
The Alto can boot-load a file beginning at any legal disk address.  The
disk  address  is  supplied  by  holding  down  a  collection  of  keys
simultaneously  while  pressing   the  boot  button.    The  MoveToKeys
subsystem simplifies  the task of  getting a .boot  file to begin  at a
specified physical disk location.  To invoke MoveToKeys, type:

MoveToKeys filename keylist

to the Alto Executive.  "filename" is the name of the file  whose first
page (technically,  page 1,  not page  0) is  to be  moved to  the disk
address corresponding to "keylist".  The legal keys are 5, 4, 6,  7, D,
E, K, P, U, V, 0, /, and  .  (Remember,  to  type  a  "/"  to  the Alto
Executive, you must quote it.) A typical use of MoveToKeys is:

MoveToKeys Dumper DU

The file Dumper.boot  could then be boot-loaded  by holding down  the D
and U keys while pressing the boot button.

MoveToKeys will prompt for parameters omitted from the command line and
will  complain if  any of  the parameters  supplied are  illegal.  (For
example, not all subsets of  the set of legal keys correspond  to legal
disk addresses.)  In addition,  the global  switch /V  ("verbose mode")
will  give  you   detailed  information  about  the   pages  MoveToKeys

MoveToKeys  actually  works by  determining  what page  resides  at the
specified disk  address and swapping  it with page  1 of  the specified
file.   Depending upon  the pages  involved, MoveToKeys  must  patch up
various pointers  within the  Alto file system  to ensure  a consistent
representation  of  files  and  directories.   (A  previous  version of
MoveToKeys did not do this correctly in all cases.)

                   Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979