Subject: PARC DLS Dial-Out Serice Request
To: Owners-DLSUsers^.pa
Cc: Self

I am:

Your name:  First M. Last
Your organization: organization
Your IntelNet #: 8*xxx-yyyy
Reason for using
Dial-Out Service Reason: (remember that you will be billed for all calls).
Your budget center: Code
Duration service
is required:  Date of anticipated termination of service

NOTES (you may delete the following before submitting this request):

The DLS software has been modified such that Dial-Out phone charges
will be billed to the user. Grapevine is used to authenticate passwords
and a log is kept of all calls made. The DLS will deny Dial-Out Service
to anyone not on the Access Control List. This form, properly filled out
and approved, is the only way of getting on the Access Control List.