Title[CpaMiscDisp.mc...May 14, 1986 4:15:52 pm PDT...Willie-Sue];
* Dispatch tables for all MISC opcodes, and definitions of undefined MISC opcodes.

There are 400B MISC opcodes, divided into 20B groups of 20B each.

The entry point for each MISC opcode is declared by including the clause
in the first microinstruction of the code implementing opcode xxx.

Upon entry, T contains TOS (if there is one) and StkP has been advanced
in preparation for pushing a result. Routines that do not push a result
must decrement StkP. Exit is via the usual IFUNextN.

All unimplemented MISC opcodes cause a trap to occur. In Alto mode,
a KFCB[sUnimplemented] is executed. (Exception: floating point opcodes trap
by putting the offending opcode in OTPReg and executing a KFCB[137B].)

In PrincOps mode, a Cedar opcode trap is executed if an OpTrapTable has been
set up; otherwise a standard PrincOps TrapZero[sUnimplemented] is executed.
(See DMesaFaults.mc for more details.) The microcode implementing a MISC
opcode may conditionally trap (e.g., for illegal arguments) by branching
to OpcodeTrap.

Adding or removing MISC opcodes requires changing the dispatch tables.
This is why these tables are in a separate file, which may be renamed and
edited when non-standard MISC opcodes are introduced.

To add a new MISC opcode to an existing group, delete the statement
below, and add the corresponding
in the appropriate source file.

To add a new group of MISC opcodes, change
to: MiscGroupImplemented[xxx];
below, where xxx is the first opcode of the group (i.e., a multiple of 20B).
Then, for each opcode in the group NOT being defined, add the statement

Note: the MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[xxx] statments may appear either below or in
another source file. They appear below when the unimplemented opcodes in
a group are unrelated, but in a separate source file when they are related to
other opcodes that are implemented in that source file.
Set[XTask, IP[EMU]];
* First-level (group) dispatch table:
(T← StackNoUfl&+1, BranchExternal[Or[
Select[RShift[#1, 6], MT0Loc, MT1Loc, MT2Loc, MT3Loc],
M[MiscGroupUnimplemented, (Branch[Misc377])];

MiscDispatch: DispTable[20],
 MiscGroupImplemented[000];  * Miscellaneous operations
 MiscGroupImplemented[020];  * Floating point
 MiscGroupImplemented[060];  * Cedar allocator/GC
 MiscGroupImplemented[100];  * More miscellaneous operations
 MiscGroupImplemented[140];  * Cedar 5.0 reference-counting opcodes
 MiscGroupImplemented[240];  * Dorado-only operations
* Unimplemented MISC opcodes:

 MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[002]; * Read RAM
 MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[004]; * IO reset
 MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[014]; * XferL
 MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[015]; * TextBlt
 * MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[017]; * Set default partition

 * MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[245]; * CpaStats
 MiscOpcodeUnimplemented[250]; * used by PilotMesa10MBMiscDisp


* Special entry to squash pending dispatch when an entire
* group is unimplemented.

TestConfigX: MiscTable[17],
* pushes Config, ShC, PgsPerMod, ModMask;
% ModMask← NOT (Config');
 T← LDF[ModMask, 2, 2];  * Storage chip size = 2^(12 + 2*T)
 T← DPF[T, 2, 11];  * ShC count ← 2*T
 MPageX← T-(ShC← T)-1;
 PgsPerMod← 400C;  * 4K chips give 400B pages/module
 PgsPerMod← ShiftNoMask[PgsPerMod]; * LCY[R, R, 2*n]
 ModMask← LSH[ModMask, 10]; * Left-justify the module-present bits
 ModMask← (ModMask) AND (170000C);
 T ← NOT (Config'), Stkp-1;
 Stack&+1 ← T;
 RTemp1 ← T;
 T ← LDF[T, 2, 2];
 T ← DPF[T, 2, 11];
 Stack&+1 ← T;
 ShC ← T;
 RTemp3 ← 400C;
 RTemp3 ← ShiftNoMask[RTemp3];
 RTemp1 ← LSH[RTemp1, 10];
 T ← (RTemp1) AND (170000C);
 Stack ← T, IFUNext0;