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Priority ADHLMSTotal
(L5)F0306x1020440Object management—garbage collection/reference counting
(L11)F2033697530Statically checked type system
(L4)I00067*10427Memory management—object/page swapping
(L14)F30224510425Abstraction mechanisms; explicit notion of ‘‘interface’’
(T1)I0203x85420Fast turnaround for minor program changes (¿5 sec)
(L16)F?0?3/4624318/19Adequate runtime efficiency
enabled by (L17) Inter-language communication
(L1)F00267*x518Large virtual address space (>24 bits)
Priority BDHLMSTotal
(L13)F3023524317Encapsulation/protection mechanisms (scopes, classes, import/export rules)
(L3)F333348xx15Well-integrated access to large, robust data bases
(L12)I020433x515Self-typing data (a la Lisp and Smalltalk), run-time type system
(T5)A2033235215Consistent compilation
(T6)I3232x83215Version control
(T8)F00041*5515Source-language debugger
enabled by (L9) Program-manipulable representation of programs
enabled by (L10) Run-time availability of source program information
(P1)A1212334315Text objects and images
(L18)I0212424315Uniform screen management
(L8)A2022/4324314/16User access to the machine’s capability for packed data
(L10)F1113/234x414/13Run-time availability of all information derivable from source program (e.g., names, types, scopes)
Priority C
(L2)A102x 6xx410Direct addressing for files (segmenting)
(L6)I00025x2110Some support for interrupts
(T2)I0213/211229/8Compiler/interpreter available with low overhead at run time
(X1)I01224xx39Adequate reference documentation
(T7)A222211228Librarian, program-oriented filing system (incl. Browser)
(L9)I0123/13xx28/6Program-manipulable representation of programs
(T9)I0112/31x227/8Dynamic measurement facilities
(P3)A2222212x7Scanned (bitmap) objects and images
(P4)A120121x37Formatted document files
(X2)F010?213x17‘‘Efficient’’ interface for experts
(P2)A222122x16Line objects and images
(P6)A0011x3x26Remote file storage
Priority D
(L17)I20214xxx5Inter-language communication
(T11)F122x23xx5History and undoing
(L15)F0002xxx24Non-hierarchical control (coroutines, backtracking)
(L20)F220xx4xx4Ability to extend language (e.g., operator overloading)
(L21)I3332/1xxx24/3Ability to create fully integrated local sublanguages
enabled by (L9) Program-manipulable representation of programs
enabled by (L10) Run-time availability of source program information
enabled by (L12) Self-typing data
(T10)I0001x2x14Checkpoint, establishing a protected environment
(L19)F321xx3xx3Inheritance/defaulting (e.g., Smalltalk subclassing; difficulty depends a lot on how much it has to do)
enabled by (L13) Encapsulation/protection mechanisms
(T3)A1112xxx13Cross-reference/annotation capability
enabled by (L9) Program-manipulable representation of programs
(P15)A1112xxx13Menus and other standard user interfaces
(P13)A0202xxx13Document editing
(L7)F112xxxx22Adequate exceptional condition handling
(T12)I0212xxxx2Editor integrated with language system
(P9)I2221xxx12Remote procedure call
(T13)F003xxxx11More optimizing compiler if user willing to bind more tightly—with full compatibility
(T18)A0111xxxx1Access to on-line documentation (Helpsys)
(P8)A212xxxx11Message transmission system
(P10)I111xxxx11Event logging
(P12)A222xxxx11Generalized cache
(X4)F2221xxxx1Uniformity in command interface