; The following predefinitions are for the Intel 8748
C. Wallace
modified July 25, 1978 11:10 AM

.rdx 16

; Opcode classes are as follows:

@noparclass No parameters class, 1 byte
@immclass Immediate class, 2 bytes, parameter is an 8 bit constant
@pageclass Same page class, 2 bytes, parameter is an address in the
current page.
@regclass Register class, 1 byte, parameter is register no. (0-7)
@indirclass Indirect class, 1 byte, parameter is register no. (0,1)
@jmpclass Jump class, 2 bytes, parameter is an 11 bit address
@immregclass Immediate register class, 2 bytes, first parameter is the
register number, the second parameter is an 8 bit constant
@immindirclass Immediate indirect class, 2 bytes, first parameter is the
register (0,1), the second parameter is an 8 bit constant
@regjmpclass Register jump class, 2 bytes, first parameter is the register
number, the second parameter is an address in the current

; Notes on the mneumonics:
These generally follow Intel’s. The immediate and
indirect indications have been moved from the operand fields to the op
code mneumonics. Within the mneumonic "i" usually means immediate. "@"
means indirect via R0 or R1. @a means indirect via the accumulator. If no
destination appears in the mneumomic, theaccumulator is implied (ADD, OR,
AND, XOR, IN). The accumulator is the source for OUT instructions. In
instructions containing both a source and a destination, the order is operation,
destination, source.

;ADD to accumulator (C and AC are affected)
.def addi @immclass 003;Add immediate data to A.
.def addr @regclass 068;Add register data to A.
.def add@ @indirclass 06;Add data in RAM location addressed by Rr to A.
.def addci @immclass 013;Add C and immediate data to A.
.def addcr @regclass 078;Add C and register data to A.
.def addc@ @indirclass 070;Add C and data in RAM location addressed by Rr ;to A.

;AND to accumulator
.def andi @immclass 053;AND A data with immediate mask.
.def andr @regclass 058;AND A data with mask in Rr.
.def and@ @indirclass 050;AND A data with mask in RAM addressed by

;AND to bus and ports
.def andbi @immclass 098;AND BUS data with immediate mask.
.def andp1i @immclass 099;AND port 1 data with immediate mask.
.def andp2i @immclass 09a;AND port 2 data with immediate mask.
.def andp4 @noparclass 09c;AND port 4 data with mask in A bits 0-3.
.def andp5 @noparclass 09d;AND port 5 data with mask in A bits 0-3.
.def andp6 @noparclass 09e;AND port 6 data with mask in A bits 0-3.
.def andp7 @noparclass 09f;AND port 7 data with mask in A bits 0-3.

;Call subroutine
.def call @jmpclass 014;Store PC and PSW bits 4-7 in stack. Increment
;stack pointer. Jump to address.

;Clear location
.def clra @noparclass 027;Clear A to zero.
.def clrc @noparclass 097;Clear C to zero.
.def clrf0 @noparclass 085;Clear F0 to zero.
.def clrf1 @noparclass 0a5;Clear F1 to zero.

;Complement location
.def cpla @noparclass 037;One’s complement A contents.
.def cplc @noparclass 0a7;Complement C.
.def cplf0 @noparclass 095;Complement F0.
.def cplf1 @noparclass 0b5;Complement F1.

;Decimal adjust to A (C is affected)
.def daa @noparclass 057;A contents adjusted to form 2 BCD digits.

.def deca @noparclass 007;Decrement A by 1.
.def decr @regclass 0c8;Decrement Rr by 1.
.def djnz @regjmpclass 0e8;Decrement Rr by 1. If Rr NOT 0, jump to addr.

;Disable interrupt
.def disi @noparclass 015;Disable external interrupt..
.def distcnti @noparclass 035;Disable timer/counter interrupt.

;Enable interrupt
.def eni @noparclass 005;Enable external interrupt.
.def entcnti @noparclass 025;Enable timer/counter interrupt.
.def ent0clk @noparclass 075;Enable T0 as internal oscillator output..
.def inbus @noparclass 008;Read BUS with RD strobe and input to A.
.def inp1 @noparclass 009;Input port 1 data to A.
.def inp2 @noparclass 00a;Input port 2 data to A.

.def inca @noparclass 017;Increment A by 1.
.def incr @regclass 018;Increment Rr by 1.
.def inc@ @indirclass 010;Increment RAM location addressed by Rr by 1.

;Jump if bit in A is 1
.def jb0 @pageclass 012;Jump to addr if bit 0 of A is 1.
.def jb1 @pageclass 032;Jump to addr if bit 1 of A is 1.
.def jb2 @pageclass 052;Jump to addr if bit 2 of A is 1.
.def jb3 @pageclass 072;Jump to addr if bit 3 of A is 1.
.def jb4 @pageclass 092;Jump to addr if bit 4 of A is 1.
.def jb5 @pageclass 0b2;Jump to addr if bit 5 of A is 1.
.def jb6 @pageclass 0d2;Jump to addr if bit 6 of A is 1.
.def jb7 @pageclass 0f2;Jump to addr if bit 7 of A is 1.

;Jump on flag
.def jnc @pageclass 0e6;Jump to addr if C=0.
.def jc @pageclass 0f6;Jump to addr if C=1.
.def jf0 @pageclass 0b6;Jump to addr if F0=1.
.def jf1 @pageclass 076;Jump to addr if F1=1.

;Jump on input
.def jni @pageclass 086;Jump to addr if interrupt input is low (I=0).
.def jnt0 @pageclass 026;Jump to addr if T0=0.
.def jt0 @pageclass 036;Jump to addr if T0=1.
.def jnt1 @pageclass 046;Jump to addr if T1=0.
.def jt1 @pageclass 056;Jump to addr if T1=1.

;Jump - Other
.def jmp @jmpclass 004;Jump to addr unconditionally.
.def jmpp@a @noparclass 0b3;The contents of the memory location pointed to
;by A are substituted for PC bits 0-7.
.def jz @pageclass 0c6;Jump to addr if A contents are zero.
.def jnz @pageclass 096;Jump to addr if A contents are not zero.
.def jtf @pageclass 016;Jump to addr if TF=1. Sets TF=0.

;Move to A
.def mar @regclass 0f8;Move data in Rr into A.
.def mapsw @noparclass 0c7;Move PSW data into A.
.def ma@ @indirclass 0f0;Move data in RAM location addressed by Rr into A.
.def mat @noparclass 042;Move data in timer into A.

;Move from A
.def mra @regclass 0a8;Move data in A into Rr.
.def mpswa @noparclass 0d7;Move data in A into PSW.
.def m@a @indirclass 0a0;Move data in A into RAM location addressed Rr.
.def mta @noparclass 062;Move data in A into timer.

;Move from program memory
.def mai @immclass 023;Move immediate data into A.
.def mri @immregclass 0b8;Move immediate data into Rr.
.def m@i @immindirclass 0b0;Move immediate data into RAM location
;addressedby Rr.

;Move - Input/Output ports
.def map4 @noparclass 00c;Move data in 8243 port 4 into A bits 0-3.
;Zero A bits 4-7.
.def map5 @noparclass 00d;Move data in 8243 port 5 into A bits 0-3.
;Zero A bits 4-7.
.def map6 @noparclass 00e;Move data in 8243 port 6 into A bits 0-3.
;Zero A bits 4-7.
.def map7 @noparclass 00f;Move data in 8243 port 7 into A bits 0-3.
;Zero A bits 4-7.
.def mp4a @noparclass 03c;Move data in A into 8243 port 4.
.def mp5a @noparclass 03d;Move data in A into 8243 port 5.
.def mp6a @noparclass 03e;Move data in A into 8243 port 6.
.def mp7a @noparclass 03f;Move data in A into 8243 port 7.

;Move - Program memory
.def ma@a @noparclass 0a3;Move data in program memory location addressed ;by A into A. PC is restored.
.def map3@a @noparclass 0e3;Move data in progr. mem. page 3 location
;addressed by A into A. PC is restored.

;Move - External RAM
.def max@ @indirclass 080;Move data in RAM location addresed by Rr into A.
.def mxa@ @indirclass 090;Move data in A into RAM location addresed by Rr.

;No op
.def nop @noparclass 000;No operation.

;OR to accumulator
.def ori @immclass 043;OR contents of A with data mask.
.def orr @regclass 048;OR contents of A with Rr mask.
.def or@ @indirclass 040;OR data in A with mask in RAM location ;addressed by Rr.

;OR to bus and ports
.def orbi @immclass 088;OR contents of BUS with data mask.
.def orp1i @immclass 089;OR contents of port 1 with data mask.
.def orp2i @immclass 08a;OR contents of port 2 with data mask.
.def orp4 @noparclass 08c;OR data in 8243 port 4 with mask in A bits 0-3.
.def orp5 @noparclass 08d;OR data in 8243 port 5 with mask in A bits 0-3.
.def orp6 @noparclass 08e;OR data in 8243 port 6 with mask in A bits 0-3.
.def orp7 @noparclass 08f;OR data in 8243 port 7 with mask in A bits 0-3.

.def outbus @noparclass 002;Output data in A to BUS and latch.
.def outp1 @noparclass 039;Output data in A to port 1 and latch.
.def outp2 @noparclass 03a;Output data in A to port 2 and latch.

;Return from subroutine
.def ret @noparclass 083;Restore program counter from stack and return to ;main routine.
.def retr @noparclass 093;Restore PC and PSW bits 4-7 from stack and
;return. Reenable interrupt.

.def rla @noparclass 0e7;Rotate A left. C is unaffected.
.def rlca @noparclass 0f7;Rotate A left, through C.
.def rra @noparclass 077;Rotate A right. C is unaffected.
.def rrca @noparclass 067;Rotate A right, through C.

;Select memory bank
.def selmb0 @noparclass 0e5;Select program memory bank 0.
.def selmb1 @noparclass 0f5;Select program memory bank 1.

;Select register bank
.def selrb0 @noparclass 0c5;Select working register bank 0.
.def selrb1 @noparclass 0d5;Select working register bank 1.

;Timer and event counter
.def stoptcnt @noparclass 065;Stop timer or disable event counter.
.def strtcnt @noparclass 045;Enable T1 as event counter input and start.
.def strtt @noparclass 055;Clear timer prescaler and start timer.

;Swap nibbles in A
.def swapa @noparclass 047;Swap A bits 0-3 with A bits 4-7.

;Exchange data
.def xchar @regclass 028;Exchange contents of A and Rr.
.def xcha@ @indirclass 020;Exchange contents of A and resident RAM ; locationaddressed by Rr.
.def xchda@ @indirclass 030;Exchange A bits 0-3 with bits 0-3 of resident RAM ;location addressed by Rr.

;Exclusive OR
.def xori @immclass 0d3;XOR contents of A with data mask.
.def xorr @regclass 0d8;XOR data in A with mask in Rr.
.def xor@ @indirclass 0d0;XOR data in A with mask in resident RAM location ;addressed by Rr.