DIRECTORY AlpFile, AlpineEnvironment, AlpineFS, AlpineDirectory, AlpineEmergency, AlpInstance, AlpTransaction, BasicTime USING [GMT, nullGMT], FileStream, FS, FSBackdoor USING [CreateFileProcs, CreateProcsOpenFile, FileProcs, GetClientFileAndProcs], IO USING [CreateStreamProcs, Error, PutFR, StreamProcs], List USING [Assoc], Process USING [Detach], ProcessProps USING [GetPropList], Rope USING [Compare, Fetch, Length, Substr], RPC USING [CallFailed], RuntimeError USING[UNCAUGHT], SafeStorage USING [EnableFinalization, EstablishFinalization, FinalizationQueue, FQNext, NewFQ]; AlpineFSImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS AlpFile, AlpineDirectory, AlpineEmergency, AlpInstance, AlpTransaction, FileStream, FS, FSBackdoor, IO, List, Process, ProcessProps, Rope, RPC, RuntimeError, SafeStorage EXPORTS AlpineFS = BEGIN OPEN AlpineFS, RuntimeError; FileData: TYPE = REF FileDataObject; -- Instance data for an Alpine OpenFile FileDataObject: TYPE = RECORD [ alpFile: AlpFile.Handle _ NIL, -- NIL means file has been closed options: FileOptions, access: Lock, -- FS Lock; nothing to do with Alpine LockOption lock: AlpFile.LockOption, -- only the ifConflict field is valid; mode must be re-read from Alpine universalFile: AlpFile.UniversalFile _ AlpineEnvironment.nullUniversalFile, fullFName: ROPE, -- canonical form of name used to open file, attachedTo: ROPE _ NIL, -- name of actual file opened if fullFName was a link; NIL otherwise size: AlpFile.PageCount _ -1, -- size of file in pages; -1 if not known yet byteLength: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount _ -1, -- -1 if not known yet createTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT -- nullGMT if not known yet ]; wordsPerPage: CARDINAL = AlpineEnvironment.wordsPerPage; bytesPerPage: CARDINAL = AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage; ProduceError: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [code: ErrorCode, explanation: ROPE] = BEGIN ERROR FS.Error[[group: errorTable[code].group, code: errorTable[code].atom, explanation: explanation]]; END; ErrorTable: TYPE = ARRAY ErrorCode OF RECORD [group: ErrorGroup, atom: ATOM]; errorTable: REF ErrorTable = NEW [ErrorTable _ [ badByteCount: [client, $badByteCount], invalidOpenFile: [client, $invalidOpenFile], notImplemented: [client, $notImplemented], unknownPage: [client, $unknownPage], unwritableProperty: [client, $unwritableProperty], wrongLock: [client, $wrongLock], accessDenied: [environment, $accessDenied], badCredentials: [environment, $badCredentials], circularLink: [environment, $circularLink], danglingLink: [environment, $danglingLink], lockConflict: [environment, $lockConflict], lockTimeout: [environment, $lockTimeout], other: [environment, $other], quotaExceeded: [environment, $quotaExceeded], regServersUnavailable: [environment, $regServersUnavailable], remoteCallFailed: [environment, $remoteCallFailed], serverBusy: [environment, $serverBusy], serverInaccessible: [environment, $serverInaccessible], transAborted: [environment, $transAborted], volumeFull: [environment, $volumeFull], cantUpdateTiogaFile: [user, $cantUpdateTiogaFile], fileAlreadyExists: [user, $fileAlreadyExists], illegalName: [user, $illegalName], noKeeps: [user, $noKeeps], ownerNotFound: [user, $ownerNotFound], patternNotAllowed: [user, $patternNotAllowed], unknownCreatedTime: [user, $unknownCreatedTime], unknownFile: [user, $unknownFile], unknownServer: [user, $unknownServer]]]; Open: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, wantedCreatedTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT, access: Lock _ $read, lock: AlpFile.LockOption _ [$none, $wait], options: FileOptions _ [], wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [file: OpenFile] = BEGIN RETURN [OpenInternal[name: name, createOptions: $oldOnly, access: access, lock: lock, options: options, wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle]]; END; Create: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, pages: INT _ 10, keep: CARDINAL _ 0, options: FileOptions _ [], wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [file: OpenFile] = BEGIN RETURN [OpenInternal[name: name, createOptions: $newOnly, pages: pages, options: options, wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle]]; END; OpenOrCreate: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, pages: INT _ 10, keep: CARDINAL _ 0, options: FileOptions _ [], wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [OpenFile] = BEGIN RETURN [OpenInternal[name: name, createOptions: $none, pages: pages, options: options, wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle]]; END; OpenInternal: PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, createOptions: AlpineDirectory.CreateOptions, pages: INT _ -1, access: Lock _ $write, lock: AlpFile.LockOption _ [$write, $wait], options: FileOptions, wDir: ROPE, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle] RETURNS [file: OpenFile] = BEGIN callerSuppliedTrans: BOOLEAN _ transHandle#NIL; fullFName: ROPE; cp: FS.ComponentPositions; fileData: FileData; dirTrans: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL; IF lock.mode=$none THEN lock.mode _ SELECT access FROM $read => $read, $write => $write, ENDCASE => ERROR; [fullFName: fullFName, cp: cp] _ DecomposeFileName[name: name, wDir: wDir]; transHandle _ EstablishTransaction[serverName: fullFName.Substr[start: cp.server.start, len: cp.server.length], existingTrans: transHandle]; BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => IF ~callerSuppliedTrans THEN BEGIN ENABLE RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE; [] _ transHandle.Finish[abort]; END; AlpineOpen: PROCEDURE = TRUSTED BEGIN createdFile: BOOLEAN; [openFileID: fileData.alpFile, createdFile: createdFile] _ AlpineDirectory.OpenFile[trans: transHandle, name: fullFName, updateCreateTime: options.updateCreateTime, access: IF access=$read THEN $readOnly ELSE $readWrite, lock: lock, recoveryOption: options.recoveryOption, referencePattern: options.referencePattern, createOptions: createOptions]; IF createdFile AND pages > 0 THEN AlpFile.SetSize[handle: fileData.alpFile, size: pages, lock: lock]; END; fileData _ NEW [FileDataObject _ [options: options, access: access, lock: lock, fullFName: fullFName]]; CallAlpine[AlpineOpen]; file _ FSBackdoor.CreateProcsOpenFile[clientFile: fileData, fileProcs: fileProcs[access]]; AddPackageRef[fileData]; -- Remove this when new SafeStorage is available SafeStorage.EnableFinalization[fileData]; END; END; fileProcs: ARRAY FS.Lock OF REF FSBackdoor.FileProcs = [ read: FSBackdoor.CreateFileProcs[GetClass: GetClass, SameFile: SameFile, GetName: GetName, GetInfo: GetInfo, SetPageCount: NIL, SetByteCountAndCreatedTime: NIL, Read: Read, Write: NIL, Close: Close], write: FSBackdoor.CreateFileProcs[GetClass: GetClass, SameFile: SameFile, GetName: GetName, GetInfo: GetInfo, SetPageCount: SetPageCount, SetByteCountAndCreatedTime: SetByteCountAndCreatedTime, Read: Read, Write: Write, Close: Close]]; GetClass: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY] RETURNS [ATOM] = BEGIN RETURN [$AlpineFS]; END; SameFile: PROCEDURE [clientFile1, clientFile2: REF ANY] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN WITH clientFile2 SELECT FROM file2Data: FileData => RETURN [FileDataFromRef[clientFile1].universalFile = file2Data.universalFile]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; END; GetName: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY] RETURNS [fullFName, attachedTo: ROPE] = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; RETURN [fullFName: fileData.fullFName, attachedTo: fileData.attachedTo]; END; GetInfo: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY] RETURNS [keep: CARDINAL, pages, bytes: INT, created: BasicTime.GMT, lock: Lock, fileType: FS.FileType] = BEGIN GetInfoInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; IF fileData.byteLength=-1 OR fileData.createTime=BasicTime.nullGMT THEN BEGIN props: LIST OF AlpFile.PropertyValuePair = fileData.alpFile.ReadProperties[desiredProperties: [byteLength: TRUE, createTime: TRUE], lock: [$read, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; FOR item: LIST OF AlpFile.PropertyValuePair _ props, UNTIL item=NIL DO TRUSTED { -- allegedly unsafe discrimination WITH prop: item.first SELECT FROM byteLength => fileData.byteLength _ prop.byteLength; createTime => fileData.createTime _ prop.createTime; ENDCASE => ERROR}; ENDLOOP; END; keep _ 0; pages _ GetPageCount[fileData]; bytes _ fileData.byteLength; created _ fileData.createTime; lock _ fileData.access; fileType _ FS.tUnspecified; END; CallAlpine[GetInfoInner]; END; SetPageCount: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY, pages: INT] = BEGIN SetPageCountInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; IF pages<0 THEN ProduceError[$unknownPage, "Attempted to set page count to an illegal value"]; IF pages#fileData.size THEN fileData.alpFile.SetSize[size: pages, lock: [$write, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; fileData.size _ pages; END; CallAlpine[SetPageCountInner]; END; SetByteCountAndCreatedTime: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY, bytes: INT _ -1, created: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT] = BEGIN SetByteCountAndCreatedTimeInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; props: LIST OF AlpFile.PropertyValuePair _ NIL; IF bytes#-1 THEN BEGIN IF bytes<0 OR bytes>GetPageCount[fileData]*bytesPerPage THEN ProduceError[$badByteCount, "Attempted to set byte count to an illegal value"]; props _ CONS[[byteLength[bytes]], props]; END; IF created#BasicTime.nullGMT THEN props _ CONS[[createTime[created]], props]; IF props#NIL THEN fileData.alpFile.WriteProperties[properties: props, lock: [$write, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; IF bytes#-1 THEN fileData.byteLength _ bytes; IF created#BasicTime.nullGMT THEN fileData.createTime _ created; END; CallAlpine[SetByteCountAndCreatedTimeInner]; END; Read: UNSAFE PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY, from, nPages: INT, to: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN ReadInner: PROCEDURE = TRUSTED BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; IF nPages<0 THEN ProduceError[$unknownPage, "Attempted to use a negative page number"]; WHILE nPages#0 DO pageRun: AlpFile.PageRun _ [firstPage: from, count: MIN[nPages, CARDINAL.LAST/wordsPerPage]]; pageBuffer: AlpFile.RESULTPageBuffer _ DESCRIPTOR[to, pageRun.count*wordsPerPage]; fileData.alpFile.ReadPages[pageRun: pageRun, pageBuffer: pageBuffer, lock: [$read, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; nPages _ nPages-pageRun.count; from _ from+pageRun.count; to _ to+pageBuffer.LENGTH; ENDLOOP; END; CallAlpine[ReadInner]; END; Write: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY, to, nPages: INT, from: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN WriteInner: PROCEDURE = TRUSTED BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; IF nPages<0 THEN ProduceError[$unknownPage, "Attempted to use a negative page number"]; WHILE nPages#0 DO pageRun: AlpFile.PageRun _ [firstPage: to, count: MIN[nPages, CARDINAL.LAST/wordsPerPage]]; pageBuffer: AlpFile.VALUEPageBuffer _ DESCRIPTOR[from, pageRun.count*wordsPerPage]; fileData.alpFile.WritePages[pageRun: pageRun, pageBuffer: pageBuffer, lock: [$write, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; nPages _ nPages-pageRun.count; to _ to+pageRun.count; from _ from+pageBuffer.LENGTH; ENDLOOP; END; CallAlpine[WriteInner]; END; Close: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY] = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromRef[clientFile]; CloseInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData.alpFile.Close[]; IF fileData.options.finishTransOnClose THEN BEGIN outcome: AlpTransaction.Outcome = fileData.alpFile.trans.Finish[commit]; IF outcome#commit THEN ProduceError[$transAborted, "Transaction aborted"]; END; Destroy[fileData]; END; CallAlpine[CloseInner ! FS.Error => { IF fileData.options.finishTransOnClose AND error.code#$transAborted THEN [] _ fileData.alpFile.trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; Destroy[fileData]}]; END; GetFileOptions: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile] RETURNS [options: FileOptions] = BEGIN RETURN [FileDataFromOpenFile[file].options]; END; SetFileOptions: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile, options: FileOptions] = BEGIN SetFileOptionsInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[file]; IF options.referencePattern#fileData.options.referencePattern THEN fileData.alpFile.SetReferencePattern[options.referencePattern]; fileData.options.referencePattern _ options.referencePattern; fileData.options.finishTransOnClose _ options.finishTransOnClose; END; CallAlpine[SetFileOptionsInner]; END; GetLockOption: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile] RETURNS [lock: AlpFile.LockOption] = BEGIN GetLockOptionInner: PROCEDURE = { lock _ FileDataFromOpenFile[file].alpFile.GetLockOption[]}; CallAlpine[GetLockOptionInner]; END; SetLockOption: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile, lock: AlpFile.LockOption] = BEGIN SetLockOptionInner: PROCEDURE = { FileDataFromOpenFile[file].alpFile.SetLockOption[lock]}; CallAlpine[SetLockOptionInner]; END; ReadProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile, desiredProperties: AlpFile.PropertySet _ AlpFile.allProperties] RETURNS [properties: LIST OF AlpFile.PropertyValuePair] = BEGIN ReadPropertiesInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[file]; properties _ fileData.alpFile.ReadProperties[desiredProperties: desiredProperties, lock: [$read, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; END; CallAlpine[ReadPropertiesInner]; END; WriteProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile, properties: LIST OF AlpFile.PropertyValuePair] = BEGIN WritePropertiesInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[file]; fileData.alpFile.WriteProperties[properties: properties, lock: [$write, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; END; CallAlpine[WritePropertiesInner]; END; Abort: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile] = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[file]; AbortInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN [] _ FileDataFromOpenFile[file].alpFile.trans.Finish[abort]; Destroy[fileData]; END; CallAlpine[AbortInner ! FS.Error => Destroy[fileData]]; END; GetAlpFileHandle: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile] RETURNS [handle: AlpFile.Handle] = BEGIN RETURN [FileDataFromOpenFile[file].alpFile]; END; StreamClassData: TYPE = REF StreamClassDataObject; StreamClassDataObject: TYPE = RECORD [ options: StreamOptions]; StreamOpen: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, accessOptions: AccessOptions _ $read, streamOptions: StreamOptions _ [], keep: CARDINAL _ 1, createByteCount: ByteCount _ 2560, streamBufferParms: StreamBufferParms _ defaultStreamBufferParms, extendFileProc: ExtendFileProc _ NIL, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [STREAM] = BEGIN file: OpenFile = SELECT accessOptions FROM $read => Open[name: name, options: [referencePattern: $sequential, finishTransOnClose: streamOptions.finishTransOnClose], wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle], $create, $append => OpenOrCreate[name: name, pages: FS.PagesForBytes[createByteCount], keep: keep, options: [referencePattern: $sequential, finishTransOnClose: streamOptions.finishTransOnClose], wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle], $write => Open[name: name, access: $write, options: [referencePattern: $sequential, finishTransOnClose: streamOptions.finishTransOnClose], wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle], ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN[StreamFromOpenFile[openFile: file, accessRights: IF accessOptions = $read THEN $read ELSE $write, initialPosition: IF accessOptions = $append THEN $end ELSE $start, streamOptions: streamOptions, streamBufferParms: streamBufferParms, extendFileProc: extendFileProc ! FS.Error => FS.Close[file]]]; END; StreamFromOpenFile: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [openFile: OpenFile, accessRights: Lock _ $read, initialPosition: InitialPosition _ $start, streamOptions: StreamOptions _ [], streamBufferParms: StreamBufferParms _ defaultStreamBufferParms, extendFileProc: ExtendFileProc _ NIL] RETURNS [self: STREAM] = BEGIN fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[openFile]; fileData.options.finishTransOnClose _ streamOptions.finishTransOnClose; self _ FileStream.StreamFromOpenFile[openFile: openFile, accessRights: accessRights, initialPosition: initialPosition, streamOptions: [tiogaRead: streamOptions.tiogaRead, truncatePagesOnClose: streamOptions.truncatePagesOnClose, closeFSOpenFileOnClose: streamOptions.closeFSOpenFileOnClose], streamBufferParms: streamBufferParms, extendFileProc: extendFileProc]; self.streamProcs _ streamProcs[accessRights]; FileStream.SetStreamClassData[self, NEW [StreamClassDataObject _ [options: streamOptions]]]; FileStream.SetFinalizationProc[self, FinalizeStream]; END; OpenFileFromStream: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [self: STREAM] RETURNS [OpenFile] = BEGIN RETURN [FileStream.OpenFileFromStream[self]]; END; StreamFromOpenStream: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [self: STREAM] RETURNS [stream: STREAM] = BEGIN stream _ FileStream.StreamFromOpenStream[self]; stream.streamProcs _ streamProcs[read]; FileStream.SetStreamClassData[stream, GetStreamClassData[self]]; END; ErrorFromStream: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [self: STREAM] RETURNS [ErrorDesc] = BEGIN RETURN [FileStream.ErrorFromStream[self]]; END; StreamFlush: PROCEDURE [self: STREAM] = BEGIN FileStream.Flush[self]; IF GetStreamClassData[self].commitAndReopenTransOnFlush THEN BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => {FileStream.SaveStreamError[self, error]; GOTO failed}; file: OpenFile = FileStream.OpenFileFromStream[self]; fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[file]; StreamFlushInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN outcome: AlpTransaction.Outcome = fileData.alpFile.trans.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: TRUE]; IF outcome#commit THEN ProduceError[$transAborted, "Transaction aborted"]; END; CallAlpine[StreamFlushInner]; EXITS failed => ERROR IO.Error[$Failure, self]; END; END; StreamClose: PROCEDURE [self: STREAM, abort: BOOL _ FALSE] = BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => {FileStream.SaveStreamError[self, error]; GOTO failed}; IF abort AND GetStreamClassData[self].finishTransOnClose THEN BEGIN file: OpenFile = FileStream.OpenFileFromStream[self]; fileData: FileData = FileDataFromOpenFile[file]; fileData.options.finishTransOnClose _ FALSE; FileStream.Close[self, abort]; Abort[file ! FS.Error => CONTINUE]; END ELSE FileStream.Close[self, abort]; EXITS failed => ERROR IO.Error[$Failure, self]; END; streamProcs: ARRAY FS.Lock OF REF IO.StreamProcs = [ read: IO.CreateStreamProcs[variety: $input, class: $AlpineFS, getChar: FileStream.GetChar, endOf: FileStream.EndOf, charsAvail: FileStream.CharsAvail, unsafeGetBlock: FileStream.UnsafeGetBlock, flush: StreamFlush, reset: FileStream.Reset, close: StreamClose, getIndex: FileStream.GetIndex, setIndex: FileStream.SetIndex, backup: FileStream.Backup, getLength: FileStream.GetLength], write: IO.CreateStreamProcs[variety: $inputOutput, class: $AlpineFS, getChar: FileStream.GetChar, endOf: FileStream.EndOf, charsAvail: FileStream.CharsAvail, unsafeGetBlock: FileStream.UnsafeGetBlock, putChar: FileStream.PutChar, putBlock: FileStream.PutBlock, unsafePutBlock: FileStream.UnsafePutBlock, flush: StreamFlush, reset: FileStream.Reset, close: StreamClose, getIndex: FileStream.GetIndex, setIndex: FileStream.SetIndex, backup: FileStream.Backup, getLength: FileStream.GetLength, setLength: FileStream.SetLength, eraseChar: FileStream.EraseChar]]; FileInfo: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, wantedCreatedTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [fullFName, attachedTo: ROPE, keep: CARDINAL, bytes: INT, created: BasicTime.GMT] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; EnumerateForInfo: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [pattern: ROPE, proc: InfoProc, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; EnumerateForNames: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [pattern: ROPE, proc: NameProc, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; Delete: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, wantedCreatedTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; Copy: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [from, to: ROPE, wantedCreatedTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [toFName: ROPE] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; Rename: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [from, to: ROPE, wantedCreatedTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [toFName: ROPE] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; SetKeep: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, keep: CARDINAL _ 1, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; CreateLink: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, referent: ROPE, wDir: ROPE _ NIL, transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [fullFName, referentName: ROPE] = BEGIN NotImplemented[]; END; NotImplemented: PROCEDURE = BEGIN ProduceError[$notImplemented, "Attempted operation that is not yet implemented"]; END; FileDataFromOpenFile: PROCEDURE [file: OpenFile] RETURNS [data: FileData] = BEGIN WITH FSBackdoor.GetClientFileAndProcs[file].clientFile SELECT FROM fileData: FileData => BEGIN IF fileData.alpFile=NIL THEN ProduceError[$invalidOpenFile, "Attempted to access an OpenFile that has been closed"]; RETURN [fileData]; END; ENDCASE => ProduceError[$notImplemented, "Attempted to perform AlpineFS operation on a non-Alpine OpenFile"]; END; FileDataFromRef: PROCEDURE [clientFile: REF ANY] RETURNS [data: FileData] = BEGIN WITH clientFile SELECT FROM fileData: FileData => BEGIN IF fileData.alpFile=NIL THEN ProduceError[$invalidOpenFile, "Attempted to access an OpenFile that has been closed"]; RETURN [fileData]; END; ENDCASE => ProduceError[$notImplemented, "Attempted to perform AlpineFS operation on a non-Alpine OpenFile"]; END; GetStreamClassData: PROCEDURE [self: STREAM] RETURNS [data: StreamClassData] = INLINE{ RETURN [NARROW [FileStream.GetStreamClassData[self]]]}; Destroy: PROCEDURE [fileData: FileData] = BEGIN fileData.alpFile _ NIL; fileData.fullFName _ fileData.attachedTo _ NIL; END; CallAlpine: PROCEDURE [proc: PROCEDURE] = BEGIN error: RECORD [code: ErrorCode, explanation: ROPE]; bug: RECORD [atom: ATOM, explanation: ROPE]; BEGIN proc[ ! AlpInstance.Failed => { error _ SELECT why FROM $alpineDownOrCommunications, $alpineDown => [$serverInaccessible, "Cannot establish contact with server"], $authenticateFailed => [$badCredentials, "Credentials rejected by Grapevine or Alpine"], $badCallee => [$unknownServer, "No such server exists"], $grapevineDownOrCommunications => [$regServersUnavailable, "Operation failed due to Grapevine unavailability"], $mismatch => [$serverInaccessible, "Alpine server interface missing or incompatible"], ENDCASE => ERROR; GOTO failed}; AlpFile.AccessFailed => { error _ SELECT missingAccess FROM $handleReadWrite => [$wrongLock, "Attempted to write on file with only read access"], $spaceQuota => [$quotaExceeded, "Requested operation would exceed owner's disk space quota"], ENDCASE => [$accessDenied, "Insufficient permission to perform requested operation"]; GOTO failed}; AlpFile.LockFailed => { error _ SELECT why FROM $conflict => [$lockConflict, "Lock cannot be set because a conflicting lock is already set by another transaction"], $timeout => [$lockTimeout, "Lock timed out, perhaps due to deadlock"], ENDCASE => ERROR; GOTO failed}; AlpFile.OperationFailed => { error _ SELECT why FROM $busy => [$serverBusy, "Server is too busy to start another transaction"], $damagedLeaderPage => [$other, "Damaged file leader page"], $insufficientSpace => [$volumeFull, "Server disk volume is full"], $nonexistentFilePage => [$unknownPage, "Attempted to read or write a page that is beyond end of file"], $quotaExceeded => [$quotaExceeded, "Requested operation would exceed owner's disk space quota"], $regServersUnavailable => [$regServersUnavailable, "Operation failed due to Grapevine unavailability"], $unwritableProperty => [$unwritableProperty, "Attempted to write the type or version property"], ENDCASE => [ , NIL]; IF error.explanation#NIL THEN GOTO failed; bug _ [$inexplicableError, IO.PutFR["AlpFile.OperationFailure[%g]", [cardinal[LOOPHOLE[why, CARDINAL]]]]]; GOTO bug}; AlpFile.StaticallyInvalid => { bug _ [$staticallyInvalid, "AlpFile.StaticallyInvalid"]; GOTO bug}; AlpFile.Unknown => { error _ SELECT what FROM $coordinator => [$serverInaccessible, "Server cannot communicate with transaction coordinator"], $openFileID, -- assume that this is caused by a transaction abort as opposed to a local programming blunder $transID => [$transAborted, "Transaction aborted"], $owner => [$ownerNotFound, "No such owner exists on the server"], ENDCASE => [ , NIL]; IF error.explanation#NIL THEN GOTO failed; bug _ [$inexplicableError, IO.PutFR["AlpFile.Unknown[%g]", [cardinal[LOOPHOLE[what, CARDINAL]]]]]; GOTO bug}; AlpFile.PossiblyDamaged => RESUME; -- since this is not implemented yet! AlpineDirectory.Error => { error _ SELECT type FROM $authenticateFailed => [$badCredentials, "Credentials rejected by Grapevine or Alpine"], $damaged => [$other, "Damaged directory or file leader page"], $fileAlreadyExists => [$fileAlreadyExists, "File with that name already exists"], $entryNotFound => [$unknownFile, "No such file exists"], $insufficientPermission => [$accessDenied, "Insufficient permission to perform requested operation"], $lockFailed => [$lockConflict, "File lock cannot be set"], $ownerNotFound => [$ownerNotFound, "No such owner exists on the server"], $ownerRecordFull => [$other, "Failed to insert into owner data base"], $quota => [$quotaExceeded, "Requested operation would exceed owner's disk space quota"], $remoteCallFailed => [$remoteCallFailed, "Communication with server has broken down"], $regServersUnavailable => [$regServersUnavailable, "Access check failed due to Grapevine unavailability"], $serverBusy => [$serverBusy, "Server is too busy to start another transaction"], $serverNotFound => [$unknownServer, "No such server exists"], $transAborted => [$transAborted, "Transaction aborted"], ENDCASE => ERROR; GOTO failed}; RPC.CallFailed => { error _ [$remoteCallFailed, "Communication with server has broken down"]; GOTO failed} ]; EXITS failed => ProduceError[code: error.code, explanation: error.explanation]; bug => ERROR FS.Error[[group: bug, code: bug.atom, explanation: bug.explanation]]; END; END; EstablishTransaction: PROCEDURE [serverName: ROPE, existingTrans: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL] RETURNS [transHandle: AlpTransaction.Handle] = BEGIN EstablishTransactionInner: PROCEDURE = BEGIN IF existingTrans=NIL THEN BEGIN instance: AlpInstance.Handle = AlpInstance.Create[fileStore: serverName]; transHandle _ AlpTransaction.Create[instHandle: instance]; END ELSE BEGIN AlpTransaction.CreateWorker[handle: existingTrans, coordinator: transHandle.inst.fileStore]; transHandle _ existingTrans; END; END; IF existingTrans#NIL AND serverName.Compare[existingTrans.inst.fileStore, FALSE]=equal THEN RETURN [existingTrans] ELSE CallAlpine[EstablishTransactionInner]; END; DecomposeFileName: PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, wDir: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [fullFName: ROPE, cp: FS.ComponentPositions] = BEGIN dirOmitted: BOOLEAN; IF wDir.Length[]=0 THEN BEGIN c: CHAR = name.Fetch[0]; IF c#'[ AND c#'/ THEN IF (wDir _ NARROW [List.Assoc[key: $AlpineWorkingDirectory, aList: ProcessProps.GetPropList[]]]).Length[]=0 THEN GOTO missing; END; [fullFName: fullFName, cp: cp, dirOmitted: dirOmitted] _ FS.ExpandName[name: name, wDir: wDir]; IF dirOmitted OR cp.server.length=0 OR cp.dir.length=0 THEN GOTO missing; EXITS missing => ProduceError[$illegalName, "Server or directory part missing"]; END; ExtractServerName: PROCEDURE [name: ROPE, wDir: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [serverName: ROPE] = BEGIN fullFName: ROPE; cp: FS.ComponentPositions; [fullFName: fullFName, cp: cp] _ DecomposeFileName[name: name, wDir: wDir]; RETURN [fullFName.Substr[start: cp.server.start, len: cp.server.length]]; END; GetPageCount: PROCEDURE [fileData: FileData] RETURNS [pages: AlpFile.PageCount] = BEGIN IF (pages _ fileData.size)<0 THEN pages _ fileData.size _ fileData.alpFile.GetSize[lock: [$read, fileData.lock.ifConflict]]; END; packageRefList: LIST OF FileData _ NIL; AddPackageRef: ENTRY PROCEDURE [fileData: FileData] = BEGIN ENABLE { UNWIND => AlpineEmergency.UnwindingMonitor[]; UNCAUGHT => {AlpineEmergency.UncaughtThruMonitor[]; REJECT}; }; packageRefList _ CONS[fileData, packageRefList]; END; RemovePackageRef: ENTRY PROCEDURE [fileData: FileData] = BEGIN ENABLE { UNWIND => AlpineEmergency.UnwindingMonitor[]; UNCAUGHT => {AlpineEmergency.UncaughtThruMonitor[]; REJECT}; }; prev: LIST OF FileData _ NIL; FOR item: LIST OF FileData _ packageRefList, UNTIL item=NIL DO IF item.first=fileData THEN BEGIN IF prev=NIL THEN packageRefList _ ELSE _; item.first _ NIL; _ NIL; EXIT; END; prev _ item; ENDLOOP; END; FinalizeStream: FileStream.FinalizationProc --[openFile: FS.OpenFile, data: REF ANY, closed: BOOL]-- = BEGIN streamClassData: StreamClassData = NARROW [data]; IF ~closed AND streamClassData.finishTransOnClose THEN BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => CONTINUE; IF streamClassData.abortTransOnFinalize THEN Abort[openFile] ELSE Close[openFile]; END; END; FinalizeFileProcess: PROCEDURE = BEGIN DO Finish: PROCEDURE = BEGIN fileData.alpFile.Close[]; IF fileData.options.finishTransOnClose THEN [] _ fileData.alpFile.trans.Finish[commit]; END; fileData: FileData _ NARROW[finalizationQueue.FQNext[]]; IF fileData.alpFile#NIL THEN CallAlpine[Finish ! FS.Error => CONTINUE]; Destroy[fileData]; RemovePackageRef[fileData]; -- Remove this when new SafeStorage is available fileData _ NIL; ENDLOOP; END; finalizationQueue: SafeStorage.FinalizationQueue = SafeStorage.NewFQ[]; SafeStorage.EstablishFinalization[type: CODE[FileDataObject], npr: 1, fq: finalizationQueue ! ANY => CONTINUE ]; TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK FinalizeFileProcess]}; END. ´AlpineFSImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Implementation of the Alpine class of Cedar File System and the AlpineFS class of IO.STREAM. Last Edited by: Taft, December 12, 1983 4:50 pm Last Edited by: Hauser, April 11, 1985 10:36:51 am PST Carl Hauser, March 26, 1987 10:40:04 am PST Loose ends: 1. This implementation uses AlpineDirectory and ought to be completable. 2. Can remove closed check from FileDataFromRef once FS gives us the ability to change the fileData reference associated with an OpenFile. 3. Unless a transaction is provided by the caller, Open and Create perform directory access under a separate transaction which is immediately committed. This is to allow adequate concurrency in the face of the simpleminded directory locking done by AlpineInterimDirectory. Therefore, nothing can be said about consistency between the directory and the files. This problem will be revisited when AlpineDirectory is installed. 3. Open and Create perform directory access under the same transaction used to open the file. This may not allow adequate concurrency in the face of the simpleminded directory locking done by AlpineDirectory. This problem will have to be revisited. Private types and constants Error handling Opening files This implementation is strictly interim and will have to be entirely redone when AlpineInterimDirectory is replaced by AlpineDirectory. Operations on open files File streams $create => Create[name: name, pages: FS.PagesForBytes[createByteCount], keep: keep, options: [referencePattern: $sequential, finishTransOnClose: streamOptions.finishTransOnClose], wDir: wDir, transHandle: transHandle], -- do it this way once versions are implemented General file manipulation Private procedures ! FS.Error[$invalidOpenFile, $notImplemented]; Verifies that the OpenFile is of the AlpineFS class and is open; then returns its FileData reference. Called from non-generic AlpineFS procedures that have been passed an OpenFile directly. ! FS.Error[$invalidOpenFile, $notImplemented]; Verifies that clientFile is an AlpineFS FileData record, then returns it. Called from generic FS procedures whose OpenFile handles have already been dereferenced. ! FS.Error; Calls proc, catching any Alpine or RPC error that results and translating it to an appropriate FS error. ! FS.Error[$badCredentials, $regServersUnavailable, $remoteCallFailed, $serverBusy, $serverInaccessible, $transAborted, $unknownServer]; Establishes preconditions for performing operations on the server identified by serverName. If existingTrans=NIL, a transaction is created with that server as coordinator and returned as transHandle. If existingTrans#NIL, a worker is created on that server for the existing transaction, whose coordinator need not be on the same server; existingTrans is returned as transHandle. ! FS.Error[$illegalName]; Parses name and converts it to canonical form, applying wDir if necessary. Returns as cp a description of the structure of the returned fullFName; see the definition of FS.ComponentPositions. Requires that the server and directory parts exist and be non-empty. ! FS.Error[$illegalName]; ! Untranslated Alpine errors; Initialization and finalization All the PackageRef garbage will go away when new SafeStorage is available. Therefore, this implementation is quick and dirty The stream class finalization procedure called from FileStream when a StreamData record is finalized. This process finalizes FileDataObjects. Initialization Ê7– "Cedar" style˜codešœ™Kšœ Ïmœ1™MšœŸG˜aMšœK˜KMšœ žœŸ,˜=Mšœ žœžœŸ7 Ÿ ˜\MšœŸ-˜KMšœ.Ÿ˜DMšœžœŸ˜IMšœ˜—Mšœžœ"˜8Mšœžœ"˜8—™šÏn œžœ žœ˜EMšž˜Mšžœb˜gMšžœ˜—Mš œ žœžœ žœžœžœ˜Mšœ žœžœ˜0Mšœ&˜&Mšœ,˜,Mšœ*˜*Mšœ$˜$Mšœ2˜2Mšœ ˜ Mšœ+˜+Mšœ/˜/Mšœ+˜+Mšœ+˜+Mšœ+˜+Mšœ)˜)Mšœ˜Mšœ-˜-Mšœ=˜=Mšœ3˜3Mšœ'˜'Mšœ7˜7Mšœ+˜+Mšœ'˜'Mšœ2˜2Mšœ.˜.Mšœ"˜"Mšœ˜Mšœ&˜&Mšœ.˜.Mšœ0˜0Mšœ"˜"Mšœ(˜(——™ L™‡š¡œžœžœšžœžœ'žœžœ˜ŒMšž˜Mšžœ‰˜Mšžœ˜—š¡œžœžœ žœ žœ'žœžœ'žœžœ˜¼Mšž˜Mšžœ{˜Mšžœ˜—š¡ œžœžœ žœ žœ'žœžœ'žœžœ ˜¼Mšž˜Mšžœx˜~Mšžœ˜—š ¡ œž œžœ7žœfžœ&žœ˜‡Mšž˜Mšœžœžœ˜/Mšœ žœ˜Mšœ˜Mšœ˜Mšœ"žœ˜&šžœžœ žœž˜6M˜M˜Mšžœžœ˜—MšœK˜KšœŒ˜Œšžœžœ ˜šžœž˜Mšžœžœžœ˜(Mšœ˜Mšžœ˜——š¡ œž œ˜Mšž ˜ Mšœ žœ˜Mšœ­žœžœ žœ‹˜ÛMšžœ žœ žœD˜eMšžœ˜—Mšœ žœY˜gM˜MšœZ˜ZMšœŸ0˜IM˜)Mšžœ˜—Mšžœ˜—šœ žœ žœžœ˜8Mšœ{žœžœžœ˜ÇM˜ë——™š ¡œž œžœžœžœžœ˜:Mšž˜Mšžœ ˜Mšžœ˜—š ¡œž œžœžœžœžœ˜KMšž˜šžœ žœž˜MšœžœH˜eMšžœžœžœ˜—Mšžœ˜—š ¡œž œžœžœžœžœ˜PMšž˜Mšœ1˜1MšžœB˜HMšžœ˜—š¡œž œžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ ˜‘Mšž˜š¡ œž œ˜Mšž˜Mšœ1˜1šžœžœ'ž˜GMšž˜Mš œžœžœ]žœžœ,˜­š žœžœžœ.žœžœž˜PšžœŸ"˜,šžœžœž˜!M˜4M˜4Mšžœžœ˜——Mšžœ˜—Mšžœ˜—M˜ Mšœ˜M˜M˜Mšœ˜Mšœ žœ˜Mšžœ˜—M˜Mšžœ˜—š ¡ œž œžœžœ žœ˜;Mšž˜š¡œž œ˜Mšž˜Mšœ1˜1Mšžœ žœO˜^MšžœžœQ˜lMšœ˜Mšžœ˜—M˜Mšžœ˜—š ¡œž œžœžœ žœžœ˜zMšž˜š¡œž œ˜,Mšž˜Mšœ1˜1Mšœžœžœžœ˜/šžœ ž˜Mšž˜šžœ žœ+ž˜MšœQ˜QMšœ8˜8Mšœe˜eMšœ:˜:MšœI˜IMšœF˜FMšœX˜XMšœV˜VMšœj˜jMšœP˜PMšœ=˜=Mšœ8˜8Mšžœžœ˜—Mšžœ ˜ —˜MšœI˜IMšžœ˜ —M˜—šž˜M˜IMšœžœF˜R—Mšžœ˜—Mšžœ˜—š ¡œž œžœ)žœžœ'˜Mšœˆ™ˆMšœmžœižœž™úMšž˜š¡œž œ˜&Mšž˜šžœžœž˜Mšž˜MšœI˜IMšœ:˜:Mšž˜—šž ˜ Mšœ\˜\Mšœ˜Mšžœ˜—Mšžœ˜—Mš žœžœžœ2žœžœžœ˜rMšžœ'˜+Mšžœ˜—š¡œž œžœžœžœžœ žœ˜rM™M™„Mšž˜Mšœ žœ˜šžœž˜Mšž˜Mšœžœ˜šžœžœž˜Mšžœ žœ[žœžœ ˜~—Mšžœ˜—Mšœ_˜_Mš žœ žœžœžœžœ ˜Išž˜MšœJ˜J—Mšžœ˜—š¡œž œžœžœžœžœžœ˜XM™Mšž˜Mšœ žœ˜Mšœ˜MšœK˜KMšžœC˜IMšžœ˜—š¡ œž œžœ˜QMšœ™Mšž˜Mšžœžœ[˜|Mšžœ˜——™Lšœ|™|Iunitšœžœžœ žœ˜'š¡ œžœž œ˜5Kšž˜šžœ˜Jšžœ'˜-Jšžœ,žœ˜