DmChat.runBill van MelleDmChat is a version of Chat that emulates a Datamedia-2500, but with a 60-line screen. Thus it issuitable for chatting to hosts that are smart enough to provide display service for Datamedias. Requirements. DmChat uses a fixed-width, 12x7 font for display. Its preference is to use the for normal output and for enhanced output (bold or blink mode). If youhave only the former, DmChat will fake the bold. If you have neither font, DmChat will use yourSysFont, which must be fixed-width 12x7 (e.g., Snail10 contains printing characters inthe control-character range compatible with Stanford AI Lab's character set; if you are chatting toSU-AI you can give that system the command "TTY DM128 60" to make use of the full characterset. If you are talking to a conventional ascii system, will probably suffice.Operation. DmChat is run the same way Chat is run. It accepts most of the command lineswitches that Chat does, where they make sense. While DmChat is running, the top-blank keysends null (ascii zero); bottom-blank is an edit shift (characters typed while edit is down have their200b bit set). Middle-blank continues to be the command escape character. There are a fewadditional commands that DmChat recognizes:B -- blanks the screen, sets roll mode.L -- prompts for a number, sets screen length to that many lines.R -- toggles roll mode. -- toggles the state of BS printing. When DmChat receives the character 177b, it normallythrows it away, but if this switch is on it treats it as a printing character. This is mainlyuseful in talking to SU-AI. In Snail10, 177 prints as "BS", squashed into one character.Profile. If you have a [CHAT] section in your, it will be parsed as usual, though sectionsirrelevant to DmChat are ignored. In addition, you may have a [DMCHAT] section, in which thefollowing are recognized:FONT: fontname -- sets the plain fontBOLDFONT: fontname -- sets the bold fontLENGTH: n -- sets screen length to n lines (maximum 60).RUBOUT: ON|OFF -- sets the state of rubout printing (see above). Default is OFF.Differences between DmChat and Datamedia-2500:When DmChat receives a carriage return, it does not supply the automatic linefeed until the nextnon-bell arrives. This allows scroll-holding on Maxc to work correctly; the ultimate appearance ofthe output is still identical to a Datamedia's.Blink mode is implemented as boldface. Protected mode also appears as bold face, but the"protected data fields" are not actually protected.DmChat supports the escape convention for printing control characters used by DMWAITS terminals,and a small set of DM3025 escape commands (specifically: A, C, E, H, J, K, M, O, P, Q, V, W, Y).9`bp 9`_X [:W Yo#< Uq pU T3F Rh` Pd NO M,r p K>Z Gqp+$ F= D7f Bl0+ @+ =' ;A 8 5F4O2L,- .qprp!$ - 2rp +E (`rp! %rp #$rp2 rprprp?rp q. /p*6 d` / @ 3 2rp ;` =VD  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN GACHA j/  w DmChat.bravovanMelleMay 25, 1982 12:50 PM