//new gobbler for sil files
// last modified by E. McCreight, June 15, 1977 11:54 AM
get "sysdefs.d"
get "gob.defs"
cnl1 = 40 //one inch
cnl2 = 120 //three inches
external //defined with coordinate functions (FindBestTerm)
let Output() be
unless noroute do
let nsyms = 0
for i = 0 to htsize-1 do
let link = hashtab!i
until link eq 0 do
nsyms = nsyms+1
NewItem!nsyms = link
link = @link
NewItem!0 = nsyms
for i = 1 to NewItem!0 do
let lp = NewItem!i
if Correcting & ((lp>>strec.ordered) eq 0) & (@(lp>>strec.list) ne -1) then
and DetermineNetOrder() be
let nnodes = 0
for i = 0 to htsize-1 do
let link = hashtab!i
until link eq 0 do
if @(link>>strec.list) ne -1 then //ignore components
nnodes = nnodes+1
NewItem!nnodes = link
link = @link
NewItem!0 = nnodes
for i = 1 to nnodes do (NewItem!i)>>strec.netnum = i
and NLCompFn(stp1,stp2) = valof //sort function for net routing. We
//divide the nets into three categories, short, medium, and long. Short
//nets are wired first (i.e. are less than all other nets), then long nets
//are done, then medium nets are done to hold the long wires down.
let la = stp1>>strec.netlength
let lb = stp2>>strec.netlength
if la ls cnl1 then resultis la-lb
if la ls cnl2 then
if lb ge cnl2 then resultis 1 //la is medium length. All longer
//nets are made shorter
resultis la-lb //lb is either medium or short
if la ge cnl2 then
if (lb ge cnl1)&(lb ls cnl2 ) then resultis -1
resultis la-lb
and RouteAllNets() be
if Correcting do
let starting = true
NewItem!0 = 0 //count of number of nodes in the old net
let netlength = 0
let line = vec 128
let namestr = vec 50
let netno = 0
[ //read a line
if Endofs(OldWlFile) then break
let ch = Gets(OldWlFile); line!0 = 0
until (ch eq $*n) do //read a line
let sl = line>>str.length+1
line>>str.char↑sl = ch
line>>str.length = sl
if Endofs(OldWlFile) then break
ch = Gets(OldWlFile)
if debugReWork then
if debugReWork eq 0 then CallSwat("Debug")
if line>>str.length eq 0 then loop
test starting
netno = ReadNetName(line,namestr,lv netlength)
if netno eq 0 then loop
starting = false //have the first net name, number, and length
if ProcessLine(line) then unless Endofs(OldWlFile) then loop //returns true
//if this line is a collection of nodes-read the next line
netno = ReadNetName(line,namestr,lv netlength)
] repeat
for i = 0 to htsize-1 do
let listp = hashtab!i
until listp eq 0 do
for j = 0 to 15 do #431 !j = not(#431!j)
listp = @listp
and RouteNodes(stp) be
if stp>>strec.ordered eq 1 then return //net already done during correction
let xv = vec 50
let yv = vec 50
let permv = vec 50
let pointv = vec 50
let tpermv = vec 50
let btnl = nil
let tbtnl = nil
let sstr = lv (stp>>strec.st)
let noterm = ((sstr>>str.char↑(sstr>>str.length))eq $!)
outcount = 0
eclnet = false
outnum = 0
nterm = 0
let lp = stp>>strec.list
nnodes = 0
epcount = 0
until (@lp) eq -1 do
//set up argument vectors for the router
if nnodes gr 50 then
WSS(ErFile,"*nNet Routing Aborted - too many nodes: ")
WSS(ErFile, lv stp>>strec.st)
nnodes = nnodes+1
//determine the type of the current node
let cv = vec 2
let vindex = nil
let svlet = 0
let j = 1; let mark = 0
mark = @(lp-j)
if (mark % 7) eq -1 then break
j = j+1
] repeat
switchon mark into
case -1: //normal ic pin
vindex = epcount eq 0?nnodes+1,nnodes
let blp = (lp-j-(offset icdesc.mark)/16)
let bl = blp>>icdesc.bl //board location
if BitSet(lv (blp>>icdesc.outbits↑0),j) then
outcount = outcount+1
outnum = vindex
if (blp>>icdesc.ictype) eq ecltype then eclnet = true //a net
//is an ECL net only if it has at least one ECL output
GetICcoords(bl rem 26,bl/26,j,cv)
case -2: //Epin or cpin
vindex = epcount eq 0?1,nnodes //assign the first cpin or
//epin to the first position in the list
epcount = epcount+1
test j ge MaxEpins
ifso GetCpinCoords(j-MaxEpins,cv)
ifnot GetEpinCoords(j,cv)
case -3: //Gnd
svlet = $G; endcase
case -4: //Vcc
svlet = $F; endcase
case -5: //Vee
svlet = $M; endcase
case -6: //Vtt
svlet = $T; endcase
case -7: //Vdd
svlet = $D; endcase
if svlet ne 0 do
vindex = epcount eq 0? nnodes+1,nnodes
outcount = outcount+1 //an Svolt source pin is an output
pointv!vindex = lp
xv!vindex = cv!0
yv!vindex = cv!1
lp = @lp
if nnodes eq 0 then return //ic type name
if nnodes eq 1 then
WSS(ErFile,"*nSingle Node Net: ")
WSS(ErFile, lv stp>>strec.st)
if epcount eq 0 then
//move the last node to position 1 since it was reserved
//for an epin but not used
pointv!1 = pointv!(nnodes+1)
xv!1 = xv!(nnodes+1)
yv!1 = yv!(nnodes+1)
if outnum eq (nnodes+1) then outnum = 1 //if we moved an output node, change its index
if epcount gr 1 then
WSS(ErFile, "*nNet has more than one edge/cable pin: ")
WSS(ErFile,lv stp>>strec.st)
//for ECL nets, if outcount = 1, and epcount = 0 and nnodes gr 2,
//we route the net two ways, one with the output forced to the
//end of the net, once with it unconstrained. If the constrained
//length is less then 1.2x the unconstrained length, the constrained
//form of the net is used. This puts the output at the end of the net.
test (outcount eq 1)&(epcount eq 0)&(nnodes gr 2) & eclnet
ifso //try to force the single output to the end of the net.
if outnum ne 1 then //force the single output node to the head of the net
let tx = xv!outnum
let ty = yv!outnum
let tp = pointv!outnum
xv!outnum = xv!1
yv!outnum = yv!1
pointv!outnum = pointv!1
xv!1 = tx
yv!1 = ty
outnum = 1
btnl = bestTotalNetLength //router static
tbtnl = bestTotalNetLength //router static
if tbtnl le (btnl+btnl/5) then
btnl = tbtnl
permv =tpermv
ifnot if nnodes gr 2 then //route the net as it stands
Route(nnodes,xv,yv,permv,epcount ne 0,StandardMetric)
btnl = bestTotalNetLength
if nnodes eq 2 then
btnl = StandardMetric(xv!1,yv!1,xv!2,yv!2)
permv!1=2; permv!2=1 //no need to route two node nets, but
//reverse it in case it contains an edge pin
//the net is now routed in the best way for its type
//reorder the list based on the permutation supplied by the router
stp>>strec.list = pointv!(permv!1) //list head
for j = 1 to nnodes-1 do @(pointv!(permv!j)) = pointv!(permv!(j+1))
@(pointv!(permv!nnodes)) = lv (stp>>strec.mark) //last node
//before starting, outnum contained the index of an output node
// (perhaps the only one). We are now interested in the location
//of that node:
let OutputIsFirst = (permv!1 eq outnum)
let OutputIsLast = (permv!nnodes eq outnum)
//do a little checking on the validity of the net
let incount = nnodes-outcount-epcount
if (incount eq 0)&(epcount eq 0) then
Err2("*nNet consists of outputs exclusively: ",lv stp>>strec.st)
if (outcount eq 0)&(epcount eq 0) then
Err2("*nNet consists of inputs exclusively: ",lv stp>>strec.st)
if (outcount eq 0)&(incount eq 0) then
Err2("*nNet consists of edge pins exclusively: ",lv stp>>strec.st)
let nterm = valof //determine the proper number of terminating
//resistors for the net
if (epcount ne 0)%(not eclnet)%noterm then resultis 0// don’t terminate
//nodes which include edge pins
if ((outcount gr 1)%((outcount eq 1)&(not(OutputIsFirst % OutputIsLast))))&(btnl gr CriticalNetLength) then resultis 2
//more than one output, or exactly one output but not at the end
//of the net
resultis 1
if nterm gr 0 then //assign one or two
//terminators to the net.
if (nterm eq 2)% OutputIsLast % (not (OutputIsFirst % OutputIsLast)) do //add a terminator to the head of the list
let xs = xv!(permv!1) ;let ys = yv!(permv!1)
let tptr = FindBestTerm(xs,ys)
//returns pointer to best terminator,distance in dts,x,y,in termx,termy
//there are two choices for the position of the terminator
//we just found. (a) at the end of the net, and (b) between
//the first and second nodes. We choose such that the net
//is minimally lengthened.
let x2 = xv!(permv!2)
let y2 = yv!(permv!2)
let dt2 = StandardMetric(x2,y2,termx,termy)
let ds2 = StandardMetric(xs,ys,x2,y2)
test dt2 ls ds2 //is terminator closer to node 2 then node 1 is?
ifso //put the term. between the first and second nodes
@tptr = @(stp>>strec.list)
@(stp>>strec.list) = tptr
btnl = btnl-ds2+dt2+dts
ifnot //put the term at the end of the net
@tptr = stp>>strec.list
stp>>strec.list = tptr
btnl = btnl+dts
if (nterm eq 2) % OutputIsFirst do //add a terminator at the far end of the net
let xs = xv!(permv!nnodes);let ys = yv!(permv!nnodes)
let tptr = FindBestTerm(xs,ys)
if tptr ne 0 do
let x2 = xv!(permv!(nnodes-1))
let y2 = yv!(permv!(nnodes-1))
let dt2 = StandardMetric(x2,y2,termx,termy)
let ds2 = StandardMetric(xs,ys,x2,y2)
test dt2 ls ds2
ifso //term goes between last and next-to-last node
@(pointv!(permv!(nnodes-1))) = tptr
btnl = btnl-ds2+dt2+dts
ifnot //term goes after last node
@tptr = @(pointv!(permv!nnodes))
@(pointv!(permv!nnodes))= tptr
btnl = btnl+dts
stp>>strec.netlength = btnl
and StCompFn(stp1,stp2) = valof
let c1 = nil;let c2=nil;let comp = nil
let l1=stp1>>strec.st.length
let l2 = stp2>>strec.st.length
let lx = l1 ls l2?l1,l2
for k = 1 to lx do
c1= stp1>>strec.st.char↑k
c2= stp2>>strec.st.char↑k
if (c1 ge $a)&(c1 le $z) then c1 = c1+($A-$a)
if (c2 ge $a)&(c2 le $z) then c2 = c2+($A-$a)
comp = c1-c2
if comp ne 0 then break
if comp eq 0 then comp = l1-l2
resultis comp
and PrintNodes(stp,file,doback,netnum) be //print all nodes associated with stp
//doback = true if PrintN is to output edge pins to the backpanel file
let lp = stp>>strec.list
if @lp eq -1 then return //no nodes (this is a component name)
let namev = vec 50; namev!0 = 0
AppendS( lv stp>>strec.st,namev)
unless noroute do
AppendS(" <",namev)
AppendS("> (",namev)
let outcount = 0
until @lp eq -1 do
if outcount gr 3 then
[ outcount = 0; WSS(file,"*n") ]
outcount = outcount+1
lp = @lp
and PrintN(lp, file,stp) be //print a single node-stp=0 means no backpanel output
let outback = (stp ne 0) //send junk to bp file or not
let pnv = vec 20; pnv!0 = 0
let epv = vec 20; epv!0 = 0
let epn = 0
let cv = vec 2
let j = 1; let mark = 0
mark = @(lp-j)
if (mark % 7) eq -1 then break //mark = -1 to -10
j = j+1
] repeat
let svlet = 0
switchon mark into
case -1: //normal ic pin
let bdesc = lp-j-(offset icdesc.mark)/16
let bl = bdesc>>icdesc.bl
GetICcoords(bl rem 26,bl/26,j,cv)
case -2: //Epin or cpin
if outback do
AppendS(": ",epv)
test j gr MaxEpins
ifso [ AppendC($C,pnv);epn = j-MaxEpins; AppendN(epn,pnv,3);GetCpinCoords(epn,cv);if outback then AppendC($C,epv) ]
ifnot [ AppendC($E,pnv);epn=j; AppendN(j,pnv,3);GetEpinCoords(j,cv);if outback then AppendC($E,epv) ]
if outback then
case -3: //Gnd
svlet = $G; endcase
case -4: //Vcc
svlet = $F; endcase
case -5: //Vee
svlet = $M; endcase
case -6: //Vtt
svlet = $T; endcase
case -7: //Vdd
svlet = $D; endcase
if svlet ne 0 do
unless noroute do
AppendS(" {",pnv)
and Sort(sv,cfn) be
let rp = nil
L = ((sv!0)/2)+1
R = sv!0
test L gr 1
L = L-1
rp = sv!L
rp = sv!R
sv!R = sv!1
R = R-1
if R eq 1 then
sv!1 = rp
let j = L
let i = nil
i = j
j = j+j
if j ls R then if cfn(sv!j,sv!(j+1)) ls 0 then j = j+1
if j le R do
if cfn(sv!j,rp) le 0 then break
sv!i = sv!j
] repeat
sv!i = rp
] repeat
and BitSet(v,bitno) = valof
let w = v!(bitno rshift 4)
let m = #100000 rshift (bitno)
resultis (w & m)
and Err2(st1,st2) be