;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; ; D O R A D O C o n t r o l P r o g r a m ; ; C P B u s I n t e r f a c e C o d e ; ;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; filed on DoradoCPInt.masm ; E. McCreight ; last modified April 14, 1981 1:31 PM .EXPORT WaitForCPControl,TryGettingMufManControl .EXPORT ReadBNibble,SetCPReg,SetCPReg~ .EXPORT SetCPReg1,SetCPReg0,DoClock,DoControl .EXPORT DoDoradoMicroInst,RunDoradoInstructionStream .EXPORT SetManifold,DatumToManifold .EXPORT SetMufflerAddress,MufflerAddress,ReadMuffler .EXPORT ReadMufflerField .EXPORT Left7,Left6,Left5,Left4,Left3,Left2,Left1 .EXPORT Micro,CDatum .EXPORT ToCPReg,ToCPRegH,ToCPRegL .EXPORT StopDorado .IMPORT InhibitMidas,EnableMidas,PacifyWatchdog .IMPORT SetProblem,ClearProblem,CantGetCPControl .IMPORT Timer100ms .IMPORT MufflerTable .IMPORT ProcLTemp,ProcHTemp .IMPORT CBTemp,CATemp .IMPORT MidasInhibitDepth .SHORT ProcLTemp,ProcHTemp .SHORT CBTemp,CATemp .SHORT MidasInhibitDepth .PREDEFINE "MCS6502PREDEFS.SR" .GETNOLIST "DoradoIO.mdefs" ; V a r i a b l e s .LOC CPIntData .SHORT CPIntData ; Microcode pointer Micro: .BLK 2 ; points to a 5-byte microinstruction to execute ShouldSingleStep: .BLK 1 ; 1 if single step, 0 if run ExtraInstBits: .BLK 1 ; holds the extra 4 bits during MIR strobing CDatum: .BLK 1 ToCPReg: ; data to be put in the Dorado's CP register ToCPRegL: .BLK 1 ToCPRegH: .BLK 1 ; New muffler address: High-order 8 bits in 2nd byte, ; low-order 4 bits left-justified in first byte. NextMufflerAddress: .BLK 2 MufflerAddress: .BLK 2 CPControlDeadline: .BLK 1 .LOC CPIntCode ; Set the CP register from complemented microcomputer locations ; ToCPRegH and ToCPRegL. SetCPReg~: LDA ToCPRegH EORI 0ff JSR SetCPReg0 LDA ToCPRegL EORI 0ff SEC ; good parity JMP SetCPReg1 ; Set the CP register from microcomputer locations ; ToCPRegH and ToCPRegL. SetCPReg: LDA ToCPRegH JSR SetCPReg0 LDA ToCPRegL SEC ; good parity ; Execute CP functions. One-byte argument in A. Extra bit (if ; any) in carry bit. These functions don't verify that we control ; the CP Bus, so they must only be invoked in contexts where that ; fact is otherwise assured. SetCPReg1: STA MCPBusH LDAI ABMux1^1 RORA BNE FinishCP DoClock: STA MCPBusH LDAI Clock BNE FinishCP SetCPReg0: STA MCPBusH LDAI ABMux0 BNE FinishCP DoControl: STA MCPBusH LDAI Control^1 RORA FinishCP: STA MCPBusL INC MCPBusL ; toggle the strobe bit DEC MCPBusL RTS ReadBNibble: ; nibble address in A [0..7], leaves result in A JSR WaitForCPControl ASLA ASLA ASLA ASLA ASLA STA MCPBusH LDA CPIBus ANDI CPI LSRA JMP EnableMidas ; Execute Dorado microinstruction subroutine. The instruction ; is located at @Micro and is 5 bytes long. The five bytes contain: ; 0: RSTK.0,P015,JCN.7,P1631,0,0,0,0 ; 1: RSTK.1,RSTK.2,RSTK.3,ALUF.0,BLOCK,FF.0,FF.1,FF.2 ; 2: ALUF.1,ALUF.2,ALUF.3,BSEL.0,FF.3,FF.4,FF.5,FF.6 ; 3: BSEL.1,BSEL.2,LC.0,LC.1,FF.7,JCN.0,JCN.1,JCN.2 ; 4: LC.2,ASEL.0,ASEL.1,ASEL.2,JCN.3,JCN.4,JCN.5,JCN.6 ; The microcomputer must have control of the CPBus. Returns ; Carry set if the operation didn't work. RunDoradoInstructionStream: JSR WaitForCPControl ; gain control of the CP bus LDAI 0 JSR DoClock LDAI 0 BEQ DoradoMICommon DoDoradoMicroInst: JSR WaitForCPControl ; gain control of the CP bus LDAI InhibitCAHolds+ClrReady JSR DoClock LDAI 1 DoradoMICommon: STA ShouldSingleStep LDAI ClrStop+ClrMIR+ClrCT+Freeze ; clear the Dorado CLC ; no SetSS JSR DoControl LDAI 0 ; undo Clears SEC ; do SetSS JSR DoControl LDYI 0 LDA@Y Micro STA ExtraInstBits INY LDA@Y Micro STA MCPBusH LDAI MIR0^1 ASL ExtraInstBits RORA STA MCPBusL INC MCPBusL ; strobe the byte into MIR0 by toggling the DEC MCPBusL ; strobe bit INY LDA@Y Micro STA MCPBusH LDAI MIR1^1 ASL ExtraInstBits RORA STA MCPBusL INC MCPBusL ; strobe the byte into MIR1 DEC MCPBusL INY LDA@Y Micro STA MCPBusH LDAI MIR2^1 ASL ExtraInstBits RORA STA MCPBusL INC MCPBusL ; strobe the byte into MIR2 DEC MCPBusL INY LDA@Y Micro STA MCPBusH LDAI MIR3^1 ASL ExtraInstBits RORA STA MCPBusL INC MCPBusL ; strobe the byte into MIR3 DEC MCPBusL LDA ShouldSingleStep LSRA LDAI SetRun ; single-step the Dorado by setting Run and JSR DoControl LDA ShouldSingleStep BEQ DontStopDorado BNE BasicStopDorado StopDorado: JSR WaitForCPControl ; gain control of CP bus BasicStopDorado: LDAI SetRun ; keep SetRun asserted and SEC ; assert SetSS JSR DoControl LDAI 0 ; clear SetRun but don't ClrStop, SEC ; keeping SetSS asserted JSR DoControl DontStopDorado: JMP MufflerSuccess ; Set manifold subroutine. Called with X indexing a byte ; table containing manifold contents. Returns NE if ; the operation worked, EQ if it didn't. SetManifold: LDAX MufflerTable STA MufflerAddress LDAX MufflerTable+1 STA MufflerAddress+1 BasicManifold: JSR SetMufflerAddress BCS MufflerFailure LDAI UseDMD JSR DoClock LDAI 0 JSR DoClock MufflerSuccess: CLC MufflerFailure: JMP EnableMidas ; Another variant of manifold setting subroutine, in which there ; are 6 bits of data left-justified in CDatum and the manifold ; address (another 6 bits) right-justified in A. DatumToManifold: STA MufflerAddress+1 LDA CDatum ASLA ROL MufflerAddress+1 ASLA ROL MufflerAddress+1 STA MufflerAddress JMP BasicManifold ; Routine to read a muffled bit. X register indexes the ; Muffler table, and the bit is left in the low-order bit of ; the A register. ReadMuffler: LDAX MufflerTable ; low-order STA MufflerAddress LDAX MufflerTable+1 ; high-order STA MufflerAddress+1 JSR SetMufflerAddress LDAI DMuxData ; low-order bit AND CPIBus JMP EnableMidas ; Subroutine to read a Y+1-bit field whose high-order bit is ; pointed to by the entry offset by X in the muf/man table, ; and whose successive bits increase by the offset in X+2. ReadMufflerField: JSR TryGettingMufManControl BCS MufflerFailure LDAX MufflerTable STA NextMufflerAddress LDAX MufflerTable+1 STA NextMufflerAddress+1 LDAI 0 ReadFieldLoop: PHA ; the current field CLC LDA NextMufflerAddress STA MufflerAddress ADCX MufflerTable+2 STA NextMufflerAddress LDA NextMufflerAddress+1 STA MufflerAddress+1 ADCX MufflerTable+3 STA NextMufflerAddress+1 JSR BasicSetMufflerAddress LDA CPIBus ; DMuxData is low-order bit LSRA PLA ROLA DEY BPL ReadFieldLoop CLC JMP EnableMidas ; Setup muffler address subroutine. Bits are left-justified in ; MufflerAddress, which is clobbered. Leaves us in control ; of the CP bus, and Midas interrupts inhibited. Returns ; Carry set if Dorado is running so we couldn't really ; use the muffler system. All registers are saved. SetMufflerAddress: JSR TryGettingMufManControl BCS SetMufflerFailed BasicSetMufflerAddress: PHA ; save all registers TYA PHA LDAI Clock STA MCPBusL LDYI 7 SetHiMufflerBit: ASL MufflerAddress+1 JSR AnotherMufAddrBit DEY BPL SetHiMufflerBit LDYI 3 SetLoMufflerBit: ASL MufflerAddress JSR AnotherMufAddrBit DEY BPL SetLoMufflerBit PLA TAY PLA CLC SetMufflerFailed: RTS AnotherMufAddrBit: LDAI ShiftDMD^1 RORA ; rotate in data bit from Carry STA MCPBusH ; prepare new address bit INC MCPBusL ; strobe it DEC MCPBusL ANDI 0ff-ShiftDMD STA MCPBusH ; clock it into muffler address S/R INC MCPBusL ; strobe it DEC MCPBusL RTS ; Subroutine to guarantee that the Dorado is not running and ; the CP bus is controlled by the microcomputer, until ; the EnableMidas subroutine is called. ; Returns carry set if attempt failed because Dorado was ; running. Carry is clear if success. TryGettingMufManControl: PHA ; save all registers JSR SetDeadline JSR InhibitMidas LDA MCPBusL ANDI SetRunIn BEQ SeeWhosInCharge SEC ; we failed because the Dorado was running PLA RTS ; Subroutine to guarantee control of the CP bus until ; the EnableMidas subroutine is called. This only ; works with the co-operation of Midas, which promises ; only to change the CP bus controller while the microcomputer ; is being held inside the Midas communication code. Thus ; once we have disabled Midas communication while we control ; the CP bus, it remains ours for as long as we want it. WaitForCPControl: ; demands control even if Dorado running PHA ; save all registers JSR SetDeadline JMP MaybeCPAvailNow WaitForAltoToRelease: JSR EnableMidas JSR PacifyWatchdog LDA CPControlDeadline CMP Timer100ms BNE DontComplainYet LDAI CantGetCPControl JSR SetProblem DontComplainYet: LDA MidasInhibitDepth AltoWillNeverRelease: BNE AltoWillNeverRelease MaybeCPAvailNow: JSR InhibitMidas SeeWhosInCharge: LDA CPRegH ANDI AHasCP BNE WaitForAltoToRelease LDAI CantGetCPControl JSR ClearProblem CLC PLA RTS SetDeadline: LDA Timer100ms CLC ADCI 10. ; complain after 1 second STA CPControlDeadline RTS ; Subroutines for left-shifting the 16-bit quantity CDatum,A Left7: ASLA ROL CDatum Left6: ASLA ROL CDatum Left5: ASLA ROL CDatum Left4: ASLA ROL CDatum Left3: ASLA ROL CDatum Left2: ASLA ROL CDatum Left1: ASLA ROL CDatum RTS .END