Title[CpaXfer.mc...May 15, 1986 9:47:14 am PDT...Willie-Sue];
* Control transfers and state save/restore.
* Adds statistics gathering for function calls
CONTENTS, by order of occurence
Subroutines for call/return
SavePCInFrameIL Save PCX+IL in local frame
SavePCInFrame Save arbitrary PC in local frame
GetLinkID Fetch external control link
LoadGC Load global frame and code pointers
Control transfer opcodes
EFCn External Function Call n
KFCB Kernel Function Call Byte
SFC Stack Function Call
LFCn Local Function Call n
RET Return
PORTO Port Out
Frame and link manipulations
LLKB Load Link Byte (external link)
LINKB Link Byte (to enclosing context)
DESCB Descriptor
DESCBS Descriptor Stack
LADRB, GADRB Local Address Byte, Global Address Byte
CATCH Locate catch phrase
Frame allocation
AllocSub subroutine to allocate a frame
ALLOC Allocate
FreeSub subroutine to free a frame
XFER primitive
Xfer Transfer through control link
XferProc Procedure call (allocate frame, patch links)
XferTrap Xfer trap
SavePCAndTrap Save PC in frame before trapping
TrapParamDLink Trap with DLink as trap parameter
TrapParamSLink Trap with SLink as trap parameter
MTrap Trap via SD
State save/restore
DST Dump State
SaveState Save state subroutine
LST, LSTF Load State, Load State and Free
LoadState Load state from StateVector and Xfer to new context
LoadStack Load stack subroutine
Mesa/Alto communication
MGO Entry to Mesa from Alto world
STOP Exit from Mesa to Alto world
* Saves PCX+IL in local frame
* Entry conditions:
* RBase=RMforIFU
* All ID code bytes must have been consumed already
* Exit conditions:
* MemBase=L
* SLink and T loaded from L
* Uses RTemp1 as local work storage
* Does not clobber MD
* PrincOps: XferFlags[xf.invalidContext] indicates that the context is
* invalid and the PC should not be stored in the local frame.
RTemp1← (ID)-(PCX')-1, Global; *ID=instruction length
:If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version **********
SPCIL0: MemBase← L;
RTemp1← (RTemp1) RSH 1, Branch[.+2, R even];
RTemp1← (0S)-(RTemp1);
:Else; ******** PrincOps version ********
SPCIL0: MemBase← L, XferFlags, Branch[.+2, R>=0]; * xf.invalidContext = bit 0
T← NOT (DummyRef← 1S), RTemp1← MD, Branch[.+2];
:EndIf; **********************************
T← NOT (Store← 1S), DBuf← RTemp1; * T← 177776, VA← L+1
SLink← T← T AND (VALo), Return; * L mod 4 = 0 => (L+1) AND 177776 = L
* Entry and exit conditions same as SavePCInFrameIL, except:
* RTemp1 = PC to store
Branch[SPCIL0], Global;
* Fetches external link given link index
* Entry conditions:
* RBase = RTemp
* MemBase = G
* ID = index of the link
* MD = global 0 (= Fetch[G]^)
* Exit:
* RBase = RTemp
* MD = requested control link
* MemBase = G or Code, depending on where the links are
RTemp0← MD, T← NOT (ID);
GLID0: RTemp0← T-T-1, Branch[.+2, R even];
MemBase← Code;
LongFetch← T, B← RTemp0, Return;
* Entry and exit conditions same as GetLinkID, except:
* T = index of the link (instead of ID)
RTemp0← MD, T← NOT (T), Branch[GLID0];
* Loads global pointer and code pointer given local pointer or GFT pointer
* Entry conditions:
* MemBase=MDS
* RBase=RMforIFU
* T contains either (1) local frame pointer +1 or (2) pointer to GFT entry +1
* MD = global frame pointer (= FetchMDS[T-1]^)
* Exit conditions:
* MemBase=Code
* G set
* Code set from global frame
* case (1): RTemp1 = PC;
* case (2): (Alto only) RTemp1 = epi bias
* (PrincOps only) RTemp2 = top 2 bits of epi
* Alto: first word of code segment set to 1 (used by code swapper)
* Alto: RTemp1 value is also returned in Q
* Clobbers T, RTemp1, RTemp2
Fetch← T, T← MD, RTemp1← 177774C; * Fetch PC (if case 1); T← global frame
RTemp1← (RTemp1) AND T, MemBase← G; * gfti[0..13],,00 = global frame
T← (BRLo← RTemp1) XOR T, * T← gfti[14..15] = ep bias (case 2)
RTemp1← MD, * RTemp1← PC (case 1)
Branch[LoadGCNull, ALU=0]; * global frame = 0 => unbound
RTemp2← (Fetch← 1S)+1; * Fetch global word 1 = low code base
Fetch← RTemp2, RTemp2← MD; * word 2 = high code base
MemBase← Code, RTemp2,
Branch[CSegSwappedOut, R odd]; * Code base odd => swapped out
RTemp2← MD, BRLo← RTemp2; * Load up code base
RTemp2← T, BRHi← RTemp2, Return; * RTemp2← ep bias (case 2)
T← SUnbound, Branch[TrapParamDLink];
T← sSwapTrap, Branch[TrapParamDLink];
IFUP[EFC0, 1, G, N[0]]; * External Function Call n: EFC[n];
IFUP[EFC1, 1, G, N[1]];
IFUP[EFC2, 1, G, N[2]];
IFUP[EFC3, 1, G, N[3]];
IFUP[EFC4, 1, G, N[4]];
IFUP[EFC5, 1, G, N[5]];
IFUP[EFC6, 1, G, N[6]];
IFUP[EFC7, 1, G, N[7]];
IFUP[EFC8, 1, G, N[10]];
IFUP[EFC9, 1, G, N[11]];
IFUP[EFC10, 1, G, N[12]];
IFUP[EFC11, 1, G, N[13]];
IFUP[EFC12, 1, G, N[14]];
IFUP[EFC13, 1, G, N[15]];
IFUP[EFC14, 1, G, N[16]];
IFUP[EFCB, 2, G]; * External Function Call Byte: EFC[alpha]
* EFC: PROCEDURE[index] =
* StoreMDS[@LocalBase[L].pc]^ ← PC;
* XFER[dst: FetchLink[index], src: L, free: FALSE, trap: FALSE];
* adding statistics gathering for function calls
Stack← MD, Branch[EFCM1];
StkP+1, Branch[EFCM1];
Fetch← 0S, Call[GetLinkID];
XferFlags← A0, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
DLink← MD, MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
Stack← MD, Branch[EFCM1];
StkP+1, Branch[EFCM1];
T ← ID, Call[EFCStats];
Membase ← G;
Fetch← 0S, Call[GetLink];
XferFlags← A0, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
DLink← MD, MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
IFUP[EFC15, 1, G, N[16]]; * External Function Call n: EFC[n];
* Alternate entry, required to obtain N=15 (17B)
T← ID+1, Branch[EFCM2];
T← ID+1, Stack← MD, Branch[EFCM2];
T← ID+1, StkP+1, Branch[EFCM2];
Membase ← G;
Fetch← 0S, Call[GetLink];
IFUP[KFCB, 2, MDS]; * Kernel Function Call Byte:
* StoreMDS[@LocalBase[L].pc]^ ← PC;
* XFER[dst: FetchMDS[@SD[alpha]]^, src: L, free: FALSE, trap: FALSE];
XferFlags← A0, Call[KFCbStats];
MemBase← SD, Branch[KFCBM1];
Stack← MD, Branch[.-2];
StkP+1, Branch[.-3];
Fetch← ID, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * Fetch SD[alpha]
DLink← MD, MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
XferFlags← A0, MemBase← SD, Branch[KFCBM1];
Stack← MD, Branch[.-1];
StkP+1, Branch[.-2];
Fetch← ID, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * Fetch SD[alpha]
DLink← MD, MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
IFUP[BRK, 1, MDS]; * Breakpoint: Trap[sBreak];
T← XferFlags← A0, Branch[SavePCAndTrap]; * sBreak = 0
T← XferFlags← A0, Stack← MD, Branch[SavePCAndTrap];
T← XferFlags← A0, StkP+1, Branch[SavePCAndTrap];
IFUP[SFC, 1, L]; * Stack Function Call:
* link ← Pop[]; StoreMDS[@LocalBase[L].pc]^ ← PC;
* XFER[dst: link, src: L, free: FALSE, trap: FALSE];
T← Stack&-1, Branch[.+2];
T← Stack&-1← MD, Branch[.+1];
DLink← T, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
XferFlags← A0, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
DLink← Stack&-1;
MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
T← Stack&-1, Branch[.+2];
T← Stack&-1← MD, Branch[.+1];
DLink← T, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
XferFlags← A0;
XferFlags← A0, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
DLink← Stack&-1;
MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
IFUP[LFC1, 1, L, N[1]]; * Local Function Call n: LFC[n];
IFUP[LFC2, 1, L, N[2]];
IFUP[LFC3, 1, L, N[3]];
IFUP[LFC4, 1, L, N[4]];
IFUP[LFC5, 1, L, N[5]];
IFUP[LFC6, 1, L, N[6]];
IFUP[LFC7, 1, L, N[7]];
IFUP[LFC8, 1, L, N[10]];
IFUP[LFC9, 1, L, N[11]];
IFUP[LFC10, 1, L, N[12]];
IFUP[LFC11, 1, L, N[13]];
IFUP[LFC12, 1, L, N[14]];
IFUP[LFC13, 1, L, N[15]];
IFUP[LFC14, 1, L, N[16]];
IFUP[LFCB, 2, L]; * Local Function Call Byte: LFC[alpha];
* StoreMDS[@LocalBase[L].pc]^ ← PC;
* evi ← FetchDbl[@C.entry[epi]]^; tPC ← evi.pc; tL ← Alloc[evi.fsi];
* StoreMDS[@LocalBase[tL].accessLink]^ ← G;
* StoreMDS[@LocalBase[tL].returnLink]^ ← L; L← tL; PC ← tPC;
T← (ID)+1, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+1, Stack← MD, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+1, StkP+1, Branch[LFCM1];
RTemp4← ((ID)+1) LSH 1, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * RTemp4← 2*(epi+1)
XferFlags← A0, Branch[LFCM2];
T← (ID)+1, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+1, Stack← MD, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+1, StkP+1, Branch[LFCM1];
RTemp4← ((ID)+1) LSH 1, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * RTemp4← 2*(epi+1)
XferFlags← A0, Branch[LFCM2];
IFUP[LFC15, 1, L, N[0]]; * Local Function Call n: LFC[n];
IFUP[LFC16, 1, L, N[1]];
* Alternate entry, required to obtain N=15 and 16
T← (ID)+(17C)+1, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+(17C)+1, Stack← MD, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+(17C)+1, StkP+1, Branch[LFCM1];
RTemp4← T+T, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * RTemp4← 2*(epi+1)
XferFlags← A0;
T ← RTemp4, Call[LfcStats];
DLink← A0, MemBase← Code, Branch[XferProc];
T← (ID)+(17C)+1, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+(17C)+1, Stack← MD, Branch[LFCM1];
T← (ID)+(17C)+1, StkP+1, Branch[LFCM1];
RTemp4← T+T, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * RTemp4← 2*(epi+1)
XferFlags← A0;
DLink← A0, MemBase← Code, Branch[XferProc];
IFUP[RET, 1, L, N[2]]; * Return:
* dst: ControlLink ← FetchMDS[@LocalBase[L].returnLink]^;
* XFER[dst: dst, src: NIL, free: TRUE, trap: FALSE];
* Fetch word 2 of local frame, and set XferFlags to 1 = xf.free.
XferFlags← (Fetch← ID)-1, Branch[RETM1];
Stack← MD, Branch[.-1];
XferFlags← (Fetch← ID)-1, StkP+1, Branch[RETM1];
SLink← A0, Branch[XferMD]; * source is NIL, dest is in MD
IFUP[PORTO, 1, L]; * Port Out:
* port: PortLink ← Pop[]; StoreMDS[@LocalBase[L].pc]^ ← PC;
* StoreMDS[@port.inPort]^ ← L;
* XFER[dst: FetchMDS[@port.outPort]^, src: port, free: FALSE, trap: FALSE];
Stack← MD, Branch[.+2];
StkP+1, Branch[.+1];
XferFlags← A0, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
T← SLink, MemBase← MDS; * SLink = L
T← (Store← Stack&-1)+1, DBuf← T;
SLink← (Fetch← T)-1, Branch[XferMD];
Stack← MD, Branch[.+2];
StkP+1, Branch[.+1];
XferFlags← A0, Call[SavePCInFrameIL];
T← SLink, MemBase← MDS; * SLink = L
T← (Store← Stack&-1)+1, DBuf← T;
SLink← (Fetch← T)-1, Branch[XferMD];
IFUR[PORTI, 1, MDS]; * Port In:
* port: PortLink ← stack[SP+1]; source: ControlLink ← stack[SP+2];
* -- Alto: these are kept in machine registers rather than on the stack!
* StoreMDS[@port.inPort]^ ← NIL;
* IF source#NIL THEN StoreMDS[@port.outPort]^ ← source;
StkP+2, Branch[PORTIM1];
Stack&+2← MD, Branch[PORTIM1];
StkP+3, Branch[PORTIM1];
PD← Stack&-1;
T← Stack&+1, Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
T← (Store← T)+1, DBuf← 0C;
Store← T, DBuf← Stack&-2;
StkP+2, Branch[PORTIM1];
Stack&+2← MD, Branch[PORTIM1];
StkP+3, Branch[PORTIM1];
PD← Stack&-1;
T← Stack&+1, Branch[.+2, ALU=0];
T← (Store← T)+1, DBuf← 0C;
Store← T, DBuf← Stack&-2, IFUNext0CF;
IFUR[LLKB, 2, G]; * Load Link Byte:
* Push[IF FetchMDS[@GlobalBase[G].codeLinks]^.codeLinks
* THEN Fetch[C-LONG[alpha]-1]^ ELSE FetchMDS[G-alpha-1]^];
Stack← MD, Branch[LLKBM1];
StkP+1, Branch[LLKBM1];
Fetch← 0S, StkP+1, Call[GetLinkID];
StackT← MD, IFUNext2;
IFUR[LINKB, 2, L]; * Link Byte:
* link: ControlLink ← stack[SP+1]; -- dest link of previous Xfer
* -- Alto: kept in machine register rather than on the stack!
* StoreMDS[L]^ ← link-alpha; -- store in Local 0
StkP+1, Branch[LINKBM0];
Stack&+1← MD, Branch[LINKBM0];
StkP+2, Branch[LINKBM0];
T← (Stack&-1)-T, TisID;
* This can't fault, because the store is into the frame we are running in.
* Therefore can exit with IFUNext0 instead of IFUNext0CF.
Store← 4S, DBuf← T, IFUNext0; * local 0 = @frame+4
IFUR[DESCB, 2, G, N[0]]; * Descriptor Byte:
* frame: FrameHandle ← G; gf: GlobalWord ← FetchMDS[@GlobalBase[frame].word]^;
* epi: EPIndex ← alpha; -- see note below
* Push[ProcDesc[gfi: gf.gfi+(epi/EPRange), epi: epi MOD EPRange, tag: 1]];
* Alto: ProcDesc[gfi (0..8), epi (9..13), tag (14..15)]
* PrincOps: ProcDesc[gfi (0..9), epi (10..14), tag (15)]
* Note: apparently the compiler generates alpha = 2*epi; that is, epi is already
* left-shifted one bit.
Fetch← ID, StkP+1, Branch[DESCBM1];
Fetch← ID, Stack&+1← MD, Branch[DESCBM1];
Fetch← ID, StkP+2, Branch[DESCBM1]; *ID=0
Stack← MD, T← ID+1;
Stack← (Stack) AND (177700C);
StackT← T+(StackT), IFUNext2;
IFUR[DESCBS, 2, MDS]; * Descriptor Byte Stack:
* frame: FrameHandle ← Pop[]; gf: GlobalFrame ← GlobalBase[frame];
* Push[ProcDesc[gfi: gf.gfi+(alpha/EPRange), epi: alpha MOD EPRange, tag: 1]];
Fetch← Stack, Branch[DESCBM1];
Fetch← MD, Branch[DESCBM1];
Fetch← T, StkP+1, Branch[DESCBM1];
IFUR[LADRB, 2, L]; * Local Address Byte: Push[L+alpha];
IFUR[GADRB, 2, G]; * Global Address Byte: Push[G+alpha];
DummyRef← StackNoUfl&+1, T← MD, RisID, Branch[LADRBM1];
DummyRef← Stack&+1, Stack&+1← MD, RisID, Branch[LADRBM1];
DummyRef← StackNoUfl&+2, T← MD, RisID, Branch[LADRBM1];
StackT← VALo, IFUNext2;
IFUR[CATCH, 2, L]; * Catch: no-op
T← Stack&-1← MD, IFUNext2;
IFUR[ALLOC, 1, MDS]; * Allocate frame: Push[Alloc[Pop[]]];
T← Stack&-1, Branch[.+2];
T← Stack&-1← MD, Branch[.+1];
StkP+1, Call[AllocSub];
T← Stack, Call[AllocSub];
StackT← T, IFUNext2;
AllocSub: * Allocate frame
* Enter: T = fsi
* MemBase = MDS
* Normal exit: T = frame, ALU#0
* Failure exit: Alto: T = ALU = 0
* PrincOps: does not return but executes an AllocTrap[fsi]
* Clobbers T, Q, RTemp2, RTemp3; specifically, preserves RTemp0 and RTemp1
* Page faults can occur.
RTemp2← T← T+(AV);
Fetch← T, RTemp3← LShift[AV!, 2]C;
Q← Link;
AllocProcEntry: * Enter here from AllocForProc in Xfer
RTemp3← (RTemp3)+(BDispatch← MD);
Link← Q, Branch[AllocTable];
AllocTable: DispTable[4, 7, 4];
T← MD, Fetch← MD, Q← T, Branch[AllocRet]; * 0 good frame
T← (RTemp2)-(AV), Branch[AllocFail]; * 1 empty; recover original fsi
T← RSH[RTemp3, 2], Branch[AllocRepeat]; * 2 indirect
T← RSH[RTemp3, 2], Branch[AllocRepeat]; * 3 indirect
* Found good frame. Remove it from the head of its AV chain.
Store← T, DBuf← T, RTemp3← MD; * Dirty new frame in case WP fault
PD← Store← Q, DBuf← RTemp3, Return; * ALU#0
FaultParam0← T;
T← qFrameFault, Branch[MesaFault];
IFUR[FREE, 1, MDS]; * Free frame: Free[Pop[]];
T← Stack&-1, Branch[.+2];
T← Stack&-1← MD, Branch[.+1];
T← T-1, Call[FreeSub];
T← (Stack&-1)-1, Call[FreeSub];
FreeSub: * Free frame
* Enter: T = frame-1
* MemBase = MDS
* Clobbers T, RTemp0
RTemp0← (Fetch← T)+1; * Fetch frame[-1] = fsi
T← AV;
T← T+MD; * AV+fsi
Fetch← T; * Fetch current head of frame list
Store← T, DBuf← RTemp0, T← MD; * Store freed frame at head
Store← RTemp0, DBuf← T, Return; * Store old head in freed frame
* Entry conditions:
* MemBase = MDS
* SLink = source link
* DLink = dest link
* XferFlags = trap and free flags as appropriate; push = 0
* Performs complete PrincOps XFER operation, or else traps or faults
* in an appropriate manner.
T← BDispatch← DLink, * DLink = initial destination link
DblBranch[XferTagOdd, XferTagEven, R odd], Global;
* T = ALU = control link being dispatched on (from DLink or indirect link).
* If the control link is zero, we must generate a ControlFault.
* A zero control link causes the tag=0 case to be diverted to the tag=1 dispatch
* instruction, and thence to ZeroDest. The test can't be done directly by the tag=0
* instruction because (1) the Fetch would have to be delayed, and (2) the
* successor of that instruction is a Call which couldn't be placed.
RTemp0← T, * Save control link for later, and put thru ALU
DblBranch[XferTagTable, XferTagTable+1, ALU#0];
* Note that the following instruction puts the ENTIRE control link through the ALU,
* and hence the ALU is guaranteed to be nonzero when the test is made at XferTagTable+1.
RTemp2← RSH[T, IfE[AltoMode, 0, 6, 7]], * Extract gfi
* The Xfer dispatch on the tag field.
* The instructions in the dispatch table are duplicated as comments
* in the code dispatched to, flagged with "^^^".
XferTagTable: DispTable[4, 7, 4];
RTemp3← (Fetch← T)-T-1, Branch[XferDisp00]; * Tag = 00
RTemp4← LDF[T, 5, IfE[AltoMode, 0, 1, 2]], * Tag = 01
DblBranch[XferDisp01, ZeroDest, ALU#0];
Fetch← T, Branch[XferDisp10]; * Tag = 10
RTemp4← LDF[T, 5, 1], Branch[XferDisp01]; * Tag = 11
* Destination link = 0 => control fault. Trap parameter is SLink.
T← sControlFault, Branch[TrapParamSLink];
* dest[14:15]=00 frame pointer
* ^^^ RTemp3← (Fetch← T)-T-1; * RTemp3← -1 ^^^
T← (Store← T)+1, DBuf← MD, * Dirty frame to force WP fault if any
Call[LoadGC]; * Load G and Code; RTemp1← PC
* No page faults are possible after here -- we have touched both L and G.
* Guarantee that if a Reschedule is pending, it won't cause a trap
* until at least the second IFUJump.
StkP+1, NoReschedule, Branch[.+2, Reschedule']; * StkP+1 for XferExit
PCF← RTemp1, Branch[XferExitDispatch]; * Start up the IFU
* dest[14:15]=01 (or 11 if PrincOps) dest link is proc descriptor,
* Alto: RTemp2 = dest[0:8] = gfi, dest[10:13] = epi
* PrincOps: RTemp2 = dest[0:9] = gfi, dest[10:14] = epi
* ^^^ RTemp4← LDF[T, 5, 1]; * ^^^ extract epi
T← (RTemp2)+(GFT);
T← (Fetch← T)+1, Call[LoadGC]; * Returns (ep bias)/32 in RTemp2
T← LSH[RTemp2, 5];
RTemp4← ((RTemp4)+T+1) LSH 1, Branch[XferProc];
* dest[14:15]=10 dest link is indirect,
* dest[0:15] address of loc holding dest link
xferDisp10: ;
* ^^^ Fetch← T; * ^^^
XferFlags← (XferFlags) OR (xf.push);
RTemp0← MD;
T← BDispatch← RTemp0, DblBranch[XferTagOdd, XferTagEven, R odd];
* dest[14:15]=11 dest link is unbound -- Alto only
* ^^^ T← sUnbound, Branch[TrapParamDLink]; * ^^^
XferProc: * Xfer to procedure given entry vector offset.
* Used both by Local Function Calls and by the Procedure case of Xfer.
* Allocates new frame and patches links
* Entry conditions:
* RTemp4 holds index into code segment entry vector = 2*(epi+1)
* MemBase = Code
T← (Fetch← RTemp4)+1; * Fetch PC
Fetch← T, T← A0, RTemp1← MD, FlipMemBase; * Fetch fsi; MemBase← MDS
* Guarantee that if a Reschedule is pending, it won't cause a trap
* until at least the second IFUJump.
PD← RTemp1, NoReschedule, Branch[.+2, Reschedule'];
PD← RTemp1, Reschedule;
T← DPF[T, 10, 10, MD], * Extract fsi from right byte
Branch[ProcUnbound, ALU=0]; * Branch if PC was zero
* The following two instructions, plus the instruction at AllocForProc,
* duplicate the first three instructions of AllocSub (due to placement constraints).
RTemp2← T← T+(AV);
Fetch← T, RTemp3← LShift[AV!, 2]C, Call[AllocForProc];
* No page faults are possible after here, so it's ok to load L and PCF now.
RTemp0← T, MemBase← G;
RTemp1← (RTemp1)+(RTemp1); * Convert word PC to byte PC
DummyRef← 0S, T← MD, StkP+1; * Get VA of G[0]; StkP+1 for XferExit
RTemp3← T-T-1, MemBase← MDS; * RTemp3← -1 for XferExitDispatch
T← VALo; * T← global frame pointer
T← (Store← RTemp0)+1, DBuf← T; * L[0] ← G
T← T+1, PCF← RTemp1; * Start the IFU with the new PC
Store← T, DBuf← SLink, * L[2] ← caller's frame
* Third instruction of AllocSub, duplicated here for placement (see above).
Q← Link, Branch[AllocProcEntry];
* Procedure entry point had PC of zero. This may be caused by attempting to call
* a procedure in a discarded code pack. Give an unbound trap with the destination
* control link as the trap parameter.
T← sUnbound, Branch[TrapParamDLink];
* Tail of all Xfer cases.
* Here RTemp0 = new frame, RTemp1 = new PC, RTemp3 = -1.
* StkP has been incremented in anticipation of pushing DLink and SLink.
T← XferFlags, MemBase← L;
DummyRef← RTemp3, T← MD, * Get VA of previous local frame -1
BDispatch← T; * Dispatch on exit actions
BRLo← RTemp0; * Load new local frame
* Here we have dispatched on the flags xf.trap, xf.push, and xf.free.
* Note: the combination (trap AND free) is impossible,
* so only cases 0-4 and 6 need be considered.
* Note: in Alto mode, only cases 0 and 1 are possible.
XferExitTable: DispTable[IfE[AltoMode, 0, 7, 2]];
XTSReg← (XTSReg) RSH 1, DblBranch[XferTrap, XferExit, R odd]; * 0
MemBase← MDS, Branch[XferFree]; * 1
T← DLink, Branch[XferPush]; * 2
T← DLink, MemBase← MDS, Branch[XferPush&Free]; * 3
T← (Store← 2S)+1, DBuf← SLink; * 4 store return link, in case not already done
Store← T, DBuf← TrapParam, Branch[XferExitTable]; * 5 (dispatch can't happen)
T← (Store← 2S)+1, DBuf← SLink, Branch[.-1]; * 6 (trapped thru indirect link??)
XferFlags← A0, StkP-1, IFUNext0;
* Push DLink and SLink onto the stack. T = DLink.
Stack&+1← T;
T← SLink;
Stack&-1← T, Branch[XferExitTable];
* Push DLink and SLink onto the stack, and free the old frame.
* T = DLink, MemBase = MDS.
Stack&+1← T;
T← SLink;
Stack&-1← T, Q← VALo, Branch[XferFreeQ];
* Free the old frame. VALo = old frame -1, MemBase = MDS.
Q← VALo;
RTemp0← (Fetch← Q)+1; * Fetch L[-1] = fsi
T← AV;
T← T+MD; * AV+fsi
Fetch← T; * Fetch current head of frame list
Store← T, DBuf← RTemp0, T← MD; * Store freed frame at head
Store← RTemp0, DBuf← T, * Store old head in freed frame
* DLink = destination link of Xfer (0 if LFC); RTemp1 = PC of destination context;
* StkP advanced one beyond TOS.
* Initiate the trap AFTER the Xfer takes place, so it appears that the trap
* occurred in the first instruction of the destination context.
TrapParam← DLink;
T← sXferTrap, StkP-1, Branch[SaveRTemp1AndTrap];
* Trap sequences:
* Entry condition:
* T: index in SD through which to trap
* (PrincOps only) TrapParam = trap parameter to be passed, if any
* Entry points:
* SavePCAndTrap saves PC in frame before trapping (Alto: PC+IL)
* TrapParamDLink traps with DLink as trap parameter
* TrapParamSLink traps with SLink as trap parameter
* MTrap no additional actions
* Note: PrincOps traps always save PC (not PC+IL) and abort the instruction
* that was being executed, as if it had never been executed to begin with.
* Alto traps are handled in two different ways. For traps that occur
* other than inside Xfer, PC+IL is stored and the trapping instruction is
* effectively turned into a KFCB of the trap routine. For traps that occur
* inside Xfer, the Xfer is first completed and then the trap routine is
* called with the destination link as an argument; the trap routine does its
* thing and then transfers control to the original Xfer's destination context.
TrapParam← DLink, Branch[SavePCAndTrap];
TrapParam← SLink, Branch[SavePCAndTrap];
XferFlags, Branch[.+2, R<0], Global;
RestoreStkP; * Do this only if context is valid
RTemp1← NOT (PCX');
RTemp0← T, Call[SavePCInFrame]; * Save contents of RTemp1 as PC
T← RTemp0;
MemBase← SD;
Fetch← T, XferFlags← xf.trap, Branch[XferMD, R>=0];
* If current context is invalid, leave it that way so recursive traps work.
XferFlags← (XferFlags) OR (xf.invalidContext), Branch[XferMD];
IFUR[DST, 2, L]; * Dump State at L+alpha
DummyRef← 0S, T← MD, Branch[DSTM1];
DummyRef← 0S, Stack← MD, Branch[DSTM1];
DummyRef← 0S, T← MD, StkP+1, Branch[DSTM1];
RTemp0← ID; * RTemp0← alpha
DLink← VALo, Call[SaveState]; * DLink← L
Store← T, DBuf← SLink, IFUNext0CF;
* Callers: DST, MSTOP
* Entry conditions:
* RTemp0 holds the address of the StateVector
* MemBase = whatever is appropriate
* RBase = RMforIFU
* DLink = destination link
* Exit conditions:
* State saved, StkP=0
* T = @state.data[0] = RTemp0+sizeStack+2
* Clobbers RTemp1
RTemp1← T← TIOA&StkP; * Read StkP -- know TIOA=0 !
PD← T-(Add[sizeStack, 1]C), StkP+1; * See if valid stack pointer
T← T+1, StkP+1, Branch[SaveStackBad, ALU>=0];
* Note: must save 2 words beyond TOS. Save StkP and DLink after storing
* stack so that they aren't clobbered if too many stack words are stored.
T← (RTemp0)+(Cnt← T); * State[0..StkP+1] ← Stack[1..StkP+2]
T← (Store← T)-1, DBuf← Stack&-1, Branch[., Cnt#0&-1];
T← (RTemp0)+(Add[sizeStack]C);
T← (Store← T)+1, DBuf← RTemp1; * State[sizeStack] ← StkP
T← (Store← T)+1, DBuf← DLink, Return; * State[sizeStack+1] ← DLink
IFUP[LST, 2, L, N[0]]; * Load State
* Load state from state block at L+alpha.
IFUP[LSTF, 2, L, N[xf.free!]]; * Load State and Free
* Load state from state block at L+alpha, and free L.
XferFlags← ID, Branch[LSTM1];
XferFlags← ID, Branch[LSTM1]; * Don't care about state of StkP,
XferFlags← ID, Branch[LSTM1]; * because we are about to clobber it
RTemp0← ID, Call[SavePCInFrameIL]; * Superfluous if LSTF
LoadState: * Load state from state vector, and Xfer to new context
* Enter: RTemp0 points to block from which state is to be loaded
* MemBase = whatever is appropriate
* XferFlags = whatever is appropriate
* Exit: StkP, DLink, SLink, and Stack loaded
* MemBase=MDS
* Transfers control via Xfer[DLink, SLink] when done.
T← (RTemp0)+(Add[sizeStack, 2]C);
Fetch← T; * State[sizeStack+2] = source link
SLink← MD, Call[LoadStack];
MemBase← MDS, Branch[Xfer];
LoadStack: * Load stack from StateVector
* Enter: RTemp0 points to block from which state is to be loaded
* MemBase = whatever is appropriate
* XferFlags = whatever is appropriate
* Exit: Stack, StkP, and DLink loaded
* Clobbers T, RTemp1, Cnt
T← (RTemp0)+(Add[sizeStack, 1]C);
T← (Fetch← T)-1; * State[sizeStack+1] = dest link
DLink← MD, Fetch← T, T← 177400C; * State[sizeStack] = brkbyte,,stkP
RTemp1← T AND (Cnt← MD); * Is there a break pending?
T← RTemp0, StkP← T, Branch[XferNoBreak, ALU=0]; * StkP← B[8:15]← 0
T← 50C;
T← T-1, IFUReset, Branch[., ALU#0];
RTemp1← (RTemp1) XOR (BrkIns← MD); * BrkIns← B[0:7], RTemp1[0:7]← 0
T← A0, Cnt← RTemp1, Branch[LoadStack2];
* Note: must load 2 words beyond TOS. Stack[1..StkP+2] ← State[0..StkP+1]
T← (Fetch← T)+1, StkP+1;
T← (Fetch← T)+1, Stack&+1← MD, Branch[., Cnt#0&-1];
Stack&-2← MD, Return; * Leave 2 words above TOS
* Mesa emulator entry and exit
* Entry to Mesa Emulator
* Alto: AC0 (Stack) holds address of current process state block
* Alto: Location 'PSBloc' is assumed to hold the same value
T← Add[100000, LShift[MesaInsSet, 10]]C;
InsSetOrEvent← T;
MemBX← 0S; * MemBX← first register group
MemBase← SD; * Init SD base register
T← And[SDLoc, 177400]C;
T← T OR (And[SDLoc, 377]C);
BRLo← T;
T← A0, RBase← RBase[RTemp0];
TIOA← T; * TIOA=0 required in various places
WDC← 1C;
T← NWW← A0;
XferFlags← A0, StkP← T;
TickCount← T+1;
MemBase← PDA;
T← A0, BRHi← T;
BRLo← T;
MDSHi← pilotMDSHi, Call[SetMDS];
T← XTSReg← A0;
SLink← BRLo← T;
T← sBoot, Branch[MTrap]; * Xfer[dst: Fetch[@SD[sBoot]]^, src:0]
UndefOp[MOpSTOP]; * Pilot never stops, it says here