Loadmap for boot file: Dicentra.germ   24-Oct-85 17:55:08
Built by: MakeBoot 12.0 of 27-Jun-85 16:07

Input BCDs:

  GermDicentra.bcd                         24-Oct-85 17:55:02

Parameter File:

  Germ.bootmesa                            28-Sep-83 10:49:13

Input Parameters:

  LoadState modules = 10
  LoadState bcds = 1
  PDA pages = 1
  Processes = 50
  MDS base = page 0 [0]
  Code base = page 1 [100H]

  Statevector length = -1
  Statevector counts:
     0:  1
     1:  1
     2:  3
     3:  1
     4:  1
     5:  3
     6:  1
     7:  1

  Frame heap pages = 0
  Frame weights:
     0 (   8 words):  12, indirect[1]
     1 (  12 words):  5, indirect[2]
     2 (  16 words):  3, indirect[3]
     3 (  20 words):  3, indirect[4]
     4 (  24 words):  2, indirect[5]
     5 (  28 words):  2, indirect[6]
     6 (  32 words):  4, indirect[7]
     7 (  40 words):  1, indirect[8]
     8 (  48 words):  2, indirect[9]
     9 (  56 words):  1, indirect[10]
    10 (  68 words):  1, indirect[11]
    11 (  80 words):  1, indirect[12]
    12 (  96 words):  0, indirect[13]
    13 ( 112 words):  0, indirect[14]
    14 ( 128 words):  0, indirect[15]
    15 ( 148 words):  0, indirect[16]
    16 ( 168 words):  0, indirect[17]
    17 ( 192 words):  0, indirect[18]
    18 ( 224 words):  0, indirect[19]
    19 ( 252 words):  0, indirect[20]
    20 ( 508 words):  0, indirect[21]
    21 ( 764 words):  0, indirect[22]
    22 (1020 words):  0, indirect[23]
    23 (1276 words):  0, indirect[24]
    24 (1532 words):  0, indirect[25]
    25 (1788 words):  0, indirect[26]
    26 (2044 words):  0, indirect[27]
    27 (2556 words):  0, indirect[28]
    28 (3068 words):  0, indirect[29]
    29 (3580 words):  0, indirect[30]
    30 (4092 words):  0, end of list

  Wart: GermOpsImpl


  Resident Descriptor:

  Initially In:

  No Trap:

  Reserved VM:

Global Frames for Modules in GermDicentra.bcd:
			    Frame      Code (* = code links)
  BootChannelDicentra       0A10H    0F01H
  BootChannelSPP            0A30H    0FF9H
  BootChannelSPP            0A5CH    0FF9H
  BootChannelEFTP           0A84H    1161H
  GermOpsImpl               0AB8H    1841H
  EthernetHeadDicentra      0AE4H    1259H
  EthernetOneHeadDicentra   0B80H    14EDH
  HeadStartChainPlug        0BF0H    1DEDH
  PhoneHeadDicentra         0BFCH    16D5H
  GermOpsLinkageImpl        0C48H    1D71H
  GermOpsImplDicentra       0C50H    1DC1H
  GermMarkersImpl           0C58H    2701H
  SimpleNSIOEthernetImpl    0C80H    1DF5H
  SimpleNSIOPhoneImpl       0CB4H    1F31H
  SimplePUPIOEthernetOneImpl  0CECH    2039H
  ProcessorHeadDicentra     0CF8H    21F1H
  TeledebugImplNoDisk       0D1CH    2485H

Total of 17 modules

LOCAL FRAMES ALLOCATED (total (=heap+serendipity)):

   0:  17
   1:  7
   2:  4
   3:  4
   4:  3
   5:  3
   6:  5
   7:  1
   8:  2
   9:  1
  10:  1
  11:  1
  12:  0
  13:  0
  14:  0
  15:  0
  16:  0
  17:  0
  18:  0
  19:  0
  20:  0
  21:  0
  22:  0
  23:  0
  24:  0
  25:  0
  26:  0
  27:  0
  28:  0
  29:  0
  30:  0


Configurations and Modules in GermDicentra.bcd:
    BootChannelDicentra  links: frame, framesize: 5, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0, length: 1F0H]
    BootChannelSPP  links: frame, framesize: 10H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0F8H, length: 2D0H]
    BootChannelSPP  links: frame, framesize: 10H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0F8H, length: 2D0H]
    BootChannelEFTP  links: frame, framesize: 10H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 260H, length: 1EAH]
    GermOpsImpl  links: frame, framesize: 1BH, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 940H, length: 0A5FH]
    EthernetHeadDicentra  links: frame, framesize: 8EH, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 358H, length: 524H]
    EthernetOneHeadDicentra  links: frame, framesize: 70H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 5ECH, length: 3C9H]
    HeadStartChainPlug  links: frame, framesize: 5, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0EECH, length: 0CH]
    PhoneHeadDicentra  links: frame, framesize: 47H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 7D4H, length: 2D4H]
    GermOpsLinkageImpl  links: frame, framesize: 5, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0E70H, length: 0A0H]
    GermOpsImplDicentra  links: frame, framesize: 5, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0EC0H, length: 55H]
    GermMarkersImpl  links: frame, framesize: 5, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 21H, linkspace: F, packed: F, offset: 0, length: 12H]
    SimpleNSIOEthernetImpl  links: frame, framesize: 19H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 0EF4H, length: 277H]
    SimpleNSIOPhoneImpl  links: frame, framesize: 15H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 1030H, length: 210H]
    SimplePUPIOEthernetOneImpl  links: frame, framesize: 0CH, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 1138H, length: 36DH]
    ProcessorHeadDicentra  links: frame, framesize: 0BH, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 12F0H, length: 526H]
    TeledebugImplNoDisk  links: frame, framesize: 142H, residentFrame: F, packageable: T, code: [sgi: 0, linkspace: F, packed: T, offset: 1584H, length: 330H]

Code Segments, Code Packs, and Frame Packs in GermDicentra.bcd:
  Code Segment [sgi: 0], location: (self)[7,18H+0]
  Code Segment [sgi: 21H], location: (self)[1FH,1+0]


  Frame[0A10H] shared: F, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 0F01H
  Frame[0A30H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 0FF9H
  Frame[0A5CH] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 0FF9H
  Frame[0A84H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1161H
  Frame[0AB8H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1840H
  Frame[0AE4H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1259H
  Frame[0B80H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 14EDH
  Frame[0BF0H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1DEDH
  Frame[0BFCH] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 16D5H
  Frame[0C48H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1D71H
  Frame[0C50H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1DC1H
  Frame[0C58H] shared: F, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 2701H
  Frame[0C80H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1DF5H
  Frame[0CB4H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 1F31H
  Frame[0CECH] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 2039H
  Frame[0CF8H] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 21F1H
  Frame[0D1CH] shared: T, alloced: F, codelinks: F, codebase: 2485H

  Germ File
Base  Address   Flags
   1      100H     data
   2      200H     data
   3      300H     data
   4      400H     data
   5      500H     data
   6      600H     data
   7      700H     data
   8      800H     data
   9      900H     data
 0AH     0A00H     data
 0BH     0B00H     data
 0CH     0C00H     data
 0DH     0D00H     data
 0EH     0E00H     data
 0FH     0F00H  W  code
 10H     1000H  W  code
 11H     1100H  W  code
 12H     1200H  W  code
 13H     1300H  W  code
 14H     1400H  W  code
 15H     1500H  W  code
 16H     1600H  W  code
 17H     1700H  W  code
 18H     1800H  W  code
 19H     1900H  W  code
 1AH     1A00H  W  code
 1BH     1B00H  W  code
 1CH     1C00H  W  code
 1DH     1D00H  W  code
 1EH     1E00H  W  code
 1FH     1F00H  W  code
 20H     2000H  W  code
 21H     2100H  W  code
 22H     2200H  W  code
 23H     2300H  W  code
 24H     2400H  W  code
 25H     2500H  W  code
 26H     2600H  W  code
 27H     2700H  W  code