{ XACKTimeout.mc, HGM,  4-Nov-84  2:38:23 }

	Reserve[0F5F, 0FFF]; {section used by the CP Kernel }
	SetTask[0]; StartAddress[Go];

RegDef[address, R, 2];
  RegDef[rhAddr, RH, 2];

RegDef[toData, R, 4];
RegDef[toCommand, R, 5];
RegDef[toAddrHi, RH, 6];
RegDef[toAddr, R, 6];

RegDef[rA, R, 0E];

Set[Setup0, 0];
Set[Setup1, 1];
Set[Setup2, 2];
Set[Setup3, 3];
Set[Setup4, 4];
Set[Setup5, 5];
Set[Setup6, 6];
Set[Setup7, 7];
Set[Setup8, 8];
Set[Setup9, 9];
Set[SetupA, 0A];
Set[SetupB, 0B];
Set[SetupC, 0C];
Set[SetupD, 0D];

Set[Fetch0, 0];
Set[Fetch1, 1];
Set[Fetch2, 2];
Set[Fetch3, 3];
Set[Fetch4, 4];
Set[Fetch5, 5];

Trap:	rA ← RRot1 ErrnIBnStkp, ClrIntErr, CANCELBR[$, 0F],	c1, at[0];
	Xbus ← rA LRot0, XwdDisp,				c2;
	DISP2[TrapType],					c3;
Parity:	GOTO[GoToGo],						c1, at[0,4,TrapType];
Init:	GOTO[GoToGo],						c1, at[1,4,TrapType];
Stack:	GOTO[GoToGo],						c1, at[2,4,TrapType];
IB:	GOTO[GoToGo],						c1, at[3,4,TrapType];

	Noop,							c2;
	Noop, GOTO[Go],						c3;

{Setup Misc Board to Interrupt on XACK Timeout}
Go:	rhAddr ← 4, {Misc CIO Chip}				c1;
	address ← 090,						c2;
	address ← address LRot8, {9000}				c3;

	rA  ← address + 0, L0 ← Setup0, {Master Control}	c1;
	Q ← 1, CALL[Setup], {Reset}				c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup0, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 0, L0 ← Setup1, {Master Control}	c1;
	Q ← 00, CALL[Setup], {Clear Reset}			c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup1, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 0, L0 ← Setup2, {Master Control}	c1;
	Q ← 080, CALL[Setup], {MIE}				c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup2, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 20, L0 ← Setup3, {Port A Mode}		c1;
	Q ← 0, CALL[Setup], {Bit Port}				c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup3, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 23, L0 ← Setup5, {Port A Direction}	c1;
	Q ← 0FF, CALL[Setup], {All Bits Input}			c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup5, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 0E, L0 ← Setup6, {Port B Data}		c1;
	Q ← 0F, CALL[Setup], {Disable all outputs}		c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup6, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 2B, L0 ← Setup7, {Port B Direction}	c1;
	Q ← 0F0, CALL[Setup], {Output on low 4 bits}		c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup7, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 1, L0 ← Setup8, {Master Config Control}	c1;
	Q ← 084, CALL[Setup], {Enable Ports A+B}		c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup8, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 2C, L0 ← Setup9, {Port B Special IO}	c1;
	Q ← 40, CALL[Setup], {ONEs Catcher for TOXack}		c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup9, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 2D, L0 ← SetupA, {Port B Polarity}	c1;
	Q ← 40, CALL[Setup],					c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[SetupA, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 2F, L0 ← SetupB, {Port B Mask}		c1;
	Q ← 40, CALL[Setup],					c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[SetupB, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 09, L0 ← SetupC, {Port B Command}	c1;
	Q ← 0C0, CALL[Setup], {Set Interrupt Enable}		c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[SetupC, 10, SetupRet];

	rA  ← address + 28, L0 ← Setup4, {Port B Mode}		c1;
	Q ← 4, CALL[Setup], {Bit Port, OR Matcher}		c2;
	Noop,							c3, at[Setup4, 10, SetupRet];

	ClrIntErr,						c1;
	ExtCtrl ← 5, {Init Incr, Zero, UnBlank}			c2;
	Noop,							c3;
	rhAddr ← 4, {Misc CIO Chip}				c1;
	address ← 090,						c2;
	address ← address LRot8, {9000}				c3;

	Q ← 05, L0 ← Fetch0, {RdTODatL}				c1;
	CALL[Fetch],						c2;
	toData ← rA,						c3, at[Fetch0, 10, FetchRet];

	Q ← 04, L0 ← Fetch1, {RdTODatH}				c1;
	CALL[Fetch],						c2;
	rA ← rA LRot8,						c3, at[Fetch1, 10, FetchRet];

	Q ← toData,						c1;
	rA ← rA or Q,						c2;
	toData ← rA,						c3;

	Q ← 03, L0 ← Fetch2, {RdTOCmd}				c1;
	CALL[Fetch],						c2;
	toCommand ← rA,						c3, at[Fetch2, 10, FetchRet];

	Q ← 00, L0 ← Fetch3, {RdTOAdrH}				c1;
	CALL[Fetch],						c2;
	toAddrHi ← rA LRot0,					c3, at[Fetch3, 10, FetchRet];

	Q ← 02, L0 ← Fetch4, {RdTOAdrL}				c1;
	CALL[Fetch],						c2;
	toAddr ← rA,						c3, at[Fetch4, 10, FetchRet];

	Q ← 01, L0 ← Fetch5, {RdTOAdrM}				c1;
	CALL[Fetch],						c2;
	rA ← rA LRot8,						c3, at[Fetch5, 10, FetchRet];

	Q ← toAddr,						c1;
	Q ← Q or rA,						c2;
	toAddr ← Q,						c3;
Done:	Noop,							c1;
	Noop,							c2;
	GOTO[Done],						c3;


	Noop,							c3;

	IO ← [rhAddr, rA + 0], L0Disp,				c1;
	MDR ← Q, DISP4[SetupRet],				c2;


	Noop,							c3;

	IO ← [rhAddr, address + 0E], {Port B Data}		c1;
	MDR ← Q + 8,						c2;
	Noop,							c3;

	IO ← [rhAddr, address + 0D], {Port A Data}		c1;
	Noop,							c2;
	rA ← MD,						c3;

	L0Disp,							c1;
	DISP4[FetchRet],					c2;