-- PeachPanasonic.config -- Tim Diebert, 23-Jan-86 9:16:57 -- NOTE: UtilityPilot.bootmesa uses UtilityPilotClientImpl to make code -- resident. Either clients must PACK all their modules to -- UtilityPilotClientImpl (and add no packaged code) -- or they must change the bootmesa file or they must add parameter files. -- There is a seperate bootmesa file for UtilityCommunication; -- The prototype for the Makeboot command is: -- Makeboot Client[parm: UtilityPilot, parm: UtilityCommunication] DIRECTORY HeapImpl: FROM "UnpackedHeapImpl", PilotKernel: FROM "UtilityPilotKernel", STPs: FROM "UnpackedSTPs", UtilityPilotClientImpl: FROM "Alive"; PACK DESAux, DESDicentra, DummyForwarder, -- PupForOthello -- FormatImpl, FSPRList, HeapImpl, KillWatchdog, Locate, Multibuser, -- MultibusPackage -- NameInfo, GPIBServer, NatInstrGPIBDriver, -- For the GPIB interface -- OthelloOpsTime, PDChatServerImpl, PDInterpMainImpl, PDInterpOutputPanasonicImpl, PDQueueImpl, -- PeachCommon -- PupEchoServerNoDisk, -- Pup echo server -- Protocol, RPCSignals, -- Hook for RPCRuntime -- SendMail, STPsA, STPsB, STPsC, STPsD, StringsImplA, StringsImplB, TimeImpl, TTYImpl, TTYPortChannel, --TTYLearSiegler, Supplied by PeachCommon -- Unformatter, UtilityPilotClientImpl; PeachPanasonic: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS RuntimePrograms, RuntimeInternal --no loader-- = BEGIN StartTrapper: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS Buffer, Format, Heap, NameInfoDefs, MesaRPCLupine, LupineRuntime, OthelloOps, Process, GPIB, DicentraInputOutput, ProcessorFace, PupDefs, PupStream, Runtime, Space, SpecialRuntime, Stats, Stream, String, System, SystemExtras, Time, TTYPortFace, Watchdog EXPORTS PilotClient CONTROL UtilityPilotClientImpl, STPs, PeachCommon, PDInterpOutputPanasonicImpl, TTYPortChannel, PDInterpMainImpl, PDChatServerImpl, PupEchoServerNoDisk, MultibusPackage, GPIBServer, KillWatchdog = BEGIN TTYPortChannel; TTYImpl; GPIBServer; PDInterpOutputPanasonicImpl; PeachCommon; PDInterpMainImpl; PDChatServerImpl; STPs; MultibusPackage; PupEchoServerNoDisk; KillWatchdog; UtilityPilotClientImpl; -- Alive END; PilotKernel; BasicHeadsDicentra; DESDicentra; DESAux; Base; XNS; HeapImpl; PupForOthello; StartTrapper; NatInstrGPIBDriver; RPCRuntime; Protocol; FSPRList; NameInfo; Locate; SendMail; -- GrapevineUser FormatImpl; StringsImplA; StringsImplB; TimeImpl; Unformatter; OthelloOpsTime; END.