-- FILE: Fugleman.mesa -- Last Edited by Horning, June 7, 1982 2:55 pm Fugleman: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Handle: TYPE = REF Rep; Rep: TYPE; -- opaque type for the representation of the object FugleFailure: ERROR; NewFugleman: PROCEDURE RETURNS [Handle]; -- Makes a new Fugleman object Print: PROCEDURE [h: Handle]; Check: PROCEDURE [h: Handle]; -- ERRORs: FugleFailure -- Returns normally if Fugleman object OK SomeProc: PROCEDURE [h: Handle, otherArgument: INT] RETURNS [INT]; -- Comment goes here saying what it does END. CHANGE LOG Created by Mitchell, March 17, 1980 11:00 AM -- This is a template for interim Cedar object interfaces. It shows what one would write to define the interface for a class FugleMan of objects with operations Release, Print, Check, and SomeProc Changed by Mitchell, June 4, 1982 3:34 pm -- Convert to present Cedar conventions Changed by Horning, June 7, 1982 2:55 pm -- Use templates from Mesa.abbreviations Changed by Name, DateAndTime -- PurposeOfChange Κƒ– "Cedar" style˜J˜Iunit– "cedar" stylešΟc˜Icode– "Cedar" styleš/˜/K– "Cedar" stylešœ Οkœ˜K– "Cedar" stylešž˜Lšœ žœžœ˜Lšœžœ3˜?Lšœžœ˜KšΟn œž œžœ ˜GKšŸœž œ ˜KšŸœž œ ˜LšΠck˜Lš)˜)Kš Ÿœž œžœžœžœ˜BLš(˜(Kšžœ˜šžœž˜  modheaderšœ,ž˜.JšΕ˜Ε—šœ)˜)Jš'˜'—šœ(˜(Jš(˜(šœ˜Jš˜———J˜—…—θq