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Cypress Database System Documentation
R. G. G. Cattell
Last updated June 13, 1983
This document describes the Cypress system, and is aimed at potential writers of database applications in the Cedar programming environment. It should be accurate as of the date above, and is recommended as better documentation than CSL Report 83-4, from which it was derived. Suggestions are welcomed on both the design of Cypress and its exposition in this document. We will assume little knowledge of database systems, and little knowledge of Cedar. We will not explain the motivation for this particular design of Cypress; see the CSL Report for that. You should also consult the documentation for database tools not described here; see a database wizard for details.
2.Cypress data model concepts
2.1Data independence
2.2Basic primitives
2.3Names and keys
2.4Basic operations
2.5Aggregate operations
2.6Convenience operations
3.Model level interface19
3.2Transactions and segments
3.3Data schema definition
3.4Basic operations
3.5Query operations
3.6System domains and relations
4. Application example39
4.1A database application
4.2Schema design
4.3Example program