// This file is PeekDisk.cm // Last modified February 12, 1979 2:33 AM by Boggs // Delete empty DMT.boot created by OS Erase disk procedure Delete DMT.boot // Build a bare disk Ftp.run Maxc Directory/c Alto ^ Retrieve/s PeekUser.cm User.cm ^ Retrieve/c InstallSwat.Run Sys.syms // Install Swat under the new system: InstallSwat Delete InstallSwat.run // Boot (to get Swat files noticed by system): BootFrom Sys.boot // Get and install Bravo: Ftp.run Maxc Directory/c Alto ^ Retrieve/c Bravo.run Bravo.error Bravo.messages ^ Empress.run Fonts.widths Gacha10.al Bravo/I // Get the Peek files: Ftp.run Maxc Directory/c Alto ^ Retrieve/c Peek.run PeekSum.run ^ Delete PeekDisk.cm