SIL updates summaryAfter a period of over 1 year of no changes to SIL, there have been a series of updates tothe SIL program which include new features, as well as "cosmetic" changes.This summary is intended to list just the changes so that one does not have to ferrot themout of the new SilManual. I recommend that you still get an updated copy of, or at least get a new copy of of November 2, 1977 (initial Storage space decreased to app 10100 words)The usable bit map area of the screen has ben centered by adding 16 blank lines atthe top of the screen and 16 blank bits to the left.The status line may now be positioned about the screen. ^_ Moves the STATUS display to the x,y location of the last mouse action. Thisis usefull in full drawings when items in the drawing must be placed over thenormal location for the STATUS display.The initial location can be specified in the file (see Fonts below).[SIL]0: XHELVETICA10B1: HELVETICA7B2: HELVETICA7BI3: GATES32Y: 20 (optional)X: 10 (optional)If unspecified the position will be 0,0. The values in the example are the oldcoordinates of SIL. ^J: "Jam" new text font into all selected text items. This allows the user tochange selected items which are already defined as font 0,1 or 2 text strings toanother font 0,1 or 2.The TAB key has beed disabled so hitting it be accident will not invoke the ^Ifunction.Hitting DEL during Input or Output will no longer loose the file name.New combinajtions of Mark, Draw and Select in conjunction with the Shift and/orControl keys have been implementedcontrol/shift-mark: Same as control-mark except that any attached lines are notstretched.shift-draw: Deletes just the item pointed to, not the selected items.control/shift-draw: Undeletes and selects the set of objects last deleted with shift-draw or ^Dcontrol/shift-select: Deselects the item pointed to while leaving the origin at itscurrent location.SIL of November 15, 1977 (initial Storage space increased to app 10850 words)You may now type SIL filename and have sill start up and automatically read thefile in.&bp ` _q9 ]qG \ Zq? Yq9 W{q0 U Tqpq4 RQgqOOq1N]Lq7KSqKIq2HIq!FqLE?Cq(B5q(@q(?+q(=q(