XII. Tabs59XII.TabsThere are two types of horizontal tab settings available in Bravo. In Sections A andB each type of tab is described and the method for setting it given.No tab setting in Bravo can be actually set while typing text--they are all set withparagraph look commands, and they all require a distance specification.Consequently, to enter tabulated text initially, you must type the text, hitting the TABkey at each point where a tab will be needed, then select the paragraph and give acommand or series of commands to reconfigure tab stop(s) to the position(s) desired.A.Regular Interval Tab SettingsBravo has "default" tabs preset at 1/4" (18 point) intervals. They act just liketab settings on a typewriter--a tab between text will move to the next 1/4"point on the screen, rather than 1/4" from the point where the tab is hit.This regular interval tab of 1/4" can be reset to any interval--1/2" or 1", forexample. The paragraph look command used to reset it is:Select paragraph(s)lookTABkey=1.0"ESCThe = in this command is used to tell Bravo that all tabs are to equal thedistance specified--in this example that is 1.0".If this command is applied to paragraphs early in the document, it will remainin effect for paragraphs appended to them. If it is used as an editing functionafter all of the text has been typed, all paragraphs to be affected should beselected before the command is given--if all paragraphs are not contiguous,several individual selections will have to be made.Regular interval tabs are being discussed first because they are the tabs in effectuntil others are set. However, for almost all formatting requirements involvingtext paragraphs or tabulated columns, they will not be appropriate. Tabrequirements for hanging indents, and for tabulated columns are best achievedby using the tabs described in B, below.B.Specific or "Named" Tab SettingsThis type of tab is the most generally useful tab available in Bravo. Anyhorizontal position across the screen may be set with a tab stop. A line of textmay begin on the left margin (85) and have tabs set at 120, 250 and 400points--this is simply an example; any combination of tab stops can be set. &fp Fofaq]r srB[ DVsr A U'!&S H p tEaSK Rr GPR 4KpK KFr QKE' 6srKC\ &s r K@0 6K> srA;A9p A9 y 9rA8up tA8 8urA6p A6 A5kA5 A3 tK0r p 0c O0r,sr K/5 ,p2[. 4/5r K, 5 K* . "K( 7 K'z ; K% 3K" :K!D $s r K% srK: ? K (pKKr 1 K , %K 2K 9 9:YT Bravo Course Outline60With "named" tab settings, up to 15 tabs can be set on a line, identified(named) with the numbers 1-9 and the letters a-f. 1 (the numeral one) is thefirst tab and f is the 15th tab.The paragraph look command for setting specific tabs is:Select paragraph(s)lookTABkey1(for example)distanceESCAfter typing lookTAB1, the mouse buttons may be used to determine thedistance of the tab stop. E.g.,Redto select a character on the screen which the tab is toline up with.Yellowto select a paragraph with tab 1 already set, and "copy"that setting to the paragraph(s) being changed.Blueto select any horizontal point across the screen where thetab is to fall.The distance selected with any of these mouse buttons will be displayed in theleft most set of squiggly brackets in the system window--points within the leftbrackets; inches in the middle brackets. When the distance desired appears inthose brackets, hitting the ESC key will cause Bravo to apply that distance to thetab being set.The "anatomy" of this command, both what you type and what the systemresponds with, is:To a selectedlookparagraph(s) type:TABkeyBravo responds:LOOK: Type tab code (1-9, a-f, =)meaning, do you want a specific tab? If so, which tab: 1-9, a-f? Or are yousetting a regular interval tab, in which case = is the tab code used. Answer thisquestion with the number of the tab being set:1for example.Having typed 1, Bravo responds with:LOOK: Specify tab stop, confirm with ESC.At this point the mouse buttons may be used to determine the distance from theleft margin where the tab will be set; or the distance can be typed. After doingone or the other, type: #fp gf_r sr &] F \ X8UT/p S y T/rRp tRS /RrPp P #PuOZpO! M tM~q Jr p ?JR y Jrp tp !JRN $kJr %I$ Ep#r - #Ds AGp#r - #? /