi← ETemp1, Branch[SetMDSL, ALU>=0];
	Q← Link;
* Call SetDisplayBRHi; it will return.  Note Link← overrides implied Call.
	T← EmuBRHiReg, RBase← RBase[RTemp0];
	MDSHi← T, Link← Q, Branch[SetDisplayBRHi];

% ********* End of de-implemented code **********
% ********* De-implemented code **********

XferL: MiscTable[14],			* Long Xfer (MDS switch)
* StoreMDS[@LocalBase[L].pc]↑ ← PC;
* newMDS ← Pop[]; destLink ← Pop[]; Push[L]; Push[LOOPHOLE[MDS, Long].high];
* LOOPHOLE[MDS, Long].high ← newMDS;
* XFER[src: L, dst: destLink];

	DLink← Stack, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * DLink← destination link
	T← SLink;			* SLink=L
	Stack&+1← T, RBase← RBase[EmuBRHiReg]; * save L in Stack
	T← EmuBRHiReg;
	Stack← T, Q← Stack;		* Stack← mds, Q← newMDS
	T← Q, Call[SetMDS];		* switch MDS bases
	RBase← RBase[RTemp0];
	MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];	* Now do Xfer in new MDSbase

% ********* End of de-implemented code **********

LoadRamM: MiscTable[3],			* Load Ram and jump
* flag ← Pop[]; itemArray: LONG POINTER ← PopLong[];
* nextItem: LONG POINTER ← LoadRam[itemArray+1];
* IF (flag MOD 2)=1 THEN {jump to the start address in the new Ram image};
* PushLong[nextItem]; [] ← PopLong[];  -- leave pointer to next Item above TOS

	StkP-3, RBase← RBase[LRFlag];
	LRFlag← NOT T, MemBase← LPTR;	* LoadRam reverses sense of flag
* Note: software passes (pointer to first item)-1; must skip over it!!!
	T← (Stack&+1)+1;
	BRLo← T;
	T← A← Stack&-1, XorSavedCarry;
	BRHi← T, Call[LoadRam];
	DummyRef← LRItem, B← MD;	* Convert ending address to long pointer
	Stack&+1← VALo;
	Stack&-2← VAHi, Branch[AssocExit]; * IFUReset and restart IFU

:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
SetPartitionM: MiscTable[17],	* Set default disk partition number
* p: Partition ← Pop[];
* IF p=Partition[0] THEN Push[currentPartition]
* ELSE IF p IN [Partition[1]..Partition[maxPartition]]
* THEN BEGIN currentPartition ← p; Push[-1]; END ELSE Push[0];

	StkP-1, Branch[SetDefaultDiskA]; * Same as Alto instruction
:EndIf;			**********************************

* Memory block zeroing opcodes -- added to instruction set for the benefit of Cedar,
* but useful in their own right.

*** Someday integrate these with the BLT logic in DMesaRW.mc.  But for now: ***

LocalBlkZM: MiscTable[100],		* Local block zero
* count: CARDINAL ← Pop[];
* FOR offset DECREASING IN [0..count) DO StoreMDS[L+offset]↑ ← 0; ENDLOOP;
* (The implementation must check for interrupts.)

	T← (ID)+T+1, MemBase← L, StkP-1, * (Offset of local 0)-1 (ID=2 here)

LongBlkZM: MiscTable[102],		* Long block zero
* count: CARDINAL ← Pop[];
* p: LONG POINTER ← PopLong[]; SP ← SP+2; -- leave long pointer on stack
* FOR offset DECREASING IN [0..count) DO Store[p+offset]↑ ← 0; ENDLOOP;
* (The implementation must check for interrupts, and may push the intermediate
* count back on the stack, but must not disturb the pointer.  This is why
* the operation is done in descending order of address.)

	T← T-1, MemBase← LPtr, StkP-2;
	BRHi← Stack&-1;
	BRLo← Stack&+2;

* T = (base-relative) address of last word of block; Stack = count.
	RTemp1← T-(20C);
	RTemp0← T, PreFetch← RTemp1;	* PreFetch 20b words ahead
	T← (Stack)-1;
	T← T AND (17C), Branch[BlkZDone, Carry']; * Branch if count is zero

* On first iteration, do ((count-1) mod 20b)+1 words;
* on subsequent iterations, do 20b words.
* T = (# words to do this iteration)-1.
	RTemp1← (RTemp1)-(20C), Branch[.+2, R<0];
	PreFetch← RTemp1;		* PreFetch 40b words ahead
	Cnt← T, Branch[BlkZInterrupt, Reschedule];
	RTemp0← (Store← RTemp0)-1, DBuf← 0C, Branch[.+2, Cnt=0&-1];
	RTemp0← (Store← RTemp0)-1, DBuf← 0C, Branch[BlkZWordLoop, Cnt#0&-1];
	Stack← (Stack)-T-1, T← MD;	* Wait for fault, then update count
	T← 17C, Branch[BlkZMunchEntry, ALU#0];

	StkP-1, IFUNext0;

* Event counter and PC sampling stuff.
* Also see subroutines in Junk.mc

MC[EnableEventsAB, 6000];
MC[DisableEventsAB, 0];

StartCountM: MiscTable[240],		* Start Event Counters
* control ← Pop[]; ZeroEventCounters[]; InsSetOrEvent[control];

	StkP-2, RBase← RBase[Events], Call[StartCounters];

ReadCountM: MiscTable[241],		* Read Event Counters
*	[
*	eventALo, eventAHi1, eventAHi0: CARDINAL,	-- event counterA
*	eventBLo, eventBHi1, eventBHi0: CARDINAL,	-- event counterB
*	]
* p: LONG POINTER TO CounterValues ← PopLong[]; ReadCounters[p];

	MemBase← LPtr, StkP-1;
	BRHi← Stack&-1;
	BRLo← Stack&-1;
	T← A0, RBase← RBase[Events], Call[ReadCounters];

StopCountM: MiscTable[242],		* Stop Event Counters
* InsSetOrEvent[disableEventsAB];

	T← DisableEventsAB, StkP-1;
	InsSetOrEvent← T, IFUNext0;

SetPCHistM: MiscTable[243],		* Set PC Sampling Histogram
* PCHistogram: TYPE = ARRAY [0..4095] OF LONG CARDINAL;
* p: LONG POINTER TO PCHistogram ← PopLong[];
* IF p#NIL THEN EnablePCSampling[p] ELSE DisablePCSampling[];

	StkP-2, RBase← RBase[Events];
	Q← Stack&-1, Call[SetPCHistAddr];

:If[Not[AltoMode]];	******** PrincOps version ********
IOFetchForWT: MiscTable[244],		* IOFetch for testing RastA
* Munch: TYPE = ARRAY [0..15] OF CARDINAL;
* p: LONG POINTER TO Munch ← PopLong[];
* IOFetch[Munch]; (with Task = WT)
* TIOA ← TaskCmd;
* Output ← 1, Block; (disable WT)

	StkP-1, MemBase←AChannelBR;
	 TaskingOff, Call[MyWTInitPC];
	LdTPC←T, Wakeup[WT];
	TaskingOn, IFUNext0;

* IOFetch code at WT task
Set[XTask, IP[WT]];
	T←WT, CoReturn;
*Actual IOFetch code
	TIOA←T, T←A0;
	T←A0, Output←T, Block, Branch[WTIOFetch];
Set[XTask, IP[EMU]];

EmuStartLT: MiscTable[245],	* Emulator start of LT for printer
*		Instruction returns TRUE if the MRB pointer and seal are OK
*		mrbSeal: CARDINAL ~ 177574B,
*		stbAddr: LONG POINTER,
*		rcbAddrForA: LONG POINTER,
*		rcbAddrForB: LONG POINTER,
*		rcbAddrForC: LONG POINTER,
*		ccbAddr: LONG POINTER,
*		flags: WORD,
*		interruptMask: WORD,
*		status: WORD
*		];
* See RasterControllerDorado.mesa for definitions of
* STB, RCB and CCB

	nop;	* for MicroD placement
	StkP-1, RBase ← RBase[LTRegion];
	LTMRBAddrHi← T← Stack&-1;
	LTMRBAddrLo← Stack;
	PD← T OR (LTMRBAddrLo);
	MemBase← LTBR, Branch[StartLTReturn, ALU=0];	* T=0 if branch taken
	T← A0, BRLo← LTMRBAddrLo;
	Fetch← T, T← GoodMRBSeal;
	PD← (MD) XOR (T);
	Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
	T← A0, Branch[StartLTReturn];
* initialize the Line Task (LT), which resets the hardware and
* initializes the Word Task (WT)
	TaskingOff, Call[LTInitPC];
	LdTPC←T, Wakeup[LT];
	T← T-T-1, TaskingOn;
	Stack← T, IFUNext0;

Set[XTask, IP[EMU]];
SetIntervalTimerM: MiscTable[255],		* Set Interval Timer time

	StkP-2, RBase← RBase[WakeupTime];
	WakeupTime← T, IFUNext0;
:EndIf;			**********************************
* Other Dorado-only instructions


RWMufManM: MiscTable[246],	* Read/write muffler/manifold system
* arg: RECORD [useDMD: BOOLEAN, unused: [0..7], dMuxAddr: [0..7777B]];
* result: RECORD [dMuxData: BOOLEAN, unused: [0..77777B]];
* arg ← Pop[]; SetDMuxAddress[arg.dMuxAddr];
* IF arg.useDMD THEN UseDMD[];
* result.dMuxData ← DMuxData[]; Push[result];

	StkP-1, Call[SetDMuxAddress];		* Takes address and returns data in T
	Stack, Branch[.+2, R>=0];
	StackT← T, IFUNext2;

:If[Not[AltoMode]];	******** PrincOps version ********
ResetEtherM: MiscTable[247],	* Reset Ethernet hardware and tasks

	StkP-1, Branch[ResetEther];
:EndIf;			**********************************

GetMemConfM: MiscTable[251],	* Get memory configuration
* Push[realPages]; Push[virtualBanks];

	RBase← RBase[RealPages];
	T← RealPages;
	Stack&+1← T;
	T← (VirtualBanks) - 1, Branch[PushT];

HaltM: MiscTable[252],	* Halt Dorado, leaving specified value on BMux.
* This is useful primarily for power-off: BMux contains time until power-on.
* BMux← Pop; Halt[];

	StkP-1, TaskingOff;
	B← StackNoUfl, Breakpoint, Branch[.];

SetDisplayFieldRateM: MiscTable[253],
* visibleLines ← Pop[]; topBorder ← Pop[]; verticalSync ← Pop[];
* visibleLines is total number of visible lines, including both borders.
* All counts are number of scan lines in the even field.

	StkP-1, Branch[SetDisplayFieldRate];

:If[Not[AltoMode]];	******** PrincOps version ********
ResetDiskM: MiscTable[254],	* Reset disk hardware and tasks

	StkP-1, Branch[ResetDisk];
:EndIf;			**********************************
* Stable Storage block I/O instructions (using GenIn/Out)

MC[ssbInput, 100000];
MC[ssbClock, 40000];
MC[ssbPowerOn, 10000];

SSBlockIn: MiscTable[256],	* Stable Storage block input
* DO
*   c: CARDINAL ← Pop[]; p: LONG POINTER ← PopLong[];
*   IF c=0 THEN EXIT;
*   GenOut[ssbInput+ssbPowerOn+ssbClock]; GenOut[ssbInput+ssbPowerOn];
*   Store[p]↑ ← GenIn[];
*   PushLong[p+1]; Push[c-1];
*   IF InterruptPending[] THEN {PC ← savedPC; EXIT};

	RTemp0← A0;
	RTemp1← Or[ssbInput!, ssbClock!, ssbPowerOn!]C;
	RTemp2← Or[ssbInput!, ssbPowerOn!]C, Call[SSBBlockSetup];

* Control returns here for each munch (or partial munch) to process
	EventCntB← RTemp1;		* Send ssbClock=1 for first word
	EventCntB← RTemp2;		* Send ssbClock=0 for first word
	Nop;				* 1-cycle delay required before reading

* The inner loop reads one word from the SSB, issues the clock for the next word,
* and exits one word early.  This is to ensure adequate delay between sending
* the clock and reading the data.
	T← NOT (EventCntA'),		* Read current word
		Branch[SSBInWordExit, Cnt=0&-1]; * Exit if this is the last word
	EventCntB← RTemp1;		* Send ssbClock=1 for next word
	EventCntB← RTemp2;		* Send ssbClock=0 for next word
	RTemp0← (Store← RTemp0)+1, DBuf← T, * Store current word

	RTemp0← (Store← RTemp0)+1, DBuf← T, Branch[SSBNextMunch];
SSBlockOut: MiscTable[257],	* Stable Storage block output
* DO
*   c: CARDINAL ← Pop[]; p: LONG POINTER ← PopLong[]; word: CARDINAL;
*   IF c=0 THEN EXIT;
*   word ← Fetch[p]↑;
*   GenOut[BITOR[word, ssbClock]]; GenOut[word];
*   PushLong[p+1]; Push[c-1];
*   IF InterruptPending[] THEN {PC ← savedPC; EXIT};

	RTemp0← A0;
	RTemp1← NOT (ssbClock);
	T← 7000C;			* ShC← [SHA=R, SHB=R, count=16, LMask=1, RMask=16]
	T← T OR (341C);
	ShC← T, Call[SSBBlockSetup];

* Control returns here for each munch (or partial munch) to process
	RTemp0← (Fetch← RTemp0)+1;	* Fetch first word of munch
	T← SHMDBothMasks[RTemp1],	* Pick up first word and set ssbClock=1
		DblBranch[SSBOutWordLoop, SSBOutWordExit, Cnt#0&-1];

* The inner loop fetches one word ahead and exits one word early.
* T contains next word to be sent, OR'ed with ssbClock.
	RTemp0← (Fetch← RTemp0)+1;	* Fetch next word
	T← (RTemp1) AND (EventCntB← T);	* Send current word with ssbClock=1, and
					*   set ssbClock to zero
	T← SHMDBothMasks[RTemp1],	* Pick up next word and set ssbClock=1
		EventCntB← T,		* Send current word with ssbClock=0
		DblBranch[SSBOutWordLoop, SSBOutWordExit, Cnt#0&-1];

	T← (RTemp1) AND (EventCntB← T);	* Send final word with ssbClock=1
	EventCntB← T, Branch[SSBNextMunch]; * Send final word with ssbClock=0
* Enter: RTemp0 = 0
*	STK[StkP-1] = word count
*	STK[StkP-2],,STK[StkP-3] = base pointer
* Exit: Exits opcode if no (more) words to transfer or interrupt pending; otherwise:
*	MemBase = LPtr, containing base pointer
*	Cnt = number of words to transfer this iteration -1
*	Pointer and count updated on stack to account for that number of words
*	First and last words touched to ensure no faults
* Caller should transfer (Cnt)+1 words and increment RTemp0 by that amount,
* then branch to SSBNextMunch.  Control will return at the instruction after
* the initial call to SSBBlockSetup with parameters set up for another munch.
* Clobbers T, Q; uses RTemp6 for return link, which must not be clobbered by caller.

	RTemp6← Link;
	MemBase← LPtr, StkP-2;
	BRHi← Stack&-1;			* Pop the long pointer into LPtr
	BRLo← Stack&+2;

* Come here once per munch.  RTemp0 contains LPtr-relative address.
* StkP addresses c (count of words remaining).
* On the first iteration, process ((c-1) mod 20b) +1 words; on subsequent
* iterations, process 20b words.  Note that on subsequent iterations,
* c mod 20b = 0, so ((c-1) mod 20b) +1 = 20b.
	T← (Stack)-1;			* A-1 generates carry iff A#0
	T← T AND (17C), Branch[SSBDone, Carry'];

* Touch the first and last words to be processed in this block,
* and issue a PreFetch for the next block.  (Reason for touching words is
* to ensure that a fault won't occur in the middle of the word loop
* while we are wiggling the GenOut clock and such.)  T = word count -1.
	T← (Fetch← RTemp0)+(Q← T), Branch[SSBInterrupt, Reschedule];
	T← (Fetch← T)+(20C);
	PreFetch← T, T← MD;

* All possible faults have happened by this point.
	Stack&-2← (Stack&-2)-(Cnt← Q)-1; * Update word count
	Stack&+1← (Stack&+1)+Q+1;	* Update long pointer on stack
	Link← RTemp6;
	Stack&+1← A← Stack&+1, XorSavedCarry, Return;

	StkP-3, IFUNext0;
