ReadMB -- read a .MB file

This  package   provides  a   convenient,  although   not  particularly
efficient, facility for reading an arbitrary binary microcode  file and
parsing it.  The package will read .MB files produced by Mu,  Micro, or
MicroD, and .DIB files produced  by Micro; it will not read  Dump files
produced by Midas, since they are not in the documented .MB format even
though they usually have the extension .MB.

ReadMB(stream, maxMemx, memProc, symProc, fixProc, xfixProc)

This is the only procedure  defined by the package.  Stream is  a word-
item stream  from which  the microcode  will be  read.  MaxMemx  is the
maximum valid memory number:  a reasonable value is 20.   The remaining
procedures  are called  as the  file is  being read,  as blocks  of the
various types are encountered.  ReadMB returns 0 when it reads  the end
block on the file,  or a string describing  the problem if the  file is
not in proper format or some other problem occurs.

memProc(memx, width,  name) is called  when ReadMB encounters  a memory
definition.  Memx is  the memory number, width  is the memory  width in
bits, and  name is the  memory name as  a Bcpl string.   MemProc should
return  a procedure  dataProc(addr, data,  memx) which  will  be called
whenever  a  data word  is  read for  the  memory.  Memx  is  passed to
dataProc so that the same dataProc can be used for more than one memory
if desired.

symProc(memx, value,  name) is called  when ReadMB encounters  a symbol
definition.  Memx is the memory number, value the value of  the symbol,
and name the symbol name as  a Bcpl string.  If symProc is  omitted, it
defaults to a no-op.  Note  that even in .MB files produced  by MicroD,
the values of symbols in IM are imaginary, not real, addresses.

fixProc(memx, addr,  field, value) is  called when ReadMB  encounters a
fixup.  Memx is the memory number, addr the address within  the memory,
firstBit the first bit of  the field within the word, lastBit  the last
bit of the field, and value the value to be stored into the  field.  If
fixProc is omitted, ReadMB will return with an error string if  a fixup
is encountered.

xfixProc(memx,  addr, firstBit,  lastBit, name)  is called  when ReadMB
encounters a fixup that references an external symbol.   The parameters
are the same  as for fixProc,  except that name  is the symbol  name, a
Bcpl string.  If xfixProc is omitted, ReadMB will return with  an error
string if an external fixup is encountered.


Every data item in a .MB file contains a field which Micro uses for the
line number in  the source file, and  the other processors do  not use.
Since this field  is of no  known use, ReadMB  leaves it in  the static
MBDataSeqNo  when  calling  a  dataProc rather  than  passing  it  as a

                   Copyright Xerox Corporation 1980